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UNIT 1A: Lead-in 2: Introductory Video: Suits

In Unit 1 you are going to learn about the world of employment,

learning experiences and the job market.

A. Watch a short video from the TV series "Suits". Remember that you
can activate subtitles on YouTube. Watch the video three times: the first
time without subtitles, the second time with them and one more time
without them. Remember! Always follow this procedure with every clip.

To watch the video, clic on the link below and a new window will pop up.

Focus on the following words and expressions:

• The ABCs
• To get the job done
• To gloat
• To cut a deal
• First impressions
• To earn someone's respect
• To get it through your head
• I might as well...

B. Look at page 7 and think about which factors are important to you in
order to achieve success. Justify your answer.

C. Go into the Discussion Forum below and comment on:

- The new vocabulary and expressions.

- The most important factors for being successful (activity Lead-in 1).

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