7 Things Two Column - Liz Futch

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7 Things you should know about…

21st Century Information Seeking Behaviors and

Information Literacy Skills of Adolescents
By Elizabeth Futch

Scenario 1. What Is It?

Jessica, a high school junior, arrives home Laverty (2009) addresses the convergence
from a long day at school during which she between traditional information literacy with the
was loaded down with homework digital environment to define information literacy
assignments. The teen retreats to her laptop as the ability to articulate a problem to be
investigated, locate and assemble information,
and begins to Google the topic for her
scrutinize gathered resources, process and apply
teacher assigned group research topic in information toward a solution, and contemplate
English literature. The Google search brings the effectiveness of the entire process (as cited in
up hundreds of thousands of hits. Too Warlick, 2004). According to the Standards for the
overwhelmed with extracurricular activities 21st Century Learner in Action (2009), by the time
and homework from other classes, the teen a student leaves high school, they should be able
chooses the first five hits without checking for to locate appropriate information resources in the
credibility or relevancy to her research topic. library and evaluate those sources as to their
Using the books and non-print resources from relevancy and appropriateness. Students should
her school’s media center are not even also be able to use technology resources, such as
considered because she needs this the Internet and other online databases, to locate
and select appropriate and relevant information,
information immediately and feels those other
conduct keyword searches, collaborate with
resources are too time-consuming to access others, and behave in a responsible and ethical
and use. Why should she spend extra time manner. Finally, students should be able to
searching for books and logging on to the transfer their knowledge to new situations.
password controlled school database when
she can just Google it from the comfort of her 2. Who Is Doing It?
own home? Besides, the topic the teacher One of the primary reasons adolescents access
assigned to her group is boring and irrelevant information using the web is because it is
to her life anyway. Jessica wonders when convenient, easy to understand, and readily
and how she will find the time to meet with available. According to a study conducted by
the members of her group to work on this Lenhart, Madden, Macgill, and Smith (2007), 93%
assignment. of teens have access to the Internet, 64%
between the ages of 12-17 have participated in
content-creating activities on the Internet, and
55% have created a profile in an online social
networking site. In a study by McClure and Clink
(2009), teens reported that using the Internet to
conduct research simply fulfills the majority of
their research needs. In an interview conducted
by Thomas and O’Sullivan (2005), one teen
stated that a major benefit of using the Internet is
the quantity of information available. It is apparent
from personal observation and current research
findings that a majority of adolescents have
access to the Internet either at home or through
school and are utilizing this vast tool for personal
and educational applications.
3. How Does It Work? the skills needed to retrieve, analyze, and
Several key findings are noted with regard to communicate their findings online. Preliminary
adolescent use of the Internet, or virtual libraries, to results from an information and communication
perform research. Rowlands et al. (2008) defines technology test (ICT) reported that only 13% of
the Google generation as those individuals born the college and high-school students tested were
after 1993. Information-seeking behaviors for the information literate (Foster, 2006). Thus, if
Google generation are characterized as being adolescents are not proficient in the application of
horizontal, bouncing, checking and viewing in information literacy skills when utilizing the
nature (Rowlands et al., 2008). In a study by Todd Internet, they will lack the ability to apply and
(2003), it was noted that when adolescents utilized transfer these skills to institutions of higher
the Internet for research, they were often learning and in the workforce.
confronted by the following issues: too few or too
many hits, information overload, ineffective search 5. What Are The Downsides?
strings and use of search terms, superficial One particular downside to teaching information
evaluation of websites, preference to browsing literacy skills to teens is that recent brain research
instead of systemic based searching, and indicates that the areas in the brain responsible
copying/pasting information with little regard to for planning, setting priorities, organizing
ethical use. Rowlands et al. (2008) indicated that thoughts, suppressing impulses, and most
while there are some differences in the searching importantly, problem solving are not developed
methods of the Google generation, adolescents of until into adulthood (Dresang, 2005). The brain
any era have had difficulty in selecting appropriate research provides serious implications to the
search terms. However, current adolescent efforts and abilities to teach information literacy
researchers fail to evaluate information from skills to this age group. If they are not biologically
electronic resources in terms of relevancy, capable of mastering information skills in terms of
accuracy, and author authority (Rowlands et al., synthesis and analysis, then why focus on higher
2008). Another problematic aspect of information order information literacy skills at this age level?
literacy in the 21st century has emerged as a result Another downside involves student interest level
of many school systems’ reluctance to utilize social in the topic they are researching, as well as their
media networking as an educational tool with level of motivation. Students who are extrinsically
