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ZXMW NR8120A/8120D

Digital Microwave Transmmission System

KPI Reference

Version: V2.04.02

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Revision History

Revision No. Revision Date Revision Reason

R1.0 2015–09–22 First edition

Serial Number: SJ-20150804150350-007

Publishing Date: 2015–09–22 (R1.0)

SJ-20150804150350-007|2015–09–22 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

About This Manual ......................................................................................... I
Chapter 1 Radio Link KPIs......................................................................... 1-1
1.1 RadioLink Availability.......................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 EFS................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.3 EB..................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.4 ES..................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.5 SES .................................................................................................................. 1-2
1.6 BBE .................................................................................................................. 1-2
1.7 UAS .................................................................................................................. 1-3
1.8 Max MSE........................................................................................................... 1-3
1.9 Min MSE............................................................................................................ 1-3
1.10 Mean MSE....................................................................................................... 1-3

Chapter 2 RF KPIs ...................................................................................... 2-1

2.1 Min Tx Power..................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Max Tx Power.................................................................................................... 2-1
2.3 Mean Tx Power.................................................................................................. 2-2
2.4 Min Recevived Signal Level ............................................................................... 2-2
2.5 Max Recevived Signal Level ............................................................................... 2-2
2.6 Mean Recevived Signal Level ............................................................................. 2-2
2.7 Percent of RSL Value over the High Threshold..................................................... 2-3
2.8 Percent of RSL Value under the Low Threshold.................................................... 2-3
2.9 RLTS-1 .............................................................................................................. 2-3
2.10 RLTS-2 ............................................................................................................ 2-4
2.11 TLTS................................................................................................................ 2-4
2.12 Anti-Burst Received Signal Level....................................................................... 2-4
2.13 Anti-Fading Received Signal Level .................................................................... 2-4

Chapter 3 ACM Port KPIs........................................................................... 3-1

3.1 Working Time Of RX QPSK................................................................................. 3-1
3.2 Working Time Of RX 16QAM............................................................................... 3-2
3.3 Working Time Of RX 32QAM............................................................................... 3-2
3.4 Working Time Of RX 64QAM .............................................................................. 3-2
3.5 Working Time Of RX 128QAM............................................................................. 3-2
3.6 Working Time Of RX 256QAM............................................................................. 3-3

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3.7 Working Time of RX 512QAM ............................................................................. 3-3
3.8 Working Time of RX 1024QAM............................................................................ 3-3
3.9 Switch Numbers of RX Modulaiton ...................................................................... 3-4
3.10 Working Time Of TX QPSK .............................................................................. 3-4
3.11 Working Time Of TX 16QAM ............................................................................. 3-4
3.12 Working Time Of TX 32QAM ............................................................................. 3-5
3.13 Working Time Of TX 64QAM ............................................................................. 3-5
3.14 Working Time Of TX 128QAM ........................................................................... 3-5
3.15 Working Time Of TX 256QAM .......................................................................... 3-5
3.16 Working Time of TX 512QAM ............................................................................ 3-6
3.17 Working Time of TX 1024QAM ......................................................................... 3-6
3.18 Switch Numbers of TX Modulaiton ..................................................................... 3-6
3.19 Working Time of TX 2048QAM .......................................................................... 3-7
3.20 Working Time of RX1024QAM Light .................................................................. 3-7
3.21 Working Time of TX 1024QAM Light .................................................................. 3-7
3.22 Working Time of RX 2048QAM.......................................................................... 3-7

Chapter 4 E1 KPIs....................................................................................... 4-1

4.1 E1 BER ............................................................................................................. 4-1

Chapter 5 Ethernet KPIs ............................................................................ 5-1

5.1 Ethernet Port KPIs.............................................................................................. 5-1
5.1.1 Total Receive Bytes .................................................................................. 5-1
5.1.2 Total Transmit Bytes ................................................................................. 5-1
5.1.3 Total Receive Packets .............................................................................. 5-2
5.1.4 Total Transmit Packets.............................................................................. 5-2
5.1.5 Undersize Packets Received..................................................................... 5-2
5.1.6 Packets = 64 Octets Received .................................................................. 5-2
5.1.7 Packets = 64 Octets Transmitted............................................................... 5-3
5.1.8 Packets 65~127 Octets Received.............................................................. 5-3
5.1.9 Packets 65~127 Octets Transmitted .......................................................... 5-3
5.1.10 Packets 128~255 Octets Received .......................................................... 5-3
5.1.11 Packets 128~255 Octets Transmitted....................................................... 5-4
5.1.12 Packets 256~511 Octets Received .......................................................... 5-4
5.1.13 Packets 256~511 Octets Transmitted....................................................... 5-4
5.1.14 Packets 512~1023 Octets Received ........................................................ 5-5
5.1.15 Packets 512~1023 Octets Transmitted..................................................... 5-5
5.1.16 Packets 1024~1518 Octets Received ...................................................... 5-5
5.1.17 Packets 1024~1518 Octets Transmitted................................................... 5-5


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5.1.18 FCS Packets Received ........................................................................... 5-6
5.1.19 Oversize Packets Received..................................................................... 5-6
5.1.20 Jabber Packets Received ....................................................................... 5-6
5.1.21 Broadcast Packets Received................................................................... 5-7
5.1.22 Broadcast Packets Transmitted ............................................................... 5-7
5.1.23 Multicast Packets Received..................................................................... 5-7
5.1.24 Multicast Packets Transmitted ................................................................. 5-7
5.1.25 Rx Filter Discard Packets ........................................................................ 5-8
5.1.26 Pause Packets Received ........................................................................ 5-8
5.1.27 Pause Packets Transmit ......................................................................... 5-8
5.1.28 Oversize Packets Transmit...................................................................... 5-8
5.1.29 Fragments Packets Received.................................................................. 5-9
5.2 Radio ETH KPIs ................................................................................................. 5-9
5.2.1 Max Ethernet Throughput ......................................................................... 5-9
5.2.2 Min Ethernet Throughput .......................................................................... 5-9
5.2.3 Mean Ethernet Throughput ....................................................................... 5-9
5.2.4 Max Ethernet Capacity ........................................................................... 5-10
5.2.5 Min Ethernet Capacity ............................................................................ 5-10
5.2.6 Mean Ethernet Capacity ......................................................................... 5-10
5.2.7 Max Ethernet Utilization .......................................................................... 5-10
5.2.8 Min Ethernet Utilization ............................................................................5-11
5.2.9 UtilizationMean .......................................................................................5-11
5.2.10 Ethernet Utilization Over High ThreshHold Time ......................................5-11

