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This ship gives off a foul srr_iell which

The prow of this ship is covered in In ~reparati?n for battle, the reeking,
floats downwind as a choking clo':1d. Flies cover this ship like a cloud, and
Using the range ruler, any ships writhing, slime-coated tentacles . rotting warriors of Nurgle coat their
which grope and grasp with grinding weapons with an evil, green slime numerous hideous diseases run rife
"thin 9" and downwind of the onboard. Any vessel that comes too
:nch suffer a -1 on boarding action suckers. that withers and melts flesh on
contact. near runs the risk of catching the
dice rolls as the crew is sickened by The tentacles have a 3" range and plague.
the foul odour and cannot fight to may be used once per Battle Phase. Before starting a boarding action, roll
their full potential. Roll a dice; on a score of 6, the target a dice for each crew counter on the Any ship which comes into contact
ship loses one crew counter as the enemy ship; on a score of 5 or 6 the with this ship must roll a dice; on a
screaming sailors are plucked from crew is killed by poisoned arrows and score of 6, one crew counter is
the deck and ripped limb from limb. the counter is removed. removed as the sailors succumb to
Nurgle's Rot.



This ship has a forward-firing This ship is covered in thick, warty
catapult loaded with slime and growths that glisten with a hideous As this ship approaches its target, a
rotting filth. It may fire once per battle slime. huge toad-like mouth opens at its
and has a 9" range. Roll to hit as a prow, vomiting a torrent of caustic,
These scale-like nodules add +1 to all foul-smelling bile at the target.
catapult. A 1 misses. Any area hit
the ship's saving throws.
takes 1 point of damage. The blast has a range of 6" and uses a
Roll for the rot spreading imme- plague trail template. It is always
diately, using the fire spreading table. aimed low, is a 3 dice attack, and has
Any area it spreads to must rr_iake a a saving throw modifier of -2.
saving throw or take a pomt of
damage. Roll for each area t~e rot
spreads to until it either tries . to
spread to an area it cannot, remams
still, re-infects a rotten area, or the
whole ship is affected.


The first time the crew of this ship In any one boarding action in the BLOODTHROWER
engage in a boarding action, they are game, the Captain of this ship may This ship has a huge fanged cannon This ship bears a bronze bull's skull
enraged by a violent bloodlust that goad his warriors into a frenzy of mounted on its prow that is linked by as a figurehead. The sweeping horns
lets them ignore wounds and injuries bloodlust. With no regard for their some infernal device to a tank of a of this skull are viciously barbed, so
which would kill normal men. own safety, they hurl themselves at coagulated, blood-like substance trult that they will hold fast onto whatever
the enemy, even if heavily out- gushes out of the cannon and they strike.
Any crew counter that is 'killed' in
the action ignore its wounds on a roll numbered; add an extra +1 to the splatters the decks and crew of its When moving into a boarding action,
boarding action dice roll for . every target. Whatever this foul liquid the figurehead's horns inflict 1 point
of 4, 5 or 6, and may carry on fighting.
However, at the end of the battle roll crew counter from this ship taking comes into contact with is set alight. of damage to a random low area. The
a dice for each surviving crew part. The Bloodthrower makes a one dice area struck gets a saving throw as
counter - on a 5 or 6 it dies from its attack with a range of 6". It is aimed normal. If the save is failed, the target
wounds as the bloodlust recedes. and fired like a normal cannon, with a vessel is locked in place and may only
result of 1 being a miss. Any area hit be released if it wins a boarding
must make a saving roll or be set action and then rolls a 6 on a dice, or
alight; place a blaze marker on the if the Chaos player allows it to be
area and roll for spreading during the released.


