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In the Laboratory

Micellar Aggregation Numbers—A Fluorescence Study

Jan van Stam, Sigrid Depaemelaere, and Frans C. De Schryver
Departement Scheikunde, Division of Photochemistry and Spectroscopy, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,
Celestijnenlaan 200F BE-3001 Heverlee, Belgium

Microheterogeneous systems play an important role in more surfactant molecules. Eventually, the driving force for
nature—for example, in photosynthesis and many other dissolution will be completely balanced by the forces work-
processes in living cells. For applied chemistry such systems ing against the dissolution of the hydrophobic tails. At this
are of great importance as well; they are found, for example, moment, two different scenarios are possible: either, if the
in paints, detergents, and pharmaceuticals. The importance hydrocarbon chain-length is long enough, a macroscopic
of microheterogeneous supramolecular systems (e.g., micel- phase separation will appear, or micelles will be formed. In
lar systems) validates their introduction to chemistry stu- the latter case, this special concentration is a parameter
dents, as exemplified by some recent contributions (1–3). specific for each surfactant and it is called the critical mi-
The picture of the micellar entity presented to the students, celle concentration, the cmc. It is worthwhile to stress that
however, is often quite obscure. This points to the need for micelle formation is not a macroscopic phase separation, but
a more consistent introduction before the experimental the formation of a thermodynamically stable, microhetero-
work can start.1 In this contribution we will show how we geneous supramolecular system, with surfactant molecules
present microheterogeneous supramolecular systems, such aggregated in micelles dissolved in the aqueous bulk.
as micelles, to our students, and how we experimentally un- Another characteristic property of a surfactant is its
ravel the influence of the hydrocarbon chain length and the micellar aggregation number. This value, giving the average
effect of added salt on the micellar aggregation number for number of surfactant molecules in the micelle, depends on the
ionic surfactant molecules. We will also discuss the neces- hydrocarbon tail length, the kind of counter-ion, and the
sity of validating the underlying assumptions when apply- ionic strength (as does also the cmc).
ing a certain model to experimental data, and what the re- For the dependence of the micellar aggregation num-
sult could be if one or more of the assumptions are not ful- ber on the hydrocarbon tail length, both theories and ex-
filled. This laboratory experiment was tested with good re- perimental results are available. Nagarajan and Ruckenstein
sults by fourth-year students following the chemistry pro- have thoroughly treated the theory of surfactant aggrega-
gram at the K. U. Leuven 1995/96. tion from a thermodynamic point of view (4). The molecular
volume of the hydrocarbon tail with the number of carbon
Surfactants and Micelles2 atoms equal to nC can be calculated as
νtail = νCH3 + (nC – 1) νCH2 (1)
Ionic surfactants are amphiphilic molecules with a
hydrophilic charged head-group and a hydrophobic hydro- At room temperature, the volume of a methyl and a meth-
carbon tail (Fig. 1). When dissolved in aqueous media, the ylene group can be approximated with (4)
salt (i.e., surfactant and counter-ion) dissociates into the
νCH3 = 54.6 Å3
bulk. If the tail is not too long, the driving force for solva- (2)
tion of the head-group will be strong enough to dissolve the νCH2 = 26.9 Å3
whole molecule, even though the tail is not soluble in water.
Tanford (5) has given an empirical formula for the calcula-
Owing to electrostatic repulsion between the head-groups, a
tion of the hydrocarbon tail length ltail:
homogeneous solution with dissolved surfactant molecules
is obtained. ltail = 1.50 + 1.26nC Å (3)
Increasing the surfactant concentration results in two
Assuming the micellar aggregate to be spherical with a ra-
different effects. First, the increased surfactant concentra-
dius equal to ltail allows the calculation of the micellar vol-
tion leads to an increased ionic strength of the bulk. This in
turn causes a decrease in the electrostatic repulsion be-
tween the head-groups due to screening of the charges. Sec- 4π l tail
ond, an increase in the surfactant concentration is unfavor- V mic = (4)
able for the hydrophobic tails, which on their own do not
dissolve in water. The latter effect works against dissolving From the micellar and molecular hydrocarbon tail volumes,
the micellar aggregation number < a > can be approximated
hydrophilic ionic
head-group V
< a >app = mic (5)
hydrophobic hydrocarbon tail
Hydrophobic hydrocarbon tail
counterion or, assuming sufficiently large nC,
4π 1.50 + 1.26n C
Figure 1. Schematic pic- < a >app = (6)
ture of an ionic surfactant 3 νCH + n C – 1 νCH
3 2
molecule and the micelle
it forms.
From eq 6, the aggregation number will evidently have a
quadratic dependence on the number of carbon atoms in the
hydrocarbon tail, in accordance to experimental results (6). • Vol. 75 No. 1 January 1998 • Journal of Chemical Education 93

