Pid Example 1

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●•• Introduction

The template reflects the steps set out in the PRINCE2 Method and is designed to prompt
the Project Manager and help in the creation of the Project Initiation Document (PID). The
information for the Project Initiation Document will be found within the IP Process in the
PRINCE2 Manual. There is also a Product Description for the PID at Appendix A of the
PRINCE2 Manual.

The Project Initiation Document will reflect the information contained in the Project
Approach, mainly integrated within the Project Plan. The PID will be created by expanding
the Project Brief: there are separate Templates for the Project Brief and Project Approach.

•✄• Loading the file

This template has been produced using Microsoft Word 97. To use it, load up the file
directly from the directory and starting from page 1 follow the prompts (in [...] brackets).

•✄• Deleting the [....] text

When the template is complete, the whole Project Initiation Document can be printed and

Prior to printing, you should delete all [....] prompt text.

•✄• The Italic Text

The template has been set out to reflect the PRINCE2 Manuals interpretation of the
sections required, the ‘Stable’ sections being in bold type and the ‘Dynamic’ sections in
bold italic type.

Prior to printing you should change the italic text back to normal.

•✄• Saving the Project Initiation Document under its own name

Save the Project Initiation Document by selecting the “SAVE-AS” command; this will avoid
overwriting the standard template. You must specify your own Project Directory.
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Project Initiation Document
Date: 20 June 2018
Once your PID is completed check the document against the following Quality

●•• Does the document correctly represent the project?

●•• Does it show a viable, achievable project that is in line with corporate strategy or
overall programme needs?
●•• Is the project organisation structure complete, with names and titles?
●•• Have all the roles been considered?
●•• Does it clearly show a control, reporting and direction regime that is
implementable and appropriate to the scale, business risk and business
importance of the project?
●•• Is the project organisation structure backed up by agreed and signed job
●•• Are the relationships and lines of authority clear?
●•• Does the project organisation structure need to say to whom the Project Board
●•• Do the controls cover the needs of the Project Board, Manager and Team
●•• Do the controls satisfy any delegated assurance requirements?
●•• Is it clear who will administer each control?

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Project: Educatig the general public about

SMART technologies in the home

Release: 26 April 2010

Date: 19/11/2010


Author: Paul Sant

Owner: Group Ace

Client: University of Bedfordshire

Document Ref: PIDDRAFT

Version No: 001

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●•• 1 Project Initiation Document History

•✄• 1.1 Document Location

This document is only valid on the day it was printed.
The source of the document will be found on the project's PC in location.

•✄• 1.2 Revision History

Date of this revision:
Date of Next revision:

Revision Previous Summary of Changes Changes marked

date revision
First issue

•✄• 1.3 Approvals

This document requires the following approvals.
Signed approval forms are filed in the Management section of the project files.

Name Signature Title Date of Versio

Issue n
Paul Sant Project Manager 19/11/20 01
Piers Anderson Project Board 19/11/20
(Executive) 09

•✄• 1.4 Distribution

This document has been distributed to:

Name Title Date of Versio

Issue n
Group Ace Project Management Group 19/11/20 01

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●•• 2 Table of Contents


●•• 1 Project Initiation Document History 1

1.1 Document Location 1
1.2 Revision History
1.3 Approvals
1.4 Distribution

●•• 2 Table of Contents

●•• 3 Purpose of Document

●•• 4 Background

●•• 5 Project Definition

5.1 Project Objectives
5.2 Defined Method Approach
5.3 Project Scope
5.4 Project Deliverables and/or Desired Outcomes
5.5 Exclusions
5.6 Constraints
5.7 Interfaces
5.8 Assumptions

●•• 6 Project Organisation Structure

6.1 Project Management Team Structure
6.2 Job Descriptions

●•• 7 Communication Plan

●•• 8 Project Quality Plan

●•• 9 Project Controls

●•• 10 Initial Business Case

●•• 11 Initial Project Plan

●•• 12 Initial Risk Log

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●•• Project Initiation Document

•✄• 3 Purpose of Document

The purpose of this document is to define the project, to form the basis for its management
and the assessment of overall success.

•✄• 4 Background
The advancement in information technology has made the business process handling easy. Use of
technology and related application helps to manage the information which can be retrieved and
altered easily. As the college has different faculties, it is always a complicated process to manage
the information of students. The college application helps the student’s management task easier. The
details information exchange between college administration, faculty and students become
phenomenal. The college can share the notice and information without bothering to reach to each
student individually.
Communicating with each and every student, mostly with sharing notice and information in college
is a very complicated task which needs a huge number of human resource. Even the student records
process will be very static and kills time. Developing this app will creates a platform between
students and administration which makes it easier and effective way to communicate between
college and administration. This even saves human resource, time and money.
College application is a must demanded application for colleges. As most of the educational
organization already has started online classroom systems where students learn through online
processes. This application could be the most popular application in the market. As basically in
college which large number of students and faculties, this application surely helps the management
process easier.
College application is a pioneering concept for college business as it can handle all the management
procedures of college administration and students. There might be other application existing in
market but fails to be applicable and in practice. This application will fill all the loopholes and will
be fully functional.