This ship is armed with the Bludgeon This ship's prow bears a hideous This ship is covered from stern to
The hideous, bronze Daemon's face
of I<home, a great iron-shod hammer skull of immense proportions. As this stem with thick bronze and iron
mounted in its bows. When this mounted at the prow of this ship
vessel closes with its victim to make a bellows and roars in anger as the plates and bands that bear the
vessel initiates a boarding action with boarding action, the mouth of this hideous devices of I<horne: These
the enemy, the Bludgeon is released ve&Sel charges towards its enemy.
skull opens wide, revealing rows of When in range, great gouts of searing beaten panels are said to be made
and smashes into the target's hull, gleaming steel fangs that rend and from the melted-down armour and
making a 1 dice attack against a flame issue from the Daemon's
gouge chunks from the target, mouth, scorching and burning its shields of vanquished foes, and add
random low location. All saves made inflicting great damage. greatly to the ship's strength.
against the Bludgeon's attack are at opponent.
-1. The skull attacks a random low The Flaming Prow has a range of 6" All low area5 of this ship can take an
location, doing a 1 dice attack. If the and is aimed like a normal weapor,i. It extra point of damage before being
attack succeeds (i.e. causes some makes a 1 dice attack, and any area destroyed.
damage), the target is gripped by the hit must make a saving roll or be set
skull's jaws and must roll a 6 in any ablaze; place a blaze marker on the
attempt to break away from the area and roll for fire spreading during
boarding action. the End Phase.
This ship is painted in a blinding A deafening cacophony of dashing
EMBRACE OF DOOM The warping powers of this ship :row
pattern of magical colours that shift sound~ can be hear~ from this ship. This ~hip l:'ulses and quivers with a confusion in the minds of warnors,
Some~es harmoruc melodies gain fo~ life of its own. During a boarding turning friend against friend.
and blend as the vessel moves. This
supenonty, only to be quashed by action, the ship attacks the enemy The Lure of Slaanesh has a range of
masks the actual shape of the ship,
atonal rumblings in the ever- ve~sel. At the start of each round the 12" and is played on a single enemy.
making it a difficult target to shoot.
changing morass of sound. Listeners ships remain engaged, roll a dice:
Any ship wishing to fire at this vessel Roll a dice for each crew counter on
must roll a dice; on a score of 1 or 2
are _Pounded by the relentless echoes 1-3 No damage. the target: any that score l, 2 o~ 3
~til, as the ear-splitting row reaches 4 A crew counter is plucked off switch sides. Fight a single boarding
the enemy gunners are confused and
Its crescendo, their eardrums burst the enemy ship and killed. action between the two sides.
miss completely, otherwise the ship and heads explode.
may be shot at as normal. 5 A mass of quivering flesh-like At the end of the boarding action,
When. this . ship takes part in a gunge inflicts 1 point of
sanity is restored.
boarding action, roll a dice for each of damage to a low area of the
the enemy vessel's crew counters· on enemy ship.
a roll of 6 the crew's heads explode 6 A grasping pseudopod inflicts
and the counter is removed. one below the waterline hit on


HYPNOTIC BEAU'IY Mounted on the deck of this ship are
OF THE DAMNED This ship appears differently to
everyone who gazes upon it, but all
huge copper and gold incense
burners, tended by warped acolytes
As this ship glides towards its prey, see it as stunningly beautiful in one of. Sl~anesh . ~oxious fumes build up
the hysterical, yet strangely way or another. Some observers drop within the swinging burners and are
entrancing laughter of its crewmen their weapons and stare dumb- then released periodically as great
echoes across the water. founded, while others hide their gouts of sickly, cloying smoke that
The Laughter of the Damned affects heads in their hands, unable to look. engulf enemy ships.
all ships within 3" of this vessel at the Any time this ship is engaged in a The incense has a range of 8", uses the
start of the turn. Each must make a boarding action, its opponent is normal firing template and has a
saving roll of 3, 4, 5 or 6 or be affected by this hypnotic appearance 360° arc of fire. Every' ship falling
enthralled by the sound. If affected, a and suffers a -1 to its boarding action under the template, even partially.
ship may do nothing but defend itself dice rolls. suffers a 1 dice attack with no save a~
this tum; place a 'no movement' and its own crew hack and slash at the
a 'no firing' counter next to the vessel. decks and rigging.


Coruscating energies flash and As this vessel rushes headlong
This ship slips between dimensions, The penetrating glare of the giant towards its foes it appears to fade, its
eyes painted on the bows of this thunder above this vessel as it
appearing hazy and indistinct one harnesses the raw energy of the warp. outline becoming insubstantial and
moment, yet solid and real the next. vessel sweep the battlescape, causing fragile as a phantom, until it is gone
opponents to flinch and look away. As the storm grows, the ship abruptly
Around the vessel, time slows or vanishes, leaving nothing but a from sight. The magic of Tzeentch has
speeds up, allowing its Captain to This hypnotic gaze has a range of 6", stench of ozone on the air. Then, with made it invisible to the mortal eye.
observe and predict the manoeuvres and affects a 180° arc from the prow a flash of lightning, it instantly re- This card allows the ship to become
of his opponents. of the ship. Any vessel caught in the appears behind its foes. invisible. While in this state, the ship
This ship may operate as an arc must roll a dice: cannot be attacked in any way,
Once during a game, this ship may
Independent, and in any tum may 1-2 Caught by the Chaos ship's teleport to any location on the although it may move and fight as
either move first or last, irrespective withering glare, the target seascape instead of moving. normal. It re-appears at the start of
of who won the initiative. stops and may do nothing but the next turn.
defend itself this turn. It may fire and board other vessels
3-6 The target ship may function
this turn, as usual, after its
as normal. warpflight.


