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Histopathologic Techniques, Medical Technology Laws and Ethics

1. RA 5527 was approved on:

a. June 30, 1964
b. July 21, 1964
c. June 21, 1969
d. July 30, 1969

2. A roster of Medical Technologist shall be prepared annually by:

a. DOH secretary
b. Secretary of PAMET
c. Secretary of the board of medical technology
d. Secretary of PRC

3. Violations in the Medical Technology act are listed under RA 5527,

section ___:
a. 14
b. 23
c. 12
d. 29

4. To be qualified as an examiner, one should meet the following criteria:

1. Filipino citizen
2. Practice of laboratory medicine for 5 years
3. Not a member of the faculty of any medical technology school for at
least 5 years
4. Qualified pathologist
a. 1, 2, 3 and 4
b. 1 and 4
c. 2 and 3
d. 1, 2 and 4

5. Correct matches regarding council of medical technology:

1. Chairman = CHED director
2. Member = PAMET president
3. Vice chairman = PRC commissioner
4. Section 5 = Functions of the council
a. 1, 2 and 3
b. 1, 2 and 4
c. 1, 3 and 4
d. 1, 2, 3 and 4

6. Which of the following amendments of RA 5527 was approved on June 28,

a. PD 498
b. PD 1534
c. PD 498
d. PD 223

7. No foreigner shall be admitted to examination, or be given a certificate

of registration or be entitled to any rights and privileges under RA 5527,
unless the country or state of which he is a subject or citizen permits
Filipino medical technologists within its territorial limits on the same as
the subject or citizens of said country or state.
a. Section 25
b. Section 27
c. Section 29
d. Section 31

8. Inexcusable failure to surrender the certificate of registration within

the given time after the penalty of suspension or revocation is imposed by
the board shall be:
a. Suspended for 2 years
b. Punished by a fine of not less than P50,000 to not more than
c. Imprisoned for not less than 6 years and 1 day to not more than
12 years
d. Perpetually disqualified from the practice of medical technology

9. In revocation or suspension of certificates, administrative

investigation shall be conducted by:
a. All members of the board with 1 legal counsel
b. PAMET president, Chairman of the board and 1 legal counsel
c. 1 board member, 1 PRC commissioner and a legal counsel
d. At least 2 board members with 1 legal counsel

10. In places where there is no pathologist available such as in rural

areas, a medical technologist shall be supervised by a:
a. Chief medical technologist
b. General practitioner
c. Licensed physician authorized by DOH
d. Licensed physician authorized by BHFS

11. Results that are grossly abnormal should be reviewed by one or all of
the following EXCEPT:
a. General laboratory supervisor
b. Medical director of the laboratory
c. Physician ordering the test
d. Section supervisor

12. Proficiency testing should consist of:

a. Testing and evaluating individual workers
b. Internal and external quality control testing samples
c. Sending samples to a reference lab for analysis
d. Checking all reagents for performance

13. The Standard Operating Procedure manual should address four primary
areas. These areas are:
a. Materials, supplies, equipment, storage
b. Equipment, reporting results, technical methods, materials
c. Supplies, instrumentation, equipment, materials
d. Reporting results, reagents, clinical relevance, reference

14. A patient has complained to the administration that a bruise was left
after a “brutal” venipuncture. What should be done first?
a. Ask the patient’s nurse if the patient is just seeking
additional attention
b. Ask the phlebotomy supervisor to investigate the incident
c. Ignore the complaint, a bruise is insignificant
d. Have the phlebotomy supervisor check the phlebotomist’s

15. On repeated occasions, the day shift supervisor has observed a

technologist on the night shift sleeping. Which of the following is the
most appropriate initial course of action for the day supervisor?
a. Ignore the repeated incidents
b. Advise the laboratory director
c. Notify the personnel department
d. Discuss the incidents with the technologist’s immediate supervisor

16. What is horizontal communication?

a. The official communication message generated by the business
activities of the organization
b. The formal messages that are channeled through the hierarchichal
network of the organization
c. The activity that occurs during the normal conduct of business
among departments, managers, and staff
d. Live discourse in which all parties exchange ideas and
information and receive spontaneous feedback

