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R e c e n t A d v a n c e s in t h e

Acute M anagement o f
I n tra c e rebr al Hemo r r h age
Joseph D. Burns, MDa,*, Jennifer L. Fisher, MSN, ANCP-BCa,
Anna M. Cervantes-Arslanian, MDb

 Intracerebral hemorrhage  Hypertension  Prothrombin complex concentrate
 Minimally invasive surgery

 Aggressive antihypertensive treatment in acute intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is not associated
with better outcomes than more moderate control and may be associated with increased rates
of acute renal dysfunction. Therefore, a reasonable systolic blood pressure goal may be 140 to
160 mm Hg.
 Prothrombin complex concentrate is recommended over fresh frozen plasma for reversal of vitamin
K antagonists in ICH.
 Platelet transfusion appears harmful in nonsurgical antiplatelet-associated ICH.
 Minimally invasive surgery has shown promising results in early-phase trials and multiple studies
are ongoing.


Primary intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is a com- Acute hypertension is common after ICH4 and is
mon, devastating disease that lacks an effective associated with larger hematoma volumes and
specific treatment. Mortality is high, functional worse outcomes.5–7 Three recently published ran-
outcomes are poor, and these have not substan- domized control trials (RCTs) investigated the
tially changed for decades.1,2 There is, therefore, hypothesis that aggressive control of acute hyper-
considerable opportunity for advancement in the tension, as compared with moderate control,
management of ICH. A significant amount of would lead to decreased hematoma expansion,
research has recently begun to address this lower mortality, and improved functional out-
gap. This article is aimed at updating neurologists comes (Table 1).8–10 The phase 2 trial INTERACT
on the most clinically relevant contemporary produced neutral, albeit somewhat equivocal,
research. Comprehensive reviews of and guide- results regarding the effect of aggressive hyper-
lines for the management of ICH are outside tension control on hematoma expansion.9 The re-
the scope of this review and can be found sults of the phase 3 INTERACT2 on clinical
elsewhere.3 outcomes were similarly equivocal. Although there

This article originally appeared in Neurologic Clinics, Volume 35, Issue 4, November 2017.
Disclosure Statement: The authors have nothing to disclose.
Neurocritical Care, Department of Neurology, Lahey Hospital and Medical Center, 41 Mall Road, Burlington,
MA 01805, USA; b Neurocritical Care, Department of Neurology, Boston Medical Center, Boston University
School of Medicine, Collamore Building, C-3, 72 East Concord Street, Boston, MA 02118, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Neurosurg Clin N Am 29 (2018) 263–272
1042-3680/18/Ó 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
264 Burns et al

Table 1
Comparison of key elements of clinical trials of antihypertensive treatment in intracerebral


Number of subjects 404 2839 1000a
Selected inclusion criteria
Time from symptom 6 6 4.5b
onset to
randomization, h
SBP, mm Hg 150–220 150–220 180–240
SBP treatment goals
Intensive, mm Hg <140 <140 120–139
Guideline/Standard, mm <180 <180 140–179
Medication regimen Protocol based on Protocol based on local Nicardipine
local availability availability (urapidil
(urapidil most most common)
Blood pressure separation 146 vs 157, mean 150 vs 164, 1st hour; 139 vs 129 vs 141, mean
(intensive vs guideline, of hours 1–24 153, 6th hour minimum for
time frame) first 2 h
Primary outcome (results, Proportional Proportion of subjects Proportion of subjects
guideline/standard vs hematoma with 90-d mRS 3–6 (55.6 with 90-d mRS 4–6
intensive) growth over vs 52%, P 5 .06, (37.7% standard vs
1st 24 h (16.2 vs adjusted P 5 .12) 38.7% intensive,
6.2%, P 5 .06) P 5 .72)
Adverse event rates No difference No difference Adverse renal events
higher in intensive
group (9% vs 4%,
P 5 .002)

