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—— KEMENTERIAN RISET, TEKNOLOGI DAN PENDIDIKAN TINGGI 9 b UNIVERSITAS NEGERI JAKARTA wy ulin’ ca pn NASKAH UJIAN KEMAMPUAN DASAR MATEMATIKA DASAR BAHASA INDONESIA BAHASA INGGRIS KODE SOAL: 21 PENMABA Universitas Negeri Jakarta Tahun 2017 Panitia PENMABA 2017 UNJ Gedung Dewi Sartika Lantai Dasar Kampus A Universitas Negeri Jakarta JL. Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta 13220 Telp: (021) 47882394 - Fax: (021) 47882394 Pa ja Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru (PENMABA) 2017 UNIVERSITAS NEGERI JAKARTA A. PETUNJUK UMUM 4. Telitilah kelengkapan naskah Tes Kemampuan Dasar dengan Kode 21 yang masing-masing terdiri deri 60 soal. Bacalah dengan seksama sebelum mengerjakan soal. Materi Tes Kemampuan Dasar meliputi Matematika Dasar (20 soal), Bahasa Indonesia (20 soal), dan Bahasa Inggris (20 scal). Apabila terdapat ketidaklengkapan naskah ujian atau ketideksempumaan Lembar Jawaban Komputer (LJK) peserta ujian dapat melapor kepada Pengawas Ruang untuk mendapatkan penggantinya. Gunakan Ponsil 2B untuk mengisi LK dan hitamkan bagian yang harus dinitamkan secara sempurna. Tidak diperkenanken menggunakan kalkulator atau alat hitung lainnya untuk monyolesaiken coal djian ini. Gunakan ruang kosong pada lembar naskah ujian untuk keperluan menghitung. Ujian Tes Kemampuan Dasar berlangsung pada pukul 10.00 - 11.30 WIB (90 menit). Peserta tidak diperkenankan meninggalkan ruang ujian sebelum waktu pengerizan soal selesai. B. PETUNJUK KHUSUS (PENGISIAN LEMBAR JAWABAN KOMPUTER) 1 2. co ~ \silah Nomor Peserta sesuai dencan Tanda Bukti PENMABA UNM. Hitamkan angka yang sesuai di bawahnya Isilah Kode Soal dari mata ujian yang ciikuti, Hitamkan angka yang sesuai dibawahnya Isilah tanggal lahir sesuai dengan tanggal lahir peserta. Hitamkan angka yang sesuai di bawahnya. Isilah Nama Peserta sesuai dengan yang tertulis pada Tanda Bukti Hadir. Hitamkan huruf yang sesuai di bawahnya. Pilih nama mata ujian yang diikuti. Hitamkan lingkaran yang sesuai dengan mata ujian yang diikuti. Pilihlah salah satu huruf pada nomor soal yang sesuai dengan jawaban yang anda pilih. Hitamkan secara sempuma Isilah kolom nama jelas dan tanda tangan dengan menagunakan ballpoint. Apabila terjadi kesalahan, gunakan penghapus karet untuk membersinkannya. _ Selamat Bekerja MATEMATIKA DASAR Penyelesaian dari pertidaksamean /x* 4x1 3 (U, U. Diketahui_ =| a al _ Up adalah suku ke-n aritmetika. Jika Uy = 57 dan Uso = 81, maka determinan M adalah. -256 -192 128 -64 -32 moOO@> Agar grafik kuadrat mx°—4x+m selalu di atas sumbu X, maka nilai m adalah... m<0 O2 -22 moom>»y Diketahui sin a + cos B= P, make sin a - cosB=... Jika oo ao dan a*=16 maka a—x= A. 2 B.-A c. 0 D. 1 Nilai-nilei x yang memenuhi pertidaksamaan |5—2\<2 adalah ... +3] ~BSx<-3 -Bsxs-1 ASKS-3 xS-6 alau x2-4/3 x<-4 atau x23 MIOD> Jika akar-akar 3x°+ax—2=0 dan 2x*+6x+3b=0 saling berkebalikan, makab-a=. A 7 B. -5 G. 5 D. 6 E 7 +5, maka g/x—3) = A. 58, 1 B. al 1 3 1 Dl 1 eB x43 Diketahui rasio deret geometti tak hingga yang konvergen adalah *\og(2x-1), maka nilai x adalah A A g A 8 B. a 8 A a A Nilai minimum dari fix,y)-4e+Sy yang memenuhi pertidaksamaan 2v5>7, xiy2s, «20, dan y>0 adalah 14 20 23 25 26 nmoom,y Diketahui fungsi kuadrat y=-x°+br+e turun ketika x<1 dan melalui titik (3, -1) maka log ¢ = MOODP BONA Niai tim (9x? +6x—5 -3x45~.. AL 1 B. 3 c. 6 D. 9 E14 5 15. 16 17, 18. Jika sebuah dadu dan sebuah koin dilempar, maka peluang muncul angka prima atau gambar adalah .. . al a i 2 2 @ 2 4 boi 8 1 Hasil dari 8° +25°P"" ~,., 33 58 76 84 97 mooBE Jika fungsi f dan g memiliki invers dan memenuhi ee kre +2), maka “x)=. f'G)+2 IGF (r@ (nb 2 )42. ay Bey (x) MOODY ®R F'(x)-2 Dkotahui a{> 4 (>? iketahui 4-(> 7], 2- oe li 2. p2 maka p += 4 e-(; ‘) Jika det(4B)=det(20), 4 moow> 5 6 7 8 19 20. Berat rata-rata 10 siswa adalah 60 kg. Salah seorang di antara mereka diganti oleh Andi sehingga rata-ratanya bertambah 0,5 kg. Jika berat Andi 60 kg, maka berat siswa yang cigantikannya adalah 53 54 55 56 57 moaO9> Dalam sualu kolak terdapat 2017 bola yang diberi nomor 1 ~ 2017. Banyak bola dengan nomar yang habis dibagi 4 tetapi tidak habis dibagi Sadalah ... 43 “00 404 504 2017 moom> BAHASA INDONESIA 2 23. 24. 