In the Laboratory

The aggregation numbers calculated for nC equal to 12, 14, The micelles formed by surfactants with a tail of mod-
and 16 by eqs 1–5—that is, 55, 75, and 95, respectively— erate length (approximately C10–C16) are thought to be
are in very good agreement with experimental findings for spherical or nearly spherical—at least close to the cmc. Of-
the corresponding alkylsulfate surfactants. For alkyltri- ten their structure is presented as being raspberry-like,
methylammonium surfactants, however, this model predicts with the hydrophilic charged head-groups closely packed to
an aggregation number too low for the longest surfactant. each other and the hydrocarbon chains stretched toward the
This is due to a combination of the bulkier head-group of center of the micelle. This picture is wrong for two reasons.
this surfactant as well as a change in shape of the aggre- First, owing to the electrostatic repulsion it is not possible to
gate from a spherical to a more prolate micelle. However, spontaneously pack up to a hundred charged entities close
the main point is that within a series of surfactants differ- to each other, even if the counter-ion binding is taken into
ing in hydrocarbon chain length only, the aggregation num- account. Second, the conformation of all tails being
ber should increase with increasing tail length. stretched straight toward the center would lead to an enor-
The micellar aggregation numbers can be determined mous local pressure. As an example, Cabane showed in an
by the method proposed by Turro and Yekta (7). According NMR study that the micelles formed by the well-known sur-
to this model, the aggregation numbers can be calculated factant sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) have about 1/3 of their
by use of eqs 7 and 8: surface covered by the hydrophilic head-groups, and the re-
maining 2/3 of the surface covered by hydrocarbon tails (13).
I0 Qmic A more realistic picture of a micelle is given in Figure 1,
ln = (7) where it can be seen that the surface is composed of ionic
IQ mic head-groups, hydrophobic hydrocarbon tails, and counter-
where I0 is the emission intensity at a certain wavelength As a consequence of the preceding discussion, we can
in the absence of an added fluorescence quencher, IQ the in- conclude the following: (i) surfactants with longer tails will
tensity at the same wavelength at quencher concentration have a lower cmc and a larger aggregation number than
[Qmic], and [mic] the concentration of micelles in solution. analogues with shorter tails; (ii) adding salt to an ionic mi-
The average aggregation number, <a >, is related to the con- cellar solution will decrease the cmc and increase the ag-
centration of micelles, the total surfactant concentration gregation number owing to the screened electrostatic repul-
[Stot], and the cmc through sion; (iii) counterions that are more strongly bound to the
surfactant will induce a lower cmc and a higher aggrega-
Stot – cmc tion number; and (iv) owing to the amphiphilic character of
<a > = (8) the micellar surface, it can interact with both hydrophilic
and hydrophobic species dissolved in the aqueous bulk.
In this laboratory experiment, only points (i) and (ii)
Equation 7 relies on certain assumptions. First, the above will be explored. The determination of the cmc’s, how-
probes and the quenchers must be stationary in their host ever, can be regarded as an optional extension if time and
micelles during a time longer than the excited state lifetime,
interest permit. There are several suitable ways to deter-
which means that migration of probe and quencher must mine the cmc of a surfactant—for example, using absor-
not occur. Second, the quenching must be very effective; that bance measurements (1), fluorescence intensity of a dis-
is, the detected emission emanates from micelles without
solved probe (2), conductometry (14, 15), and pyrene emis-
quenchers only. Third, the probes and quenchers have to sion vibronic fine structure (16–19).
have a Poissonian distribution among the micelles. The last If one wants to determine the different cmc’s, we sug-
condition is theoretically shown to be a plausible assump-
gest that a method where either no probe molecule is used
tion for systems with small organic molecules dissolved in (conductometry) or the same fluorescent probe as in the de-
micelles (8), whereas the first two conditions are not imme- termination of the aggregation numbers (pyrene vibronic
diately valid for micellar systems (9–11). Nevertheless, we
fine structure method) is utilized.
will use eqs 7 and 8 as they stand, keeping the assumptions
in mind when evaluating the experimental data.
The use of eq 7 relies also on the knowledge of the Materials
quencher concentration in the micelles, which might be dif-
ferent from the total quencher concentration. In the case of The following surfactants were examined: SDS (from
1,3-dicyano-benzene (DCB), [Qmic] can be set equal to the to- BDH, specially pure), DoTAB (dodecyltrimethylammonium
tal quencher concentration, whereas this does not hold for bromide, from Aldrich), TTAC (tetradecyltrimethyl-
the alkylpyridinium quenchers. These are surfactants as well ammonium chloride, from TCI), and CTAB (cetyltrimethyl-
as quenchers, which means that they also have a cmc and ammonium bromide, from ACROS Janssen). C AUTION:
thus a certain concentration in the aqueous phase. To circum- These products are harmful if inhaled. Pyrene was used as
vent this problem, we assume perfect mixing between the fluorescent probe (from ACROS Janssen, twice recrystal-
quencher and the surfactant (12). In practice, this means that lized from absolute ethanol). CAUTION: Pyrene is a poten-
we assume that an equal relative amount of the quencher is tial carcinogen. The following fluorescence quenchers were
present in the aqueous phase as for the surfactant used. The used: DCB (1,3-dicyanobenzene, from ACROS Janssen),
latter can be calculated as the ratio of the cmc and the total DoPyrCl (dodecylpyridinium chloride, from Aldrich), TPyrCl
surfactant concentration, and this ratio was used as a cor- (tetradecylpyridinium chloride, from Henkel), and CPyrCl
rection factor, α, for the calculation of [Qmic]: (cetylpyridinium chloride, from Merck). NaCl (sodium chlo-
ride, from Aldrich, ultra pure) was used as the added salt.
α= (9)
Stot Experimental Procedure