Abbreviations: ATACH, Antihypertensive Treatment of Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage; INTERACT, Intensive Blood Pressure
Reduction in Acute Cerebral Haemorrhage trial; mRS, modified Rankin scale; SBP, systolic blood pressure.
Planned sample size n 5 1280, but trial stopped for futility at n 5 1000 after second preplanned interim analysis.
Originally 3.0 h, extended to 4.5 h midtrial.

was no difference in the dichotomized modified low end of the specified rage in the standard treat-
Rankin score (mRS) primary outcome, a second- ment groups acting as controls. Considered
ary ordinal analysis demonstrated a possible shift together, then, these trials indicate that SBP con-
in favor of the intensive group (odds ratio 0.87 for trol to 120 to 140 mm Hg does not lead to
shift to higher mRS, 95% confidence interval improved outcomes compared with 140 to
0.77–1.00, P 5 .04, adjusted P 5 .10). In the 160 mm Hg, and may be associated with an
one-third of patients who had sufficient radio- increased risk of acute renal dysfunction, support-
graphic data, there was no difference between ing an SBP goal of 140 to 160 mm Hg in acute ICH.
groups in relative or absolute hematoma growth.
ATACH 2 was more definitively negative, showing
no beneficial effect of intensive antihypertensive
Vitamin K Antagonists
treatment in any clinical or radiographic outcomes
reported. Additionally, a higher rate of renal Vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) considerably in-
adverse events within 7 days of randomization in crease the frequency and severity of ICH,11–14
the intensive group was detected in post hoc making rapid reversal of VKA coagulopathy in pa-
analysis. tients with ICH crucial (Box 1). In a recent large,
The main caveat in applying results of these multicenter, retrospective cohort study, patients
trials at the bedside is the unexpectedly small sys- who had the international normalized ratio (INR)
tolic blood pressure (SBP) difference between corrected to less than 1.3 within 4 hours of admis-
treatment groups, driven by SBP control to the sion had lower rates of significant hematoma
Acute Management of Intracerebral Hemorrhage 265

Box 1 30 days,17,19,20 they should be used with caution

Summary of Neurocritical Care Society in such patients.
guidelines for reversal of select
antithrombotics in intracranial hemorrhage Novel Oral Anticoagulants

 Vitamin K antagonists (international normal- Although ICH occurs approximately half as

