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Can surface residue alleviate water and heat stress?

Author(s): H. Wang, Y. Gan, K. Brandt, Y. He, X. Qin and Z. Li

Source: Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 95(2):197-200.
Published By: Canadian Science Publishing

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Can surface residue alleviate water and heat stress?

H. Wang1, Y. Gan1, K. Brandt1, Y. He2, X. Qin2, and Z. Li3
Semiarid Prairie Agricultural Research Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Box 1030, Swift Current,
Saskatchewan, Canada S9H 3X2 (e-mail:; 2Institute of Environment and Sustainable
Development in Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Beijing, P.R. China; and 3College of
Ecology and Environmental Science, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot, China.
Received 21 July 2014, accepted 17 October 2014. Published on the web 29 October 2014.
Wang, H., Gan, Y., Brandt, K., He, Y., Qin, X. and Li, Z. 2015. Can surface residue alleviate water and heat stress?
Can. J. Plant Sci. 95: 197200. Surface-placed residue increased the near soil surface moisture and reduced root heat stress.
The improved micro environment resulted in greater root length for wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and canola (Brassica
napus) and 34, 8 and 8% higher yield, 7, 52 and 20% more straw and 7, 5, and 7.5 cm taller than the non-residue check for
wheat, canola and dry pea (Pisum sativum), respectively.

Key words: Surface residue, abiotic stress, root, no-till

Wang, H., Gan, Y., Brandt, K., He, Y., Qin, X. et Li, Z. 2015. Les résidus en surface peuvent-ils atténuer le stress hydrique
et thermique? Can. J. Plant Sci. 95: 197200. Déposer des résidus en surface augmente l’humidité du sol superficiel voisin
et diminue le stress thermique que subissent les racines. L’amélioration du micro environnement entraı̂ne l’allongement des
racines du blé (Triticum aestivum L.) et du canola (Brassica napus), tout en accroissant leur rendement de 34, de 8 et de
8 %, la quantité de paille de 7, de 52 et de 20 % et la taille de 7, de 5 et de 7,5 cm comparativement aux parcelles témoins,
sans résidus, de blé, de canola et de pois (Pisum sativum), respectivement.

Mots clés: Résidus de surface, stress abiotique, racine, non-travail du sol

No-till cropping, herein referred to as a combination of Merrill et al. (1996) observed that no-till with HR re-
no-till and standing stubble with heavy residue cover duced thermal and radiative stress resulting in increased
(HR), has been increasing on the Canadian prairies in root and tiller growth in wheat when compared with
recent years. It is well recognized that no-till practices conventional tillage. Similar results as well as increased
with HR can benefit the environment, by reducing soil biomass and yield were observed under a long-term no-
erosion and increasing soil C sequestration and increase till practice with HR on a Thin Black Chernozemic clay
yield through improved soil moisture and soil quality loam in central Alberta and on a Swinton silt loam in
and fertility (Campbell et al. 2001). the semiarid Brown soil zone of western Saskatchewan
Heat stress occurs very often in the Canadian prai- (Wang et al. 2007, 2008).
ries. The warming trend associated with climate change We hypothesized that HR alone may play a role in
could cause more frequent and more severe heat stress reducing water and heat stress and benefit the growth of
(Hengeveld et al. 2005). Heat stress, especially root heat wheat, canola and dry pea in the dryland area of southern
stress, could cause lower root growth, reduction of Saskatchewan. This hypothesis is tested by this study.
photosynthate partitioning to shoots, senescence accel- A field experiment was conducted in 2009 on a
eration and significant yield reduction (Guedira and Swinton silt loam (Orthic Brown Chernozem) at the
Paulsen 2002). Semiarid Prairie Agricultural Research Centre near Swift
No-till with HR could modify the dynamics of near- Current, Saskatchewan (lat. 50816?N, long. 107844?W;
surface soil temperature compared with a conventional elevation 825 m with a mean annual temperature of 3.68C
tillage system with non-residue coverage (NR). The near- and average annual precipitation of 364 mm based on
surface soil temperature under no-till with HR can be historical weather data from 1900 to 2008). A factorial,
lower than that with NR, because the surface residue randomized complete block design with four replications
can intercept and reflect the incoming solar radiation was used in this study. The first factor was species and
and reduce the heat flux toward the soil profile. Surface the second factor was residue treatment. Canada Prairie
residue and the higher soil moisture under HR can Spring wheat (cv. AC Vista), Canola (cv. 5440LL) and
also buffer the extremes in daily soil temperatures, i.e.,
decreasing the maximum soil temperature and increasing Abbreviations: HR, heavy residue cover with standing stubble;
the minimum soil temperature. NR, non-residue coverage