2B Penulisan kata-kata baku yang tepat adalah... A. hakeket, resiko. B. sinyalir, teoritis. C. apotik, almari D. trotoir, koordinir. E. legalisasi, aksesori. Penulisan huruf Kapital yang tepat adalah... A. Satai Madura B. Pisang Ambon. C. Pulau Dewata. D. Garam Inggris. E. Bangsa Indonesia Gabungan kata yang harus ditulis serangkai adalah bidikmisi, segitiga sepakbola, kerjasama, orangtua, tandatangan. dutabesar, rumahsakit. dimana, diantara mooo,r Penulisan singkatan yang tepat adalah. FBS. U.NJ. FBS UNJ FBS. UNJ Fbs Unj {bs unj moopy Kalimat efektif berikut yang memiliki urutan logis adalah A. Setelah menjabat sebagai kepala sekolah, dia kemudian terpilih sebagai pengawas sekolah B. Setelah menjabat sebagai ketua OSIS, dia kemudian menjadi ketua kelas di sekolah tersebut. Mahasiswa yang menjadi atlet itu selama tiga bulan terus-menerus berjuang, bertanding, berlatih, dan menang. « Tamu yang datang dalam acara perpisahan itu, yattu para guru, para siswa, dan kepala sekoleh. Derita yang dialami korban kebakaran di daerah Meruya itu sangat tragis, sulit, dan susah. 2 9 m 26. 27. 28. 29. Kalimat berpreposisi yang paling tepat adalah. A. Ujian kenaikan kelas tersebut beriangsung serentak pada semua wilayah. B. Sekoleh di mana dia belajar telah menularken penyakit demam berdarah. C. Dari cini, Anda berjalan lurus 100 meter, lalu belok kiri ko Jalan Pemuda. D. Buku baru di mana meneeritakan kehidupan nyata keluarganya telah dibedah kemanin. —. Judul makalahnya, Pengaruh Metode Debat dalam Kemampuan Berbicara Siswa. Penulisan tanda hubung berikut ini yang paling benar adalah antishuru-hara. non-reguler. Non-Indonesia, semi-formal antar-siswa. mOoomD Penulisan gelar yang paling tepat adalah... Prof. Dr. Fairuz M.Sc. dra. Kintania, MBA. Titi Sumarti, MA. Hadi Wibowo, S.E. Dr. Kevin Sutanto MHum. moomp (1) May Day lahir dari perjuangan pekerja untuk meraih hak-hak industrial. (2) Hal ini sangat wajar dan manusiawi. (3) Pemogokan pun mulai terjadi. (4) Pemogokan pertame pekerja Amerika Serikat terjadi tahun 1806 oleh pekerja Cordwainers. (5) | Pemogokan ini ~membawa para pengorganisasinya ke pengadilan dan mengangkat fakta bahwe pekerja di zaman tersebut bekerja dari 19 sampai 20 jam sehari. (6) Sejak saat itu, perjuangan untuk menuntut jam kerja yang benar menjadi agenda bersama kelas pekerja di Amerika Serikat. ( dengan sedikit penyesuaian) . Opini pada paragraf di atas terletak pada kalimat... A. (1) dan (3). B. (2) dan (3). C. (8) dan (4). D. (4) dan (5). E. (8) dan (6) 31. 32. Keinginan Mahasiswa PMBS untuk Membangun Suatu Bisnis 2M (63%: Sanat ingin} 35%6 (35%: Inge) 3 (25: Tidak iain) Data di atas merupakan hasil angket yang disebarkan kepada mahasiswa Universitas Prasetiya Mulya (UPM) Program Studi Bisnis. Simpulan yang dapat diambil berdasarkan data di atas adalah. ‘A. Mahasiswa UPM yang sangat ingin membangun suatu bisnis sebanyak 63%. Mahesiswa UPM yang tidak ingin membangun suatu bisnis sebanyak 35%. . Keinginan mahasiswe UPM untuk berbisnis lebih besar daripada yang sengat ingin berbisnis. Ketidakinginan mahasiswa UPM berbisnis lebih besar daripada yang sangat ingin berbisnis. E. Mahasiswa UPM sama sekali tidek ada yang menyukai berbisnis. 9: oe Soal nomor 31-33 merujuk pada teks di nomor 31. (1) Kawasan Taman Wisata Pasir Putin Depok Waterpark, adalah tempat wisata yang lumayan bagus dikunjungi. (2) Lokasinya di Jalan Raya Pasir Putih, Sewangan, Depok. (3) Beragam wehana disediakan di tempat wisata ini, mulai dari seluncur, air mancur, dan wahana lain yang membuat tamasya keluarga semakin menyenangkan. (4) Taman wisata ini lelaknya terpencil, jeuh deri jalan raya utama, dan jalannya berlubang-lubang. sumber: Gagasan utama pada paragraf di atas adalah... A. kondisi jalan ke Taman Wisata Pasir Putih. B. lokasi Taman Wisata Pasir Putin C. tempat Wisata Taman Wisata Pasir Putin. _ D. beragam wahana di Taman Wisata Pasir Put. E. akses ke Taman Wisata Pasir Putih Penggunaan ‘anda koma yang tidak tepat pada teks no. 31 terdapat dalam kalimat. A. (1). B. (2). C. (3). D. (4). E. (1) dan (3). 33. 34. 35, 36. Pemyataan yang tidak sesuai dengan teks no. 31 adalah A. Jalan menuju Taman Wisata Pasir Putin berlubang-lubang dan jauh dari jalan raya utama. 