17. Reagents that require storage between 2-6 OC and are photoreactive
should be stored in a:
a. Refrigerator in a dark bottle
b. Refrigerator in a clear bottle
c. Dark laboratory cabinet sealed from light
d. Laboratory closet in a cool location

18. Which of the following is NOT associated with improper specimen

a. Incorrect specimen collection vessels
b. Inappropriate venipuncture site
c. Cleansing of the collection site
d. Labeling of specimen with name only

19. A laboratory worker splashes concentrated hydrochloric acid in his/her

eye. The best safety measure is to:
a. Wash the eye with dilute sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and call a
physician STAT
b. Wash the eye with distilled water and call a physician STAT
c. Wash the eye with dilute acetic acid and call a physician STAT
d. Call the physician and wait for his/her advice

20. If an automated test instrument should be temporarily inoperable,

samples for testing should be:
a. Discarded and fresh ones obtained when the instrument is operable
b. Kept at 37OC until the instrument is operable
c. Analyzed by an alternative method or properly stored until the
instrument is operable
d. Stored in the refrigerator until the instrument is operable

21. Clinical laboratories should be inspected

a. Twice a year
b. Once a year
c. Every 2 years
d. Every 3 years

22. In accordance to A.O. No.: 2007-0027, which of the following

laboratories should be capable of performing routine clinical chemistry,
quantitative platelet determination, cross-matching, Gram stain and KOH?
a. Primary
b. Secondary
c. Tertiary
d. Primary and secondary

23. Newborn screening includes screening of all of the following disorders

a. Cretinism
b. Galactosemia
c. Congenital hypothyroidism
d. None of these

24. It refers to the process of providing an individual information on the

biomedical aspects of HIV/AIDS and emotional support to any psychological
implications of undergoing HIV testing and the test result itself before
he/she is subjected to the test
a. Medical confidentiality
b. Voluntary HIV testing
c. Post-test counseling
d. Pre-test counseling

25. It refers to an institution or facility duly authorized by DOH to

recruit and screen donor and collect blood.
a. Blood collection unit
b. Blood center
c. Blood station
d. Commercial blood bank

26. It is known as the Blood Banking Law of the Philippines.

a. RA 7719
b. RA 7170
c. RA 1517
d. RA 9165

27. The PRC Modernization Act was approved on

a. December 5, 2000
b. February 13, 1998
c. January 7, 1992
d. April 7, 2004

28. This law provides that the examination of drinking water should be
performed only in water testing laboratory duly accredited by DOH.
a. PD 223
b. AO 2007-0027
c. PD 856
d. PD 492

29. It refers to the procedures to account for each specimen by tracking

its handling and storage from point of collection to final disposal.
a. Procedure manual
b. Chain of custody
c. Blood transfusion services
d. Standard operating procedures

30. It refers to an individual authorized under RA 7170 who makes legacy of

all or part of his body.
a. Decedent
b. Immediate family
c. Donor
d. Testator

31. Which of the following is the authorized body for matters concerning
nuclear or radioactive waste in the Philippines?
a. DOH

32. The last word in the “Panunumpa ng Propesyunal” is:

a. Bathala
b. Maykapal
c. Dios
d. Panginoon

33. Med Tech Code of Ethics: To these principles, I hereby subscribe and
pledge to conduct myself at all times in a manner ____ the dignity of my
a. Exemplifying
b. Befitting
c. Benefitting
d. Showing

34. Who is the composer of the PAMET hymn?

a. Francis Pefanco
b. Hector Gayares
c. Ryan Cayabyab
d. Crisanto Almario

35. Med Tech Code of Ethics: Uphold the dignity and respect of my
profession and conduct myself a reputation of reliability, honesty and
a. Integrity
b. Accuracy
c. Fairness
d. Dignity

36. Increase in size of tissues or organs due to increase in the size of

individual cells:
a. Hypoplasia
b. Hypertrophy
c. Atrophy
d. Hyperplasia

37. Which of the following is a pseudostratified columnar epithelial

a. Gall bladder
b. Cervix
c. Vagina
d. Trachea

38. Pathology came from the ancient Greek word “pathos” meaning:
a. First rank of importance
b. Death
c. Suffering
d. To set on fire

