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ELSEVIER Tectonophysics 301 (1999) 231–242

Latest Paleozoic–early Mesozoic structures in the

central Oaxaca Terrane of southern Mexico:
deformation near a triple junction
E. Centeno-Garcia Ł , J. Duncan Keppie
Instituto de Geologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Ciudad Universitaria, 04510 Coyoacan, D.F., Mexico
Received 25 March 1997; accepted 12 August 1998


Paleozoic rocks in the Oaxaca Terrane of southern Mexico occur as two outliers (Rio Salinas and Santiago Ixtaltepec)
unconformably overlying the 1-Ga Oaxaca Complex. They consist of the Upper Cambrian–Lower Ordovician Tiñu
Formation, Mississippian Santiago Formation, lower–middle Pennsylvanian Ixtaltepec Formation and the unfossiliferous
Yododeñe Formation of presumed Permian or younger age. These Paleozoic rocks have been deformed by several sets
of structures. Three moderately westerly-dipping, bedding-parallel shear zones displaying dextral kinematic indicators
(C–S fabrics, curvilinear isoclinal folds, en-echelon boudinage, en-echelon veins, and strained amygdales) occur along the
boundaries between the Tiñu and Santiago formations, between the Santiago and Ixtaltepec formations, and within the
Ixtaltepec Formation in the Santiago Ixtaltepec outlier. The bedding and these bedding-parallel shear zones are deformed
by N–S, upright-asymmetric, subhorizontal folds accompanied by a slaty or spaced cleavage, that are in turn deformed
by several sets of kink bands: subhorizontal and steeply dipping E–W, NW–SE and NE–SW. In the northern part of the
Santiago Ixtaltepec outlier, the stratigraphy, bedding-parallel shear zones and slaty cleavage are displaced by NW–SE
normal faults, all of which are truncated by the angular unconformity at the base of the Cretaceous, which brackets their
age as post-Early Permian and pre-Cretaceous. Geometric correlation of the major N–S folds with E-vergent thrusting
of the Oaxacan Complex over the Juarez Terrane suggests that they are older than Middle Jurassic. No age constraints
are available for the kink and chevron folds; however, most may be related to Laramide structures in the overlying
Cretaceous rocks. Unfolding the major structures in the Paleozoic rocks reorients the bedding-parallel shear zones to
subhorizontal detachment shear zones or faults with a top-to-the-north sense of displacement. They may be related to
either gravity sliding following amalgamation of Pangea, extensional rifting of the Yucatán Peninsula from southern
Laurentia or intra-arc rifting associated with a Permo–Triassic arc within southern Mexico. The major N–S fold structures
and E-vergent thrusting of the Oaxacan Complex over the Juárez Terrane may represent a response to (1) convergent
subduction of the Kula and=or Farallon plates beneath western Mexico, (2) migration of a Gulf of Mexico–Yucatan–South
America triple junction.  1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Paleozoic; stratigraphy; Oaxaca; Mexico; tectonics; structural geology

Ł Corresponding author. E-mail: centeno@servidor.unam.mx

0040-1951/99/$ – see front matter  1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 4 0 - 1 9 5 1 ( 9 8 ) 0 0 2 1 3 - 3
232 E. Centeno-Garcia, J.D. Keppie / Tectonophysics 301 (1999) 231–242

