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Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, IARE

Statement of Purpose

I have always felt a strong need for achievement. This need coupled with my staunch
belief that “Education is the economic alternative to experience” has been the motivating force
behind my academic achievements. To realize my cherished objective of attaining a position of
leadership in my chosen field of study/work I have decided to pursue my Graduate study in
Electrical and Electronics Engineering (M.S) with my areas of interest being in the field of
Communications and embedded systems.

I have always been motivated by ingrained competitiveness to stretch myself and do my

best in whatever I do. My penchant for Electronics and Computers made me choose Electronics
and Communications Engineering as my major. The Electronics engineering, which has literally
led to the shrinking of the whole world into one global village and opened up new vistas of
information sharing, has fascinated me equally.

During my stay at the Engineering College, the things have shaped on the lines of my
thinking. The college curriculum for this Engineering major is vast and touched several aspects
of Electronics and Communications with special emphasis on Semiconductor Devices, VLSI
Technology, Network Theory, Probability and Random Variables, Analog and Digital
Communications, Digital signal Processing, Digital Image Processing, Computer Networks,
Operating Systems, Object Oriented Programming Concepts along with some programming
languages like C and Data Structures, JAVA. The study at the college was rewarding and laid a
solid foundation in me over the subject and enhanced my enthusiasm. My professors were highly
appreciative of my performance particularly in the practical field as well as my communication
skills in the classroom participation.

The various assignments and projects that I worked at the Communication Systems
Laboratory particularly contributed to the interest that I developed in the area of Communication
and embedded systems. I have implemented many source codes for different robotic applications
based on 8051 Microcontroller, which unleashed the power of simulation and served as a
preliminary method for the testing of my designs.

While a Bachelor’s degree is a leap from schooling fundamentals to industry standards, it

is still insufficient for an engineer to analyze the professional world. I feel the need to take up
graduate study, as it would bring me closer to the kind of technical expertise I require to fulfill
my research & professional desires. My ambition is to work at the forefront of the technology
with the ability to find innovative solutions to the changing needs.

 In my opinion, the Universities in The States are among the best in the world. It is their
emphasis on research that appeals me the most. However, selecting a University to pursue
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, IARE

masters in them is not easy as there are several renowned Universities. After an exhaustive
inquiry, I have come to the conclusion that The Electrical Engineering department at Wichita
State University is where I wish to study. After going through The Electrical Engineering
department website I realized that your department fulfils all my needs and requirements. Not
only does the department specialize in my areas of interest but also has the equipment in the
laboratories that I would like to work on. The faculties of the department have a strong
educational background and have acclaimed critical accolades. On the basis of my previous
interaction with the faculties of various Universities in India, I would rate yours among the finest
in the world. I am aware of the high standards of academic excellence and path-breaking
research that WSU has set.

 In conclusion, I would like to say that if granted admission into your university I would
perform to the best of my abilities and hope to acquire skills that will help me realize my dreams.
Finally I take this opportunity to thank you for enabling me to express myself.


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