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Job description

Working as Design engineer in Radome Development Centre – RCI.

Involve various Missile projects – Astra, Pralay, Ngarm, Akash ng, Akash mk 1s and AD missile

 Designed gel casting mould, Testing fixture, Bulkhead Joining fixture and machining fixture ,
Boring machining tools ,For missile radome and other components then carried out suitable
Analysis like static, model, fatigue to insure strength and life of tools.
 Modelling, Design and Modal analysis of Fixtures for Missile Radome was carried out for
Experimental Testing, Designed Bulkhead Joining and Machining fixture using SolidWorks &
Ansys Workbench.
 Worked with the Structural Group of the department and carried out:
 Buckling, Static and Fatigue analysis for Critical cases.
 Carried out Meshing in Hypermesh and used FEAST (ISRO’s FE Software) as solver
for specific cases.
 ACarried out Thermal Analysis and did modification in the Radome profile in order to
match the requirements of the components inside.
 Developed code in Matlab & Excel to develop the Radome profile for optimal EM

Tool Design- Gel casting Mould,Testing fixture, Bulkhead Joining fixture,

machining fixture for missile Radome, Drafting, Documentation,
CAD files managment
Software – solidworks 2016.

FEA Simulation- Static structural, Modal, Thermal, Thermostructural, fatigue,

Buckling analysis of missile Nose cone assembly and testing fixtures.
Software- Ansys workbench, Hypermesh, Feast.

Calculation- Scripting to solve Outer profile curve equation and thickness

for optimal EM performance of nose cone profile of missile.
Software - Matlab, excel, solidworks.

Tool Design- Designed Gel casting Mould, Testing fixture, Bulkhead Joining fixture
And machining fixture for missile Radome, Drafting, Documentation,
CAD files managment
Software – solidworks 2016.

FEA Simulation- Carried out Static, Modal, Thermal, Thermostructural,

Buckling analysis of missile Nose cone assembly and testing fixtures.
Software- Ansys workbench, Hypermesh, Feast.

Calculation- Scripting to solve Outer profile curve equation and thickness

for optimal EM performance of nose cone profile of missile.
Software - Matlab, excel, solidworks.

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