1. Introduction ogy or structure. This paper presents the results of

this reexamination and documents at least four de-
Paleozoic rocks in the Oaxaca terrane of southern formational phases in the Paleozoic rocks, one of
Mexico occur as small outliers unconformably over- which developed before deposition of the Permian
lying the 1 Ga Oaxacan Complex (Fig. 1). The or younger rocks and two before deposition of Cre-
Paleozoic rocks consist of uppermost Cambrian– taceous rocks. The other phase is of uncertain age
lowermost Ordovician, Carboniferous and originally but appears to post-date deposition of the Creta-
interpreted as Permian rocks that were believed to ceous rocks. The recognition of two bedding-parallel
have been gently tilted prior to being unconformably shear zones within what was formerly regarded as
overlain by Cretaceous rocks (Robison and Pantoja- an intact stratigraphic section is important in view
Alor, 1968). Given the intense Devonian deforma- of the global importance of this Paleozoic section to
tion recorded along the boundary between the Oax- pre-Pangean Laurentia–Gondwana tectonic interac-
aca and Mixteco terranes some 50 km to the west, tions, since it represents the only relatively complete
and the Laramide folding and thrusting exhibited by and significant Paleozoic section in southern Mexico
the overlying Cretaceous rocks (Ortega-Gutı́errez, (e.g., Pantoja-Alor and Robison, 1967; Rowley and
1978), the absence of deformation in the Paleozoic Pindell, 1989; Ortega-Gutı́errez et al., 1995; Keppie
rocks would appear to be anomalous. This absence and Ortega-Gutı́errez, 1995).
might be explained if the Oaxacan Complex formed
a buttress that shielded the Paleozoic rocks from de-
formation. This paradox prompted us to reexamine 2. Geological setting
the Paleozoic rocks of the Oaxaca Terrane to see if
they recorded some evidence of the Devonian and=or Mexico may be divided into several tectonic
Laramide deformational events in their sedimentol- regimes (Fig. 1, inset). In northern Mexico, cratonic

Fig. 1. Map of the locations of Paleozoic rocks in the Oaxaca Terrane of southern Mexico (inset shows the main tectonic subdivisions of
E. Centeno-Garcia, J.D. Keppie / Tectonophysics 301 (1999) 231–242 233

North America is bordered on its southern side by ranges from 60–23 m in the Santiago Ixtaltepec out-
the Ouachita Orogen (Moreno et al., 1993; Stewart lier to 100 m in the type section at Rio Salinas
et al., 1993). Numerous terranes occur to the south (Fig. 2a and Fig. 3a; Pantoja-Alor, 1970; Sour-Tovar
of the Ouachita Orogen (Fig. 1; Campa-Uranga and and Quiroz-Barroso, 1989). The upper clastic (silt-
Coney, 1983; Sedlock et al., 1993; Ortega-Gutı́errez stone and shale) member is thicker in the type section
et al., 1995; Keppie and Ortega-Gutı́errez, 1995). in Rio Salinas than in the Santiago Ixtaltepec area.
The composite Neoproterozoic–Paleozoic Maya Ter- In the Santiago Ixtaltepec outlier (Fig. 2a), the
rane occurs around the Gulf of Mexico (Sedlock et Tiñu Formation is overlain by the 80-m-thick San-
al., 1993), and the 1 Ga Oaxaquia (the inferred sub- tiago Formation comprised of a basal quartz-rich
surface extension of the Oaxacan Complex) forms calcareous sandstone and some conglomerate, over-
the central backbone of Mexico (Ortega-Gutı́errez lain by marine limestone, calcareous siltstone and
et al., 1995). Oaxaquia is bounded by (1) the early shale containing brachiopods and crinoids of Missis-
Mesozoic Juarez Terrane on its eastern side, (2) the sippian age (Pantoja-Alor, 1970; Navarro-Santillan
