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BSEE -Ww 4:7 Foundations. The foundation is most important part of the power plant building. Determination of the bearing power of the subsoil, selection of « Norking factor of safety, and proportioning the wall footings to economical Construction, all are matters requiring a refinement of engineering judgment. ng material. In the design of s foundation it is essential that the settle- ‘ment shall be reduced to a minimum and that this settlement shall be uniform at all points, The first requirement may be fulfilled by providing a bearing ares ‘which is large enough to reduce to a safe value the bearing pressure on the inderlying material. In the case of soile having low bearing values, pile founda tions can be used to reduce settlement. The-second requirement may be secured by designing the foundations s0 that the resultant of the vertical loads pastes through the center of gravity of the foundation. If the material under the foun- dation is structurally sound rock, having a bearing value within safe limits, : there will be no appreciable settlement of the structures; but there is bound to be settlement in structures whose supporting medium is earth sinee it is a com- pressible material. A bearing wall rests upon s continuous fouridation, whereas ‘Table 44. SAFE BEARING POWER OF SOILS* Tonnesja®? 1960 up , + 45-200 + 145-105 8-98 50-78 95-105 73-98 sind. 1 195585 Quicksand, joa, ages >! ‘Yra O. Baker, Tredtise on Masonry Construction, John Wiley and Sous, publishers. ‘THE POWER PLANT BUILDI steel construction has piers at the main column bases, with ligh Irom pier to pier to carry the lowermost curtain walls. Test hole dri establish the bearing gharacter of the underlying strata. Someti is tested by loading a definite area, laid open by excavation, untit the yield point, settling being determined by running weekly or ws: from a bench mark to a marked station on the load. A widely qi telvrenee on the safe bearing power of soils is given in Table 4-4. When excavating to suitable bearing soil, spread footings are used to. ‘vibute the load over sufficient area. It is assumed that any concentrated ‘ona bearing wall (roof floor beams, etc.) are formly to the foundatidn un the proximity of the point of plication to the foundation line = such that it is apparent that, cece concentration must exist. Colui Fro. 4-12 Spread footing. piers must distribute the load in the columns and be thi enough to resist the punching shear of the column on the conerete. Whet required by the character of the subsoil or not, the column footings should | spread wider than the wall to give stability. Fig. 4-12 illustrates the footing. In the following example, the necessary offsets are determined. spread can be divided into as many offsets as the designer thinks expedient 1 comparioon of the extra form cost, the saving in conerete mnass. A! dividing the total spread into equal a's, per block, the depth 6 is found by luse of the following equation Unit compres ive tres ‘nlong Ohta tine b = a/Vi/— cs where @ and b are dimensions is in Fig. 4-12. p = Unit compressive stress on the base of the block to which a and & tain, tat 3 J = Allowable stress, taken as 0.146 t/a for concrete. ‘Example 1: Assuming that the wall in Fig. 4-12isseomeawide and carries 17, kg/m to the foundation, the dimensions of a footing are determined. bearing ia taken at 14.6 t/m?. The wall reaction is17.86 t/m, which would 17.89/14.6 011.28 m width of the lower stop of the footing, neglecting the footing itself. However, this gives some indication of the footing size and we here allow a section of O.7gm8 aren. At S408 kg/m? this furnishes an estimated 18. t/m Mona sl Yond. “ral width —22282 ~ 1 35m, Omneia, a= MES 088 _ oantm— ante Width of pper step 000% 2X 0.298 = 0900 aimating te weigh st 0. sean, p= 28S 2057 time —————_ 7 a —— — . Errige7 TER APTA gre I FOUNDATIONS From Eq 4-13, 2 = 0.208 /VER CSR — 0.80 Prem 1.5 taf (specified), by — 0.990 /V@ x OATES — 0.90 m Next check the assumption of 1.8t/e of foundation. W = 10.908 x 0.38 + 1,882 0.902.408 = Lope ‘This is nearly the same as assumed, but a larger discrepancy would have indicated the need for « recalculation. In case the soil condition is such as to require an extremely wide footing, timber or I beam grillage is placed under it to assist the bearing power of the wil. In