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in Intensive Care
Cardiovascular Anesthesia

Papers, posters, presentations:

communicating the biomedical sciences Endorsed by

HSR Proceedings in Intensive Care and Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2010; 3: 233-234

When a question becomes a nightmare:
surviving the most difficult part
of your presentation
M. John
Professor of Applied English, Faculty of Medicine, Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele Milan, Italy

Many presenters, even those who have tician and re-formulating the question so
been speaking in public for years, consider that in the end you answer the question you
question time to be the trickiest and most wanted to be asked.
difficult moment of their talk. You, the pre- However, we all know that the Q+A ses-
senter, will have prepared your slides care- sion provides you, the presenter, with some
fully and you should also have carried out important feedback. To begin with, from
endless, scrupulous rehearsals in order their questions you realise what the audi-
to deliver your data in an interesting and ence has or has not understood. A vibrant
entertaining manner. However, you can’t Q+A session means contact and interac-
control your audience and you never really tion, whereas a limp one can cause seri-
know what questions they might ask. ous harm to your talk. Remember that the
Well, this is not exactly true as a good pre- Q+A session is still a part of your perfor-
senter will generally be able to predict the mance and you will be judged on how you
main questions that will be asked. Indeed, a deal with questions and not merely on your
very good presenter will anticipate the audi- data and the content of your slides. An-
ence’s main queries and give the answers swers have to be concise, precise, well artic-
during the talk itself, thus avoiding time ulated, convincing and, hopefully, correct.
wasting during the question-and-answer When facing the Q+A session, bear the
(Q+A) session. following points in mind:
So, why panic? Non-native English speak- • Leave nothing to chance: be prepared for
ers are, as a rule, not terrified of the ques- any possible question
tions, however complex and difficult they • Always be positive and honest with the au-
might be, but of the questioners! Or, maybe dience
I should say, they are afraid of not being • Remember to answer all questions, even
able to understand the questioners’ Eng- those you might have ‘on hold’
lish. This can be embarrassing, and ask- • Always listen to the complete question
ing someone to endlessly repeat a question • Make sure the whole audience has heard
is not at all good style. Maybe you can get the question, maybe by repeating it your-
around the problem by behaving like a poli- self
• Keep eye contact with the questioner while
answering, but also involve the rest of the
Corresponding author:
Prof. Michael John audience so as to avoid a ‘private conver-
Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan, Italy
Via Olgettina, 48 - 20132 Milan, Italy
e.mail: • Remember: there are NO stupid questions
HSR Proceedings in Intensive Care and Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2010, Vol. 2
M. John

234 Let’s now have a closer look at some useful 6. Answering multiple questions
phrases that will help you manage a posi- The answer to your first question is…
tive Q+A session. Now, let’s move on to your next question…
Let me answer your final question first…
1. Stimulating the audience for ques-
tions 7. You have no answer to the question
What questions do you have? I can’t honestly answer this question off
I’ll be happy to answer your questions. the top of my head…
Are there any more questions? I would like to put this question off until
2. Thanking the questioner
Your question is outside the scope of my
Thanks for bringing this up.
presentation. Maybe we can discuss it
You have just raised a very important
during the coffee break.
Thank you for this interesting question.
3. Agreeing with the questioner
You are exactly right! Oh, just one last thing. Everyone appreci-
I totally agree with you. ates honesty.
That’s quite true! If you really do not know the answer to a
question, then never go beating around the
4. Disagreeing with the questioner
bush to try and pull off some kind of magic
I would question this assertion…
trick in order to impress your audience.
I take a different view…
They will be far more impressed if you sim-
I feel you have not fully understood…
ply say, ‘I’m sorry, but I don’t know the an-
5. Doubts swer to that one.
That remains to be seen… I’ll get back to you (via e-mail) when I have
We do not have sufficient data at present… sufficient data’. Now that is really impres-
This is still under discussion… sive!

“Questo è il settimo di una serie di articoli sull’argomento.

Potete indirizzare domande (in italiano o in inglese) a e vedrete le
risposte pubblicate su questa rubrica”.

‘This is the seventh of a series of articles on this topic.

Send any questions to who will answer them as part of this column’

HSR Proceedings in Intensive Care and Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2010, Vol. 2

in Intensive Care
Cardiovascular Anesthesia

Endorsed by

Calendar for future meetings
Intensive Care, Surgery and Cardiovascular Anesthesia

