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CADian 2010

User’s Guide for xtable

(Linked with EXCEL) (주)CADian Soft

* This is valid for Patch 4.04 or later Ver. of CADian2010.

xTable User’s Guide
[1] To insert EXCEL table at CADian

1. Load the table to insert in CADian after execute MS-EXCEL.

2. Select all the area.

And then, copying with pressing the CTRL+C or select the copy menu through the
mouse right-end button.
3. Enter i(import) after enter ‘ xtable’ at CADian command line.

4. Click [Confirm] after indicate [Option] if is shows the [EXCEL import] Window

The text setting on upper-end :

Indicate the layer, color and style of the table text to make at CADian.
The grid setting on lower-end :
Indicate the layer and color of table line.

5. Indicate the location to make the table if it shows the [point : ] prompt at command
line. The location must be the upper left-end of table.
6. Now it’ s inserted a table as shows below if it’ s done.
[2] To insert CAD data at Excel

1. Load the dwg file to be inserted in EXCEL.

2. Execute E(export) option after exter ‘ xtable’ at CADian command line.

3. Select the table through drag if ask the table area.

4. Click [Excel Print] button after indicate [Option] if it shows [Excel Export] window
as below.

Font setting on the upper-end : Set the font type and scale to be pasted on Excel.
Text color on the lower-end : Mapping the text color of CADian and the text color to be
pasted on Excel.
Table scale in the lower-end : Change the scale of table to be pasted on Excel.
(Ex: The table will be inserted to long horizontal direction if indicate to Column=3.0)

5. The table will be inserted in Excel as below.

1. The diagonal line will be bypassed be at table.
2. The entities alike the line, rectangle or circle in the table ,also, bypassed.
3. The spacing words of the text will be entered as original’ s.
4. The special marks or texts will be entered as original’ s.

* Tech support

If you have any questions or help, please send mail or call to below ;

. e-mail :
. telephone : 82-70-8240-4291

* Note : This document can be changed for improvement without notice.

CADian Soft Limited

301, Daerung Techno 3cha, Gasan-dong, Gumchun-gu, Seoul, 153-772, Korea
Ph. 82(2)323-0286 / Fax 82(2)2107-3286

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