5. Lokasi Taman Wisata Pasir Putih setelah Jalan Raya Sawangan, dekat Depok. Taman Wisata Pasir Puth menyediakan beragam wahana, dari seluncur, air manour, dan wahana lain. Letak Taman Wisata Pasir Putih terpencil.dan jauh dari jalan raya utama Taman Wisata Pasir Putih Depok Waterpark, adalah tempat wisata yang lumayan bagus dikunjungi. moo Perdebatan antara kakak dan adik yang memiliki peradioma berbeda mengenai warisan itu akhimya ditengahi pamannya. Makna kata paradigma dalam kalimat tersebut adalah. landasan teori. kerangka berpikir sudut pandang. cara kerja, pola hidup. moom> Kalimat yang tidak efektif terdapat pada kalimat ... Dia akhimya turun perlahan-lahan dari geladak kapal itu Penelitian ini melibatkan sepuluh responden. Hadirin serentak berdiri tatkala para guru besar memasuki ruangan. Dia kemudian naik ke atas begitu mendengar suara mencurigakan. Pemilik kendaraan dengan nomor polisi 8 1234 BA dimohon memarkir kendaraan dengan benar. moog, Soal nomor 36-37 merujuk pada teks di nomor 36. Suatu kesuksesan memilki banyak definisi dan variasi tolok ukur. Beberapa dari kita meyakini bahwa kesuksesan berarti mencapai posisi di kantor atau kecukupan budget tertentu. Ada sebagian orang mewujudkan kesuksesan sebagai predikal penghargaan dari kolega atau khalayak alas prestasinya. Dari beberapa tolok ukur ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kesuksesan merupakan pencapaian impian melalui sebuah proses terstruktur dan terencana {sumber: dengan penyesuaian) Judul yang tepat untuk teks di atas adalah .. Penghargaan atas Prestasi atas Kesuksesan. Definisi dan Variasi Tolok Ukur Kesuksesan Cara Mewujudkan Kesuksesan. Pencapaian Impian Sukses. Kesuksesan melalui Proses Terstruktur. moow> 37. Diksi yang tidak tepat pada teks no. 38 adalah A 8. G. D. E. budget. tolok ukur. kesuksesan. impian sukses. terstruktur. Soal nomor 38-40 merujuk pada teks di nomor 38. 38, ‘Ayah terkadang memang sedikit galek dan sering memarahiku dengan nada tinggi. Namun, ayah adalah orang yang penyayang pada keluarganya dan imam terbaik dalam keluargaku, Berbeda dengan ayah, Ibu adalah orang yang sangat lemah lembut dalam tutur katanya. Ibu juga merupakan orang yang penyayang keluarga terutama pada anak-anaknya. Meskipun begitu, ayah dan ibu merupakan orang yang sangat berharga bagi aku dan adikku. (sumber: dengan penyesuaian) Pemyataen berikut yang paling tepat menggambarkan paragraf di atas adalah “A moos Paragraf tersebut sudah kohesif dan koheren karena memiliki satu ide pokok dan padu Paragraf tersebut tidak koheren, tetapi kohesif dan memiliki kesatuen ide pokok. Paragraf tersebut tidak kohesif karena tidak memiliki keterpaduan bentuk dan penggunaan kata-katanya. Paragraf tersebut tidak koheren karena membicaraken hal Iein yang berbeda. . Paragraf tersebut tidak koheren kerena tidak memiliki keterpaduan makna dan gagasan tidak hanya satu 39. Paragraf no. 38 menunjukkan hubungan... A B. Cc. D. E. sebab akibat. perumpamaen. perbandingan. contoh-contoh rincian, 40. Simpulan yang tepat untuk peragraf no. 38 adalah A. B G D. Ayah dan ibuku berbeda karakter, tetapi keduanya sangat m ‘Ayah dan Ibu selalu memperhatikanku dan merupakan penyayang keluarga. ‘Ayahku orang terbaik dalam hidupku walaupun berwetek sangat keras. Ayah merupakan imam terbaik dalam keluargaku. menyayangiku dan adikku. Ayah dan ibuku berbeda karakter, tetapi mereka hidup rukun dan bahagia BAHASA INGGRIS Read the text below carefully! Questions 41 — 45 are about the text. Mountain A mountain is a large landform that stretches above the surrounding land in a limited area, usually in the form of a peak. A mountain is generally steeper than 2 hill. Mountains are formed through tectonic forces or volcanism. These forces can locally ralse the surface of the earth. Mountains erode slowly through the action of rivers, westher conditions, and glaciers, A few mountains are isolated summits, but most occur in huge mountain ranges. High elevations on mountains produce colder climates than at sea level These colder climates strongly affect the ecosystems of mountains: different elevations have different plants and animals. Because of the less hospitable terrain and climate, mountains tend to be used less for agriculture and more for resource extraction and recreation, such as mountain climbing. There is no universally accepted definition of a mountain. Elevation volume, relief, steepness, spacing and continuity have been used as criteria for defining a