Chapter 6 VLAN KPIs ................................................................................. 6-1

6.1 Per VLAN Domain RX Frames ............................................................................ 6-1
6.2 Per VLAN Domain RX Max Throughput ............................................................... 6-1
6.3 Per VLAN Domain RX Min Throughtput ............................................................... 6-2
6.4 Per VLAN Domain RX Mean Throughput ............................................................. 6-2
6.5 Per VLAN Domain RX Max Utilization.................................................................. 6-2
6.6 Per VLAN Domain RX Min Utilization................................................................... 6-2
6.7 Per VLAN Domain RX Mean Utilization................................................................ 6-3

Chapter 7 Environment Temperature KPIs .............................................. 7-1

7.1 Max Environment Temperature............................................................................ 7-1
7.2 Min Environment Temperature ............................................................................ 7-1
7.3 Mean Environment Temperature.......................................................................... 7-2
7.4 Max CPU Utilization ........................................................................................... 7-2
7.5 Min CPU Utilization ............................................................................................ 7-2


SJ-20150804150350-007|2015–09–22 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

7.6 Mean CPU Utilization ......................................................................................... 7-2
7.7 Max Memory Utilization ...................................................................................... 7-3
7.8 Min Memory Utilization ....................................................................................... 7-3
7.9 Mean Memory Utilization .................................................................................... 7-3

Chapter 8 CES KPIs.................................................................................... 8-1

8.1 CESoETH Frames Transmitted ........................................................................... 8-1
8.2 Payload Octets Transmitted ................................................................................ 8-1
8.3 CESoETH Frames Received............................................................................... 8-1
8.4 Payload Octets Received.................................................................................... 8-2
8.5 Lost Frames....................................................................................................... 8-2
8.6 Re-Ordered Frames ........................................................................................... 8-2
8.7 Malformed Frames ............................................................................................. 8-3
8.8 Jitter Buffer Overruns.......................................................................................... 8-3

Chapter 9 Wire ETH KPIs ........................................................................... 9-1

9.1 Min Ethernet Port Utilization................................................................................ 9-1
9.2 Mean Ethernet Port Utilization ............................................................................. 9-1
9.3 Max Ethernet Port Utilization ............................................................................... 9-1

Chapter 10 XPIC KPIs............................................................................... 10-1

10.1 Max XPI......................................................................................................... 10-1
10.2 Min XPI.......................................................................................................... 10-1
10.3 Time Length of XPI Value Beyond Threshold.................................................... 10-1

Glossary .......................................................................................................... I


SJ-20150804150350-007|2015–09–22 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

About This Manual
This manual describes the KPIs of the ZXMW NR8120 digital microwave system in terms
of definition, unit, statistical object, and statistical period.

Intended Audience
This manual is intended for:
l System engineers
l Testing engineers
l Planning engineers
This manual complies with but not limited to the following standards :

SN Standard No. Standard Name

1 ITU-T G.826 End-to-end error performance parameters and objectives for

international, constant bit-rate digital paths and connections

2 RFC2819 Request for Comments: 2819-Remote Network Monitoring

Management Information Base

3 ITU-T G.828 Error performance parameters and objectives for international,

constant bit rate synchronous digital paths

4 ITU-T G.829 Error performance events for SDH multiplex and regenerator sections

What Is in This Manual

This manual contains the following chapters:

Chapter Summary

Chapter 1, Radio Link KPIs Gives the description, unit, statistics object, and statistics period of the
KPIs related to radio link.

Chapter 2, RF KPIs Gives the description, unit, statistics object, and statistics period of
the RFKPIs.

Chapter 3, ACM Port KPIs Gives the description, unit, statistics object, and statistics period of the
KPIs related to ACM port.

Chapter 4, E1 KPIs Gives the description, unit, statistics object, and statistics period of the
KPIs related to E1.

Chapter 5, Ethernet KPIs Gives the description, unit, statistics object, and statistics period of the
KPIs related to Ethernet and WLETH ports.

Chapter 6, VLAN KPIs Gives the description, unit, statistics object, and statistics period of
the VLAN KPIs.

SJ-20150804150350-007|2015–09–22 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter Summary

Chapter 7, Environment Gives the description, unit, statistics object, and statistics period of the
Temperature KPIs environment temperature KPIs.

Chapter 8, CES KPIs Gives the description, unit, statistics object, and statistics period of
the CES KPIs.

Chapter 9, Wire ETH KPIs Gives the description, unit, statistics object, and statistics period of
the Wire ETH KPIs.

Chapter 10, XPIC KPIs Gives the description, unit, statistics object, and statistics period of
the XPIC KPIs.


SJ-20150804150350-007|2015–09–22 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1
Radio Link KPIs
Table of Contents
RadioLink Availability .................................................................................................1-1
SES ...........................................................................................................................1-2
BBE ...........................................................................................................................1-2
UAS ...........................................................................................................................1-3
Max MSE ...................................................................................................................1-3
Min MSE ....................................................................................................................1-3
Mean MSE .................................................................................................................1-3

1.1 RadioLink Availability

Name RadioLink Availability

Description Radiolink availability within 24 hours (only used on the 24-hour query
tab in the LMT system)

Unit %

Statistical object Radio link

Statistical period 24 hours

1.2 EFS
Name Errored Free Second (EFS)

Description This KPI measures the number of seconds without error blocks in a 15-minute
or 24-hour period.

Unit Seconds

Statistical object Radio link

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours


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ZXMW NR8120A/8120D KPI Reference

1.3 EB
Name Errored Block

Description This KPI measures the number of EBs within 15 minutes or 24 hours, that is,
the EBs containing one or multiple error bits.

Unit Block

Statistical object Radio link

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

1.4 ES
Name Errored Second (ES)

Description This KPI measures the number of seconds during which one or multiple error
bits occur within 15 minutes or 24 hours.

Unit Seconds

Statistical object Radio link

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

1.5 SES
Name Severely Errored Second (SES)

Description This KPI measures the number of seconds during which the percentage of
error blocks of the total blocks is at least 30% within a statistical period (15
minutes or 24 hours).

Unit Seconds

Statistical object Radio link

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

1.6 BBE
Name Background Block Errored (BBE)

Description This KPI measures the number of errored blocks not contained in SES.

