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How To Get Stata

These instructions are courtesy of Isabelle Cohen.

1 Accessing Stata

Stata is not a free software, but there are a few ways to access it via Berkeley.
• You can access Stata in the computer labs at 1535 Tolman Hall during drop in hours; if you need
access, let us know and we can issue you a login and password.
• You can also access Stata Citrix, which UC Berkeley provides a limited number of licenses for. More
information about Citrix can be found at, and about accessing
Stata via Citrix at
If you are interested in purchasing Stata, Stata/IC is available via Stata’s student pricing for $45 for a
six month license (, which will be more
than suitable for this class. It’s worth nothing, however, that Stata/IC may not have enough space for
larger analytical projects; if you intend to use Stata more in the future, you may want to consider the larger
versions of the software.

2 Accessing Stata via Citrix

To use Citrix, start by signing on at with your CalNet ID and passphrase; these
should be the same as you use to access CalCentral, bMail and other Berkeley services. If you have trouble
signing in, you may need to synchronize your account; this can be done at
Once you have signed in, you will see a screen like the below in your browser. If StataSE does not appear on
the list of programs, click the plus on the lefthand side, click on the word “Research” and click on “StataSE”;
this will add it to the row of apps. The PC version will look almost identical, and involve the same steps.

Next click on the StataSE icon. This should prompt you to install Citrix Receiver, or, if you have previously
installed it, to launch the app. You can also directly install it via

This will load Stata/SE, version 14.1, in your browser; a Stata window should open up on your computer,
on the Mac dock with a Citrix logo or on a PC with a Stata icon.
The last step is to read/write enable Citrix, so that you can open files from within your computer. My
understanding is that this is not necessary to do on a PC - read/write should be automatically enabled -
but Mac users will need to do it manually.
On a Mac, go within the Citrix Viewer, and click on the preferences option under Citrix Viewer, as below.

Within that option, go to “File Access”; I recommend selecting “Read and write” as below. These preferences
should last between multiple sessions, or at least do so for me.

Once you close the preferences tab, you should be able to access your harddrive through the Citrix Viewer.
Mine shows up as the H drive, but yours may be different.
Once all this is done, you should be able to open .do files and .dta files from within Citrix. You will need to
do so manually or from within your do file, rather than by double-clicking on the file within your computer.
To make sure it works, I recommend clicking on File − > Open from within Citrix, navigating to a Stata
file on your computer (such as the .dta from Section 1) and clicking Open. For me, my harddrive is available
within Stata under the H drive. This should result in the data file opening in your Citrix Stata. Do files
work the same way from within the do-file editor; launch the do file editor by clicking on the piece of paper
with a pencil in the upper part of Stata, then use File − > Open and the same process.

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