- - - · - ---


WHISPERING DEATH This vessel appears to be constantly
This bizarre vessel has a glittering
An eerie, yet alluring whispering hull of an unknown crystal substance
emanates from this ship, reaching out changing colour and shape, that reflects the sun in blinding
sometimes taking on the guise of a patterns as the ship weaves and
across the water to ensnare unwitting
fearsome beast, and sometimes manoeuvres.
fading to little more than a shadow. It
The Whispering Death has a range of Any ship wishing to fire at this ship
continually throws a rainbow array of
12", and attacks a single enemy ship. must roll a dice; on a score of 1 or 2
reflections upon the waves, sowing
The chosen target must roll a dice; on the gunners are blinded and miss
confusion and doubt in the minds of
a score of 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5, it will imme- completely, otherwise the ship may
all who behold it.
diately attack the nearest friendly be shot at as usual.
No enemy ship will take offensive
ship, firing all the guns it can bring to
action against this vessel this tum, as
bear. The ship will fight to the last
their crews are confused and
man if necessary.
entranced by its magical appearance.
At the end of the boarding action, the The ship itself may move and fight as
ship may act normally.
--------- -
~· ---.1
- - ·- - -·- - - -
® ® ® ® ® ® ® ®


® ®
The audible hum of barely controlled This ship has glittering, spiked claws
energies emanates from within this protruding from its sides. As it glides
vessel. Its hull ripples and cracks as it past enemy vessels, these claws rip
attempts to contain the raw power of and tear through wood and flesh
Chaos. When the time is right, the alike, maiming crew and wrecking
Captain of the ship may unleash timbers.
these forces in a bolt of energy. When this ship comes within 1" of an
This burst of power uses the normal opponent, the Chaos Player may
firing template and may be fired in a nominate a hull or crew strike:
90° arc to the front of the ship; any A hull strike is a 1 dice attack with a
targets caught in the template's area -1 save, aimed at a random low
of effect suffer a 3 · dice attack, location.
resolved as a 3 dice cannon attack.
A crew strike strikes at the ship's
sailors. Roll a dice; on a score of 6 an

~·-·- .. ---·- - ---·-i

enemy crew counter is removed.
L------- ----- -
®DEATHSURGE * ® ® ® ® ®
A black wave towers over the Chaos A writhing cloud of millions of
Fleet, inexorably rolling towards noxious plagueflies rolls towards the
them, but the hideous cackling and enemy fleet. The thick, treacly layer of
laughter from the warped fleet belies flies descends on a single vessel, their
any sense of impending doom. As the weight causing it to settle in the
wave strikes, it lifts up the Chaos water. With a terrible droning noise,
Fleet and hurls it towards its the flies crawl into the noses and
opponents. mouths of the target's crew. Those
All the Chaos Ships on the seascape that survive the choking mouthfuls of
gain an extra 1-6" of movement as flies clogging their lungs, rapidly die
they are carried along by the mystical from the myriad infections of Nurgle
wave; roll a single dice to find the that coat the buzzing insects.
extra distance the whole fleet may Roll a dice for each crew counter on
move this tum. the target ship; on a score of 4, 5 or 6 it
is removed.


® ® ® * ®
® @ ® ®
The enemy crew's battle-lust is
replaced by an all-pervading feeling Crackling gobbets of fiery acid hurtle
of doom. towards the enemy, fusing flesh to
Nominate a target and roll a dice. wood and bones to timber.
If the score is lower than or equal to Death venom is a special attack; it
the number of crew counters may be fired from the Chaos
currently on the target ship, the spell Sorcerer's Tower as a 1 dice attack
has no discernible effect. with a range of four dice inches, as a 2
dice attack with a range of 2 dice
If the score is higher than the current inches, or as a 4 dice attack with a
number of crew counters on the range of 1 dice inches.
target ship, then its crew simply give
up all hope; the ship may do nothing First nominate your target, which
this tum, not even defend itself does not have to be in line of sight,
against any boarding actions. If the then roll an attack for each gobbet;
ship is boarded this turn the crew areas hit have a a -1 save modifier.

POWER simply surrender. Any dice which scores a 1 to hit

maims the crew instead of damaging
the ship - remove one crew counter.
® ® ® ® ® WIND OF CHAOS
A screaming wind is summoned up The sea boils and turns black around
by the Chaos Sorcerer. It circles above the target ship, violently shaking it
the fleet in huge, broiling purple from side to side. The dark waves rise
~louds for a few moments, gathering and form a gaping maw that closes
m strength, before screaming down around the vessel, submerging it
up.on the enemy fleet. The enemy completely.
ships are scattered like feathers in the
Roll on the following table:
wind, losing all sense of order.
l-Z Roll 1 dice; the target takes
Place the Wind of Chaos Template
over the enemy fleet, with the centre that many hits - save as usual.
of the storm over the target ship. Any 3-4 Lose 1 crew counter, plus roll 1
ships caught under the template, dice; the target takes that
even if only partially, are blown 1-6" many hits - save as usual.
in a direction of the Chaos Player's 5-6 The target takes 2 hits and 1
choosing; pick the direction and roll point of below the waterline
the dice for distance individually for damage with no save, and

POWER POWER each ship. loses 1 crew counter.