The solutions for the determinations of the micellar

[Qmic] = (1 – α) [Qtot] (10) aggregation numbers were prepared as follows. From a

94 Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 75 No. 1 January 1998 •

In the Laboratory

stock solution of 0.1 mM pyrene in absolute ethanol, a quencher concentrations (Fig. 2). Good fits of eq 7 and con-
known volume was pipetted into a volumetric flask. The sistent aggregation numbers were obtained in all cases (Fig.
ethanol was evaporated and distilled water added, and the 3 and Table 2). Adding NaCl caused an increase in micelle
solution was stirred overnight. The final pyrene concentra- volume, as expected. This is due to the higher ionic strength
tion was 1–2 µM. From the aqueous pyrene solution, the of the system, screening the electrostatic interactions. With
surfactant stock solutions were prepared with surfactant a decreased electrostatic repulsion between the charged
concentrations well above the respective cmc’s. head-groups of SDS, it is possible to pack the surfactant
The quenchers were similarly dissolved in absolute head-groups closer to each other, with a subsequent in-
ethanol. From these solutions, quencher stock solutions crease in aggregation number. The same could be obtained
were prepared by pipetting a known volume of the ethanolic by simply increasing the SDS concentration. The latter,
quencher solution into a volumetric flask, evaporating the however, is much less pronounced and will only be observed
ethanol, and dissolving the quencher in the surfactant/ at rather high SDS concentrations.
pyrene stock solution. The quencher concentrations in these
solutions were equal to the maximum quencher concentra-
tions measured, which were calculated to give approxi-
mately one quencher molecule per micelle for each surfac- Table 1. Values of CMC for Systems Investigated
tant system. By mixing the surfactant/pyrene stock with-
out quencher and the surfactant/pyrene stock with quencher CMC Concentration (mM)
in known proportions, five or six solutions varying in This Report a Literature Ref
quencher concentration from zero to the maximum concen- SDS 7.6 8 2
tration were prepared.
The emission spectra of these solutions were recorded SDS + 220 mM NaCl 0.9 ⬇1 18
and the logarithm of the intensity ratio I0 /IQ at a specific DoTAB 16.6 15.5 22
wavelength within the spectral emission range was plotted TTAC 4.0 4.3 20
against the quencher concentration, according to eq 7. This
CTAB 0.7 0.8 22
plot should yield a straight line through the origin with a a Valuesin this column are cmc’s determined by students using the
slope equal to 1/[mic]. Multiplying the slope by the concen- pyrene emission vibronic fine structure method (16–19 ).
tration of surfactant molecules participating in micelle for-
mation (i.e., [Stot] – cmc) gives the aggregation number ac-
cording to eq 8. We have chosen to use the intensity of band
III in the pyrene emission spectrum—the emission peak at
approximately 383 nm—to avoid scattering problems, which
could occur if the intensity of band I (at 372 nm) was used.
The emission spectra were recorded in the right-angle
signal-to-reference mode on a SPEX Fluorolog 1680 instru-
ment combined with a SPEX Spectroscopy Laboratory Co-
ordinator DM1B. The slits used gave a bandwidth of ap-
proximately 2 nm and the excitation wavelength was 320
nm. This excitation wavelength was chosen instead of the
absorption maximum of pyrene, around 337 nm, because the
latter might lead to disturbing Raman scattering superim-
posed on the emission spectra. All measurements were per-
formed at room temperature. All graphics and calculations
were performed on a Macintosh Performa 5200 PowerPC
within the framework of KaleidaGraph 3.0 (©Abelbeck Soft-