Unit Block

Statistical object Radio link

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours


SJ-20150804150350-007|2015–09–22 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Radio Link KPIs

1.7 UAS
Name Unavailable Second (UAS)

Description The UAS status is detected after 10 consecutive SESs occur. The starting time
of UAS is counted from the first second after 10 consecutive SESs occur. When
10 consecutive non-SESs occur, the UAS status is cancelled.
This KPI measures the time from the first second after 10 consecutive SESs
occur to the last second before 10 consecutive non-SESs occur.

Unit Seconds

Statistical object Radio link

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

1.8 Max MSE

Name Max MSE

Description This KPI measures the maximum Mean Square Error (MSE) of the received
signals within a period. In mathematical statistics, MSE refers to the expected
value of the square of the difference between the estimated value and the true
value. It is used to describe the SNR.

Unit dB

Statistical object Radio link

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes, or 24 hours

1.9 Min MSE

Name Min MSE

Description This KPI measures the minimum MSE of the received signals within a period.

Unit dB

Statistical object Radio link

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes, or 24 hours

1.10 Mean MSE

Name Mean MSE

Description This KPI measures the mean MSE of the received signals within a period.

Unit dB


SJ-20150804150350-007|2015–09–22 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXMW NR8120A/8120D KPI Reference

Statistical object Radio link

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes, or 24 hours


SJ-20150804150350-007|2015–09–22 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2
Table of Contents
Min Tx Power .............................................................................................................2-1
Max Tx Power ............................................................................................................2-1
Mean Tx Power ..........................................................................................................2-2
Min Recevived Signal Level .......................................................................................2-2
Max Recevived Signal Level.......................................................................................2-2
Mean Recevived Signal Level ....................................................................................2-2
Percent of RSL Value over the High Threshold...........................................................2-3
Percent of RSL Value under the Low Threshold .........................................................2-3
TLTS ..........................................................................................................................2-4
Anti-Burst Received Signal Level................................................................................2-4
Anti-Fading Received Signal Level .............................................................................2-4

2.1 Min Tx Power

Name Min Tx Power

Description This KPI measures the real-time minimum transmission power, and the
minimum transmission power within 15 minutes or 24 hours.

Unit dBm

Statistical object ODU

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

2.2 Max Tx Power

Name Max Tx Power

Description This KPI measures the real-time maximum transmission power, and the
maximum transmission power within 15 minutes or 24 hours.

Unit dBm

Statistical object ODU

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours


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ZXMW NR8120A/8120D KPI Reference

2.3 Mean Tx Power

Name Mean Tx Power

Description This KPI measures the real-time average transmission power, and the average
transmission power within 15 minutes or 24 hours.

Unit dBm

Statistical object ODU

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

2.4 Min Recevived Signal Level

Name Min Recevived Signal Level

Description This KPI measures the real-time minimum receiving level, and the minimum
receiving level within 15 minutes or 24 hours.

Unit dBm

Statistical object ODU

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

2.5 Max Recevived Signal Level

Name Max Recevived Signal Level

Description This KPI measures the real-time maximum receiving level, and the maximum
receiving level within 15 minutes or 24 hours.

Unit dBm

Statistical object ODU

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

2.6 Mean Recevived Signal Level

Name Mean Recevived Signal Level

Description This KPI measures the real-time average receiving level, and the average
receiving level within 15 minutes or 24 hours.

Unit dBm

Statistical object ODU


SJ-20150804150350-007|2015–09–22 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 RF KPIs

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

2.7 Percent of RSL Value over the High Threshold

Name Percent of RSL Value over the High Threshold

Description This KPI measures the percent of power being higher than the upper power
threshold of ODU. You can set the upper threshold (RSLHighThrshd) through
Performance > Performance Threshold in the LMT window.

Unit %

Statistical object ODU

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

2.8 Percent of RSL Value under the Low Threshold

Name Percent of RSL Value under the Low Threshold

Description This KPI measures the percent of power being lower than the lower power
threshold of ODU. You can set the lower threshold (RSLLowThrshd) through
Performance > Performance Threshold in the LMT window.

Unit %

Statistical object ODU

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

2.9 RLTS-1
Name Time of RSL Value Lower than the Threshold One

Description This KPI measures the duration of the receive level being lower than
ODU receive level threshold1. You can set the RLTS-1 threshold
through Performance > Performance Threshold in the LMT window.

Unit Second

Statistical object ODU

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours


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ZXMW NR8120A/8120D KPI Reference

2.10 RLTS-2
Name Time of RSL Value Lower than the Threshold Two

Description This KPI measures the duration of the receive level being lower than
ODU receive level threshold2. You can set the RLTS-2 threshold
through Performance > Performance Threshold in the LMT window.

Unit Second

Statistical object ODU

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

2.11 TLTS
Name Time of Tx Power Higher than the Threshold

Description This KPI measures the duration of the transmit power being higher than
the threshold. You can set the TLTS threshold through Performance >
Performance Threshold in the LMT window.

Unit Second

Statistical object ODU

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

2.12 Anti-Burst Received Signal Level

Name Anti-Burst Received Signal Level

Description Normally, 99.9% of the receiving level is lower than the value of this KPI. The
smaller the difference between this value and the average value, the smaller
interference of the periodical burst signal.
This KPI measures the threshold value of receiving level larger than 99.9%
of the receiving level.

Unit dBm

Statistical object ODU

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

2.13 Anti-Fading Received Signal Level

Name Anti-Fading Received Signal Level


SJ-20150804150350-007|2015–09–22 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 RF KPIs

Description Normally, 0.1% of the receiving level is lower than the value of this KPI. The
smaller the difference between the average value and this value, the smaller
fading interference of the periodical burst signal. This KPI measures the
threshold value of receiving level smaller than 0.1% of the receiving level.

Unit dBm

Statistical object ODU

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours


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ZXMW NR8120A/8120D KPI Reference

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Chapter 3
The KPIs of Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM) port are counted only after the ACM
function is configured in LMT.
Table of Contents
Working Time Of RX QPSK ........................................................................................3-1
Working Time Of RX 16QAM......................................................................................3-2
Working Time Of RX 32QAM......................................................................................3-2
Working Time Of RX 64QAM .....................................................................................3-2
Working Time Of RX 128QAM....................................................................................3-2
Working Time Of RX 256QAM....................................................................................3-3
Working Time of RX 512QAM.....................................................................................3-3
Working Time of RX 1024QAM...................................................................................3-3
Switch Numbers of RX Modulaiton .............................................................................3-4
Working Time Of TX QPSK .......................................................................................3-4
Working Time Of TX 16QAM ......................................................................................3-4
Working Time Of TX 32QAM ......................................................................................3-5
Working Time Of TX 64QAM ......................................................................................3-5
Working Time Of TX 128QAM ....................................................................................3-5
Working Time Of TX 256QAM ...................................................................................3-5
Working Time of TX 512QAM .....................................................................................3-6
Working Time of TX 1024QAM ..................................................................................3-6
Switch Numbers of TX Modulaiton..............................................................................3-6
Working Time of TX 2048QAM ...................................................................................3-7
Working Time of RX1024QAM Light ...........................................................................3-7
Working Time of TX 1024QAM Light ..........................................................................3-7
Working Time of RX 2048QAM...................................................................................3-7

3.1 Working Time Of RX QPSK

Name Working Time Of RX QPSK

Description This KPI measures the length of time during which the radio link uses
the Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) modulation/demodulation
mode in the receiving direction in the statistical period.