fluid soils, piling is used to give sufficient bearing power. Both wooden and conerete piling are in use, the former being the cheaper but the less desirable of the two, Some large power house foundations are constructed on a mat of wooden piles driven on 900 mm or 1200 mm centers, sawn off just below the ground waterline, and surmounted by a monolithic concrete eapping which ad- ological training. Static foundations which may be tecentrically loaded require adequate analysis of the effects of external mo- ments or eocentric loadings. A chimney foundation will illustrate the point. ‘These are generally of monolithic con srete and should spread tlie chimney load sufficiently to prevent overstressing the soil or completely neutralizing the windward compression. Typical shapes are shown in Fig. 4-13. Foundations for round chimneys are generally octag- ‘onal, being about 300 mm larger than the chimney at the top base. From this they thould increase. to a lower base sufficiently to hold the pressure to design value, but not to have a width lesa than one-tenth hiraney hot height plus chimney diameter at its top. The may be made 4% of the chimney height, but should not Example 2: Given a sloping octagonal foundation em across flats on the base, and 4.4 m deep, w: tonnes.This foundation will be tested for ite ability to earry safely 2169 tones: ‘an which the calculated wind moment is 179790 kgm and wind preasure is 0888 ‘g. Foundation rests on a subsoil of compact clay. 108 ‘THE POWER PLANT BUILDIN ‘The wind moment must be transferred to the foundation base which is 8.4 b; ‘the chimney base. ‘Moment M on foundation = 170730 + 0888 x 3.4= 20346) kgm- ‘Weight W on subsoil = (145 + 183) x 1000 = 08000 kg. zosest Since = 0.183 X 6 = 0am , >= and there is no windwan! floating. Eq 48, = 0.06: Some = So (1 + 98) = 1.0088, ‘Area of the octagonal base = 0.828 < 6 — 30 mt. Juan = PMO 308 = 1708 nem for compact elay. ] Machine Foundations. The machine foundation performs far more the simple bearing function of the wall footing. The machine found must: T Distribute the weight of the machine, the machine bed plate, and its weight over a safe subsoil area. If heavy unbalanced vertical kinetic forces Produced by the machine, they should be added to the dead weight to obif Peering area. The dead weight must be well in excess of these vertical fo ‘2. Provide sufficient mase to absorb machine vibration. Satisfactory fou: tion weight for this factor is not readily calculable. Table 4-5 is given to vide an indication of these weights. ‘Table 4. WEIGHT OF MACHINE FOUNDATIONS PER BRAEE METRIC HORSEPOWER Single Cylinder 1138 kg. mage to dampen vibration almost completely. The conerete foundat by the application of the above data are sometimes grotesquely huge ob unnecessary for the average installation. The data should be regarded extreme upper limit of necessary foundation weight and be decreased ap frlately when complete dampening is unnecessary. If the shaking forces og Paloulated, a mase of weight equal to 10 to 20 times the forces should be 4 to dampen vibration. ‘ d ‘Safe bearing power of soils for machine foundations ar? from a quarter, half of thove given in Table 4-4, depending on the machine. Unless « unifq oak 3 Fro. 4-14 “Unafow engine foundation. ; fe i ile les ip BEE} Hl tll | afi | ne | all i a fa i an P u0 ‘THE POWER PLANT BUILDING setimate that the soentricty from midbeee is 11m . Thon to us the common 8 formula, f = “4%, the following are computed. a 8 = te tge fe sm an Sm s0s exer 2 fon 2 RE — 500 iit In = 20.08 mt Henoe extreme soil stress = 8386 4 1900 = 9616 kg/m’, which is lees than {9700 leg/ma? taken tobe allowable, e Large turbine foundations are not required to contain foundation m comparable with similar reciprocating units. Btill, the necessity of provi space beneath the turbogenerator for condenser pumps, generator air cles or cooler, atid sometimes the throttle lead, materially complicates the design’g Fic, 4-15 ‘Typical turbogenerator foundations. \ the turbine foundation. The turbine foundation does not carry the turbine uf a heavy bedplate, and henee a study of the foundation deflections is al portant. No two foundations are alike. Reinforced concrete and etructural foundations each have their advocates, but any installation should be figa upon a basis of comparable costs of the two types, because each is suited. particular