39. All matches are correct EXCEPT for:

a. Tumor – Swelling
b. Calor – Heat
c. Rubor – Redness
d. Dolor – Numbness

40. The first demonstrable secondary change after death is:

a. Circulatory failure
b. Respiratory failure
c. Post-mortem lividity
d. Cooling of the body

41. Inflammation characterized by hypersecretion of the mucosa:

a. Fibrinous
b. Catarrhal
c. Purulent
d. Serous

42. Liquefactive necrosis is associated with which of the following organs?

a. Brain
b. Heart
c. Pancreas
d. Spleen

43. Edema is caused by which of the following:

a. Decreased oncotic pressure
b. Increased hydrostatic pressure
c. Protein-losing enteropathy
d. All of the above

44. Malignant tumors of connective tissue are known as:

a. Sarcomas
b. Fibromas
c. Carcinomas
d. Adenomas

45. Which of the following is not considered to be an acid decalcifying

a. Nitric acid
b. Hydrochloric acid
c. Acid alcohol
d. Formic acid

46. Autopsy forensic reports should be kept:

a. For 3 years
b. For 10 years
c. Indefinitely
d. For 20 years

47. Which of the following is not a dehydrating agent?

a. Absolute alcohol
b. Benzene
c. Acetone
d. Dioxane

48. Commercial stock formaldehyde solutions contain:

a. 4% formaldehyde
b. 10% formaldehyde
c. 37% formaldehyde
d. 100% formaldehyde

49. The first and most important procedure in the preparation for
microscopic examination is the choice of:
a. Fixative
b. Dehydrating agent
c. Clearing agent
d. Staining technique

50. The angulation of the knife (clearance angle) in rotary microtome is:
a. 27-32O
b. 30-35O
c. 5-10O
d. 15-20O

51. Type of microtome usually incorporated in the cryostat machine:

a. Minot
b. Cambridge
c. Sliding
d. Ultrathin

52. The process of removing the burrs formed as well as polishing of the
knife’s cutting edge is known as:
a. Honing
b. Stropping
c. Oiling
d. Trimming

53. A special method of smear preparation whereby the surface of a freshly

cut piece of tissue is brought into contact and pressed on to the surface
of a clean glass slide, allowing cells to be transferred directly to the
slide for examination:
a. Impression smear
b. Pull apart
c. Streaking
d. Crushing

54. All of the following tests are used for the completion of
decalcification EXCEPT:
a. Physical or mechanical
b. Absorption test
c. Chemical test
d. X-ray or radiologic test

55. The last container through which the surgical tissue sections pass
through in an autotechnicon contains:
a. Formalin
b. Alcohol
c. Acetone
d. Paraffin

56. What is the optimum temperature of cryostat?

a. 6 to 12OC
b. -18 to -20OC
c. -160OC
d. -40OC

57. Sliding microtome was invented by:

a. Trefall
b. Minot
c. Queckett
d. Adams

58. The flotation water bath temperature should be maintained at:

a. 45-50OC
b. 6-10OC below the melting point of the wax
c. Both
d. None

59. Xylene turns milky as soon as tissue is place in it. What could be the
possible cause?
a. Incomplete dehydration
b. Incomplete fixation
c. Prolonged dehydration
d. Prolonged fixation

60. Fixation is enhanced by:

a. Presence of fat and mucus
b. Fixing larger tissues
c. Cold temperature
d. Agitation

61. It is the process of removing mercuric deposits from fixed tissues by

immersing them in alcoholic iodine solution prior to staining.
a. Post chromatization
b. De-zenkerization
c. Washing out
d. Post-chromatization

62. It is a special way of preserving tissues by quenching and subsequent

dessication of fresh tissues by sublimation without the use of any chemical
a. Freeze-substitution
b. Freeze-drying
c. Frozen sectioning
d. Cryostat procedure

63. Airholes found in tissue during trimming is:

a. Drying out of tissue before actual fixation
b. Incomplete fixation
c. Incomplete impregnation
d. Prolonged clearing

64. Which one of these media is used when histochemical and enzymatic
studies are considered:
a. Paraffin wax
b. Paraplast
c. Ester wax
d. Gelatin