mountain. In the Oxford English Dictionary a mountain is defined as "a natural elevation of the earth surface rising more or less abruptly from the surrounding level and attaining an altitude which, relatively to the adjacent elevation, is impressive or notable." In the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, a mountain is usually defined as any summit at least 2,000 feet (or 610 metres) high, whilst the official UK govemment's definition of a mountain, for the purposes of access, Is a summit of 600 metres or higher. In addition, some definitions also include a topographical prominence requirement, typically 100 or 500 feet (30 or 152 m). For a while, the US defined a mountain as being 1,000 feet (300 m) or taller. Any similar landform lower than this height was considered a hill. However, today, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) concludes that these terms do not have technical definitions in the US. 41. The word summits in the 1* paragraph (bold) is closest in meaning to Parag 9 A. tops. B. points C. peaks D. heights EL rifts 42. The word hospitable in the 2° paragraph (bold) is closest in meaning to... A. arid B. dy C. cruel D. pleasant E. friendly 43. The word which in the 3° paragraph (bold) refers to elevation altitude steepness volume relief moom> 44, The following things could be associated with mountain, EXCEPT As tiver B steepness C coldness D elevation E summit 45. The following statements are true according to the text, EXCEPT A Ahill is less steep than a mountain B_ The creation of a mountain is related to tectonic force. C There are at least six elements to define a mountain D Mountains are thriving areas for agriculture. E US definition of a mountain is the shortest. ead the following text carefully! Questions 46 - 50 are about the text. Ideology Ideology is a comprehensive set of normative beliefs, conscious and unconscious ideas, that an individual, group or society has. An ideology is narrower in ambit than the ideas expressed in concapts such as worldview, imaginary and ontology. Political ideologies can be proposed by the dominant class of society such as the elite to all members of society as suggested in some Maniist and critical-theory accounts. In societies that distinguish between public and private life, every political or economic tendency entails ideology, whether or not it is propounded as an explicit system of thought. The term “ideology” was bon during the Great Terror of French Revolution, and acquired several other meanings thereafter. The word, and the system of ideas associated with it, was coined by Antoine Destutt de Tracy in 1796, while he was in prison pending trial during the Terror. Tracy reacted to the terroristic phase of the revolution by trying to work out a rational system of ideas to oppose the irrational mob impulses that had nearly destroyed him. He devised the term to refer to a “science of ideas" which he hoped would form a secure foundation for the moral and political sciences by examining two things: 1) sensations people exnerienced as they interact with the material world; and 2) the ideas that formed in their minds due to those sensations. He conesived of “Ideology” a liveral philosophy which provided a powerful defense of individual liberty, property, free markets, and constitutional limits on state power. He argues that among these aspects ideology is the most generic term, because the science of ideas also contains the study of their expression and deduction. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 7 moop> a moopra 7 > moog>s moomp: he word which in the third paragraph (bold) is in reference to ideology science of ideas the term the terroristic phase a liberal philosophy he word coined in the second paragraph (bold) is closest in meaning to. found invented created proposed suggested he best phrase to define ideology is the study of ideas a worldview an ontology an imaginary the ssytem of ideas he text is dealt with the following things, BUT the Cefinition of ideology the existence of ideology in human lives the history of the creation of the word ideology the aspects of ideology the strengths and weaknesses of an ideology ho following statements aro true according to the text, EXCEPT ...... the properties of ideology are comprehensive, normative, and conscious ideology occurs in an individual, group or society ideology as a science contains the study of their expression and deduction B. CC. ideology has its own classic meaning which remains unchanged D E. ideology can be a secure foundation for the moral and political sciences Study the following table carefully! Question number 51 is about the table. | eortounure . 