field of utility and ceonomy. The concrete base gives more to the turbine, but it is elaimed for steel that its flexibility is an advant large units as preventing distortive bowing of the shaft, and attendant d ties. The conerete foundation will require less maintenance; the steel type more available space below the unit, Although the vibration problem is not so serious in the turbine as in reciprocating engine, there is another factor of importance. Referring to Hi 415, it is seen that the portion of the low-pressure shell above the cond inlet is subjected to a downward thrust, while the corresponding area enroute the nolan provided, Tha other 370 thapehe tele ay isos ee a = oie inte malehe be prepared direct oe uk Ginchors #93 a = Sineprtcs Sniccmre a? poston can oem Ee ccf in pipe sieves aorcnae sorme Sine. Ti Dobcheary when setting the whe, THE POWER PLANT BUILDING plates are placed beneath the frame or bedplate and adjusted until the elemen cing aligned are correct. The elements might be the edges of tho bedplate, the = ota, Aftar sligasnent ie secured, a tera Si the foundation, and» grout fo overhead obstructions, the crane in greatest favor is the bridge type supported at opposite walls, If bearing walls are used, the crane load i down to foundations on brick or concrete columns called pilasters. In. construction the crane rail supports are either brackets attached to the build columns, or are short columns made integral with the building colurans. Any coal-fired power plant poses a major problem in cleaning. From | time in which the chief tool used to keep the plant clean was the shovel, p ‘owners have progressed to a stage which recognizes the economic and mot losses occasioned by dust and dirt. A dark, oflproof, enameled surface is which is easily wiped clean and dots not readily show fingerprints. Floor paid give concrete floors a surface that can be mopped clean. Aluminum paint o boiler room steel and duct work greatly improves illumination. The boiler 7 offers the major problem in cleaning. Because ‘of its finely divided state, dust may prove an explosion hazard; and of course it excels as a i agent. It is difficult to remove except by water flushing or suction. of coal dust by functionally separating fuel preparation and handling from: remainder of the building, use of covered conveyors and hoppers, and measures are helpful. Plant design should give careful attention to illu and to provisions for cleanliness, but these have all too often been negl ‘Wash rooms, shower baths, toilet rooms, and offices may or may no provided in the plant, depending upon ita size and upon local conditions. MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT uz central station in the country must be very nearly a self-contained community with its operators’ village, its store rooms, and ite repair shops. When a power plant is privately owned by an industty, the same repair shop may serve for hoth factory and power plant; otherwise the power plant must contain its own workshop, small or large as the case may be. A public utility plant generally ‘Power plant maintenance requires large stocks to be kept on hand, since the plant is @ specialised industry. How to account for and issue the many small and large parts that must be carried in stock is a problem. Periodic inspection to ‘lotect wear, thus enabling a part to be ordered in advance, will aid in reducing the stoole to be carried. The storekeeping in a power plant should be nx simple as possible, and yet should maintain a stock that will be insurance ‘Againet prolonged breakdown. Building arrangements of central power stations often must include execu- tive offices, a control laboratory, equipment control rooms, and load dispatching centers. PROBLEMS (Sfmt tonnes per square metre :kg}m? = kg per cubic matre) ‘2 AsoSm imoney of radial is ‘high chimney eiek maconny, ie deneibed bo the fot top iunensions. Dy = 19, dy = Bam Dy = Bm, Ge aden. Unttore Naticr, weisit 180 tonnes Find the maximum compressive tren ander 166 haa ws bead. Will a base crack be opened to windward? = aoe 9, The upper 18,28 m of » radial brick chimney has Dy = 3.3 m,D,= 20 wall ‘2cos178 moaeIe it fully stable laterally at the16.26m section and safe: rushing tabjeetedwoi60 km rind Density 408 ae llowablecomprenive trea Tsing 43, estimate the proportions of = ‘brick ebizaney of 2.6 inside diameter X45.6 m high. Masonry weight, 1923 kgf=?