Unit Seconds

Statistical object Radio link

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours


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ZXMW NR8120A/8120D KPI Reference

3.2 Working Time Of RX 16QAM

Name Working Time Of RX 16QAM

Description This KPI measures the length of time during which ODU uses the 16
QAM modulation/demodulation mode in the receiving direction in the
Statistical period.

Unit Seconds

Statistical object Radio link

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

3.3 Working Time Of RX 32QAM

Name Working Time Of RX 32QAM

Description This KPI measures the length of time during which the radio link uses
the 32QAM modulation/demodulation mode in the receiving direction
in the Statistical period.

Unit Seconds

Statistical object Radio link

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

3.4 Working Time Of RX 64QAM

Name Working Time Of RX 64QAM

Description This KPI measures the length of time during which the radio link uses
the 64QAM modulation/demodulation mode in the receiving direction
in the Statistical period.

Unit Seconds

Statistical object Radio link

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

3.5 Working Time Of RX 128QAM

Name Working Time Of RX 128QAM


SJ-20150804150350-007|2015–09–22 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 ACM Port KPIs

Description This KPI measures the length of time during which the radio link uses
the 128QAM modulation/demodulation mode in the receiving direction
in the Statistical period.

Unit Seconds

Statistical object Radio link

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

3.6 Working Time Of RX 256QAM

Name Working Time Of RX 256QAM

Description This KPI measures the length of time during which the radio link uses
the 256QAM modulation/demodulation mode in the receiving direction
in the Statistical period.

Unit Seconds

Statistical object Radio link

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

3.7 Working Time of RX 512QAM

Name Working Time of RX 512QAM

Description This KPI measures the length of time during which the radio link uses
the 512QAM modulation/demodulation mode in the receiving direction
in the statistical period.

Unit Second

Statistical object Radio link

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

3.8 Working Time of RX 1024QAM

Name Working Time of RX 1024QAM

Description This KPI measures the length of time during which the radio link
uses the 1024QAM modulation/demodulation mode in the receiving
direction in the statistical period.

Unit Second


SJ-20150804150350-007|2015–09–22 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXMW NR8120A/8120D KPI Reference

Statistical object Radio link

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

3.9 Switch Numbers of RX Modulaiton

Name Switch Numbers of RX Modulaiton

Description This KPI measures the number of modulation/demodulation mode

switchovers of the radio link in the receiving direction during the
Statistical period.

Unit Number of

Statistical object Radio link

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

3.10 Working Time Of TX QPSK

Name Working Time Of TX QPSK

Description This KPI measures the length of time during which the radio link uses
the QPSK modulation/demodulation mode in the transmitting direction
in the Statistical period.

Unit Seconds

Statistical object Radio link

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

3.11 Working Time Of TX 16QAM

Name Working Time Of TX 16QAM

Description This KPI measures the length of time during which the radio link
uses the 16QAM modulation/demodulation mode in the transmitting
direction in the Statistical period.

Unit Seconds

Statistical object Radio link

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours


SJ-20150804150350-007|2015–09–22 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 ACM Port KPIs

3.12 Working Time Of TX 32QAM

Name Working Time Of TX 32QAM

Description This KPI measures the length of time during which the radio link
uses the 32QAM modulation/demodulation mode in the transmitting
direction in the Statistical period.

Unit Seconds

Statistical object Radio link

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

3.13 Working Time Of TX 64QAM

Name Working Time Of TX 64QAM

Description This KPI measures the length of time during which the radio link
uses the 64QAM modulation/demodulation mode in the transmitting
direction in the Statistical period.

Unit Seconds

Statistical object Radio link

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

3.14 Working Time Of TX 128QAM

Name Working Time Of TX 128QAM

Description This KPI measures the length of time during which the radio link
uses the 128QAM modulation/demodulation mode in the transmitting
direction in the Statistical period.

Unit Seconds

Statistical object Radio link

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

3.15 Working Time Of TX 256QAM

Name Working Time Of TX 256QAM


SJ-20150804150350-007|2015–09–22 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXMW NR8120A/8120D KPI Reference

Description This KPI measures the length of time during which the radio link
uses the 256QAM modulation/demodulation mode in the transmitting
direction in the Statistical period.

Unit Seconds

Statistical object Radio link

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

3.16 Working Time of TX 512QAM

Name Working Time of TX 512QAM

Description This KPI measures the length of time during which the radio link
uses the 512QAM modulation/demodulation mode in the transmitting
direction in the statistical period.

Unit Second

Statistical object Radio link

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

3.17 Working Time of TX 1024QAM

Name Working Time of TX 1024QAM

Description This KPI measures the length of time during which the radio link uses
the 1024QAM modulation/demodulation mode in the transmitting
direction in the statistical period.

Unit Second

Statistical object Radio link

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

3.18 Switch Numbers of TX Modulaiton

Name Switch Numbers of TX Modulaiton

Description This KPI measures the number of modulation/demodulation mode

switchovers of the radio link in the transmitting direction during the
Statistical period.

Unit Number of

Statistical object Radio link


SJ-20150804150350-007|2015–09–22 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 ACM Port KPIs

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

3.19 Working Time of TX 2048QAM

Name Working Time of TX 2048QAM

Description This KPI indicates the duration in which the sending end modulation is 2048

Unit s

Statistical object Radio Link

Statistical period period 15 minutes or 24 hours

3.20 Working Time of RX1024QAM Light

Name Working Time of RX1024QAM Light

Description This KPI indicates the duration in which the receiving end modulation is 1024
QAM Light.

Unit s

Statistical object Radio Link

Statistical period period 15 minutes or 24 hours

3.21 Working Time of TX 1024QAM Light

Name Working Time of TX 1024QAM Light

Description This KPI indicates the duration in which the sending end modulation is 1024
QAM Light.