ized ratio [INR] 1.4) frequently in patients taking novel oral anticoagu-
lants (NOACs) compared with patients taking
 Vitamin K 10 mg intravenous (IV) AND
warfarin,21 the prevalence of NOAC use is
 Prothrombin complex concentrates (PCC) increasing.22,23 Additionally, NOAC-associated
(dose based on type, weight, and INR) or ICH is as severe as warfarin-associated ICH.24–27
 If PCC not available or contraindicated: Safe and effective methods for rapid reversal of
fresh frozen plasma 10 to 15 mL/kg NOAC coagulopathy are therefore essential.
 Dabigatran Idarucizumab is a monoclonal antibody frag-
ment that neutralizes dabigatran.28 In a recent
 Activated charcoal (50 g) within 2 hours of
interim analysis of a phase 3 prospective cohort
ingestion AND
study, it rapidly and effectively corrected anticoa-
 Idarucizumab 5 g IV (given as 2 doses of gulation induced by dabigatran among patients
2.5 g/50 mL) with life-threatening bleeding or need for urgent
 Consider hemodialysis or idarucizumab re- invasive procedure. Its administration was safe,
dosing for recurrent/refractory bleeding without excessive TEs. There was evidence of
 Direct FXa inhibitors rebound coagulopathy beginning 12 hours after
idarucizumab administration. The final results of
 Activated charcoal (50 g) within 2 hours of
the study have not yet been published.29
ingestion AND
No specific reversal agent for FXa inhibitors is
 Activated PCC (factor 8 inhibitor bypassing currently available, but some investigational drugs
activity) 50 units/kg IV or 4-factor PCC are in late stages of development. Andexanet alfa
50 units/kg IV
is an investigational recombinant version of FXa
 Antiplatelet agents modified to bind and inhibit direct and indirect
 Desmopressin 0.4 mg/kg IV  1 FXa inhibitors without causing direct effects on
coagulation.30 In healthy volunteers taking apixa-
 If surgery planned: transfuse platelets
ban or rivaroxaban, andexanet nearly completely
(1 apheresis unit)
reversed FXa inhibition and restored thrombin
Data from Frontera JA, Lewin JJ 3rd, Rabinstein AA, generation to normal in more than 95% of
et al. Guideline for reversal of antithrombotics in subjects.31 Rebound coagulopathy was evident
intracranial hemorrhage: a statement for healthcare
2 hours after administration. There were no signif-
professionals from the Neurocritical Care Society and
Society of Critical Care Medicine. Neurocrit Care icant adverse events. Ciraparantag is an investiga-
2016;24(1):6–46. tional synthetic molecule that binds to and inhibits
direct and indirect FXa inhibitors, unfractionated
heparin, and dabigatran.32 It completely reversed
edoxaban and enoxaparin coagulopathy in healthy
expansion than the rest of the cohort.13 Fresh
volunteers without serious adverse events.33–35
frozen plasma (FFP) is suboptimal for VKA reversal
because of prolonged times to INR correction, the
Antiplatelet Agents
risk of volume overload, and transfusion reac-
tions.15,16 These shortcomings are overcome by Approximately 25% of patients with ICH are on an-
the use of prothrombin complex concentrates tiplatelet therapy (APT),36 which might increase the
(PCCs) without evidence of increased thromboem- risk of hematoma expansion, poor functional
bolic events (TEs).15,17,18 The prospective, ran- outcome,37 and mortality,38 although contradic-
domized INCH trial compared PCC and FFP in tory data exist.39,40 The utility of treatments to
50 patients with VKA-associated intracranial hem- counteract platelet inhibition is unclear. In the
orrhage.19 Median time to INR correction was phase 3 PATCH trial, 190 patients on APT with pri-
much faster with PCC (40 vs 1482 minutes, mary supratentorial ICH were randomized to
P 5 .05), significant hematoma expansion or death platelet transfusion versus standard care within
at 24 hours was twice as common in the FFP 6 hours of symptom onset.41 Patients with planned
group, and there was no significant difference in surgery within 24 hours of admission, including
TE rates. Because PCCs have not been well- external ventricular drain placement, were
studied in patients with TEs within the preceding excluded. Approximately 80% of subjects were
266 Burns et al