-Wind,100 kmo/b-Test the b 04 mld-beight pctions for maximum compressive strea. No Haing 11. Repeat Prob. 10, except for 2.78 m x @0m chimney. iz the ‘chizaney base section es mentioned at the end of Ex 2, Seo ining to 4 ce i ‘Ht. above ground. = Batter, mam per m ‘Wall, mm section, using 988 kg)z* both for main column and lining. Lining 0 29 mabove ground, is carried on corbells at 18.5 mand 1.5 m, ‘to give minimum 80 sum air space, a “la. Anslyze the stability of the chimncy of Prob. 18 at sections 1, 4, and 6 subjected to 100 kmyh wind load. 18. on, from Table 43, the chimney whose di are given eco evudy in the example, Seo 12-12. Consider chimney foundajon to’be tm below Grates, Will the chimney, a8 #0 laid out, be safe in 160 kra/h wind, or will the ‘of sa igi? Top 178 me. Uniform inside and outside taper. 16.-A block-type concrete foundation must support statie load of $2.5 tonnes mitted to it ona thick steel plate 610 mmx 915 mm-Design & foundation of minimum that will be aafe against settkement and cracking. Estimate the concreté mat needed. Bearing power of soil, asp? 17.A.4a2mimbrick wall 6.2m high rests upon concrete footing ‘The soll has a ower of Iayast. Doagn « twostop afew footing of conerte and. detll to 10 om = 1m 18. A reinforced concrete wall carries a load to foundation of 90¢/mrun. The is p00 mm thick. A subsoil bearing power of 19.5¢/nf jg allowed. Design and d sketch of the wali footing (two-step). whole unit,t0.emwidth of generator bedplate, 3 m. and detail’a foundation for this engine. The foundation top is all in one plane. Caloulate the amount of sand, stone, cement, and form lumber required 20. ‘The condenser of a 10,000-kw turbine is rigidly carried by ite own fo and is conneoted to the turbine by copper expansion joint whose dimensions im x 24m, approximately rectangular. ‘The water and steam normally in the denser weigh 0078 Hg. Condenser pressure = 0.07 kg/em® ab. What ia the. variat ‘weight on the condenser foundation between in-serviee and out-of-service condi ‘21. Design a sloping octagonal conerete foundation for the chimney of Ex 1, 46, Bearing power of soil 18.54/m#. Justify any necessary assumptions, 22h esas ws chimney with Deratied Beat Yom weighs #78 sonneacTha chimney i Her NITE Terr rat ge ee PROBLEMS Nb n a two-step octagonal conerete foundation, laid on soil having 94,6 mt safe bearing power, Wind load, 16 kmyp. Design and make a drawing ofthe foundation, 23, A Obkw vertical, single-cylinder, steam engine-generator sot has « bedplate Lom y £35, [ts weight ison by, Design a foundation to rest on avernge sandy ‘cil, Foundation mass in accordance with Table 4-5. 24, The foundation under the engin of Fig.4-14 igQ00ammbigher than chat under the ‘generator, Considering the generator pit to have the same volume asthe exeterpeesal, find the amounts of sand, erushed stone, and cement required for this foundation, 26, A Diesel engine sets ona plain block foundation m x fm x 2,35 m deep, Find ie ee eae metre; cement, $1.5) per sack; stone, $3.00 + sand, $2.25 pet oane & Teva te vet tl cost of ore. plies tale following ‘Weahp prime movers, using 70% of foundation masses from Table 4-5, Get local unit costa, (1) Vertical multi-elinder unafow engine, (b) Vertical mul-eyinder Diesel engine, (e) Horizontal singl-ylinder gas engine, (4) Horotal singe ylnder Cais engine 1, Piles are driven in a quicksand (bearing = Ghat ) on 99 mum genters, They avedriven antl the penetration under the last hammer blow 9% mm. ‘The driver's |-toane hamner dropt 25m. Piles are sawn of and surmounted by » cooeete sib ‘4 mam tick, What average bearing power, ntjm?, does this foundation provide? Bgsseuase eESeeeess wn | wee | wmce ous | usve | wmze suuz | wmoe ye | wmse wes | ww se cays | coat | war aye | oz | um rk ~ oo [ws | ores | wee | wn vs | rem | cow | ce axes | ose | scoe | cow ror |eove | osez | cre exe |orz | om wo [zy | vest voor | 08 wee | ose ao | vss exon | oraz | exw | wos | secur seve | 0790 wes | wor exes | oxee wort | 82, ews | ooo we |ece seo | rev ‘evz01 ose8 03 eee St “Toner or aieg ens Jo BT svy | ose il waar | oor [oe ‘ennou aay0d30 HO MVId 30 1HOEEM GUVONVAS rt 3: ‘ALYWLLSI NOLLONELSNDO GALATLAWIS: oer SgaeaeBs Ses gaeee BeeeI883 Ge eaR ake ReReRR ROKR bz case BEC eeeess Beshesaae Bseeteage er) |

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