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Movie Guy's Sex Stories

Volume 7: Lord of the Rings - The Ride of the Rohirrim

Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Eowyn, solo
Eowyn/Woses, reluc, gang, oral, anal
Summary: A quiet session of solo sex in the Druadan forest brings
Eowyn into the sights of some local woses.

The Rohirrim had been riding across the Old South Road for nearly
two days and knew the hour of battle was drawing near. Darkness already
covered the Wold when Theoden ordered his weary men to halt, wishing
the group to arrive on the Pelennor with enough stamina to engage
in combat. Such a command was, of course, greeted with a chorus of
relieved sighs and commotion. The soldiers were exhausted -- most
especially their female stowaway.

Lady Eowyn happily dismounted, rubbing her sore behind with a hint
of grimace. She was far more capable a warrior than her father
realized, but still quite unprepared for the rigors of an extended
march. There were distinct advantages to riding horseback as a woman,
but Merry's presence had quickly blanketed those options. Had he not
been with her, Eomer's sister could simply have scooted up until her
crotch brushed against the pommel of the saddle. The continuous up and
down bobbing of her steed would have been more than enough to quickly
make her armour wet and sticky and drive away entirely the dreariness
of a long journey.

Unfulfilled, the blonde shield-maiden found herself surprisingly

aroused as she made way towards the outskirts of the camp, even on the
eve of the most important battle in Middle Earth in over three thousand
years. Her garments were hot and sweaty from being thrust into a horde
of attractive men with no venue for gratification. For not the first
time since departing, Eowyn questioned the wisdom of her undertaking,
fondly recalling the alluring privacy of her own chambers in Edoras.


Unfortunately, such memories were long behind the stunning maiden,

although she frequently had new ones crop up along the march -- dreams
of Lord Aragorn teaching her how to love a man properly, the fair
Legolas making love to her with elegant grace, or even Master Gimli
showing off the legendary endurance of the Dwarves.

Desperately trying to quell her explosive libido, the Princess of

Meduseld rapidly sped past the scattered men who had stopped to see to
their business, trying desperately to control herself upon seeing so
many unsheathed cocks out in the open. She had traveled nearly a mile
when the mass began to thin out, at last finding total seclusion under
the eaves of the Woses. Heart racing, Eowyn ducked under the trees and
made her way towards one of the largest boughs, hiding behind it in
case any soldiers had been watching their long companion.

Not even pausing to check for unwelcome voyeurs, the golden-haired

beauty sank down to the ground, one hand snapping the strap of her
breastplate open and the other working at the codpiece to undo that as
well. Simultaneously, both pieces of armour gave way to reveal the
rugged clothes of a Rohirric peasant, one of the key parts of Eowyn's
disguise. But, all the hard work she'd done to conceal her identity so
far was momentarily thrown into jeopardy the instant the lady's eager
hands snaked under her clothes to grope blatantly unmasculine features.

Breath already coming fast, clearly visible in the cool Gondorian

air, Eowyn brought a finger to the base of her vagina and let it slide
all the way up to her sensitive clitoris. The delightful sensations
sent shivers throughout her slender form and elicited a cry of passion
from her gentle lips. It had been over forty-eight hours since she had
stimulated her genitals to a gooey explosion, far longer than usual
ever since she had discovered the pleasures of touching her budding
body way back in puberty.

Her wet snatch was already leaking copiously now, well accustomed
to the delicate probing it was about to receive. Not one to disappoint
herself, Eowyn spread her labia apart with one hand and danced a finger
in between the pink opening. Arching her back and moaning softly from
the rapid gratification, she dared to stick a finger within her warm
depths, signing coyly at the familiar presence of her prized virginity.

Assured her purity had not been breached from the arduous ride,
Eowyn continued to frig her sensitive twat with renewed vigor. The rest
of her body was beginning to perspire now -- beads of sweat ran down
her back and between the cleft of her bosom. Titillated by the arousing
tickle at her nipples, the Princess spared a hand to slip under her
shirt and massage her chest while the other twirled delightfully inside
her cramped nether orifice. Using a thumb, she managed to expertly
flick the reddened nub atop her mons and coax even more lubricant from
her simmering womanhood.

Already she knew the grass below would have absorbed a healthy
amount of sopping girl-honey. The thought of leaving her intimate mark
in this forest so far away from own home only turned the exhilarated
heiress on more, provoking a few deep stabs into her sensitive quim
that threatened to poke right through the fragile maidenhead. Exciting
by such daring, Eowyn pinched one of her aureoles playfully, realizing
how close she was coming to orgasming and putting an end to this
fantastic respite.