on aspirin monotherapy. Platelet transfusion was in the long-term50–52 when making decisions
harmful, associated with a shift toward higher about statin continuation after the acute post-
mRS scores, higher odds of severe disability or ICH period is not clear.3
death, no benefit in terms of hematoma expansion,
and a numerically higher rate of ICH-related
serious adverse events, such as cerebral edema.
Accordingly, there is presently no indication for Deferoxamine is an iron chelator that decreases
platelet transfusion in APT-associated ICH when the ability of free iron in brain tissue to cause
surgery is not planned. Although PATCH data are oxidative injury, an important secondary injury
not directly applicable to patients on APT other mechanism.53 A phase I study of deferoxamine
than aspirin, unless contradictory results are found mesylate (DFO) in patients with ICH demonstrated
in future trials, the harm associated with platelet tolerability of doses up to 62 mg/kg per day to a
transfusion argues against its routine clinical use maximum of 6000 mg/d for 5 days without major
in all nonsurgical patients with APT-associated safety concerns.54 In a similar pilot trial of DFO at
ICH.15 the same dosage for 3 days, perihematomal
Platelet transfusion in 366 aspirin-taking pa- edema (PHE) growth was lower in DFO-treated
tients undergoing emergency craniotomy for basal patients compared with controls.55 However,
ganglia ICH was investigated in a prospective, ran- recruitment for a phase 2 trial of DFO at this
domized trial at a single Chinese academic hospi- dose was stopped due to increased occurrence
tal.42 Postoperative hemorrhage recurrence rates of acute respiratory distress syndrome.56 Recruit-
and volumes, mortality, and functional outcome ment is ongoing in the lower-dose phase 2 iDEF
were all better in aspirin responders (determined trial.57
by preoperative platelet function testing) who
received platelets than in aspirin responders who
Targeted Temperature Management
were not transfused.
In 2 small prospective pilot studies of patients Although targeted temperature management
with ICH, intravenous desmopressin led to (TTM) is well-studied in other forms of brain injury
improved platelet function, lasting for approximately and fever is common and deleterious in ICH, clin-
3 hours, without significant adverse effects.43,44 ical data on TTM in ICH are sparse.45,58–61
Desmopressin has not been meaningfully evaluated Compared with historical controls, consecutive
for effects on clinical outcomes. patients with ICH (n 5 25) treated with therapeutic
hypothermia (TH) to 35 C for 8 to 10 days had
NEUROPROTECTION less PHE growth, lower mortality, and possibly
improved functional outcomes in one study.62
Elucidation of secondary injury mechanisms in ICH However, acute complications, including shiv-
has provided numerous targets for neuroprotec- ering, neuromuscular blockade, pneumonia,
tion, although none has yet proven effective.45 sepsis, TEs, and thrombocytopenia, were all
This actively expanding line of research has been more frequent in the TH group. Interestingly, TH
reviewed in detail elsewhere.45,46 What follows is had a temporally limited effect, substantially atten-
an update on the most clinically relevant recent uating PHE in the first 3 days but having effect
research. thereafter.63 A retrospective study of 40 patients
treated to maintain normothermia (goal 37 C) for
persistent fever using a surface TTM device (Arctic
Effects of statins on ICH are complex and incom- Sun; CR Bard, Inc, Covington, GA) found no differ-
pletely understood. Multiple recent studies ence in functional outcome or mortality compared
suggest they are beneficial in acute ICH. Two with historical controls despite significant reduc-
retrospective cohort studies and a meta-analysis tion in fever burden. Maintenance of strict normo-
showed that in patients with ICH, short-term out- thermia was also associated with more days of
comes were better in (1) statin users whose statin sedation, mechanical ventilation, longer intensive
was continued in the acute period compared with care unit (ICU) length of stay, and a higher rate of
nonusers, and (2) statin nonusers compared with tracheostomy.64 Therefore, whether TTM with
pre-ICH statin users whose statin was discontin- physical cooling in ICH provides net benefit,
ued in the acute period.47–49 Nonetheless, there harm, or neither remains unanswered. Results
are no high-quality data to support de novo statin from 2 ongoing phase 2 trials of TH in
introduction in acute ICH. Additionally, how to ICH, CINCH65 and TTM-ICH,66 and a recently
reconcile the possible acute benefit with the completed pilot trial67 targeting normothermia
possible increased risk of recurrent hemorrhage will hopefully provide more guidance.
Acute Management of Intracerebral Hemorrhage 267