® ® ® ® ® ® ® @
The Chaos Vortex is a spitting ball of ene The se~ ?round the target ship begins
that devours everything it touches Onrgy to solidify, taking on the form of
unleashed, the. Vortex of Chaos is .unco~ heaving, .bubbling flesh which grasps
trollable, affecting the Chaos Fleet and th
enemy fleet equally. e its. hull m a vice-like embrace. The
~i~~t state the dfrection the Vortex will m sh.1p can make no headway through
~rutially, then roll 4 dice; place the Vo~~= this sea of muscle and skin, and is
empl~te on the Chaos Sorcerer's shi and becalmed.
move 1t that many inches. P
After .the initiaJ move, the Vortex moves Place one of the crawling flesh
according to the following table· roll a d' t counters next to the target. The ship is
the end of each Magic Phase. ' ice a
tr.apped unti I the spell is either
1 The Vortex dissipates; remove it dispelled or the spell dissipates
2 The Vortex remains still
3 The Vortex moves north J-6" naturally; at the start of each magic
4 The Vortex moves east 1-6" phase roll a dice - the spell dissipates
S The Vortex moves south 1_6.. o~ a. score of 1, 2 or 3. The spell is also
6 The Vortex moves west 1-6"
dissipated if the Chaos Sorcerer dies.
Any ship touched by the template as it moves

POWER POWER even if only partially, suffers 2 hits. If th'

Vortex stops on a ship it takes 4 hits. Roll fo~
location and damage as for cannon fire.
* SEA® ®* ® ® ® ® ®
The sea takes on a bilious green hue, As the raw energies of the warp
coagulating to the texture of cold ripple and crackle in the air, a great
blood, and the wind is stifled to a roar goes up from the Plague Fleet.
sluggish breeze by the fetid vapours Enraged by the Dark Lords of Battle,
which rise in idle columns from the the crews of the Chaos ships descend
flat surface of the sea. Oars have no upon their foes.
effect in this slowly pulsing liquid,
while sails remain still in the Any Chaos ship making a boarding
deadened air. action this turn gains a +2 modifier to
its dice rolls.
The only vessels that can move or
manoeuvre upon this outlandish
ocean are the ships of Chaos, who
seem to draw power and sustenance
from the sweetly cloying waves.
All ships except Chaos vessels are
totally becalmed, and are unable to
move this turn. POWER POWER

@ ~ @ ®* ® ® ® ® ®
As the Chaos Fleet advances, icy The whirling forces of Chaos stab.out
fingers of terror reach out to grasp the towards the enemy fleet. An area of
hearts of those who are foolish the seascape turns pitch-black as a
enough to stand in its path. tangible shadow of congealed
This tum the enemy fleet cannot do darkness descends.
anything except defend itself against Place the Howling Insanity Template
boarding actions. They may not over the target ship; any ship
move, fire, or make any special partially or wholly covered by it
attacks at all. immediately opens fire with all its
weapons. Resolve damage for any
ships hit as usual. Ships inside the
template may not do anything but fire
their weapons this turn, and may not
be attacked (except by other ships
within the template's area).

® ® @ ® !) ® @
Clutching a rat claw talisman around
The Skaven Sorceror cackles in The Grey Seer opens his jaws and a his neck, the Skaven Grey Seer utters
delight as hordes of giant rats erupt foul black cloud spills forth. a shrill chittering noise. A bolt of
from the hold of the enemy ship and The Skaven Sorcerer sends the plume blood red lightning shoots forth from
swarm over its decks, burying the of pestilential breath towards a ship the talisman, striking its target with a
crew under a tide of vermin. of its choice. hideous crash.
This spell affects a single ship. Roll a Roll a dice for each crew counter on The target vessel takes a number of
dice and remove that many crew the target ship; on a 4, 5 or 6 it is random hits. Any location which fails
from the target ship. killed and removed. its saving throw is set ablaze. Roll a
dice to see how many hits the attack
1-2 The lightning causes 3 hits
3-4 The lightning causes 4 hits
5-6 The lightning causes 6 hits
Re-roll any attacks which miss.


® ® ® ®
Hissing through tightly clenched
jaws, the Skaven Sorcerer searches the
enemy fleet for an unseen weakness.
With a sharp out-take of breath he
selects his victim.
The target ship or squadron falls
under the control of the Skaven
player for this tum. At the end of the
tum it returns to its proper side.
Note that this spell cannot be used to
deliberately scuttle a ship!

This spell may be cast on any friendly
Skitterleap affects a ship of the Grey
ship or squadron, driving them into a Seer's. choice, causing it to vanish When dosing for boarding, the crew The decks of the ship are protected
mindless all-consuming rage. From with a thunderous roar and a flash of fire sturdy chain grapples to pull from assault by an impenetrable wall
.now on, the affected ship or ships glowing warp fire. It then re-appears their hapless victim towards them. If of shields, from behind which the
may move or attackI
twice each turn. anywhere on the table, at the whim of the defender wins the action, and defenders may launch missile attacks
During the End Phase, roll a dice for the Grey Seer. does not wish to counter-board, he and hurl boiling lead and oil onto
each affected ship; on a roll of 1 the The spell can be used to run a ship can only break the grapples on a roll their foes.
ship loses a crew counter, due to the aground, but not to place ships of a 6. If he doesn't, the attacker may
over exertion caused by the frenzy, The ship gains a +2 bonus in
inland! continue his assault! boarding actions, but only in
and the spell stops working. On a roll
of 2, the ship loses a crew counter but defence.
the spell continues to work. A result
of 3-6 means that the spell continues
and has no ill-effects this turn.
Place a Death Frenzy counter next to
the affected ship.