65. When used as a secondary fixative, osmium tetroxide should be:

a. Used on an open bench
b. Heated prior to use
c. Combined with alcohol
d. Used under a chemical hood

66. It involves wax impregnation under negative atmospheric pressure inside

an embedding oven to hasten removal of air bubbles and clearing agent from
the tissue block.
a. Autotechnicon
b. Elliot Bench-Type processor
c. Vacuum embedding
d. Tissue Tek

67. This method is recommended for processing of whole eye sections

a. Wet celloidin method
b. Dry celloidin method
c. Nitrocellulose method
d. Gelatin impregnation

68. It is an instrument equipped with a warm plate to manage the

impregnated specimen, and a cold plate at -5 OC for rapid solidification of
the block.
a. Autotechnicon
b. Elliot Bench-Type processor
c. Vacuum embedding
d. Tissue Tek

69. Which of the following matches are correct?

1. Rocking microtome = for paraffin embedded tissues
2. Rotary microtome = for electron microscopy
3. Sliding microtome = for celloidin embedded sections
4. Ultrathin microtome = for frozen sections
a. 1 and 2
b. 1 and 3
c. 1, 2 and 3
d. 1, 2, 3 and 4

70. Arrange the following steps in tissue processing in correct order:

1. Mounting 6. Sectioning
2. Labeling 7. Clearing
3. Fixation 8. Staining
4. Trimming 9. Dehydration
5. Embedding 10. Impregnation
a. 2, 3, 4, 1, 5, 8, 7, 9, 10, 6
b. 3, 7, 9, 10, 5, 4, 6, 2, 1, 8
c. 3, 9, 7, 10, 5, 4, 6, 8, 1, 2
d. 3, 9, 7, 5, 10, 4, 6, 8, 2, 1

71. Which of the following may be used to demonstrate DNA?

a. Feulgen reaction
b. Eosin
c. Pyronin
d. Prussian blue

72. A pigment occurring in Plasmodium parasites that is closely related to

formalin pigment is:
a. Hemoglobin
b. Hematein
c. Hemofuscin
d. Hemozoin

73. This stain is used for demonstration of neuroglia in frozen sections.

a. Toluidine blue
b. Alcian blue
c. Methylene blue
d. Victoria blue

74. This is the simplest method of differential staining of collagen using

a mixture of picric acid and acid fuchsin.
a. Von Kossa’s stain
b. Van Gieson’s stain
c. Verhoeff’s stain
d. Masson’s trichrome stain

75. An intermediate filament that is highly specific for myogenic tumors,

including leiomyoma and rhabdomyosarcoma.
a. Actin
b. Vimentin
c. Desmin
d. Neurofilament

76. An intermediate filament protein used to confirm the diagnosis of

a. Neurofilament
b. S100 protein
c. Glial fibrillary acidic protein
d. Neuron-specific enolase

77. Large, polygonal squamous epithelial cells found in cervico-vaginal

smears that are identified by the presence of pale, pink-staining cytoplasm
and dark pyknotic nuclei:
a. Pregnancy cells
b. Navicular cells
c. Endocervical glandular cells
d. Superficial cells

78. It refers to the selective removal of excess stain from the tissue
during regressive staining in order that a specific substance may be
stained distinctly from the surrounding tissues.
a. Progressive staining
b. Differentiation
c. Regressive staining
d. Metachromatic staining

79. Best fixative for preparation of cytologic smears:

a. 95% ethyl alcohol
b. Equal parts of 95% ethyl alcohol and ether
c. Saccomano fixative
d. Carnoy’s fluid

80. An intermediate filament that is always positive for melanomas and

a. Actin
b. TTF
c. Vimentin
d. Cytokeratin

81. Most commonly used antibody for immunocytochemistry

a. IgG
b. IgM
c. IgG and IgM
d. IgG, IgM and IgA

82. In immunohistochemistry, this is the usual animal used for monoclonal

antibody production.
a. Sheep
b. Goats
c. Mice
d. Horses

83. Aplastic anemia and bone marrow disease is attributed mostly to:
a. Xylene
b. Toluene
c. Chloroform
d. Benzene

84. ASAP in medicine pertains to:

b. Statim
c. Priority
d. As soon as possible

85. Widely used adhesive in immunohistochemistry:

a. Poly-L-Lysine
c. XAM
d. DPX

86. What is the main difference between Papanicolau method and Modified
Papanicolau staining method?
a. Staining time is shorter in Modified Papanicolau method
b. Omission of Bismarck brown on Modified Papanicolau method
c. Volume of fixative used
d. All of these