Unit s

Statistical object Radio Link

Statistical period period 15 minutes or 24 hours

3.22 Working Time of RX 2048QAM

Name Working Time of RX 2048QAM


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ZXMW NR8120A/8120D KPI Reference

Description This KPI indicates the duration in which the receiving end modulation is 2048

Unit s

Statistical object Radio Link

Statistical period period 15 minutes or 24 hours


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Chapter 4
Table of Contents
E1 BER ......................................................................................................................4-1

4.1 E1 BER
Name E1 BER

Description This KPI measures the number of times when bit error occurs on E1 port.

Unit Number of

Statistical object E1 electrical port on RTEA or RTEB board

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours


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Chapter 5
Ethernet KPIs
Table of Contents
Ethernet Port KPIs......................................................................................................5-1
Radio ETH KPIs .........................................................................................................5-9

5.1 Ethernet Port KPIs

5.1.1 Total Receive Bytes
Name Total Receive Bytes

Description This KPI measures the number of octets of normal frames received at the ETH
port towards ODU or at the network port.
l Octets in error packets are included.
l FCS octets are included.
l The preamble sequence is excluded.

Unit Number of

Statistical object Optical and electrical ETH ports on RCMUA board

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

5.1.2 Total Transmit Bytes

Name Total Transmit Bytes

Description This KPI measures the number of octets of normal frames sent at the ETH port
towards ODU or at the network port.
l Octets in error packets are included.
l FCS octets are included.
l The preamble sequence is excluded.

Unit Number of

Statistical object Optical and electrical ETH ports on RCMUA board

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours


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ZXMW NR8120A/8120D KPI Reference

5.1.3 Total Receive Packets

Name Total Receive Packets

Description This KPI measures the number of frames received at the ETH port from ODU or
at the network port, including error frames.

Unit Number of

Statistical object Optical and electrical ETH ports on RCMUA board

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

5.1.4 Total Transmit Packets

Name Total Transmit Packets

Description This KPI measures the number of frames sent at the ETH port from ODU or at
the network port, including error frames.

Unit Number of

Statistical object Optical and electrical ETH ports on RCMUA board

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

5.1.5 Undersize Packets Received

Name Undersize Packets Received

Description This KPI measures the number of frames received at the ETH port from ODU
or at the network port, of which the frame length is smaller than 64 octets and
the FCS check is valid.

Unit Number of

Statistical object Optical and electrical ETH ports on RCMUA board

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

5.1.6 Packets = 64 Octets Received

Name Packets = 64 Octets Received

Description This KPI measures the number of frames, of which the frame length is 64
octets, received at the ETH port from ODU or at the network port, including
the error frame.

Unit Number of

Statistical object Optical and electrical ETH ports on RCMUA board


SJ-20150804150350-007|2015–09–22 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Ethernet KPIs

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

5.1.7 Packets = 64 Octets Transmitted

Name Packets = 64 Octets Transmitted

Description This KPI measures the number of frames, of which the frame length is 64 octets,
sent at the ETH port from ODU or at the network port, including the error frame.

Unit Number of

Statistical object Optical and electrical ETH ports on RCMUA board

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

5.1.8 Packets 65~127 Octets Received

Name Packets 65~127 Octets Received

Description This KPI measures the number of frames, of which the frame length is 65 to
127 octets, received at the ETH port from ODU or at the network port, including
the error frame.

Unit Number of

Statistical object Optical and electrical ETH ports on RCMUA board

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

5.1.9 Packets 65~127 Octets Transmitted

Name Packets 65~127 Octets Transmitted

Description This KPI measures the number of frames, of which the frame length is 65 to
127 octets, sent at the ETH port from ODU or at the network port, including
the error frame.

Unit Number of

Statistical object Optical and electrical ETH ports on RCMUA board

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

5.1.10 Packets 128~255 Octets Received

Name Packets 128~255 Octets Received


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ZXMW NR8120A/8120D KPI Reference

Description This KPI measures the number of frames, of which the frame length is 128 to
255 octets, received at the ETH port from ODU or at the network port, including
the error frame.

Unit Number of

Statistical object Optical and electrical ETH ports on RCMUA board

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

5.1.11 Packets 128~255 Octets Transmitted

Name Packets 128~255 Octets Transmitted

Description This KPI measures the number of frames, of which the frame length is 128 to
255 octets, sent at the ETH port from ODU or at the network port, including
the error frame.

Unit Number of

Statistical object Optical and electrical ETH ports on RCMUA board

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

5.1.12 Packets 256~511 Octets Received

Name Packets 256~511 Octets Received

Description This KPI measures the number of frames, of which the frame length is 256 to
511 octets, received at the ETH port from ODU or at the network port, including
the error frame.

Unit Number of

Statistical object Optical and electrical ETH ports on RCMUA board

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

5.1.13 Packets 256~511 Octets Transmitted

Name Packets 256~511 Octets Transmitted

Description This KPI measures the number of frames, of which the frame length is 256 to
511 octets, sent at the ETH port from ODU or at the network port, including
the error frame.

Unit Number of

Statistical object Optical and electrical ETH ports on RCMUA board

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours


SJ-20150804150350-007|2015–09–22 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Ethernet KPIs

5.1.14 Packets 512~1023 Octets Received

Name Packets 512~1023 Octets Received

Description This KPI measures the number of frames, of which the frame length is 512
to 1023 octets, received at the ETH port from ODU or at the network port,
including the error frame.

Unit Number of

Statistical object Optical and electrical ETH ports on RCMUA board

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

5.1.15 Packets 512~1023 Octets Transmitted

Name Packets 512~1023 Octets Transmitted

Description This KPI measures the number of frames, of which the frame length is 512 to
1023 octets, sent at the ETH port from ODU or at the network port, including
the error frame.

Unit Number of

Statistical object Optical and electrical ETH ports on RCMUA board

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

5.1.16 Packets 1024~1518 Octets Received

Name Packets 1024~1518 Octets Received

Description This KPI measures the number of frames, of which the frame length is 1024
to 1518 octets, received at the ETH port from ODU or at the network port,
including the error frame.

Unit Number of

Statistical object Optical and electrical ETH ports on RCMUA board

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

5.1.17 Packets 1024~1518 Octets Transmitted

Name Packets 1024~1518 Octets Transmitted

Description This KPI measures the number of frames, of which the frame length is 1024 to
1518 octets, sent at the ETH port from ODU or at the network port, including
the error frame.