upper Paleozoic Juchatengo Terrane on its southern and Sour-Tovar, 1995). This unit is, in turn, over-
side, and (3) the lower Paleozoic Mixteco Terrane on lain by the 500-m-thick Ixtaltepec Formation made
its western side. The western part of Mexico consists up of shale, siltstone, sandstone, and minor lime-
of a collage of Mesozoic terranes derived from the stone containing brachiopods, gastropods, molluscs,
Pacific. The Mixteco and Juchatengo terranes were bryozoans, corals, trilobites, crinoids and trace fos-
accreted to Oaxaquia during the Devonian and late sils of early–middle Pennsylvanian age (Pantoja-
Paleozoic, which, together with the Maya Terrane, Alor, 1970; Morales-Soto, 1984; Sour-Tovar and
were accreted to Laurentia in the late Paleozoic dur- Quiroz-Barroso, 1989; Quiroz-Barroso and Sour-
ing the terminal stages of collision between North Tovar, 1995). The contacts between the Tiñu, San-
and South America (Yanez et al., 1991; Stewart tiago, and Ixtaltepec formations were inferred to
et al., 1993; Ortega-Gutı́errez et al., 1995). The be unconformities by Pantoja-Alor (1970); however,
Juarez Terrane is a mylonitic complex interpreted as this study indicates that they are both tectonic con-
a thrust zone reactivated by dextral shearing during tacts (see below). The Ixtaltepec Formation is uncon-
the opening of the Gulf of Mexico followed by nor- formably overlain by the >500-m-thick Yododeñe
mal brittle–ductile fault reactivation during Cenozoic Formation consisting of conglomerate, sandstone,
uplift of the mylonite belt (Delgado-Argote, 1988; siltstone, and minor shale which is unfossiliferous.
Centeno-Garcı́a et al., 1990; Alaniz-Alvarez et al., Pantoja-Alor (1993) inferred that it ranges in age
1996). from late Pennsylvanian to middle Permian based
In southern Mexico, the 1-Ga rocks of the Oax- on correlation with the Matzitzi, Los Arcos and
acan Complex are overlain by outliers of Paleozoic Patlanoaya formations which extend into the Early
rocks at the Santiago Ixtaltepec and Rio Salinas areas Permian (Leonardian) (Corona-Esquivel, 1983; Vil-
in central Oaxaca State (Fig. 1). The oldest sedimen- laseñor-Martinez, 1987; Weber and Cevallos-Ferriz,
tary unit preserved in the outliers is the Tiñu For- 1994). However, clasts of limestone in the con-
mation, which rests unconformably upon granulitic glomerate contain fusullinids of Lower Permian age,
gneisses of the 1-Ga Oaxacan Complex. It consists suggesting that the formation might be Mesozoic
of interbedded, marine limestone and shale grading (A. Flores de Dios, pers. commun.). Lower Creta-
upwards into predominantly shale and siltstone (Ro- ceous marine limestone and Tertiary red beds uncon-
bison and Pantoja-Alor, 1968; Pantoja-Alor, 1970) formably overlie the Paleozoic rocks in the Santiago
(Figs. 2 and 3). Trilobites, brachiopods and con- Ixtaltepec area (Fig. 2a). Sills and dykes intrude the
odonts in the Tiñu Formation are of Tremadocian four formations but not the Cretaceous marine rocks,
age and have closest faunal affinities with Gond- and only the pre-Yododeñe sills have been affected
wana: specifically South America and the Rhenish– by deformation.
Bohemian fauna of western, southern and central Eu- In the Rio Salinas outlier (Fig. 3a), the Tiñu For-
rope (Robison and Pantoja-Alor, 1968; Sour-Tovar, mation is also overlain by Cretaceous and Tertiary
1990). The total thickness of the Tiñu Formation rocks along the western edge of the outlier.
234 E. Centeno-Garcia, J.D. Keppie / Tectonophysics 301 (1999) 231–242