The resulting shock allowed her to cool off a bit and settle into a
more casual foray of masturbation. Allowing the world to drop away,
Theoden's niece continued to focus on her oozing slot and pert boobs,
jacking her cunt slowly while practiced fingers energetically examined
her firm tits. Even such a relaxed pace, however, was not enough to
stave off the inevitable explosion her highness's crotch.

Grinning broadly and soughing with growing intensity, Eowyn brought

a drenched finger out of her slimy passage, tickling nearby blonde
hairs with the sticky instrument. After preparing herself, she shoved
it back in strongly, clearly stretching the hymen but also flowering
infinite pleasure. The building heat was more than she could stand at
this point, and the Golden Lady could no longer resist the allure of a
knee-shaking climax.

Throwing back her head and gritting her teeth, Eowyn began grunting
emphatically, eyes tearing as a flood of scented cream began to spew
from between her legs. The twin projections above her waist seemed to
be on fire with delight, and not even a hand pressed tight against them
could stem the radiant blissfulness. She shook a few times as the pangs
of stimulation made her come stunningly hard, wetting her panties
thoroughly as her pussy expelled clear proof of the naughty interlude.

Finally spent, the sated beauty let both arms drop into her lap,
wrapped in the warm cocoon made by her spasming femininity. Eowyn
continued to finger her clit through the cottony pants, trembling at
the thought of how she would look down there had she not a codpiece to
cover the damp stain. At last satisfied that she had wrung every
possible twinge of happiness from her body, the future bane of the
Witch King began arraying herself in order once again in order to
return to camp.


An trio of unseen observers had swiftly converged on the solitary

warrior as soon as she passed into their domain, expecting the intruder
to be anther wandering orc scout. Seeing such a fair lass appear at the
edge of the forest, though, both softened their hearts and hardened
their shafts, especially when she set down to demonstrate the age-old
practice of solo sex. The wild men were quite used to simply grabbing
one of their kin when the fancy struck to have their way, and saw no
need to deprive Eowyn of a good screw.

Leaving their weapons behind, the Woses snuck from tree to tree as
expertly as agile hobbits. Making his way around behind the unwitting
woman, the leader spun around the trunk and confronted his prize with a
curiously stoic expression. Just as Eomer's sister opened her mouth to
scream in fright, the savage fished his erection out from underneath
his loincloth and promptly inserted it into Eowyn's oral passage.

Dazed by the sudden influx of a warm penis past her lips, Eowyn
tensed up, constricting her jaw and throat involuntarily. The reaction
worked well to enhance the man's pleasure, eliciting a warrior-like
groan of approval from the savage as he easily fed her his member up to
the hilt. With a bulging crown lodged nearly in her esophagus, the
traumatized girl had no time to gag and only let out a feeble, muffled
yelp as the stiff pole plowed her lips.

The others, encouraged by their captain, also emerged from the

foliage with bursting grins on their faces. With Eowyn in such an
unconventional position and her only accessible orifice already taken,
the two subordinates had to content themselves with fondling her wet
genitals. The hapless princess shrieked through a mouthful of cock as
hands slipped under her shirt to access the ample treasures before
ripping the top open and letting the creamy mounds spill out. Down
below, a second pair of arms was busy pulling her pants away even as
she kicked furiously in protest. Within a few seconds, she was
completely bare below the waist and bore but tatters above it.

Eowyn was more than distraught over letting herself get violated
like this by a common barbarians, but knew she was helpless at this
point. When the largest one ceased fucking her face, ejecting himself
with a new coat of lubricating saliva, she was pretty sure what was
going to happen next. Sure enough, he stepped back and lay down on the
ground as his comrades grabbed both of her flailing arms to carry the
dazed woman over to his waiting prick. She groaned feebly as her knees
were spread wide, giving the brute an eye-popping view of untouched
pink before his two goons lined her slot up to kiss his manhood.

Allowing gravity to let her moist twat greedily suck in the thick
cylinder was absolutely mind-blowing for the previously sheltered
maiden. As she tried to remain straddling him, naked toes curling
delightfully under the strain, it felt to the defiled blonde as if most
sensitive of areas was being forced open by a tree trunk. She paused a
moment when a sharp pang indicated the point of no return, then swiftly
and flawlessly let the pulsing spike pierce her feeble hymen with ease,
turning away to avoid looking as his rod stuffed her hole to the limit.
Eowyn grimaced emphatically as her chastity was burst asunder, but was
not given even a moment to adjust before a second assault began.