Can. J. Plant Sci. (2015) 95: 197200 doi:10.4141/CJPS-2014-269 197


dry pea (cv. Meadow) were seeded in a wheat stubble into still images using a program called ‘‘Virtualdub’’
field with two residue treatments: no surface residue ( Images were ana-
(NR) and heavy residue (HR). Before seeding the stubble lyzed using RootFly ( 
from each plot selected for the NR treatment was cut at stb/rootfly/). Files were renamed using a program called
ground level by a high-wheel walk-behind weed trimmer Métamorphose2 (
and left lying on the ground. Then, all stubble and residue to the WinRHIZOTRON standard so they could be
except uncollectible chaff were collected by hand with imported into RootFly for analysis.
a leaf rake and evenly placed on the nearest plot selected At full maturity, the central two rows of plants in
for the HR treatment. This process was carefully done each plot were cut at ground level using pruning shears.
to minimize soil disturbance. Thus, the HR treatment Air-dried samples were threshed using a Winterstieger
had about two times of the original surface residue plot combine to separate the grain from the straw
(9226.69882 kg ha1). (including chaff). Grain weight and total biomass were
The plot size was 2 m 6 m, seeded on 2009 May 11, determined on a per-hectare basis. A subsample of grain
with a dual chute seeding system hoe type drill on a 25-cm and straw was used for laboratory analysis of N and P.
row spacing. Seed and phosphate fertilizer was placed All dependent variables were analyzed with Proc
to one side of the boot, while urea fertilizer was placed Mixed using the REML option for each species with
to the other side. Canola was seeded at a rate of 11.8 kg SAS software. Residue treatment, species and their inter-
ha1 approximately 1.5 to 2 cm deep; wheat was seeded actions were treated as fixed effect and the rep as a ran-
at a rate of 106 kg ha1 approximately 2.5 cm deep, dom effect. Root sampling time was treated as repeated
and the dry pea was seeded at a rate of 160 kg ha 1 measures using the compound symmetry covariance
approximately 5 cm deep. Fertilizer P was applied at structure. Means comparisons were done by Fisher’s
a rate of 43 kg ha1 on all plots and urea was applied at protected least significant differences based on Student’s t
124 kg ha1 for wheat and 135 kg ha1 for the canola. distribution.
The canola plots were sprayed with 501 g a.i. ha1 of The weather during the 2009 growing season was
glufosinate, the dry peas were sprayed with imazamox generally normal. A total of 176 mm of precipitation
and imazethapyr at a 1:1 ratio of 15.1 g a.i. ha1, and occurred during the growing season (May 01 to Aug.
the wheat was sprayed with tralkoxydim at 197.6 g a.i. 31), which is close to the average over the period 1900
ha1, bromoxynil at 222.3 g a.i. ha1 and MCPA at to 2008 (170 mm). There were four instances where the
222.3 g a.i. ha 1. The entire trial was sprayed with maximum air temperature reached 308C or above (Jun.
cabaryl for insect control at a rate of 1896 g a.i. ha1. 25, Jul. 18, 22, and Aug. 11), which could cause severe
Weather data were collected from a weather station heat damage on the plants (Saini and Aspinall 1982).
located about 300 m from the plot area. The HR treatment had higher soil moisture at 010 cm
Right after seeding, Campbell Scientific 107-B tem- for all three crops than the NR treatment since emer-
perature and CS-616 TDR moisture sensors were placed gence (data not shown), and there was no discernable
into two reps of the study. The thermistors were inserted difference in emergence and plant population between
at a 10-cm soil depth and the TDR sensors were inserted residue treatments. On average, over the growing season,
to monitor the 0- to 10-cm depth to measure soil sur- soil moisture for HR and NR was 20 and 18.7% (vol
face temperature and moisture, respectively. A CR-10X vol1), respectively. For soil temperature at 10 cm, mean
datalogger was programmed to read the sensors every temperatures were 17.1 and 17.88C, maximum tempe-
minute and the data collected were averaged every 15 min ratures were 29.4 and 31.48C and minimum temperatures
for final storage. were 4.8 and 4.28C for NR and HR, respectively.
Minirhizotron tubes 90 cm in length were placed The improved near-surface soil environment under
in the plots at a 458 angle to monitor root growth. the HR treatment tended to increase root length density
The tubes are made of cellulose acetate butyrate, and are compared with the NR in all depths from 0 to 50 cm
5 cm inside diameter. An alignment frame capable of for wheat and canola, but this was not always signifi-
achieving angles of 30, 45, 60, 75 and 908 was set at cant. There was no difference between the two dry pea
458 and placed in the field at the point where the treatments (data not shown). Overall, the HR treatment
tubes were to be inserted into the plot. We placed a soil had greater total root length at 050 cm than the NR
coring probe with a 5.7-cm outside diameter attached treatment in most of the growing season (2886 d after
to a slide hammer into the alignment frame and emergence) for wheat [714 cm cm 2, LSD (0.05) 
removed a soil core to a vertical depth near 55 cm on 2.84, P 0.0007] and canola [1125 cm cm 2, LSD
a 458 angle. A 458 angle was chosen so the roots from (0.05) 4.16, P 0.03]. The HR treatment tended to
across two rows of the plants were able to be monitored have slightly shorter total root length at 050 cm than
without preferentially growing down the surface of the NR treatment for dry pea, but not significant [LSD
the tube. Root videos were collected about once a (0.05) 2.24, P 0.06] (Fig. 1).
week from emergence until physiological maturity using Wheat and canola had similar root diameters, which
a Sony camera with a Carl Zeiss lens connected to averaged 0.16 and 0.15 mm, respectively, over the entire
a Hawkeye borescope. The videos were then parsed soil profile, and the whole growing season. Dry pea had