Fig. 2. Map, cross-sections and structural data (plotted on lower hemisphere stereographic projections) of the Santiago Ixtaltepec
Paleozoic outlier: (a) geological map (modified from Pantoja-Alor, 1970) and cross-sections of the outlier; (b) bedding plane poles (dots),
and π-circles derived from NE and central and south sections; (c) minor structures associated with bedding-parallel shear zones: great
circles represent average orientations of shear zones, dots are isoclinal fold axes, open circles with arrows are slip directions derived
by plotting the lines in the shear planes that are perpendicular to the intersection between the C and S planes: arrows indicate relative
motion viewed from above (see Fig. 4a), cross D mean long axis of amygdules in deformed sill in foliation relative to sill margins and
bedding; (d) poles to slaty and spaced cleavage (ð) and slaty cleavage-bedding intersection lineations (dots); (e) mean kink band axial
planes (great circles with asymmetry indicated by Z and S) and kink band fold axes (dots); (f) bedding plane poles in unconformably
overlying Cretaceous rocks.

3. Structure Several sets of later kink bands and chevron folds of

uncertain relative age also occur.
Reexamination of the Paleozoic units in the two
outliers reveals that they have been deformed by 3.1. Shear zones
several sets of structures prior to the deposition
of the Cretaceous rocks: (1) bedding-parallel shear In the Santiago Ixtaltepec outlier, two bedding-
zones; (2) N–S upright folding associated with a parallel shear zones are preferentially developed in
slaty or spaced cleavage; and (3) NW–SE faulting. the shaly horizons along the boundaries between the
E. Centeno-Garcia, J.D. Keppie / Tectonophysics 301 (1999) 231–242 235

Fig. 3. Map, cross-section and structural data (plotted on lower-hemisphere stereographic projections) of the Rio Salinas Paleozoic outlier.
(a) Geological map (modified from Pantoja-Alor, 1970). (b) W–E cross-section. (c) Bedding plane poles (dots) and π-circles derived
from minor folds and from cross-section. (d) Poles to slaty and spaced cleavage (ð), bedding-cleavage intersections and associated minor
folds (dots), cleavage fans (dashed lines), and mean fold axial planes (solid lines). (e) Mean kink band axial planes (great circle lines)
and kink fold axes (dots). (f) Poles to faults (dots) and dikes (ð).

Tiñu and Santiago formations, and between the San- Formation. All shear zones place younger rocks over
tiago and Ixtaltepec formations (Fig. 2a). The lower older, and may partly explain missing stratigraphy
shear zone is located in shale in the uppermost part between the various formations, that was previously
of the Tiñu Formation and is bounded at the top attributed to hiatuses (Pantoja-Alor, 1970). Shear
by quartz-rich arenaceous limestone of the Santiago zones were not found in the Yododeñe Formation.
Formation. The middle shear zone deforms shale In the Rio Salinas outlier (Fig. 3a), the formation is
containing thin limestone and sandstone horizons in- absent, but no shear zone fabrics were observed.
truded by a sill in the upper part of the Santiago For- These shear zones are characterized by a variety
mation and is capped by shale and sandstone of the of minor structures. Anastomosing shear zones and
Ixtaltepec Formation. At the southern end of the out- C–S fabrics are well developed in the shaly litholo-
lier, the middle shear zone cuts downwards across the gies and indicate subhorizontal dextral movement in
Santiago Formation and places the Ixtaltepec Forma- moderately westward-dipping shear zones (Fig. 2c,
tion directly upon the Tiñu Formation. A minor shear Fig. 4a and Fig. 5a). In the middle shear zone, mi-
zone occurs within the upper part of the Ixtaltepec nor isoclinal folds are developed in the shale, thin
236 E. Centeno-Garcia, J.D. Keppie / Tectonophysics 301 (1999) 231–242

Fig. 4. Minor structures observed in the Paleozoic outliers. (a) Diagram of bedding-parallel shear zones containing isoclinal folds, sill
with deformed amygdales, and C–S fabrics showing C–S intersections and method of deriving and stereographic plotting slip direction
on the shear plane. (b) Upright, subhorizontal folds associated with a refracted slaty and spaced cleavage.

Fig. 5. Photograph of minor structures within a bedding-parallel shear zone in the Paleozoic rocks.
E. Centeno-Garcia, J.D. Keppie / Tectonophysics 301 (1999) 231–242 237

