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Brainstorming Template Date: econoshift.

<< Instructions >>
Agenda: 1) Decide the meeting
2) Write the agendas
3) Hand the print-out
Guidelines During Brainstorming If the guidelines
1) Prioritize quantity over quality. 3) Ask for more explanation.
2) Don’t criticize other people's opinion. 4) Expand the generated ideas. References (Click each link.)
(In this stage, everyone shouldn't thinking much about feasibility.) 1) How-to-use-this
2) Lean Six Sigma
Osborne's Checklist (to expand the generated ideas) 3) Newest Lean Si
Other uses: Are there any other ways to use it, Adapt: What happens if you apply something Modify: What if you change something?
as is or modified? from other ideas to it? Have similar ideas Change the purpose, color, motion, odor,
been used elsewhere or in the past? taste, form, shape, etc.?

<< Excel Tips >>

Magnify: What about adding more time, Minify: What about subtracting something, Substitute: What about changing materials, In order to make a new line
frequency, height, length, strength, thickness, making it smaller, lower, shorter, lighter, processing methods, place, tone of voice, or
weight, something different, duplicating, dividing or breaking it? people?

Rearrange: What about interchanging parts, Reverse: What about adjusting it to the Combine: What about combining and blending
patterns, flows, layouts, pace and schedules, opposite, backwards, reverse roles, upside units, purposes, merits and ideas?
or switching the cause and effect? down, inside-out, turning tables, transpose a +

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