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In a certain country, the currency used was called femto.

Raju had his lunch in one of the hotels in it.

His bill came to 47 femtos. He had notes in only 3 denominations - 1-femto, 2-femto and 20-femto.
In how many ways can he settle the bill?
(1) 24 (2) 18 (3) 48 (4) 16 (5) 42

A bank teller was making the payment for a cheque presented by Mohan. As he was in a confused state of
mind, he transposed the rupees and paise and hence gave more than what he should have. Mohan left the
bank and bought a biscuit from a nearby store for Rs.1.50. The amount remaining with him was 4 times the
amount on the cheque. The amount remaining with him must have been between
(1) Rs.70 and 71 (2) Rs.79 and Rs.80
(3) Rs.85 and Rs.94 (4) Rs.93 and Rs.94 (5) Rs.98 and Rs.99

Which of the following statements is true of the number of pairs of positive integers (x, y) satisfying
the equation x2 –y2= 702?
(1) There is only one pair possible.
(2) There are exactly two such pairs possible.
{3) The number of pairs is more than two but finite.
(4) There are infinite number of pairs.
(5) No such pair is possible.

Find the number of ordered pairs (x, y), where x and y are positive integers, that satisfy the equation

(1) 2 (2) 1 (3) 3 (4) 4

If l + m + n ≠ 0, which of the following conditions must I, m and n satisfy so that the system of simultaneous
linear equations x + 3y - 4z = l, 2x - y - z = m, x + y -2z = n has at least one solution?
(1) 3l -2m + 7n= 0 (2) 3l -2m -7n = 0
(3) 3/ + 2m -7n = 0 (4) 2l + 3m + 7n = 0
(5) 2/ + 3m -7n = 0

This year, during the months of January and February, every day Ramu went to a fruit shop and bought
three varieties of fruits, such that when any two days are considered, he bought at least one variety of fruit
on one of the days that was different from what he bought on the other day. What is the minimum number of
different varieties of fruits he could have bought during that period?
(1) 9 (2) 8 (3) 18
(4) 60 (5) 14

A carton manufacturing company produces two kinds of cartons – standard and deluxe. The profit margin on
a standard carton is Rs.60, and that on a deluxe carton is Rs.90. Every carton must be processed on
machine A and on machine B. The processing times (in hours per carton) on the two machines are as
Time required (hour/ carton)
Type of carton
Machine A Machine B
Standard 12 18
Deluxe 15 30
If the total time available on machine A is4200 hours and on machine B is 7200 hours, the production plan
which maximizes the total profit is
(1) 120 standard cartons, 180 deluxe cartons.
(2) 100 standard cartons, 200 deluxe cartons.
(3) 200 standard cartons, 120 deluxe cartons.
(4) 150 standard cartons, 120 deluxe cartons.
(5) 160 standard cartons, 150 deluxe cartons.

A purse contains only notes of the denominations Rs.2, Rs.5 and Rs.10. The total amount in the purse is
Rs.119, and the total number of notes in the purse is 20. If there are atleast 2 notes of each denomination in
the purse, which of the following can be the number of Rs.5 notes in the purse?
(1) 9 (2) 5 (3) 8
(4) 7 (5) 11

Ram and shyam attended a food festival. Ram gave an order for 3 burgers, 4 pastries and 2 pizzas,
whereas Shyam placed an order for 2 burgers, a pastry and 3 pizzas. The bill for Ram and Shyam was
Rs.1050 and Rs.950 respectively. If Ram exchanges a pizza for a pastry with Shyam, then which of the
following is true?
(1) Shyam owes Ram a sum of Rs.150
(2) Shyam owes Ram a sum of Rs.100
(3) Ram owes Shyam a sum of Rs.150
(4) Ram owes Shyam a sum of Rs.100

The cost of five apples, four bananas and three chikkoos is Rs.50, If the cost of an apple, a banana
and a chikkoo is Rs.12, how much more does an apple cost than a chikkoo?
(1) Re.1
(2) Rs.2
(3) Rs.4
(4) Cannot be determined

In a certain DVD shop, with a stock of several thousand DVDs, for every successive DVD sold the discount
offered on the marked price of that DVD decreases by half. If the shop offered 50% discount on the marked
price of the first DVD sold and the marked price of each DVD is Rs. 1729.50, the total discount offered on all
the DVD's that the shop may sell is closest to the marked price of
(1) 3 DVDs (2) 2 DVDs
(3) 4 DVDs (4) 1 DVD

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