limestone and sandstone layers (Fig. 4a). Their axial 3.3. Kink bands
planes lie parallel to the shear zone, and although
their folds axes vary in orientation within the shear The Tiñu, Santiago, and Ixtaltepec formations
zone plane most are subhorizontal suggesting that are also deformed by several sets of kink bands.
they have been rotated towards the slip direction In the Santiago Ixtaltepec outlier, steeply inclined,
(Fig. 2c). A rhyolitic sill within the middle shear Z-shaped NE-trending and S-shaped NW-trending
zone is cleaved indicating that it was intruded before kink bands (Fig. 2e) appear to be conjugate be-
the shear zone deformation. This cleavage is oriented cause they form chevron folds where they intersect
anticlockwise of the sill margins and the bedding- (Fig. 5e). Their combined orientation indicates that
parallel shear zones indicating dextral shearing also they were produced during N–S shortening. On the
(Fig. 4a). The sill contains deformed amygdales that other hand, steeply inclined kink bands in the Rio
are flattened in the plane of the cleavage (Fig. 4a). Salinas outlier are NW- and W-trending: their rela-
On the cleavage, the orientation of the amygdale tive age relationships were not observed (Fig. 3e).
long axes plunges gently to the north roughly par- Also present in both outliers are a set of subhorizon-
allel to the slip direction in the host shear zone tal kink bands that were not observed intersecting
(Fig. 2c). In a plane perpendicular to the cleavage the steeply dipping kink bands (Fig. 2e and Fig. 3e).
but containing the mean amygdale long axis, they Kink bands were not observed in the Yododeñe For-
have a mean aspect ratio of 4 : 1. Locally, en-echelon mation.
veins and en-echelon boudinage of relatively compe-
tent limestone and sandstone horizons were observed 3.4. Faults
(Fig. 4a), both of which confirm the dextral sense of
displacement. At the northern end of the Santiago Ixtaltepec
outlier, the stratigraphy, the two shear zones and the
3.2. Major folds and associated structures slaty cleavage are cut by three NW-trending normal
faults (Fig. 2a). A NE-trending normal fault also
The shear zones and the bedding in the Paleozoic occurs between the southern two NW-trending faults
rocks are folded by generally N–S, subhorizontal, (see cross-section A–B in Fig. 2a). The NW-trending
steeply inclined folds associated with an axial planar faults, along with the shear zones, the western limb
slaty or spaced cleavage (Fig. 2b, d, and Fig. 3b– of the major anticline, and the slaty cleavage are
d). This folding produced the major structure in the overlain by an angular unconformity at the base of
Paleozoic rocks. Slaty cleavage is also present in the Cretaceous rocks.
the Yododeñe Formation. In the Santiago Ixtaltepec In the Rio Salinas outlier, several N–S faults dis-
outlier, they represent the western limb of a major place the Paleozoic rocks and obliquely cut across
anticline (Fig. 2a); the eastern limb is not exposed. the major syncline (Fig. 3a and b). Mafic dikes have
In the Rio Salinas outlier, the Paleozoic rocks are been intruded along these faults and they display
folded into a major syncline (Fig. 3a, b). The slaty both intrusive and faulted contacts. No minor struc-
cleavage is moderately to steeply inclined to the west tures were recorded in these faults.
(Santiago Ixtaltepec: Fig. 2d) or to both the east and
west (Rio Salinas: Fig. 3d). Cleavage refraction is 3.5. Folds in unconformably overlying Cretaceous
present where sandstone and limestone horizons are rocks
interbedded with the shales, and produces cleavage
fans about generally subhorizontal axes (Fig. 2d, Cretaceous calcareous shale and massive lime-
Fig. 3d, Fig. 4b and Fig. 5d). Bedding=cleavage stone overlie the Paleozoic rocks with angular un-
intersections are parallel to associated minor fold conformity (Fig. 2a and Fig. 3a). Bedding mea-
axes and are oriented generally subhorizontal to surements in these rocks adjacent to the Santiago
gently plunging to the NW–SE to NNE–SSW in Ixtaltepec Paleozoic outlier indicate that they have
the Santiago Ixtaltepec outlier (Fig. 2d), or NNW to been gently folded about upright N- and E-trending
NE in the Rio Salinas outlier (Fig. 3d). folds (Fig. 2g). The parallelism of the NW folds in
238 E. Centeno-Garcia, J.D. Keppie / Tectonophysics 301 (1999) 231–242