Results and Discussion

Critical Micelle Concentration

The cmc’s of the different systems investigated were
determined with the pyrene emission vibronic fine struc-
ture method (16-19). The results are summarized in Table
1 together with literature values. If one chooses not to per-
form this part of the laboratory experiment, the literature
values can be given as a priori information to the students.
The results show that adding a salt to the SDS system
lowers the cmc substantially. Furthermore, the cmc deter-
minations of the different alkyltrimethylammonium surfac-
tants show that an increasing hydrocarbon tail length in-
deed lowers the cmc for surfactants of the same kind.
Micellar Aggregation Numbers
SDS with and without Added NaCl
Two quenchers were used in the salt-free system, DCB Figure 2. Steady-state emission spectra of pyrene in SDS micelles
and DoPyrCl, whereas only DoPyrCl was employed for the at different DoPyrCl concentrations (see inserted legend), in the ab-
system with added NaCl. Spectra were recorded at several sence of added NaCl (top) and with 220 mM NaCl added (bottom). • Vol. 75 No. 1 January 1998 • Journal of Chemical Education 95

In the Laboratory

ln ( I0 / IQ)
ln ( I0 / IQ)

CQ (mM) CQ (mM)
Figure 3. Plot according to eq 7 for the SDS system. 䊏: SDS with Figure 4. Plot according to eq 7 for the DoTAB system. 䊏: DoTAB
DCB as quencher; 䉱: SDS with DoPyrCl as quencher; 䉬: SDS + with DCB as quencher; 䉬: DoTAB with DoPyrCl as quencher.
220 mM NaCl with DoPyrCl as quencher.

Alkyltrimethylammonium Halides with Different yields aggregation numbers in excellent agreement with the
Hydrocarbon Tail Lengths literature. Even without knowing the literature values, one
can use eqs 1–5 to judge the results. For DCB, the discrep-
The part treating the CnTA+ halides (n = 12, 14, 16) is ancy between experimental data (34) and model (55) is al-
a good example of the need to take both photochemical fea- most 40%. If we conclude that something is wrong with the
tures and model requirements into account when employ- former value, we also have to answer the following ques-
ing a given model. tion: why does DCB not work well in the DoTAB system,
To begin with, the same quenchers used for the SDS whereas it could be used in the SDS system?
systems were employed to determine the aggregation num- The explanation is that DCB acts as an electron accep-
ber of DoTAB. From the quality of the fits of eq 7 to data tor, causing a subsequent attraction between the DCB an-
(Fig. 4), one would conclude that both quenchers result in a ionic radical and the cationic surfactant head-groups. When
fluorescence quenching according to the Turro–Yekta model performing time-resolved fluorescence quenching measure-
(7). Comparing the calculated aggregation numbers, how- ments, this is not a problem, and DCB can be used as
ever, shows that DCB yields a much lower < a > than quencher (20, 21), as the electron captured by the DCB mol-
DoPyrCl. Evidently, there is a discrepancy between the ag- ecule will return to the donor (pyrene) before the next excita-
gregation number obtained from the measurements with tion event. Under continuous excitation, however, the
DCB and the literature values (Table 3), whereas DoPyrCl charge transfer has a disastrous impact, as it creates a con-
stant amount of negatively charged DCB
radicals. First, the effective quencher
Table 2. Aggregation Numbers of Systems with SDS as Surfactant concentration will be lowered, because
part of the quenchers will be “bound” to
System Aggregation Number < a > the surfactant head-groups instead of
[SDS] [NaCl] Ref being able to freely diffuse in the micelle.
Quencher This Report Literature Theory a
(mM) (mM) Second, even those DCB molecules that
63 0 DCB 58 60–65 55 7 are not so strongly attracted by the cat-
61 0 DoPyrCl 65 60–65 55 7 ionic ammonium groups will diffuse more
slowly owing to electrostatic attraction.
60 220 DoPyrCl 103 ⬇ 100 – 18 This violates one of the assumptions nec-
a Values in this column were calculated by the semi-empirical model leading
essary for the use of eq 7, namely, that
to eqs 1–6.
the quenching must be very fast and ef-
ficient. None of this would be a problem
if the plots according to eq 7 clearly
Table 3. Aggregation Numbers of Systems with Alkyltrimethylammonium Salts showed that the model is invalid in
as Surfactants these systems, but this is not the case.
System Aggregation Number < a > The plot according to eq 7 when using
DCB as a quencher in the DoTAB-sys-
Surfactant Ref tem yields a straight line through the
Quencher This Report Literature Theory a
Compound Conc. (mM) origin, but with a slope giving a much
DoTAB 75 DCB 34 55–65 55 22 too low aggregation number when used
in eq 8.
DoTAB 72 DoPyrCl 64 55–65 55 22
Using alkylpyridinium salts as
TTAC 101 DoPyrCl 51 70 75 20 quenchers offers an alternative, but with
TTAC 37 TPyrCl 58 60–65 75 20 some difficulties. First, the effective
quencher concentration in the micelles,
CTAB 101 DoPyrCl 61 140 95 22
[Qmic], has to be calculated from the to-
CTAB 35 CPyrCl 41 100 95 20 tal quencher concentration, [Qtot], by eqs
a Values in this column were calculated by the semi-empirical model leading to eqs 1–6. 9 and 10. As can be seen from Figure 4

