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1. Attention.

2. My name is ____________________ and we will be your master of ceremony for

today’s assembly.

3. A very good morning to

the headmaster of SK Lepong Balleh, Mr Malang Anak Biat,
the Senior Assistant of Curriculum, Mr Luis Malantika Anak Rebin,
the Senior Assistant of Student Affair, Mr Ban Anak Kayan,
the Senior Assistant of Co-Curriculum, Mr Lau Ngee Kiong,
and the pupils of SK Lepong Balleh.

4. To begin our assembly today, I would like to invite Mr Joseph Papin to recite the
prayer. Please welcome.

Assembly Prayer
Almighty God

We give you our school.

We give you all the teachers and staff who work here,
We give you all the children who study here.

We pray our school would be place of great discovery, adventure and creativity.
May it be a place where we love to learn and where we learn to love,
A place where every one is respected and all are deeply valued.
We ask all this through Jesus Christ our Lord.


5. Thank you to Mr Joseph Papin.

6. Next, our assembly will be continued with the recitation of our school Oath. For
that, I would like to invite _____________________ to lead the recitation. Pupils
please stand at attention.

7. Thank you to the prefect in charge.

8. Our assembly today will continue with the singing of our National Anthem,

9. I hope everybody will sing aloud with full spirit.

10. Teachers and pupils please sit down.

11. For the special occasion, we will invite _______________ to perform on the
stage. Please welcome.
12. Now, we would like to invite the teacher on duty for this week, Mr/Mdm/Miss
_________________ to deliver his/her speech. Please welcome.

13. Thank you for the speech.

14. Now, we would like to invite Mr. Malang Anak Biat, the headmaster of SK Lepong
Balleh to deliver his speech. Please welcome.

15. Next, I would like to invite Mr/Mdm/Miss __________________ to deliver his/her

speech. Please welcome.

16. Our assembly this morning has come to the end. Before we end our assembly,
let us sing our State Anthem, Ibu Pertiwiku, ‘Fly Kenyalang Fly’ and our School
Anthem together. I hope everybody will sing aloud with full spirit.

17. With that, we end our assembly for today. All the pupils will proceed to the
classes quietly.

18. Thank you and see you again.

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