87. An autopsy technique in which thoracic, cervical, abdominal and pelvic

organs are removed en masses and subsequently dissected into organ blocks.
a. Technique of R. Virchow
b. Technique of C. Rokitansky
c. Technique of A. Ghon
d. Technique of M. Letulle

88. This technique of autopsy is the widely used method:

a. Technique of R. Virchow
b. Technique of C. Rokitansky
c. Technique of A. Ghon
d. Technique of M. Letulle

89. Which of the following cells have a “honeycomb appearance” when viewed
on end?
a. Endometrial cells
b. Parabasal cells
c. Endocervical glandular cells
d. Pregnancy cells

90. It is a type of biopsy in which small pieces of tumor are removed with
special forceps
a. Punch biopsy
b. Bite biopsy
c. Wedge biopsy
d. Incisional biopsy

91. The best way to motivate an ineffective employee would be:

a. To confirm low performance with subjective data
b. To set short-term goals for the employee
c. Transfer the employee to another department
d. Ignore failure to meet goals

92. The process by which an agency or organization uses predetermined

standards to evaluate and recognize a program of study in an institution is
a. Regulation
b. Licensure
c. Accreditation
d. Credentialing
93. Cytological picture conclusive of malignancy:
a. Class II
b. Class III
c. Class IV
d. Class V
94. Which of the following terms is used to identify a chemical that causes
birth defects?
a. Mutagen
b. Teratogen
c. Carcinogen
d. Reactive
95. A medical technologist is not allowed by law to:
a. Head a clinical laboratory
b. Supervise another medical technologist
c. Supervise a section of the clinical laboratory
d. Own a clinical laboratory
96. One of the following is not a practice of medical technology:
a. Be a phlebotomist in a medical institution
b. Supervise medical technology interns
c. Interpret laboratory results
d. Perform special test in clinical chemistry
97. Guidelines for the accreditation of clinical laboratories involved in
the training of medical laboratory science/ medical technology interns is:
a. CMO No. 6, s. 2008
b. CMO No. 14, s. 2006
c. CMO No. 6, s. 2006
d. CMO No. 14, s. 2008
98. Histologic examination shows koilocytosis, which results from infection
a. Adenovirus
b. Cytomegalovirus
c. Herpes simplex virus
d. Human papillomavirus
99. Incorrect match regarding specimen retention:
a. Blood bank donor and recipient specimens = 7 days post-transfusion
b. Pathology blocks = 10 years
c. Serum and other body fluids = 72 hours
d. Clinical pathology laboratory reports = 2 years
100. The turnover of results for frozen sections should be within:
a. 24 hours
b. 5-15 minutes
c. 1 week
d. 3 days


1. C 21. C 41. B 61. B 81. A

2. C 22. B 42. A 62. A 82. C
3. D 23. D 43. D 63. C 83. D
4. B 24. D 44. A 64. D 84. D
5. B 25. A 45. C 65. D 85. A
6. A 26. C 46. C 66. C 86. B
7. B 27. A 47. B 67. B 87. D
8. D 28. C 48. C 68. D 88. A
9. D 29. B 49. A 69. B 89. C
10. C 30. D 50. C 70. C 90. B
11. C 31. D 51. A 71. A 91. B
12. B 32. C 52. B 72. D 92. C
13. B 33. B 53. A 73. D 93. D
14. B 34. B 54. B 74. B 94. B
15. D 35. A 55. D 75. C 95. A
16. C 36. B 56. B 76. C 96. C
17. A 37. D 57. D 77. D 97. A
18. C 38. C 58. C 78. B 98. D
19. B 39. D 59. A 79. B 99. C
20. C 40. D 60. D 80. C 100. B

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