96 Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 75 No. 1 January 1998 •

In the Laboratory

ln ( I0 / IQ)
ln ( I0 / IQ)

CQ (mM) CQ (mM)

Figure 5. Plot according to eq 7 for the TTAC system. 䊏: TTAC Figure 6. Plot according to eq 7 for the CTAB system. 䊏: CTAB
with DoPyrCl as quencher; 䉬: TTAC with TPyrCl as quencher. with DoPyrCl as quencher; 䉬: CTAB with CPyrCl as quencher.

and Table 3, DoPyrCl works out very well as a quencher in gregation numbers will result in a severe underestimation
the DoTAB system. The results are in good accord with the of these numbers in several cases—for example, when the
literature values, and students can judge the obtained re- underlying assumptions for the equations used are violated.
sults as satisfactory by eqs 1–5. Such an unfavorable situation can, however, be used peda-
When DoPyrCl is applied as quencher in the TTAC sys- gogically in discussing the results and helps to explain to
tem, however, it yields too low an aggregation number. In the students that they have to be aware of both chemical
this case, the conflict is due to our assumption that the mix- and physical aspects of a system under investigation. It is
ing of the surfactant and the quencher is ideal. Such an as- possible for students to use a semi-empirical model to judge
sumption will hold only if the values of the cmc’s of the their results and the discrepancies between experimental
quencher and the surfactant are similar and, consequently, data and model can be rationalized if taking the underlying
it does not hold if the lengths of the quencher and surfac- physical assumptions of the model into account.
tant hydrophobic tails differ. In the present case, the real
[Qmic] is much lower than the one calculated from eqs 9 and Acknowledgments
10. Again, the plot of eq 7 does not reveal this anomaly be-
cause a straight line through the origin is obtained (Fig. 5), We thank the fourth-year students who performed
but the obtained aggregation number again is much lower most of the measurements presented here: Joris Baele,
than what could be predicted from eqs 1–5, and the students Davy Briers, Joke Creuwels, and Jan De Rudder.
should be able to disregard this result. The use of the
quencher TPyrCl should solve this problem, because it can Notes
be assumed that TPyrCl mixes ideally with TTAC. Indeed,
TPyrCl yields a good aggregation number for TTAC (Table 3), 1. We would stress the need of a thorough introduction to
illustrating the necessity of knowing the real [Qmic]. photophysics before students start the practical work. It is, however,
Finally, applying DoPyrCl in the CTAB systems results beyond the scope of this contribution to treat that part. Interested
in too low an aggregation number for the same reason that readers will find sufficient information in the literature (9, 23–26).
it failed in the TTAC system. Trying to circumvent the prob- 2. Surfactants and micelles have been extensively discussed
lem with nonideal mixing by using the quencher CPyrCl, in the literature. Only the major concepts related to the micellar
however, does not work (see Table 3), even though the fit of aggregation number are discussed in this paper. Readers inter-
eq 7 is good (Fig. 6). This is because CTAB micelles do not ested in a more thorough discussion and presentation of the mi-
conform to one of the assumptions for eq 7: that the quench- cellar aggregation phenomenon can consult some excellent ar-
ing process is very effective. For such a bulky quencher in ticles and books (5, 27–32).
large CTAB micelles, the diffusion toward an excited probe
molecule is too slow to assure complete quenching in all mi- Literature Cited
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98 Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 75 No. 1 January 1998 •

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