@ tr @ ®
HORNED ONE A stinking, foul fog spreads across .
the seascape. Anything touched by
Incensed to mindless berserking
fury, the warrior priests leap
Screeching with unholy glee, the Grey the decaying cloud are withered and screaming onto the enemy ship. Roll
Seer is enveloped by a swirling black perished. a dice:
cloud, which moves across the water Place the Poison Wind Template on
and engulfs the target ship. Roll a dice and add it to your
the table, centred over any ship. Roll opponent's boarding dice roll as
When the enemy player wishes to use a dice for every ship covered by the the priests run amok, killing
this ship, he must roll a dice. template, even if only partially; on a
score of 4, 5 or 6 the ship loses one
their own troops.
The spell dissipates and is removed 2-5 Add +2 to your boarding dice
2 The ship may not move or fire this
crew counter.
3 The ship may not fire this turn 6 Roll a dice and add it to your
4 The ship may not move this turn. boarding dice roll.
5-6 The ship may move and fire as
Place a Curse of the Homed One
counter next to the affected ship.


This ship has been carefully The ship is very old and has been This ship has been carefully
This ship has revolutionary maintained to ensure that the hull
equipment mounted in its bilges - a rebuilt many times. The hull of this maintained to ensure that the hull
remains free of encrustations and immense vessel is made of massive remains free of encrustations and
rudimentary beam engine driving a other items which may slow it down
pump for putting out fires. It is timbers which have been reinforced other items which may slow it down
in battle. The captain places great over the years.The ship may in battle. The captain places great
linked up to hoses capable of stead in speed and agility as the
directing volumes of sea water onto disregard its first below the stead in speed and agility as the
deciding factor in a firefight. waterline hit, discarding this card deciding factor in a firefight.
any fire which breaks out on the ship
during the battle. The ship may add an extra 2" to its instead. The ship may add an extra 2" to its
move rates. move rates.
In the End Phase of each turn, roll a
dice for each blaze on board. On a
score of 5 or 6 the blaze goes out.



The hull of this magnificent warship .SEAMANSHIP BULKHEADS This ship has been clad in great
is constructed from rare and much Judging the waves and the winds sheets of hammered iron and bronze,
sought after timbers of great strength The ship has been clad in extra layers which glint dully in the sunlight.
perfectly, the grim faced captain of of solid timber making it very robust
and resilience. the mighty ship permits himself a The armour plating gives a + 1 to all
indeed. Count + 1 to all low area
This ship gains + 1 to all saving rolls. wry grin as his ship executes a saving rolls. low area saving rolls.
highly complicated and dangerous
manoeuvre which strains the ship's
timbers to the limits of their
The ship may move twice its move


The captain has a reputation for
A mighty warrior of dread renown Your Admiral has placer! a traitor in the Flying proudly from the main mast invincibility, having sunk many
leads the boarding parties of this enemy Aeet. Declare that you are going to of this great vessel is an ancient enemy ships during his long and
ship. His battle skill is legendary, use him and roll on this table: battle banner endowed with magical glorious service. Enemy troops fear
and his opponents are in great fear 1 Double agent. Roll again and apply abilities.This venerable battle banner to board his ship, and will only
of his martial prowess. the result to your own flagship. brings gocxl luck to the ship attempt to grapple and board on a
The War leader allows you to either 2 Poison! Enemy ship loses one throughout the battle. dice roll of 5 or o.
random crew counter.
add +1 to your boarding dice roll, or You may re-roll any single dice roll
3 Spiked guns. Enemy ship loses one
to re-roll any one boarding dice roll. random weapon battery.
affecting this ship per tum.
If you re-roll the dice, then this card 4 Anon. A fire breaks out in an area of
must be discarded after use. your choice.
5 Rudder jammed. Roll a dice; the
target may only move that many
inches straight forward this turn.
6 Sabotage. Enemy ship takes 1 point
of below the waterline damage.


The open upper decks of the ship are

The ship carries a company of The ship has a contingent of protected by huge nets and chains
The ship has companies of missile berserkers aboard. These crazed
condemned convicts and cutthroats, which impede attacking troops.
troops who shoot a murderous individuals live only for the joy of
who are always thrown into the Attackers count -1 to their dice rolls
volley in boarding actions as the battle and the screams of their
frontline of any boarding action. in boarding actions.
enemy troops attempt to assault victims as they reap a terrible
their vessel.
Once your opponent declares that he
The convicts give +1 to your
boarding dice roll, and this card may
harvest from the crews of enemy
is boarding your ship, roll a dice be given up instead of losing a crew
counter if you are beaten. The berserkers give you a +2 in
before he does so. On a score of 5 or boarding actions, and are lost as
6 he loses a crew counter before the soon as you lose a boarding action.
action takes place.
The captain of this Man O' War The ship has additional swivel guns The ship has a massive fortified
The war leader carries a banner knows that to catch the enemy off crows nest. Equipped with cannon, it
depicting the many valiant actions mounted on the aftcastle giving a
guard is half the battle won. His single dice broadside attack to port can deliver blistering firepower in all
which he has won in his glorious tactics are often dangerous, but have directions.
history. The banner inspires his and starboard once per turn.
won him a reputation as a deadly Add 1 dice to any one cannon attack
soldiers to fight with religious adversary.
fervour, and its loss is unthinkable. per turn.
At the start of each battle phase, the
Roll a dice as you start each round of ship may declare that it is joining a
a boarding action: particular squadron for the duration
1 The banner is lost! Morale of the turn, moving and firing with
destroyed, the round of combat the squadron. He is never a
is autom·atically lost too. straggler, however.
2-5 Add+ 1 to your boarding roll this
6 This round of action is
automatically won.