the Paleozoic and Cretaceous rocks suggests that the ing. A stratigraphic younger limit on the ductile
anticline in the Paleozoic rocks may be made up of mylonitiziation is provided by the presence of my-
two components: pre- and post-Cretaceous. lonite clasts in Valanginian (Lower Cretaceous) ma-
rine sediments (Alaniz-Alvarez et al., 1996). They
3.6. Unfolding dated the San Felipe granite and associated granitic
strips, which were inferred to have been intruded
In order to understand the kinematics of the three during the dextral shear deformation, at 165 š 20
shear zones, it is necessary to unfold the major N–S Ma (U–Pb lower intercept on zircon) and 172 š 2
fold in the Paleozoic rocks of the Santiago Ixtal- Ma (40 Ar=39 Ar plateau age of muscovite defining
tepec outlier because it post-dates the shear zone the mylonitic foliation). These data place the time
development. This was accomplished in a two-stage of ductile dextral deformation above 400ºC as close
process: unfolding N–S folds in the Cretaceous rocks to the Lower–Middle Jurassic boundary, which also
which decreased the westward dip of the Paleozoic provides a younger limit on the time of eastward
rocks, followed by flexural unfolding about the ma- thrusting. However, more accurate dating in the area
jor N–S folds to reduce the bedding to horizontal. As is needed to better constrain the age of the different
the three shear zones are essentially parallel to the deformational events. Comparison of the structures
bedding, this results in horizontal shear zones with in the Paleozoic outliers with those recorded along
top-to-the-north kinematics. In this light, it appears the boundary between the Oaxacan Complex and
that the three shear zones become detachment shear the Juarez Terrane provides just one obvious corre-
zones or faults. The younger-over-older structural se- lation: the major N–S folds and associated cleav-
quence is consistent with a north-dipping extensional age development may have been synchronous with
faulting transporting rocks northwards. the E-vergent thrusting because both indicate E–W
shortening. Such a correlation would further con-
3.7. Correlation and age of structures strain the time of N–S folding between the Early
Permian and Middle Jurassic. If this correlation is
A younger limit on the age of the three shear correct, then the NW- and NE-trending normal fault-
zones, the major N–S folds and associated cleavage, ing in the Santiago Ixtaltepec outlier may be related
and the NW-trending normal faults is provided by to the Early–Middle Jurassic dextral movements in
the fact that they are all truncated by the angular the Juarez Terrane. These constraints also apply to
unconformity at the base of the Cretaceous rocks. the age of the detachment faults.
The absence of shear zones in the Yododeñe For- Definitive age brackets for the various kink bands
mation suggest at least a Late Permian age for the are not available. The NW-trending kink bands in
detachment faults. An older limit for the cleavage is the Paleozoic rocks are geometrically parallel to NW
provided by the age of the youngest deformed unit, folds in the overlying Cretaceous rocks (cf. Fig. 2f
the Yododeñe Formation which may be Permian to and Fig. 3e). Also the N–S shortening inferred to
Jurassic–Cretaceous. have produced the conjugate E–W-trending kink
Further constraints on the age of the structures bands in the Paleozoic rocks may also have produced
may be provided by their regional context. Al- the E–W folds in the Cretaceous rocks. The subhor-
though the structures to the west along the boundary izontal kink bands in the Paleozoic rocks were not
between the Oaxaca and Mixteco terranes are in- observed in surrounding areas; however, they may
ferred to be Devonian (Sedlock et al., 1993), similar represent a response to Laramide thrusting that is
Permian–Cretaceous structures have been reported developed elsewhere in the region (Ortega-Gutı́errez
to the east along the Oaxaca and Juarez terrane et al., 1992).
boundary (Alaniz-Alvarez et al., 1996). These au- It may be significant that structural evidence asso-
thors reported that this latter terrane boundary rep- ciated with the inferred Devonian collision between
resents a reactivated shear zone that was initially the Mixteco and Oaxaca terranes was not found.
an E-vergent thrust, which was reactivated by duc- However, the present study cannot rule out the pos-
tile dextral shear and then by brittle normal fault- sibility of an hiatus in the Paleozoic outliers. Future
E. Centeno-Garcia, J.D. Keppie / Tectonophysics 301 (1999) 231–242 239