SURGERY minimizing injury to adjacent brain.68,83 Two

meta-analyses, each including thousands of
The role of surgery for supratentorial ICH remains patients, found MIS was associated with
disputed despite the theoretic benefits of a decreased risk of death or dependence
decreasing mass effect and limiting damage compared with conventional surgery or medical
caused by secondary injury pathways driven by management.72,73 Building on these earlier trials,
the extravasated blood.68 Interest in minimally several early-phase studies of MIS have recently
invasive surgery (MIS) is increasing, as large trials been published.
of medical and traditional surgical treatments have MISTIE II investigated computed tomography–
failed to show benefit,8–10,69–71 whereas meta- guided catheter-based hematoma aspiration com-
analyses of MIS studies have shown it to be asso- bined with local recombinant tissue plasminogen
ciated with improved outcomes compared with activator (tPA) to facilitate the aspiration84
medical therapy and traditional surgery.72,73 Ninety-six adults with supratentorial ICH were ran-
domized to MIS 1 tPA or standard medical care.
Traditional Surgery There were no significant differences in the
The large, prospective, multicenter STICH trials primary outcomes of mortality, symptomatic
dominate our knowledge about standard crani- bleeding, or brain infections. Asymptomatic hem-
otomy and corticotomy for ICH evacuation. In orrhages were more common in the treatment
STICH I, early surgery and initial medical therapy group (22% vs 7%, P 5 .051). Hematoma volume
produced equivalent rates of good neurologic out- reduction was substantially improved with
comes (26% vs 24%, P 5 .141).70 Subgroup anal- MIS 1 tPA compared with medical therapy (57%
ysis suggested that patients with superficial vs 5%) and this was associated with improved
hematomas 1 cm from the cortical surface might functional outcomes. MISTIE-III, a phase 3 trial
benefit from surgery. Hence, in STICH II, such pa- testing the same treatment protocol but using
tients were randomized to early surgery or initial functional outcome as the primary endpoint, is
medical management.71 The rate of favorable out- ongoing.85
comes at 6 months was again equivalent (41% vs Several other MIS techniques are being investi-
38%, P 5 .367). Importantly, 26% of patients gated that, compared with the MISTIE technique,
assigned to initial medical management in STICH might allow for more rapid clot evacuation and
I and 21% in STICH II ultimately underwent surgery better ability to control surgical bleeding. In the
for delayed neurologic deterioration (DND).70,71 A phase 1 MISTIE-ICES, hematoma evacuation
strategy of never operating was not tested. using MISTIE’s navigation approach combined
Accordingly, a reasonable interpretation of these with endoscopic aspiration and irrigation was
trials is that a uniform policy of early surgery pro- compared with standard medical care.86 The pro-
duces equivalent outcomes to a strategy of initial cedure was safe and effective at reducing hema-
medical management in which surgery is reserved toma volume and showed a trend toward
for significant DND due to mass effect. increased likelihood of good functional outcome.
The role of decompressive craniectomy (DC) A multicenter retrospective case series of hema-
in ICH is unclear. It might improve decompression toma evacuation using the Penumbra Apollo
compared with hematoma evacuation alone when aspiration-irrigation system (Penumbra, Inc,
used adjunctively74–78 and allow for decompres- Alameda, CA) with neuronavigation  endoscopy
sion without violation of eloquent brain when also showed efficacy in clot volume reduction.87
used alone.79,80 Data from several small, non- A phase 2 randomized trial (INVEST) is planned.88
randomized, retrospective, single-center studies Results of minimally invasive subcortical parafas-
suggest the possibility of improved survival cicular access for clot evacuation (MISPACE)
without beneficial effect on function in high-grade were reported in a retrospective case series.89
patients.74–76,79,80 Two RCTs (SWITCH and CAR- MISPACE uses an atraumatic transsulcal cannula-
ICH) are ongoing.81,82 tion system (NICO device; NICO Corp, Indianapo-
lis, IN) to access the hematoma via trajectories
planned to minimize injury to eloquent white mat-
Minimally Invasive Surgery
ter tracts, guided by dynamic neuronavigation.
In MIS, imaging guidance is used to in- The hematoma is evacuated through the cannula
troduce catheters or other suction-irrigation under direct visualization via an extracorporeal
conduits  endoscopes into the hematoma for telescope. Clot evacuation results were again
evacuation, sometimes also using intrahemato- promising without major safety concerns. The
mal thrombolytics. The rationale is to gain the MiSPACE registry90 and the ENRICH RCT,91 are
potential benefit of hematoma evacuation while ongoing.
268 Burns et al

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