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Setting Up the Initial Tableau

We use Example 2 in Section 4.3 of the tet as a guide:

Maximize p = 12x + 15y + 5z subject to
2x + 2y + z <= 8
x + 4y - 3z <= 12
x >= 0, y >= 0, z >= 0

Using the text, we introduce slack variables to obtain the following system
2x + 2y + z + s =8
x + 4y - 3z +t = 12
-12x-15y-5z +p =0

Now Enter this in matrix form by filling in the blank entries below to get the first tableau.
You can use the tableau below, combined with the built-in macros, for any size standard LP
tableau up to 20 x 20.
When using it, make sure that there is blank space around your tableau: blank rows above
and below and a blank column to the right (otherwise there will be errors).
Do not change the location of the top-left corner (Cell A31).

x y z s t p

Here is space for you to enlarge your tableau if you like

Remember to leave a completely blank row underneath it

Selecting the Pivot

1. As in the text, select the column over the negative number with the largest magnitude
(Column C) and compute the test ratios.

2. Now select (highlight) the call in the pivot column whose row has the lowest test ratio,
and pivot on that cell by pressing "Pivot on Selection"
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until there are no negative numbers remaining in the bottom row
(except possibly in the "Ans" column).
4. Now read off the (optimal) basic solution by dividing each row by the entry in the (cleared)
column with the same active variable. (See below .. Click on the cells to see how we did that.)

s = 0
y = 0 Basic Solution
p = 0 All variables not on this list are zero
ny size standard LP

: blank rows above


argest magnitude

lowest test ratio,

in the bottom row

entry in the (cleared)

see how we did that.)
2 s 2
4 t 1
4 p -12
y z s t p Ans
2 1 1 0 0 8
4 -3 0 1 0 12
-15 -5 0 0 1 0

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