regard to student collaboration. In a study motivated are apt to approach research using a
conducted by Dresang (2005), adolescents surface method which is characterized by fast
indicated that the idea of ‘knowing together’ was Internet surfing with little regard for source
important in regard to both online and offline accuracy and relevancy (Heinstrom, 2006). It
learning resources. With the emergence of student appears there are few school districts in the
information-seeking behaviors in conjunction with county that provide a cohesive information literacy
social media, it is all the more imperative that program. Allen (2007) points out that many
students are being taught how to behave ethically educators have a limited view of information
and responsibly when accessing the Internet. literacy. In addition, educators are failing to teach
information literacy skills at the high school level
4. Why Is It Significant? because they assume technology skills are purely
Proper and sufficient skills in information literacy technical; therefore, neglecting to teach the
are foundational to a student’s ability to conduct primary focus of information literacy - using
successful research that will carry them through the technology to analyze and understand information
pursuit of higher education and into the workforce. more deeply (Allen, 2007). It is clear that the
The implications for mastering information literacy educational system is failing to provide teachers
skills to secure employment are inevitable. In with proper training in the importance of teaching
Eisenberg’s (2008) recent article, he states that information literacy skills in conjunction with the
successful companies are utilizing meaningful Internet. The educational system must establish a
applications of technology and are looking to hire cohesive plan to integrate the teaching of
those individuals who are able to apply technology information literacy skills with emerging
in different situations. Foster (2006) reported that technologies at the local, state, and national
students preparing to enter college do not have levels in order to scaffold and provide
continuation of this important skill-set.
6. Where Is It Going? References
The Internet is not going away; therefore, Allen, S. (2007). Information literacy, ICT, high
students will continue to utilize this increasingly school, and college expectations.
prevalent tool as their primary method to locate Knowledge Quest, 35(5), 18-24. Retrieved
information. Information seeking will progress into from http://bit.ly/cHsG3u
an increasingly social entity as social media American Association of School Librarians.
continues to gain a foothold on future (2009). Standards for the 21st-Century
generations. As collaboration among learners in Learner in Action. Philadelphia: American
online communities increase, the ability to Library Assn.
exchange ideas and share information in a social Dresang, E. T. (2005). The information-seeking
context will require advanced information literacy behavior of youth in the digital environment.
skills in effective collaboration. Both the increase Library Trends, 54(2), 178-196. doi:
in available information on the Internet and a 10.1353/lib.2006.0015
focus on collaboration will require the learner to Eisenberg, M. B. (2008). Information literacy :
gain advanced skills in source selection and Essential skills for the information age.
evaluation as well as practicing safe and ethical Libraries Unlimited, 28(2), 1008-1009. doi:
behaviors when dealing with those sources. 10.1002/asi.20155
Foster, A. (2006). Students fall short on
7. What Are The Implications For 'Information Literacy,' Educational Testing
Service's study finds. Chronicle of Higher
Teaching And Learning? Education, 53(10), A36. Retrieved from
We, as educators and media specialists, need to
provide instruction and support to our students in
Heinström, J. (2006). Fast surfing for availability
terms of teaching them more efficient search
or deep diving into quality - motivation and
strategies with regard to the Internet (O’Sullivan &
information seeking among middle and high
Thomas, 2005). The teaching of information
school students, Information Research, 11(4),
literacy skills must be a collaborative effort in all
228-247. doi: 10.1108/00220410510585205
areas of a school’s curriculum (O’Sullivan &
Laverty, C. (2009). Our information literacy
Thomas, 2005). We must emphasize to students
heritage: from evolution to revolution. Feliciter,
that the Internet is just another tool by which to
55(3), 88-91. Retrieved from
gather information and require students to use a
variety of print and non-print resources when
Lenhart, A., Madden, M., Macgill, A., and Smith,
conducting research (O’Sullivan & Thomas,
A. (2007). Teens and Social Media. Pew
2005). In addition to teaching students
Internet & American Life Project. Retrieved
information literacy skills, a study conducted by
from http://www.pewinternet.org/
Heinstrom (2006) indicated that students took a
deeper approach in researching topics if they
McClure, R. & Clink, K. (2009). How did you know
found their topics to be interesting and relevant;
that? An investigation of student research
therefore, assigning topics that are engaging to
practices in the digital age. Libraries and the
students is key to teaching information literacy.
Academy, 9(1), 115-132. doi:
We must also recognize that in the same way that
students have varying learning styles, they have
Rowlands, I., Nicholas, D., Williams, P.,
varying information seeking styles and we must
Huntington, P., Fieldhouse, M., Gunter, B., ...
teach to and allow for such differences (Dresang,
Tenopir, C. (2008). The Google generation:
The information behaviour of the researcher of
the future. Aslib Proceedings, 60(4), 290-310.
doi: 10.1108/00012530810887953
Todd, R. J. (2003). Adolescents of the information
age: Patterns of information seeking and use,
and implications for information professionals.
School Libraries Worldwide, 9(2), 27-46.
Retrieved from http://www.iasl-

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