Unit Number of


SJ-20150804150350-007|2015–09–22 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXMW NR8120A/8120D KPI Reference

Statistical object Optical and electrical ETH ports on RCMUA board

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

5.1.18 FCS Packets Received

Name FCS Packets Received

Description This KPI measures the number of CRC error frames received at the ETH port
from ODU or at the network port, including only the frames with length of 64 to
1518 octets.

Unit Number of

Statistical object Optical and electrical ETH ports on RCMUA board

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

5.1.19 Oversize Packets Received

Name Oversize Packets Received

Description This KPI measures the number of frames received at the ETH port from ODU
or at the network port, of which the frame length is greater than 1518 octets
and the FCS check is valid.

Unit Number of

Statistical object Optical and electrical ETH ports on RCMUA board

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

5.1.20 Jabber Packets Received

Name Jabber Packets Received

Description This KPI measures the number of frames received at the ETH port from ODU
or at the network port, of which the frame length is greater than 1518 octets
and the FCS check is invalid.

Unit Number of

Statistical object Optical and electrical ETH ports on RCMUA board

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours


SJ-20150804150350-007|2015–09–22 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Ethernet KPIs

5.1.21 Broadcast Packets Received

Name Broadcast Packets Received

Description This KPI measures the number of broadcast frames received at the ETH port
from ODU or at the network port, excluding error frames and multicast frames.

Unit Number of

Statistical object Optical and electrical ETH ports on RCMUA board

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

5.1.22 Broadcast Packets Transmitted

Name Broadcast Packets Transmitted

Description This KPI measures the number of broadcast frames sent at the ETH port from
ODU or at the network port, excluding error frames and multicast frames.

Unit Number of

Statistical object Optical and electrical ETH ports on RCMUA board

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

5.1.23 Multicast Packets Received

Name Multicast Packets Received

Description This KPI measures the number of multicast frames received at the ETH port
from ODU or at the network port, excluding error frames and broadcast frames.

Unit Number of

Statistical object Optical and electrical ETH ports on RCMUA board

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

5.1.24 Multicast Packets Transmitted

Name Multicast Packets Transmitted

Description This KPI measures the number of multicast frames sent at the ETH port from
ODU or at the network port, excluding error frames and broadcast frames.

Unit Number of

Statistical object Optical and electrical ETH ports on RCMUA board

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours


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ZXMW NR8120A/8120D KPI Reference

5.1.25 Rx Filter Discard Packets

Name Rx Filter Discard Packets

Description This KPI measures the number of filtered-out frames at the ingress of the ETH
port from ODU or the network port, including RxQosDiscard frames.

Unit Number of

Statistical object Optical and electrical ETH interfaces on the RCUB, RTUH, or RTUN board

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

5.1.26 Pause Packets Received

Name Pause Packets Received

Description This KPI measures the number of PAUSE packets due to excessive traffic,
received at the ETH port from ODU or at the network port.

Unit Frame

Statistical object Electrical and optical ETH interfaces on the RCUB, RTUH, and RTUN boards

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes, or 24 hours

5.1.27 Pause Packets Transmit

Name Pause Packets Transmit

Description This KPI measures the number of PAUSE packets due to excessive traffic,
transmitted at the ETH port from ODU or at the network port.

Unit Frame

Statistical object Electrical and optical ETH interfaces on the RCUB, RTUH, and RTUN boards

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes, or 24 hours

5.1.28 Oversize Packets Transmit

Name Oversize Packets Transmit

Description This KPI measures the number of frames, of which the frame length is greater
than 1518 octets and the FCS check is valid, transmitted at the ETH port from
ODU or at the network port.

Unit Frame

Statistical object Electrical and optical ETH interfaces on the RCUB, RTUH, and RTUN boards

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes, or 24 hours


SJ-20150804150350-007|2015–09–22 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Ethernet KPIs

5.1.29 Fragments Packets Received

Name Fragments Packets Received

Description This KPI measures the number of frames, of which the frame length is 64
octets and the FCS check is invalid, received at the ETH port from ODU or at
the network port.

Unit Frame

Statistical object Electrical and optical ETH interfaces on the RCUB, RTUH, and RTUN boards

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes, or 24 hours

5.2 Radio ETH KPIs

5.2.1 Max Ethernet Throughput
Name Max Ethernet Throughput

Description This KPI measures the maximum throughput of Ethernet frames sent to ODU
within a statistical period.

Unit Mbps

Statistical object Radio ETH interface

Statistical period 15 minutes or 24 hours

5.2.2 Min Ethernet Throughput

Name Min Ethernet Throughput

Description This KPI measures the minimum throughput of Ethernet frames sent to ODU
within a statistical period.

Unit Mbps

Statistical object Radio ETH interface

Statistical period 15 minutes or 24 hours

5.2.3 Mean Ethernet Throughput

Name Mean Ethernet Throughput

Description This KPI measures the average throughput of Ethernet frames sent to ODU
within a statistical period.

Unit Mbps


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ZXMW NR8120A/8120D KPI Reference

Statistical object Radio ETH interface

Statistical period 15 minutes or 24 hours

5.2.4 Max Ethernet Capacity

Name Max Ethernet Capacity

Description This KPI measures the maximum capacity of radio links allocated for Ethernet
serviceswithin a statistical period.

Unit Mbps

Statistical object Radio ETH interface

Statistical period 15 minutes or 24 hours

5.2.5 Min Ethernet Capacity

Name Min Ethernet Capacity

Description This KPI measures the minimum capacity of radio links allocated for Ethernet
serviceswithin a statistical period.

Unit Mbps

Statistical object Radio ETH interface

Statistical period 15 minutes or 24 hours

5.2.6 Mean Ethernet Capacity

Name Mean Ethernet Capacity

Description This KPI measures the average capacity of radio links allocated for Ethernet
serviceswithin a statistical period.

Unit Mbps

Statistical object Radio ETH interface

Statistical period 15 minutes or 24 hours

5.2.7 Max Ethernet Utilization

Name Max Ethernet Utilization


SJ-20150804150350-007|2015–09–22 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Ethernet KPIs

Description This KPI measures the maximum utilization of Ethernet services in the radio link.
The equipment calculates the utilization every second, and gets the maximum
value within a statistical period.

Unit %

Statistical object Radio ETH interface

Statistical period 15 minutes or 24 hours

5.2.8 Min Ethernet Utilization

Name Min Ethernet Utilization

Description This KPI measures the minimum utilization of Ethernet services in the radio link.
The equipment calculates the utilization every second, and gets the minimum
value within a statistical period.

