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in Intensive Care
Cardiovascular Anesthesia

Endorsed by

Early and prolonged ECG alterations
resembling a myocardial injury after
severe amitriptyline poisoning
G. Berlot, A. Vergolini, C. Calderan
Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Cattinara Hospital, University of Trieste, Italy

HSR Proceedings in Intensive Care and Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2010; 3: 221-224

Evidence of cardiovascular toxicity is present in the majority of tricyclic antidepressant overdoses. We report
the case of a 63-year-old woman admitted to our department with a severe amitriptyline poisoning. The ECG
at admission showed a pattern mimicking an acute anteroseptal subepicardial infarction.
This pattern persisted for 11 days. Myocardial enzymes and echocardiographic findings never confirmed an
ischemic event. At discharge, the ECG returned normal without cardiac or neurologic sequelae.
Our experience suggest that after severe tricyclic antidepressant ingestion, ECG alterations resembling myo-
cardial injury may occur early and last for a longer period than previously reported.

Keywords: tricyclic antidepressant poisoning, amitriptylin overdose, ECG abnormalities, myocardial infarction.

CASE REPORT followed by the administration of active

A 63-year-old woman was admitted to our Arterial blood gases, pH, serum electro-
Intensive Care Unit (ICU) four hours after lytes and myocardial enzymes were nor-
ingesting 7000 mg of amitriptyline as a sui- mal. Toxicological studies were negative
cide attempt. She had no history of diabe- for other substance abuse. A baseline ECG
tes, heart disease or other illness, except for tracing obtained from a previous admission
a major depressive syndrome, treated with to hospital for a surgical intervention was
amitriptyline and clomipramine. available for comparison. It showed a sinus
She was found at home comatose (Glasgow tachycardia and an anterior left hemiblock.
Coma Score 3) with normal pupils reac- The 12-lead ECG (Figure 1, column 2) on
tive to light. Blood pressure was 90/80, the admission showed sinus tachycardia, ante-
heart rate was 110 beats/min and the SpO2 rior left hemiblock, prolonged QT interval
was 80%. In the Emergency Room, she (360 ms), QRS widening (140 ms) and a
was tracheally intubated and was admitted marked ST tract elevation in leads V1-V6
to the ICU. Aiming to remove as more pills and aVR.
as possible, a gastric lavage was performed, The terminal 40 ms of the frontal plane QRS
vector (T40ms) did not show remarkable
Corresponding author: variations from the baseline ECG tracing.
Prof. Giorgio Berlot
Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care The pattern reported was consistent with an
Cattinara Hospital
Strada di Fiume, 447 - 34149 Trieste, Italy
acute anteroseptal subepicardial infarction
e.mail: along with a possible Brugada syndrome.
HSR Proceedings in Intensive Care and Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2010, Vol. 2
G. Berlot, et al.


Figure 1 - Serial ECGs recorded during hospitalisation.

Echocardiographic findings, including ven- free of cardiovascular and neurologic se-

tricular segmental kinesis, were normal. quelae. After twelve days her blood levels
No episodes of arrhythmias were recorded. of amitriptyline were still above the thera-
Serial ECG showed abnormal ventricular peutic range (490 ng/ml; normal values
repolarization, mimicking a myocardial in- between 100-250 ng/ml) but ECG abnor-
jury for eleven days. Measurements of cre- malities were no longer present (Figure 1,
atine kinase (CK), CK isoenzyme MB and column 1 and column 7).
troponin T were always normal.
The patient was administered intravenous
sodium bicarbonate 8,4% for four days and DISCUSSION
underwent mechanical ventilation for ten
days. She was progressively weaned from TCA overdose accounts for 25% of severe
mechanical ventilation, extubated and dis- drug abuse, with a mortality rate up to 10%
charged to a Medical ward after eleven days (1). It is known that TCA can induce car-

HSR Proceedings in Intensive Care and Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2010, Vol. 2

ECG alterations and amitriptyline poisoning

diac electrical alteration at therapeutic or uncommon (less than 3% of patients) (9). 223
toxic serum levels. Brugada syndrome (BS) is a genetic myo-
The mechanism of toxicity is related to four cardial sodium channel dysfunction that re-
pharmacological actions: an anticholiner- sults in slow inward current and ventricu-
gic effect, a α1-antiadrenergic action, the lar dysrhythmias.
adrenergic reuptake inhibition at nerve ter- It is a clinical and electrocardiogram (ECG)
minals and the fast sodium channel block- entity whose features include sudden car-
ade, acting with a quinidine-like effect in diac death, right bundle branch block
the heart (2). (RBBB), and unusual St-segment elevation
A recent study showed that the action of in leads V1–V3 (10).
tryciclic antidepressant on intracellular Various reports of a Brugada electrocardio-
calcium handing in cardiac myocytes like- graphic pattern after intentional amitryp-
ly involves direct effects on calsequestrin tiline overdose have been reported (8, 11,
(CSQ), type 2 ryanodine receptor channel 12), which can be likely ascribed to a TCA-
(RyR), and sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca++- dependent reduction in the inward sodium
ATPase (SERCA) (3). It has been suggested current and a prominent outward current
that augmentation of RyR mediated Ca++ result in a shortened action potential in the
leak can lead to proarrhythmogenic delayed right ventricular epicardial tissue leading to
or early after depolarizations that are com- a heterogeneity of action potential duration
mon features of the failing heart (4). between the epicardium and the endocar-
The longer action of TCA to promote sar- dium which ultimately causes the ST seg-
coplasmic reticulum Ca++ depletion would ment elevation in leads V1–V3 (8).
most likely lead to negative inotropism. According to the Second Consensus Con-
Common alterations include sinus tachy- ference on the Brugada Syndrome (10), in
cardia, prolongation of the PR, QRS and our patient a Brugada syndrome could be
QT intervals, usually returning normal af- excluded because of the absence of right
ter four days (5, 6). bundle block and the presence of ST- seg-
As previously reported (5, 6), in the pres- ment elevation in leads V1-V6 and aVR.
ent case the QT fully recovered after 108 After TCA ingestion, the admission ECG
hours, while QRS duration remained above tracing is usually still normal or showing
100 ms for only 38 hours, probably due to moderate alterations with abnormalities
early administration of sodium bicarbon- developing after several hours (6).
ate. In the present case, a notably wide ST tract
Experimental data suggest that cardiac ar- elevation was already present at admission,
rhythmias and broad QRS complexes react four hours after amitriptyline ingestion. In
to aggressive treatment with NaHCO3. (7, two previous reports (5, 6), a precordial ST
8) NaHCO3 diminishes direct cardiac toxic- tract elevation has been described, but it
ity and facilitates binding of TCA to pro- was evident respectively 14 and 16 hours
teins which, in turn, lowers the free frac- after admission.
tion of TCA (7). Bundle branch block and In addition, in our patient the abnormali-
atrioventricular block can be seen in TCA ties resembling an anteroseptal subepicar-
intoxication, while ST segment and T wave dial injury persisted for eleven days.
changes mimicking a myocardial infarction To our knowledge, a so exceedingly long pe-
are unusual (5). riod after amitriptyline overdose has never
Similarly, a Brugada electrocardiographic been reported before. This is probably due
pattern after TCA intentional ingestion is to the large amount of drug ingested.

HSR Proceedings in Intensive Care and Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2010, Vol. 2

G. Berlot, et al.

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HSR Proceedings in Intensive Care and Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2010, Vol. 2

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