Wheat NR





Total root length at 0–50 cm (cm cm–2)






Dry pea





0 20 40 60 80 100
Days after emergence

Fig. 1. Total root length at 050 cm of wheat, canola and dry pea. Vertical bars indicate LSD (0.05).

a larger root diameter, which averaged 0.24 mm. For Table 1. Effects of surface residue on plant height, grain and straw yield
either crop, no treatment difference in root diameter was
observed [LSD (0.05) 0.01 and P 0.05 for wheat, Height Grain Straw
Crop Residuez (cm) (kg ha 1) (kg ha1)
LSD (0.05) 0.02 and P 0.52 for canola and LSD
(0.05) 0.03 and P 0.30 for dry pea], which was Wheat HR 71.5 2670.5 2688.9
consistent with reports by Muňoz-Romero et al. (2010) NR 64.5 2472.4 2236.6
Canola HR 85.0 1285.6 3691.9
and Qin et al. (2004). NR 80.0 962.9 2432.8
Because no speciesresidue treatment interaction Dry Pea HR 56.8 2279.2 2132.4
was found for plant height, grain yield or straw pro- NR 49.3 2115.0 2000.4
duction combined analyses were performed over the LSD (0.05)y 5.4 558.3 1108.5
LSD (0.10) 4.4 459.2 911.7
three species. Under the HR treatment all the crops were
taller than those under the NR treatment (Table 1). z
HR, heavy surface residue; NR, no surface residue.
Height increases by surface residue treatment were 7 cm y
LSD (0.05), least significant differences at the 0.05 probability level;
for wheat (P 0.01), 7.5 cm for dry pea (P 0.01), and LSD (0.10), least significant differences at the 0.10 probability level.

5 cm for canola (P 0.06). The yield of the HR treat- Guedira, M. and Paulsen, G. M. 2002. Accumulation of starch
ment was numerically higher than NR for all species in wheat grain under different shoot/root temperatures during
(34% for canola, 8% for wheat and dry pea), but none maturation. Funct. Plant Biol. 29: 495503.
of them was statistically significant. Similarly, HR Hengeveld, H., Whitewood, B. and Fergusson, A. 2005. An
increased straw production by 52% for canola, 7% for introduction to climate change. A Canadian perspective.
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While the research presented here represents only 1 yr productivity on the Canadian prairies. Soil Tillage Res. 117:
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consistent with previous studies [Wang et al. (2007, 2008) Merrill, S. D., Black, A. L. and Bauer, A. 1996. Conservation
for wheat, Lafond et al. (2011) for canola and Borstlap tillage effects root growth of dryland spring wheat under
and Entz (1994) for field pea], showing that HR con- drought. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 60: 575583.
ditions such as those associated with no-till practices can Muňoz-Romero, V., Benı́tez-Vega, J., López-Bellido, L. and
improve near soil surface moisture and reduce peak López-Bellido, R. J. 2010. Monitoring wheat root develop-
soil temperatures. The improved microclimate condi- ment in a rainfed vertisol: Tillage effect. Eur. J. Agron. 33:
tions near the soil surface by retaining surface residue 182187.
may serve as a basis on which the benefits of no-till Qin, R., Stamp, P. and Richner, W. 2004. Impact of tillage on
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ground biomass accumulation and enhancing crop yield Saini, H. S. and Aspinall, D. 1982. Abnormal sporogensis
can be further explored. in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) induced by short periods of
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Borstlap, S. and Entz, M. H. 1994. Zero-tillage influence on
canola, field pea and wheat in a dry subhumid region: Tillage and root heat stress in wheat in Central Alberta. Can.
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74: 411420. Wang, H., McConkey, B. G., Zentner, R. P., Campbell, C. A.,
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