On the prow of this vessel is a magic OF WRATH The wet rasping of the surgeon's saw The ship has an extra cannon battery
mounted in the bows to fire
figurehead, in the image of the god is heard, as the master surgeon
Mounted on the prow of this ship is strives to restore the wounded to forwards. This gives a 1 dice forward
of war. It provides a shield of an ancient holy artifact, which sends cannon attack to the ship.
some semblance of fighting fitness.
protection to the vessel against the gouts of burning white fire towards
evil magicks of the enemy enemy vessels if they dare stray too In the end phase of each turn, roll
spellcasters. dose. once for each crew counter currently
The ship gets a saving roll of 5 or 6 missing from the ship:
The icon gives the ship an extra 2
against any spells cast against it. dice attack with no save modifiers, 1 Lose another crew counter to the
\ ' with a range of 3" only, facing
hurried depredations of the
surgeon's saw.
2-4 No effect
5-6 Get a crew counter back



The wizard begins to ring a large iron bell.
Due to the Master Gunner's skill and Goaded to even greater efforts in the Groaning aloud, he calls upon the spirits
accuracy in supervising the gun heat of the battle, the gunners of lost sailors to gather. about him.
crews you may re-roll any 1 shooting achieve an amazing rate of fire. A grey mist gathers around the wizard.
dice per turn from this ship. Fire twice in one single round during Soon he is obscured completely, and the
the battle. ringing of his bell sounds as a distant,
disembodied tolling. The fog rolls off the
deck towards the target vessel, swathing it
in an impenetrable fog.
Cast on: Any ship.
Effect: The fog gives +2 to all saving
throws against any form of attack made
against the target ship. The fog also
prevents any spellcasti ng from the
target vessel.




The wizard opens a weighty tome whose
The ship is equipped with pages rustle with a life of their own. As he
The ship's batteries of guns have The ship's guncrews are skilled experimental extended range speaks them, the words of the chosen spell
been replaced by huge iron siege enough to fire red hot shot from spit and hiss in the air. The ship shimmers
cannon, aptly named Great weaponry, increasing the long range
their cannon. of all its guns from 9" to 12". and takes on the guise of a deathship,
Murderers for the immense damage Once in the battle, all the cannon crewed by skeletons, zombies and ghouls.
they wreak when fired upon their
attacks the ship makes in one turn Cast on: Any friendly ship.
cause blazes if the areas hit fail their
These great guns give a -1 to any Effect: Terrified enemy sailors will not
saving throws. Play and discard. attack the ship in any way this turn.
saving roll made against them.


• .

The wizard's staff begins to emit a
flickering glow, and eddies of wind flap
The wizard braces himself against the
deck, and furrows his brow in
""CAUSEWAY f.:":\
The wizard holds up a piece of amber.
Within its core a small flame flickers.
The wizard rummages around in his cloak
the folds of his cloak. Steadying himself concentration. After a few seconds he for a moment before producing an acorn.
Caressing the amber, he encourages the
on the deck against the rising storm, the begins to exhale, softly at first, but with Placing the acorn on the deck, he pours a
flame. Sweat breaks out on his brow, and
wizard bends the wind to his will, growing force, until a veritable gale is small quantity of water upon it whilst
the flame rapidly grows, breaking out of uttering words of power. In moments, the
sending it in a direction of his choosing. issuing from his gaping mouth. the stone itself, expanding and flowing as acorn starts to grow, binding damaged
Cast on: The whole seascape. Cast on: Any squadron moving under a dull orange mist towards the enemy bulwarks and planking together with new
sail. vessel.
wood. Smashed timbers suddenly become
Effect: The wind changes direction at living wood again, binding and growing
Effect: Roll a dice. The target squadron Cast on: Any ship.
your command, causing previously together.
limp sails to billow, and ships under sail may move that many extra inches this Effect: The amber mist hits the ship,
to be becalmed. turn. forming a glowing causeway that. Cast on: Any friendly ship.
enables you to make a boarding action Effect: This spell mends two damaged
You may now choose which direction
against it from up to 3" away. areas of your choice on the target ship.
the wind is blowing. The wind stays in
this direction until changed during the
Initiative Phase or by another spell.