7 ° | manutacturing 2 COdSSCid [eatering le 8 a [Tecat government [e 3 468 [heann 72 1s 12 retail 23 7 6 accountancy 2 a education 12 12 “| other a 78 ° 51. The table tells us these, BUT ‘employment sector of retail mostly attracts 18-25 age group ‘two sectors only attract less than five in all three age groups there are only ten employment sectors two sectors in two different age groups attract more than 22 pomp, participants me: accountancy is the least attractive sectors Study the following chart carefully! Question number 52 is about the chart. Nilions of Datars Revenue and Expenditures, 1S87/38-2001-02 1997788 1998/9 1989/00 Wexgenaue |__ 2023 [30 3544) 268 Revewe | 3108] sg7 3535 maT] Fiscal Year 52. (Left bar is expenditure; right bar is revenue) The following statements are true according to the chart, EXCEPT A 8. é D. m expenditure is always lower than revenue the lowest number of expenditure and revenue is in tiscal year 1997/98 in two fiscal years the number of expenditure and revenue is lower than 350 the number of expenditure and revenue in one fiscal year is more than 400 the difference between expenditure and revenue is always 5 or more Questions 53 and 54 are completing the paragraphs. Study the paragraph 1 below for number 53 ...(53)... . Educational methods include storytelling, discussion, teaching, training, and directed research. Education frequently takes place under the guidance of educators, but learners may also educate themselves. 53. The most appropriate sentence to complete the paragraph is ... ‘A. Education is the process of facilitating leaming, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, belie’s, and habits. B. Education is commonly divided formally into such stages as preschool or kindergarten, primary school, secondary school and then college, university, or apprenticeship. C. Aright to education has been recognized by some governments. D. The right for education included at the global level: Article 13 of the United Nations' 1966 Intemational Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights recognizes a universal right to education. In most regions, education is compulsory up toa certain age E. Education can take place in formal or informal settings and any ‘experionce that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts may be considered educational. ‘Study the paragraph 2 below for number 54. Verbal communication is the spoken or written conveyance of a message. Human language can be defined as a system of symbols (sometimes known as iexemes) and the grammars (rules) by which the symbols are manipulated. The word “language” also refers to common properties of languages. Language learning normally occurs most intensively during human childhood. Most of the thousands of human languages use pattems of sound or gesture for symbols which enable communication with others around them. Languages tend to share certain properties, although there are exceptions. There is no defined line between a language and a dialect. ...(54)... . 54. The best sentence to complete the paragraph is A. As previously mentioned, language can be characterized as symbolic. B. The properties of language are governed by rules. C. Constructed languages such as Esperanto, programming languages, anc various mathematical formalism is not necessarily resiricted to the propertios shared by human languages. D. Language follows phonological rules (sounds that appear in 2 language), syntactic rules (arrangement of words and punctuation in a sentence), semantic rules (the agreed upon meaning of words), and pragmatic rules (meaning derived upon context) E. Charles Ogden and IA Richards developed The Triangle of Meaning model to explain the symbol (the relationship between a word), the referent (the thing it describes), and the meaning (the thought associated with the word and the thing). Questions 55 — 56 are arranging the muddled texts. Rearrange them into a good order. Muddled text 1 for number 55 (Pay attention to the first sentence as the clue). Human language has the properties of productivity and displacement, and relies entirely on social convention and learning. ...