2010 February 24-27. International Conference on Pre-Hypertension and

Cardio Metabolic Syndrome. Vienna, Austria. For information,
September 30 – October 2. 2 International Meeting on Aortic Dis-
contact: Paragon Conventions, 18 Avenue Louis – Casai, 1209 Ge-
eases. Liege, Belgium. For information, contact: Department of neva, Switzerland. E-mail:
Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery CHU Liege, 4000 Liege, Bel- March 22-25. 31st International Symposium on Intensive Care and
gium. Email:, Website www.chuliege. Emergency Medicine. Brussels, Belgium. For information, contact: Eramus University Hospital, Route de lennik 808, B-1070 Brus-
October 2-5. Australian Society of Anaesthetists 69th National Scien- sels, Belgium, E-mail:, Website:
tific Congress Melbourne 2010. Melbourne, Australia. For infor-
mation: March 31 – April 2. 3rd World Congress of Total Intravenous Anes-
October 9-13. 23rd Annual Congress European Society of Intensive thesia. Singapore. For information:
Care Medicine. Barcelona, Spain. For information, contact: ES- April 29 – May 1. 6th World Congress of Pain. Seoul, Korea. For in-
ICM, 40 Avenue Joseph Wybran, 1070 Brussels, Belgium. E-mail: formation, contact Kenes Int. 1-3, Rue de Chantepoulet, Ch-1211 Geneva, Switzerland
October 16-20. American Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meet- April 29-May 4. 33rd Annual Meeting and Workshops Society of the
ing. San Diego, CA. For information, contact: ASA, 520 N. North- Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists. Savannah, GA. For informa-
west Highway, Park Ridge, IL 60068, Website: tion, contact: SCA, PO Box 11086, 2209 Dickens Road, Richmond,
October 21-22. 21st Century Tratment of Heart Failure. Cleveland, VA 23230. Website:
Ohio. For information: May 7-11. American Association of Thoracic Surgeons. 91st Annual
November 17-19. 12th CARACT (Cardiothoracic Anesthesia and In- Meeting. Philadelphia, PA. For information:
tensive Care). Pisa, Italy. For information contact, E-mail: info@ May 11-15. 58th Annual Meeting Association of University Anesthe-, Website: siologists. Philadelphia, PA. For information, contact: AUA, 520
December 10-14. Sixty-fourth Postgraduate Assembly, New York N. Northwest Highway, Park Ridge, IL 60068. E-mail: dionne@
State Society of Anesthesiologists. New York, NY. For informa-
tion, contact: NYSSA, 85 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10003. E- May 21-24. International Anesthesia Research Society IARS Annual
mail: Meeting. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. For information
December 17-18. 4th International Congress: Aortic Surgery and An- :
esthesia “How to do it”. Milano, Italy. For information, contact: May 26 -29. The First Conjoint Meeting of ATCSA and ASCVTS.
S. Grassi, San Raffaela Congress Centre, Via Olgettina 58 20132 Bangkok.For information, contact:E-mail:thaithoracicsurgeons@
Milano, Italy. E-mail:; Website: www.aortic- June 1-4. European Association of Cardiothoracic and Vascular An-
esthesia and Intensive Care. Vienna, Austria. For information:
June 5 -8. 19th European Conference on General Thoracic Surgery. Vi-
January 12-15. Annual Meeting Society for Technology in Anes- enna, Austria. For information, contact: E-mail:
thesia. Las Vegas, Nevada. For information, contact: Society For June 11-14. Euroanesthesia. Amsterdam. The Netherland. For in-
Technology in Anesthesia, 6737 W. Washington Street, Suite formation contact: Europaplain 2 -22, 1078 GZ Amsterdam. The
1300, Milwaukee, WI 53214. Email: Netherland. Website:
January 16-21. 29th Annual Symposium: Clinical Update in Anesthe- June 24-28. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Anesthesiologist’s
siology, Surgery and Perioperative Medicine with International Society. Toronto, ON, Canada. For information, contact: E-mail:
Faculty and Industrial Exhibits. St. Martin, French West Indies.
For information, contact: Helen Phillips, The Mount Sinai School September 13-15. The 22nd International Congress of the Israeli Soci-
of Medicine, One Gustave L. Levy Place, Box 1010, New York, NY ety of Anesthesiologists. For information, contact: E-mai: team7@
10029. E-mail:
January 31 – February 2. 47th Annual Meeting Society of Thoracic October 15-19. American Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meet-
Surgeons. San Diego, CA. For information, contact: Email: sts@ ing. Chicago, Il. For information, contact: ASA, 520 N. Northwest Highway, Park Ridge, IL 60068. Website:
February 10-13. 11th Annual International Symposium on Congeni- November 7-8. Surgery of the thoracic aorta. Bologna, Italy. For infor-
tal Heart Disease. St. Petersburg, Florida. For information: www. mation contact: Noema, Via Orefici 4, 40124 Bologna, Italy. Email:, Website:
February 13-16. 40th Annual Meeting of the German Society for
Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. Stuttgart, Germany. For 2012
information, contact: Executive Secretary GSTCVS Langerbeck-
Virchou Haus Luisenstr 58/59, 10117 Berlin, Germany. Email: March 25-30. 15 World Congress of Anesthesiologists. Buenos Ai-
th res, Argentina. For information:

HSR Proceedings in Intensive Care and Cardiovascular Anesthesia welcomes announcements of interest to physicians, re-
searchers and others concerned with cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesiology, medicine, pharmacology and related areas.
All copies are reviewed and edited for style, clarity and length. Information should be addressed to: George Silvay, M.D.,
Ph.D., Editor, Professor of Anesthesiology, Department of Anesthesiology, Mount Sinai Medical Center, 1 Gustave L. Levy
Place, Box 1010, New York, NY USA 10029-6574. E-mail:

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