The wizard clenches his fist tight around a The wizard screams an invocation to the The wizard takes a necklace of yellowing The wizard grimaces as he plunges his
delicate mirror-glass ball. As the pressure sky, forcing the storm clouds to take heed rats fangs from around his neck. Cutting hand mto a basket of writhing venomous
of his grip increases, the glass shatters, the and do his b idding. From nowhere a his forearm with a small dagger, the snakes. Screaming in pain, he withdraws
shards flying across the deck of the ship sudden rainstorm of violent proportions wizard places a drop of blood on each his hand, serpentine fangs digging deep
and into the sea. Still the wizard clenches sweeps over the ships in the fleet, . . tooth, before snapping the twine which into his flesh, and hurls the snakes at the
his fist, muttering words of protection. drenching their crews and extingu1shmg binds the teeth to the necklace and hurling enemy. The ropes and rigging on the
Blood drips from his hand, mingling with any blazing areas. the fangs into the sea. The target ship is target ship twist and writhe, entangling
the glittering fragments on the deck. quickly overrun by ferocious starved rats crewmen m a hvmg, constricting mass of
Cast on: Your fleet. that erupt in a heaving mass from the heaving rope.
Cast on: Your fleet.
Effect: All blaze counters on all ships in bilges.
Cast on: Any enemy ship.
Effect: This spell deflects any spell cast the fleet are removed and replaced with Cast on: Any enemy ship.
on your fleet this turn - the spell affects damage markers. Effect: The target ship cannot move this
the enemy ship carrying the Wizard Effect: The target ship loses 1 crew turn as the crewmen struggle to cut
instead. counter and may not fire, board or ram themselves free.
this turn.
Leaning far over the bows of the ship, the The wizard demands that all aboard the The wizard walks amongst the wounded
The wizard's breath chills the air, and mage calls upon his powers to bend the ship be silent as he invokes the Ritual of touching them with a glowing golden
frost forms on his lips as he reads aloud will of the elements and bnng down a Calm and Serenity upon the elements. dagger. Deep wounds close, and flesh
the Invocation of Ice from a leather bound storm upon his foes. The skies blacken wounds are healed completely.
tome. With a loud crack, a vast iceberg and thunder rolls as stormclouds gather An eerie quiet emanates almost palpably
appears moving relentlessly towards the over the battlescape. As the wind rises a from the wizard, quickly enveloping the Cast on: Any friendly ship.
enemy. violent storm breaks. The torrents of rain ship and spreading to encompass the
and crashing waves reduce visibility to Effect: The target ship may replace 1
whole battlezone. All ships on the
Cast on: Any enemy ship lost crew counter.
point blank range, quenching all fires on tabletop moving under sail find
Effect: Nominate a target ship and place any ships. themselves becalmed on a glassy sea.
the iceberg marker anywhere on the Cast on: The whole seascape. Cast on: The whole seascape:
wizard's table edge. Roll a dice at the
start of each tum; it drifts that many Effects: Visibility is reduced to close Effect: All ships moving under sails find
inches towards the nominated ship. It range. Ramming and boarding is themselves becalmed for this turn.
vanishes if the distance rolled is 1". If it impossible until the storm abates at the
contacts its target, the ship takes 1-6 end of the turn. All blazes on all ships
points of below the waterline damage. are put out.
Normal saves apply.


TIMBERS ~ STRIKE The wizard mi t
The wizard stands in the' forecastle, Gesturing to the skies, the wizard begins b~w in a large::sulJ;.~~e~~o~~:melling
After consulting a dust encrusted scroll, whispering words of magic to the powers to chant a· monotonous litany of binding. mixture IS bubbling and an evil sm II
the wizard mutters the words of an of the air . The atmosphere around him Dark clouds gather around his intended perme?tes t~e ship. After addin th: fi
ancient and long forgotten spell. grows icy cold, and snow crystals form on victim, and distant thunderclaps sound. mgred1ents, the wizard calls the~h. , nal
his cloak. As he continues to whisper to crew to dip their swords a d Ip s
The timbers of the target vessel begin to the wind , gathering eddies of snow sweep As the wizard's chant continues, white the murky liquid Th n armour mto
shrivel and wither, shrinking and lightning bolts smash into the enemy ship, h . . e crew do so a d
around him, obscuring him from view . t e1r armament emerges from th ' n
splintering as if with age. As water pours His voice can be heard , rising to a shout as killing crew and causing great panic. cauldron glinting a shining gold.e
in through the gaping holes in the ship's he hurls the blizzard towards an enemy
hull, the crew frenziedly struggle to keep Cast on: Any enemy ship. Cast on: Any friendly ship.
the ship afloat.
Cast on: Any enemy ship.
Effect: The target ship loses 1 crew ~ffect: The !arget ship may count +2 to
Cast on: Any enemy ship.
Effect: Roll a dice; the target ship is
;~~1~: ~~II many boarding action this
Effect: This spell inflicts 1 point of ' eir armour and swords are
pushed that many inches in a direction extra tough and extra sharp.
below the waterline damage on the of your choosing.
target vessel.