Unit %

Statistical object Radio ETH interface

Statistical period 15 minutes or 24 hours

5.2.9 UtilizationMean
Name UtilizationMean

Description This KPI measures the range of average utilization of Ethernet services in
the radio link.
The equipment calculates the utilization every second, and gets the average
value in a statistics period, and decides an appropriate range for the value. The
available ranges are 0–20, 20–40, 40–60, 60–80, and 80–100.

Unit %

Statistical object Ethernet transmitting object on RCMUA or RMEA board

Statistical period 15 minutes or 24 hours

5.2.10 Ethernet Utilization Over High ThreshHold Time

Name Ethernet Utilization Over High ThreshHold Time

Description This KPI indicates the duration in which the radio link bandwidth usage is higher
than the upper threshold within a statistical period.

Unit s

Statistical object ETH ports of the radio link


SJ-20150804150350-007|2015–09–22 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXMW NR8120A/8120D KPI Reference

Statistical period period 15 minutes or 24 hours


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Chapter 6
Table of Contents
Per VLAN Domain RX Frames ...................................................................................6-1
Per VLAN Domain RX Max Throughput......................................................................6-1
Per VLAN Domain RX Min Throughtput......................................................................6-2
Per VLAN Domain RX Mean Throughput ...................................................................6-2
Per VLAN Domain RX Max Utilization ........................................................................6-2
Per VLAN Domain RX Min Utilization .........................................................................6-2
Per VLAN Domain RX Mean Utilization ......................................................................6-3

6.1 Per VLAN Domain RX Frames

Name Per VLAN Domain RX Frames

Description This KIP indicates the total number of frames received by the specified VLAN
Domain within a statistical period. (Only the VLANs whose VLAN Domain/ID
and port number are specified by the user are measured in the statistical period.
Up to 8 VLANs can be measured.)

Unit Frame

Statistical object ETH ports

Statistical period period 15 minutes or 24 hours

6.2 Per VLAN Domain RX Max Throughput

Name Per VLAN Domain RX Max Throughput

Description This KPI indicates the maximum throughput of the specified VLAN Domain in
the receiving direction within a statistical period.

Unit Mbps

Statistical object ETH ports

Statistical period period 15 minutes or 24 hours


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ZXMW NR8120A/8120D KPI Reference

6.3 Per VLAN Domain RX Min Throughtput

Name Per VLAN Domain RX Min Throughtput

Description This KPI indicates the minimum throughput of the specified VLAN Domain in
the receiving direction within a statistical period.

Unit Mbps

Statistical object ETH ports

Statistical period period 15 minutes or 24 hours

6.4 Per VLAN Domain RX Mean Throughput

Name Per VLAN Domain RX Mean Throughput

Description This KPI indicates the average throughput of the specified VLAN Domain in the
receiving direction within a statistical period.

Unit Mbps

Statistical object ETH ports

Statistical period period 15 minutes or 24 hours

6.5 Per VLAN Domain RX Max Utilization

Name Per VLAN Domain RX Max Utilization

Description This KPI indicates the maximum bandwidth usage of the specified VLAN
Domain in the receiving direction within a statistical period.

Unit %

Statistical object ETH ports

Statistical period period 15 minutes or 24 hours

6.6 Per VLAN Domain RX Min Utilization

Name Per VLAN Domain RX Min Utilization

Description This KPI indicates the minimum bandwidth usage of the specified VLAN Domain
in the receiving direction within a statistical period.

Unit %

Statistical object ETH ports


SJ-20150804150350-007|2015–09–22 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 6 VLAN KPIs

Statistical period period 15 minutes or 24 hours

6.7 Per VLAN Domain RX Mean Utilization

Name Per VLAN Domain RX Mean Utilization

Description This KPI indicates the average bandwidth usage of the specified VLAN Domain
in the receiving direction within a statistical period.

Unit %

Statistical object ETH ports

Statistical period period 15 minutes or 24 hours


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ZXMW NR8120A/8120D KPI Reference

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Chapter 7
Environment Temperature
Table of Contents
Max Environment Temperature...................................................................................7-1
Min Environment Temperature....................................................................................7-1
Mean Environment Temperature.................................................................................7-2
Max CPU Utilization ...................................................................................................7-2
Min CPU Utilization ....................................................................................................7-2
Mean CPU Utilization .................................................................................................7-2
Max Memory Utilization ..............................................................................................7-3
Min Memory Utilization ...............................................................................................7-3
Mean Memory Utilization ............................................................................................7-3

7.1 Max Environment Temperature

Name Max Environment Temperature

Description This KPI measures the maximum value of temperatures at the air inlet for the
fan within a period.

Unit K (Kelvin degree = Celsius degree + 273.15)

Statistical object Temperatures at the air inlet for the fan

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

7.2 Min Environment Temperature

Name Min Environment Temperature

Description This KPI measures the minimum value of temperatures at the air inlet for the
fan within a period.

Unit K

Statistical object Temperatures at the air inlet for the fan

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours


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ZXMW NR8120A/8120D KPI Reference

7.3 Mean Environment Temperature

Name Mean Environment Temperature

Description This KPI measures the average value of temperatures at the air inlet for the
fan within a period.

Unit K

Statistical object Temperatures at the air inlet for the fan

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

7.4 Max CPU Utilization

Name Max CPU Utilization

Description This KPI measures the maximum CPU utilization within a statistical period.

Unit %

Statistical object CPU usage of the main control board

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes, or 24 hours

7.5 Min CPU Utilization

Name Min CPU Utilization

Description This KPI measures the minimum CPU utilization within a statistical period.

Unit %

Statistical object CPU usage of the main control board

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes, or 24 hours

7.6 Mean CPU Utilization

Name Mean CPU Utilization

Description This KPI measures the mean CPU utilization within a statistical period.

Unit %

Statistical object CPU usage of the main control board

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes, or 24 hours


SJ-20150804150350-007|2015–09–22 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 7 Environment Temperature KPIs

7.7 Max Memory Utilization

Name Max Memory Utilization

Description This KPI measures the maximum memory utilization within a statistical period.

Unit %

Statistical object Memory usage of the main control board

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes, or 24 hours

7.8 Min Memory Utilization

Name Min Memory Utilization

Description This KPI measures the minimum memory utilization within a statistical period.

Unit %

Statistical object Memory usage of the main control board

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes, or 24 hours

7.9 Mean Memory Utilization

Name Mean Memory Utilization

Description This KPI measures the mean memory utilization within a statistical period.