work may clarify the boundary relationships between basement age in the Chortis block of Honduras sup-
these two terranes. ports extension of Oaxaquia southwards across the
Motagua–Polochic fault zone (Manton, 1996).
Most authors reconstruct the Yucatán block by
4. Tectonic context rotating it through 60º and into the space be-
tween North and South America along the Tamauli-
4.1. Palinspastic reconstruction pas Fault–Juárez mylonitic complex–Chiapas Fault
(Fig. 6) (Pindell, 1985; Padilla-Sanchez, 1986; Ross
To understand the significance of the Upper and Scotese, 1988; Rowley and Pindell, 1989;
Permian–Lower Jurassic structures in the Paleozoic Molina-Garza et al., 1992; Schouten and Klitgord,
outliers on the Oaxacan Complex, it is necessary 1994; Alaniz-Alvarez et al., 1996). Opening of the
to locate them on palinspastic reconstructions in Gulf of Mexico is inferred to have begun with rift-
the extant tectonic context (Fig. 6). The location of ing in the Late Triassic followed by rotation of the
southern Mexico in a Late Permian–Triassic Pangea Yucatán block and active basin formation in the Gulf
reconstruction is uncertain due to the overlap of of Mexico during the Middle and Late Jurassic (Sal-
South America with southern Mexico and Central vador, 1991). Such a rotation is consistent with Late
America (e.g. Bullard et al., 1965). This has gen- Permian–Jurassic paleomagnetic data from the Chi-
erally been accommodated by either: (1) sliding apas area, which suggests that the rotation to the
southern Mexico and the Chortis block westwards present position was essentially complete by Late
along the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Lineament and Jurassic times (Molina-Garza et al., 1992).
the Motagua–Polochic fault zone, respectively (e.g.
Pindell, 1985; Golonka et al., 1995), and rotating 4.2. Tectonic setting of Paleozoic outliers in the
the Yucatan Peninsula and the Chiapas Massif into Oaxaca Terrane
the Gulf of Mexico (Fig. 6) (Molina-Garza et al.,
1992; Schouten and Klitgord, 1994); or (2) assuming On these late Paleozoic to early Mesozoic re-
that southern Mexico and the Chortis block were not constructions, Mexico occupies a position near the
accreted until the Mesozoic (e.g. Ortega-Gutı́errez et triple junction between the Kula and=or Farallon
al., 1994). Paleomagnetic data appear to support the plate, the North American plate and the South
first hypothesis (McCabe et al., 1988). Thus, paleo- American plate that is characterized by three ma-
magnetic data from the Paleozoic rocks of the Oax- jor tectonic settings: amalgamation and breakup of
aca Terrane indicate Late Permian to Early Creta- Pangea, and supra-subduction zone (Fig. 6). Final
ceous remagnetization, but at paleolatitudes compat- amalgamation of Pangea appears to have occurred
ible with its present location relative to North Amer- in Late Carboniferous–Early Permian times and is
ica, although between zero and 28º of subsequent recorded by development of the Ouachita Orogen.
anticlockwise rotation may have occurred (McCabe However, deposition of Late Carboniferous–Early
et al., 1988). This is consistent with Jurassic paleo- Permian red beds and shallow marine carbonates
magnetic data from the neighbouring Mixteco Ter- in the Maya Mountains and the Yucatan Penin-
rane which indicate a similar paleolatitude but with a sula, southern Mexico and the Central Cordillera and
subsequent <30º clockwise rotation relative to North Maracaibo block of Colombia (Rowley and Pindell,
America (Fang et al., 1989; Ortega-Guerrero, 1989). 1989) suggest that these areas were low lying.
The recent extension of the 1-Ga basement (named Breakup of Pangea began with rifting in the Late
Oaxaquia) across the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt Triassic and opening of the Gulf of Mexico be-
into northern Mexico possibly as far as the western ginning in the Middle Jurassic and ending in lat-
extension of the Ouachita Orogen (Ortega-Gutı́er- est Jurassic time (Pindell, 1985; Moran-Zenteno et
rez et al., 1995; Keppie and Ortega-Gutı́errez, 1995) al., 1988; Ross and Scotese, 1988; Molina-Garza
is consistent with Late Paleozoic accretion of Oax- et al., 1992; Schouten and Klitgord, 1994). The
aquia and Laurentia and with Carboniferous faunal opening of the Gulf of Mexico might have re-
provinciality data (Stewart et al., 1993). The 1-Ga quired the development of a triple junction, in or-
240 E. Centeno-Garcia, J.D. Keppie / Tectonophysics 301 (1999) 231–242
E. Centeno-Garcia, J.D. Keppie / Tectonophysics 301 (1999) 231–242 241

der to accommodate the Yucatan block, North and reconstrucciones Paleogeograficas de Laurencia y
South American plates. Approximately orthogonal Gondwana anteriores a Pangea) and the Institute of
rifting along the E–W-trending southern margin of Geology, UNAM. Special thanks are due to Jose Luis
Laurentia becomes mainly dextral strike-slip along Sanchez, Francisco Sour-Tovar, and Antonio Flores
the NNW-trending western margin of the Gulf of de Dios whose discussion, assistance in the field
Mexico. Thus, the change from an extensional to a and with the paleontology greatly helped the paper.
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