Another man had already sneaked up behind her while she began to
copulate with his superior, letting her bouncing fanny playfully slap
his dick. Realizing what he wanted from frank instruction by her
handmaiden about what men would expect of her, Eowyn doubled over to
present her butt to him before it was forcibly taken. Even as her
breasts rubbed against her current partner's hairy torso, an additional
phallus was slowly being pressed in between her hind quarters. This
time, the sunny-haired female did cry out aloud, aghast as her backside

burst into an unfamiliar flame with a long, meaty tool continually

stretching it.

Every slight mew of protest was drowned out by the forest-dwellers'

fierce grunts of approval, then completely silenced when the last Wose
appeared in front and reacquainted her mouth with a fresh member. Eowyn
had been so demure before that not one male in Edoras had seen her
unblemished form, but was now unable to keep three complete strangers
from violating every one of her openings simultaneously -- a gift
beyond measure.

A new, mortifying sound began to echo through the dark trees at the
edge of the wood when the gangbang at last settled into a steady
rhythm. The two at her vagina and ass were doing nearly all the work,
ramming her sensitive loins with brutal strength, but also causing her
shapely buttocks to slap wetly against her partner's thighs. The sweat
had not yet dried from her recent masturbatory session in the cool
night and acted as an excellent substance to assist the frictionless
motion of their sliding bodies. Once again, she let out a mournful cry
of defeated frustration, the hoarse sound cresting and falling in
perfect harmony with the sexual dance.

Having long since closed her eyes the minute her tongue and lips
were called to service the third man, Eowyn simply tried to ride out
the relentless sex. She naturally assumed that the group would want to
impregnate her as quick as possible and then depart, but her box was
being pounded so steadily, it became almost immediately clear that this
tribe had stamina far beyond what her nanny had always referred to as
just another of a woman's chores.

The notion that she was being raped finally struck, but it didn't
seem all as bad as such a strong term warranted. What slight discomfort
had been present was already fading away, replaced by a dull ache in
her bottom. Her mouth was becoming a little sore from fellating the
last male's fat tool, but it was also an endurable task. The most
curious realization, however, was how her holiest-of-holies was so
easily accommodating being pillaged. Already, her slit was juicier than
she could ever remember, the pistoning rod drawing acute slurping
sounds every time it exited her snatch for another go.
Hit by a sudden, irrational desire to understand what this dishonor
was doing to her body, the shield-maiden cast a glance between her
legs, at last finally understanding the obsessive fixation the Edoras
guards had always had with her sleek form. Watching the maw of her
golden flower gape open every second to receive a thick hunk of flesh
was strangely arousing to the sheltered girl, and she could not help
but allow an encouraging red flush to creep up from her neck and engulf
her cheeks in a healthy, rosy aura. Struck by the beauty of her own
pristine womanhood, the started woman began to feel the first familiar
tingle in her sensitive passage.

The carefree Druadan did not notice in the slightest that their toy
was slowly starting to go beyond merely accepting the forced lovemaking
and actually enjoying it. As they continued to pump her crotch and face
unfeelingly, Eowyn pursed her lips seductively and braced her shins
against the cool grass below as she contracted her vaginal canal and
anus to satisfied utterances from the wild men. Her hips were already
moving slightly under their own accord, experimenting with various
speeds and angles until pleasure came in hot, explosive flashes. She
was vaguely aware a smug expression had creeped over her face, and was
mentally disgusted at herself for reveling in it, but the allure of
another passionate climax was too titillating to turn away.

Just as Eowyn's addled brain was mulling over the possibility of

self-stimulating her boobs to ensure a splendid orgasm, the primitive
assailing her throat groaned victoriously and let his dick slide out,
grasping it firmly as the tip remained close to her cherubic features.
Shutting her eyelids daintily, she kept her mouth open to pant even
knowing what it would mean. Sure enough, the male exploded sooner than
she expected, letting loose torrents of hot spunk all over her cheeks,
forehead, and hair. Streams of white began to drip freely down the
upper lip, running over her chin in greasy rivulets.

As she unconsciously licked the viscous cum off, a trembling in her

bum indicated the second of her partners was about to erupt in similar
frenzy. Grinning unashamedly at the prowess of her own body, Eowyn
tightened her rear sphincter, delighted at how she could control the
males with mere flesh. Just as she anticipated, the wose gripped her
hips tighter and began pumping in earnest, grunting furiously as he
filled her bowels with hot seed. The new sensation was beyond her
ability to process, so the princess merely sighed with gratification
and indulged the man until he was able to continue on no longer.