Unit %

Statistical object Memory usage of the main control board

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes, or 24 hours


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ZXMW NR8120A/8120D KPI Reference

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Chapter 8
Table of Contents
CESoETH Frames Transmitted ..................................................................................8-1
Payload Octets Transmitted .......................................................................................8-1
CESoETH Frames Received ......................................................................................8-1
Payload Octets Received ...........................................................................................8-2
Lost Frames ...............................................................................................................8-2
Re-Ordered Frames ...................................................................................................8-2
Malformed Frames .....................................................................................................8-3
Jitter Buffer Overruns .................................................................................................8-3

8.1 CESoETH Frames Transmitted

Name CESoETH Frames Transmitted

Description This KPI measures the number of CESoETH frames transmitted from the
sending end within a statistical period.

Unit Frame

Statistical object Circuit emulation service

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes, or 24 hours

8.2 Payload Octets Transmitted

Name Payload Octets Transmitted

Description This KPI measures the number of CESoETH payload octets transmitted from
the sending end within a statistical period.

Unit Byte

Statistical object Circuit emulation service

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes, or 24 hours

8.3 CESoETH Frames Received

Name CESoETH Frames Received


SJ-20150804150350-007|2015–09–22 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXMW NR8120A/8120D KPI Reference

Description This KPI measures the number of CESoETH frames received by the receiving
end within a statistical period.

Unit Frame

Statistical object Circuit emulation service

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes, or 24 hours

8.4 Payload Octets Received

Name Payload Octets Received

Description This KPI measures the number of CESoETH payload octets received by the
receiving end within a statistical period.

Unit Byte

Statistical object Circuit emulation service

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes, or 24 hours

8.5 Lost Frames

Name Lost Frames

Description This KPI measures the number of lost CES frames within a statistical period.
Disordered and lost CESoETH frames can be detected through the frame
number, RTP header, or control word. The system first re-arranges the
disordered CESoETH frames, and drops these frames if the re-arrangement
This KPI measures the total number of lost CESoETH frames and those
dropped due to re-arrangement failure.

Unit Frame

Statistical object Circuit emulation service

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes, or 24 hours

8.6 Re-Ordered Frames

Name Re-Ordered Frames


SJ-20150804150350-007|2015–09–22 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 8 CES KPIs

Description This KPI measures the number of re-ordered CES frames within a statistical
Disordered and lost CESoETH frames can be detected through the frame
number, RTP header, or control word. The system first re-arranges the
disordered CESoETH frames. If the re-arrangement succeeds, the frames
are counted as re-ordered frames. If the re-arrangement fails, the frames are
counted as lost frames.

Unit Frame

Statistical object Circuit emulation service

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes, or 24 hours

8.7 Malformed Frames

Name Malformed Frames

Description This KPI measures the number of malformed CES frames received within a
statistical period.
If the CESoETH frame’s defect indicator L is equal to 0, the included TDM data
is valid and the payload number can be determined.
If the actually received payload number is different from that defined, the frame
is a malformed frame.

Unit Frame

Statistical object Circuit emulation service

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes, or 24 hours

8.8 Jitter Buffer Overruns

Name Jitter Buffer Overruns

Description This KPI measures the number of CES frames overflowed from the jitter buffer.
The jitter buffer stores the data from CESoETH frames to eliminate delay jitter
of CESoETH frames.
The system extracts data from the jitter buffer in a fixed rate and converts the
data into TDM data.
If the delay jitter of the CESoETH frames is too large, the jitter buffer may fail to
store the latest valid CESoETH frames. As a result, the jitter buffer overflows.
If the jitter buffer overflows, the system discards the CESoETH frames that
fail to access the jitter buffer.

Unit Frame

Statistical object Circuit emulation service


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ZXMW NR8120A/8120D KPI Reference

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes, or 24 hours


SJ-20150804150350-007|2015–09–22 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 9
Table of Contents
Min Ethernet Port Utilization .......................................................................................9-1
Mean Ethernet Port Utilization ....................................................................................9-1
Max Ethernet Port Utilization ......................................................................................9-1

9.1 Min Ethernet Port Utilization

Name Min Ethernet Port Utilization

Description This KPI indicates the minimum usage of Ethernet interfaces within a statistical

Unit %

Statistical object ETH ports of the wire link

Statistical period period 15 minutes or 24 hours

9.2 Mean Ethernet Port Utilization

Name Mean Ethernet Port Utilization

Description This KPI indicates the average usage of Ethernet interfaces within a statistical

Unit %

Statistical object ETH ports of the wire link

Statistical period period 15 minutes or 24 hours

9.3 Max Ethernet Port Utilization

Name Max Ethernet Port Utilization

Description This KPI indicates the maximum usage of Ethernet interfaces within a statistical

Unit %

Statistical object ETH ports of the wire link


SJ-20150804150350-007|2015–09–22 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXMW NR8120A/8120D KPI Reference

Statistical period period 15 minutes or 24 hours


SJ-20150804150350-007|2015–09–22 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 10
Table of Contents
Max XPI ...................................................................................................................10-1
Min XPI ....................................................................................................................10-1
Time Length of XPI Value Beyond Threshold............................................................10-1

10.1 Max XPI

Name Max XPI

Description This KPI measures the maximum value of XPI within a period.

Unit dB

Statistical object XPIC

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

10.2 Min XPI

Name Min XPI

Description This KPI measures the minimum value of XPI within a period.

Unit dB

Statistical object XPIC

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours

10.3 Time Length of XPI Value Beyond Threshold

Name Time Length of XPI Value Beyond Threshold

Description This KPI indicates the duration in which the XPI is higher than the threshold
within a period.

Unit s

Statistical object XPIC

Statistical period Real time, 15 minutes or 24 hours


SJ-20150804150350-007|2015–09–22 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXMW NR8120A/8120D KPI Reference

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SJ-20150804150350-007|2015–09–22 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

- Adaptive Coding and Modulation
- Background Block Error
- Circuit Emulation Service
- Central Processing Unit
- Errored Block
- Error Free Second
- Errored Second
- Key Performance Indicator

- Mean Square Error

- Outdoor Unit
- Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
- Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
- Radio Frequency
- Radio Traffic Expansion A
- Radio Traffic Expansion B

- Severely Errored Second
- Unavailable Second

SJ-20150804150350-007|2015–09–22 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXMW NR8120A/8120D KPI Reference

- Virtual Local Area Network


SJ-20150804150350-007|2015–09–22 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

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