• m

The wizard dances frenziedly around the Ll!aning out from the stem of the ship, the Black smoke issue:; from the wizard's lips,
The wizard pours a phial of iridescent ship's capstan, shou ting aloud the name of wizard 1mb1bes a foul-smelling liquid, and the sea around his intended victim
dust into a small golden bowl. Adding a his intended victim. made m equal measure of fetid seawater begins to churn and boil as a volcano
small quantity of an almost coagulated ' and seaweed. erupts directly under the ship and engulfs
The sea begins to boil around the target it inflame.
liquid, he plunges a golden dart into the vessel, sending violent currents surging Within seconds the wizard's eyes glaze
bowl. The mixture bursts into a white all around it. Cast on: Any enemy ship.
over and from his mouth issues a
gold flame, blinding all who look upon it.
s.eemingly endless stream of frothing, Effect: The target vessel takes a number
Holding the burning dart aloft, he throws Cast on: Any enemy ship
hvmg vegetation, which quickly engulfs of firestrikes. Roll a dice:
it towards the enemy ship. the target vessel.
Effed: The target ship is caught in a
Cut on: Any enemy ship. whirlpool. Place the whirlpool marker I One firestrike
Cast on: Any enemy ship. 2-4 Two firesbikes
under it. The ship must roll a 5 or 6 at
Effect: The fireball sets a location alight. 5-6 Three firesbikes
the start of its Movement Phase each Effect: The target vessel may not move
Place a blaze counter on the ship's tum from now on to escape. Any other this turn. Roll a dice for each firestrike as if it were
template. Roll to hit as normal, a 1 is a ships even partially covered by the a normal shot; place a blaze counter on
miss as usual. There is no save. whirlpool counter are also affected, and any areas hit. There is no saving roll.
must roll in the same way.



, The wizard takes a jar of what looks like 1 The wizard sprinkles a jade fragment with The wizard's eyes roll upwards until just The wizard crushes a pile of rags in his
sea water. Placing his hands on the damp the whites are visible, then he utters the fist, breathing hard upon them as he does
watery honey. Unscrewing the top, a
stone he closes his eyes and begins a words of power in a sibilant whisper. The so. The rags burst into flame and the
pungent odour spreads across the ship.
whining chant. A green glow emanates outline of the ship becomes hazy and wizard hurls them into the air. They drift
Moving towards a damaged area of the
from between his fingers. indistinct, shimmering as though it were rapidly into the very midst of the enemy
ship, the wizard pours a few drops of the fleet. The enemy sailors are hard put to
liquid upon the wrecked timbers. an illusion.
The enemy crew are suddenly caught in control the blazes breaking out on their
As the salve takes effect, a golden hue an aura of dull green light which robs all Cast on: Any ship. ships. As the enemy ships struggle to put
spreads thrmrghout the timbers and they energy from them and chills them to the out numerous small blazes on their ships
bone. Taken with a terrible lethargy, they Effect: While affected by the warp shift,
begin to bind themselves together as new. the ship may neither attack nor be before they become serious, the fleet loses
cannot even man the ship's armament. the initiative.
Cast on: Any friendly ship. attacked, and may move through
Cast on: Any enemy ship. obstacles as if they weren't there. Cast on: The enemy fleet.
Effed: This spell allows you to mend
one damaged area of your choice on the· Effed: The target ship may not fire this Effect: The enemy loses the initiative for
tum. the rest of this turn.
target ship.


Placing a pebble on the deck of the ship, The wizard ignites a small phial of purple
the wizard pours a thick liquid around it oil while chanting a strange monologue.
until the pebble is immersed. With a Sweat breaks out on his forehead and his
gleeful cry, the wizard ignites the liquid, subdued mutterings become insane
which burns with a thick, oily smoke and ravings as the purple fire grows. As he
sends huge flames arcing towards the clenches his fist, the purple flames take on
target ship and hemming it in with the shape of a burning fist which he
leaping purple flames. directs towards the ships of the enemy.
Cast on: Any enemy ship. Cast on: Any enemy ship.
Effed: The target ship may not move Effed: The target ship is set ablaze in an
this tum. area of the wizard's choice.


Level 0 College

The wizard produces a metallic purple Staring hard at his intended victim, the
amulet on a chain which gleams dully in wizard's eyes begin to shine with a purple
the sunlight. Gasping, as if in surprise, the light'. Moving his hand as if controlling an
wizard releases the amulet, which flies invisible marionette, he beckons to the
towards its target as a blazing purple disc, figurehead on the enemy vessel. With a
growing rapidly as it flies. The disc flies groaning of stiff timbers, the figurehead
straight towards the chosen wizard, climbs from the prow into the ship,
sweeping him off his feet and carrying attacking the crew and causing havoc.
him away from his ship.
Cast on: Any enemy ship.
Cast on: Any ship carrying a wizard .
Effect: The animated figurehead kills 1
Effect: This spell allows you to move crew counter on the ship.
either wizard to another ship in their


Wizard College
Level Colour

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