The shaft was withdrawn from her butt, at last leaving the daughter
of Theomund to focus on the proper sex that would finally get her off.
Throwing her inhibitions to the wind, Eowyn shrugged off the vacuous
gazes from her previous lovers and began energetically riding the
leader of the group, her pussy feeding off the hard erection buried
inside as it began to kindle with the heat of sexual warmth. Even in
the chilly air, she was starting to sweat profusely from more than
merely the effect of being so recently sandwiched between a trio of
thrusting bodies. Though she was currently engaged with only one at the
moment, her flesh was sending a clear signal that the blonde ex-virgin
was quite aroused from her previous mates.

Her prone partner was pushing upwards with great force now, clearly
realizing Eowyn was enjoying the intimacy and that his climax would be
that much more pleasant with a willing girl. Wrapping an arm around the
dainty female, he pulled her upper body in close and used the other
limb to cup each creamy mound in turn and causing her to momentarily
lose her breathtaking rhythm in an excited gasp. So encouraged, the
primitive moved slipped both hands between their writing forms, roughly
playing with her nipples until his beautiful female consort was mewing
seductively from the treatment.

Sliding up his hairy body to give him more access to her chest,
Eowyn eased her rapidly-hammering crotch forward nearly far enough to
risk the delightful rod popping out, but it thankfully stayed exactly
where it desired. As a result, the two exhausted druadan sitting on the
sidelines had a full unobscured view of their plaything's pink labia
dutifully opening and closing to suck on the proud fleshy pole of their
chief. The three men knew it would not be long now until she was coming
her brains out from the sounds being loosed from her throat.

Rasping obstreperously as orgasm neared, the soon-to-be vanquisher

of the Witch King moaned and groaned in earnest as her clitoris bubbled
over with mirth. She nestled her head alongside the neck of her spouse,
unable to bear seeing anything but the pitch-black ground because of
the sensory overload that was about to consume her in a halo of bliss.
Eowyn was nearly worshipping the stiff penis embedded inside her hole
at this point, gurgling erotically until the dam finally broke.

Suddenly, her gleeful vocalizations increased twofold, lashing out

in a verbal explosion of gratitude for the wonderful happenstance which
had led to the most titillating event of her young life. The mannish
stranger made a low growling noise and began blasting his load in her
womb, sneaking his hands from her tits just in time to grab her soft
behind and slam it down hard on his extended manhood. In only a few
moments, her tight alcove was filled to capacity and began pouring
forth tides of sticky sperm as well as the nude damsel's own musky
juices. The pair rocked together long after the magic had passed,
draining every last dreg of pleasure from their spent genitals until
collapsing in a perspiring heap.


Eowyn didn't know how long she slept after enjoying the glorious
culmination, but by the time consciousness finally returned it was well
into nightfall and her companions had been gone for some time. She
supposed it was better off this way -- losing her virginity had turned
out all right in the end, but it would have been uncomfortable for her
to have face the men who had taken it away when not caught in the heat
of the moment. Besides, she had a lot of personal feelings to work out
in the aftermath of her first fuck that would certainly not go over
well with her uncle and brother.

With the light of the moon aiding her search, Eowyn crawled quietly
along the ground to collect her clothes. It was a good thing that she
had been divested of them earlier, for now the unspoiled garments would
be able to hide the signs of her recent doings from the rest of the
troops. She was nearly ready to don them once again and make way back
to the campsite when a soft rustle in the nearby underbrush startled
the pretty youth.

Wheeling around on her hands and knees, the Golden Lady spotted the
familiar ring-mail of one of her own troops and breathed a sigh of
relief as her heartbeat slowly wound down. The two stared at each other
for a few moments, Eowyn wondering if he understood his own fantastic
luck. The man apparently did, moving determinedly towards her as soon
as the Eowyn dared breathe in.

Here she was -- a member of his kingdom's royal family, hundreds of

leagues away in some far off land, naked and seeping baby-making cream
from every orifice -- damning evidence that she'd just bent over for a
bunch of savages in a desperate need to get fucked. She knew at once
the only way to ensure his silence would be to get on her back again,
driving away any chance of mulling over her recent change of heart
regarding pre-marital sex.

"How much did you see?" she inquired worriedly, not bothering to
hide her lithe features as the soldier neared.

"Everything..." he answered firmly, a deft smile crossing his face

as his eyes roamed up and down her exposed flesh before slipping the
young lady to the ground and lying atop her. "But don't worry. I can
keep a secret if you can..."

4/05/04 - VGSS
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