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Bushido Errata and Additions (from cover of book 2)


Improvement of Attributes by exercise gains the chartacter one (1) point per month spent.


To Shurikenjutsu add: The Ninja may throw Tetsu-bishi as if they were Shiriken but he will recieve a -1 to
his Base Chance of Success.


The first paragraph under mastery should read: Shugenda may gain Shugendo by achieving the
maximum score in a Bonus Art. This will give him 1 point of Shugendo as well as the mastery of the art.


Clarification of Countermagic: Additional attempts to dissolve a non-school spell will cost power equal to
the Spirit Rank of the being who cast the spell (minimum 1) times the number of the attempt. Thus the
sixth attempt will be 'times six


When creating a character his age should be rolled before deciding on Profession.


The second to last line of the first paragraph should read "Artisans, since they provided a creative
service, were more highly regarded Than Merchants."

1092.2b This section was omitted.

1092.2b The Iaijutsu Duel

This form of duel is extreemely dangerous. Participants received enhanced On (see Section 1064.1c).
The opponents face off, weapons sheathed, a mere yard or so apart.

When the moment is right, weapons are drawn and strikes are made. If both survive the first exchange,
the duel proceeds normally.

In the game, the Gamesmaster rolls a D20 to determine the action phase on which the first strike will
occur. If the roll is lower than a character's Base Action Phase, he will strike immediately. If it is lower
than or equal to the Base Action Phase of both combatants, the strikes will be simultaneous. Each
character is allowed only one strike in this first turn of the duel.

The First strike is made using Iaijutsu Skill. If a character does not have Iaijutsu Skill he may use 1/4 of his
Kenjustsu score to generate a Base Chance of Success. In this case his Base Action Phase for the first turn
is halved.

The effects of the first strike of an Iaijutsu duel are as follows. A roll within the character's BCS results in
a Critical Hit.
A normal failure results in a normal hit. Only a Critical Miss will result in a miss and that will only be a
normal miss. Normal situational modifiers apply to a character's Base Chance of Success.

Iaijutsu duels are fought only with swords and cultural sanctions tend to confine it to katana.


Add to the end of the second paragraph: Damage to clothing (see 1103.5a) immediately lowers the
clothing class by one step.


In the descriptions of Aiguchi, Tanto, Yari and Yari-nage, the term 'thrown' should be replaced by the
term 'Hurled'.


In an Entangle Attack a victim is freed if the cumulative Effect Number reaches 0 (not -10)

Initial Skills


Katakana at (2 x Wit) + (10 x RF) + Initial Age

Hiragana at (2 x Wit) + (10 x RE)

Kenjutsu score +5 in initial score

Court Dance

Choice of 1 Fine Art

All Samurai:

+5 to Bajutsu score

Kanji at (2 x Wit)


1 Practical Art

Popular Dance

Katakana at (2 x Wit) + (10 x RE) + Initial Age

Popular Dance


Choice of 1 Practical Art

Choice of Hunting or Fishing


Choice of 1 Craft

Choice of 1 Practical Art



Hiragana at (2 x Wit) + (10 x RE)

Choice of 1 Fine or Practical Art


Katakana at (2 x Wit) + (10 x RE)

Hiragana at (2 x Wit) + (10 x RE)

Choice of 1 Practical Art


Group Status is one's status inside the group, or as a representative of a group (a Clan, a gang, what
ever). It is not personal, it is one's station in the group. It is really only used in the group for Status uses
and supersedes Person Status in those situations. A member of the Koga Clan on Koga Business uses
Koga Status, but on Personal Business uses Personal Status. This is because the use of Group Status
brings the Group's reputation into the actions of the character. If the character is not on Koga Business
and claims to be and in some way insults someone they bring shame to the Koga Clan.
Personal Status is modified by Profession, Group Status is not modified inside the Group but is modified
by Group Factor when used outside the group. If the above character had a Personal Status of 60 and a
Group Status of 60 as a Bushi they would have an effective Status of (60 x 0.6 =) 36 on Personal
Business, and a (if the Koga clan were Status .9) (60 x .9 =) 54 Status on Clan Business, and a 60 inside
the Clan for any business.

So, Personal Status is important personally and Group is important in relation to the Group (both in the
group and when representing the group). When there is a question of which Status to use ask if this is a
Group issue or a Personal Issue.

Also, a character may be a member of several groups: Clan, Ryu, Organization, Secret Conspiracy, etc...

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