(55). a. The use of language is deeply entrenched in human culture. b. Language is thought to have originated when early hominins started gradually changing their primate communication systems, acquiring the ability to form a theory of other minds and a shared intentionality. c. This development is sometimes thought to have coincided with an increase in brain volume, and many linguists see the structures of language as having evolved to serve specific communicative and social functions. d. Humans acquire language through social interaction in early childhood, and children generally speak fluently when they are approximately three years old. e. Its complex structure affords a much wider range of expressions than any known system of animal communication. f. Language is processed in many different locations in the human orain, but especially in Broca's and Wernicke's areas. 55. The sentences above belong to one coherent paragraph when arranged in a good order. What should be the right order to develop the first sentence into a good paragraph? e-d-f-b-c-a moom, » 1 o 1 Muddled text 2 for number 56. Basic Steps How to Make Cheese This is a basic Instructable about how to make cheese. It isn't meant as a recipe but as a great way to familiarize yourself with the steps of this ancient cratt. 56. a. Acidify the milk by dumping acid (vinegar or citric acid) right into the milk to get the correct acidity or adding cultures, or living bacteria, b. Drain the curds to separate the curds from the whey by simply dumping the contents of the pot into a colander in a sink and add the salt when prefered. ¢. Stir the curds in the vat while cooking it to make it dry and wash it to remove some of the whey from the vat and replacing it with water. This washing creates a milder, sweeter, more elastic cheese and cheese paste. d. Warm the fresh milk slowly on the stovetop. e. Test the 'doneness' or firmness of the gel by pressing (with a clean hana) onto the surface of the milk. f. Cut the curd down from a giant blob into smaller cubes or chunks. Add a Coagulant which might be sap from a fig tree or a milk thistle and mix the coagulant into the liquid milk and wait until a gel forms. The sentences above belong to one coherent paragraph when arranged in a good order. What should be the right order to develop them into a good Paragraph? b-d-a-f-g-c-e moom> Read the following text carefully before you answer the questions number 57 to 60. Choose the best answers to fill in the blank spaces, if necessary. Indonesia can inspire other Muslim countries in promoting tolerance:Obama The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Sat, July 1, 2017 | 07:10 pm Former US president Barack Obama has said that Indonesia, ..(57)... its Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversity) principles, could inspire other Muslim countries in promoting tolerance and moderation. In his keynote speech for the 4th Indonesian Diaspora Congress in Jakarta on Saturday, Obama underlined that Indonesia's spirit of tolerance has been embodied in its constitution and symbolized by mosques, churches, temples and shrines ...(58)... next to each other, and people living alongside one another in peace and harmony. He also took the example of the Borobudur Buddhist sanctuary and Prambanan Hindu temple, which still exist and ...(59).... for such a long time even though the ancient temples are located in Indonesia, where more than 80 percent of its population follows Islam. Opening the congress was part of Obame’s agenda during his visit to Indonesia, a country where he ...(80).... four years of his childhood in the late 1960s in the then-sieepy capital of Jakarta. The former president came for a 10-day holiday with his wife and daughters. 57. in with” through within towardy moo@> 58. located are located have been located being located « having been located moom> 58. had been preserved are preserved preserved being preserved have been preserved 60. was spending had been spending was spent spent had spent moom> moom>

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