•✄• 5 Project Definition

●•• 5.1 Project Objectives

●•• To design and develop college management system.

●•• To effective, manage administrative data and records effectively.
●•• To effectively manage different pinpoint area of student details, accounts, and
many more fields
●•• To address current problems and issues of college relating to student and staff’s
data record.

5.2 Defined Method of Approach

The project will be managed using PRINCE2, and the solutions proposed will be custom
built by the project team.

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●•• 5.3 Project Scope

● Login modules
● Class Report
● Prospective
● Student management

●•• 5.4 Project Deliverables and/or Desired Outcomes

●•• Source Code
●•• Test Script
●•• User Manual
●•• Documentation

●•• 5.5 Exclusions

The proposed project will be based on android platform. The project is not
compatible with desktop. The user can only see the administration notice, their
study status and academic report. The project will not have the features of online
payment and chatbot.

●•• 5.6 Constraints

[need to be change]
 The allocated time for the project is limited.
 Execution and testing of the project will be held within the college.
Working time will be limted to:
Monday: 10A.M. - 4 P.M.
Tuesday: 10A.M. - 4 P.M.
Wednesday: 10A.M. - 4 P.M.
Thursday: 10A.M. - 4 P.M.
Friday: 10A.M. - 3 P.M.

●•• 5.7 Interfaces

Not applicable

●•• 5.8 Assumptions

●•• The team members will be discussing their progress and conduct weekly meeting.
●•• The team members will be available throughout the project.
●•• Planning and scheduling of work will be shown using Gantt chart.
●•• Project manager helps team members to be motivated for greater project success.
●•• The project will help college faculty and student as it saves time.

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6 Project Organisation Structure

Programme Management

Patan College for Professional Studies

Ajaya Kumar

Ashish Pokhrel

Delivery Team
Rajesh Sunuwar
Rajesh Pokhrel (Back-End
Swornim Manandhar (Front-
End Developer)
Divya Dev Bhattarai (Back-
End Developer)

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●•• 6.1 Project Management Team Structure

Name Position Role

Patan college for professional Determines the procedure and Project Board
studies helps to solve problems
Raju Poudel Project Supervisor

Rajesh Khadka Project Manager

Swornim Manandhar Responsible for the Developer (Front-end)

development of the User
Rajesh Pokhrel Developer (Back-end)

Divya Dev Bhattarai Developer (Back-end)

Rajesh Sunuwar Documenter

Ashish Pokhrel Quality Assurance

●•• 6.2 Job Descriptions

Project Board

The project board is responsible for tracking and managing the overall progress of project and
overcomes any problems if arises during project development. The project board is also responsible
for implementation of plan and milestones for the project.

Project Manager

1. Formation of project team for delivering the project goals.

2. Assigning roles and responsibilities to each member of the project team.
3. Planning and defining the scope of the undertaken project.
4. Developing schedules that the team has to abide by.
5. Developing schedules
6. Cost estimation of the project to see it is viable or not
7. Managing risks and issues

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Quality Assurance

1. The officer must understand production and marketing schedules.

2. The officer in the end will have to create and maintain test plans, test cases and test scripts.
3. The officer will have to follow a documented test plan and responsible for the reporting of
clear and detailed bug reports.
4. The officer will analyse user requirements.
5. The officer will create a quality plan and procedures.
6. As needed s/he will create a use cases diagram.
7. Develop test scenario and execute it on manual testing.


1. Keeping every log of each phase of the project.

2. By using necessary documentation, documenter will maintain the team communication.
3. Responsible for maintaining project documents.
4. Responsible for storing, retrieval and cataloguing documents
5. Meeting agenda and minute writing.
6. Data entry after development of required application.
7. Basic analytics.

1. Understanding user stories of the project.
2. Gather all the information required to develop the system.
3. Aids the quality assurance on finalizing the coding standard that will be used for
development of the product.
4. Written and maintain unit test for the program.
5. Write codes as per the coding standard that has been agreed upon.
6. Documenting each error logs faced during the development phase of the system.
7. Bug fixing for the errors encountered and also documenting the solution report.
8. Documenting all the application components to make it understandable.
9. Creating user manuals for the developed program.

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•✄• 7 Communication Plan

7.1. Purpose
Correspondence between colleagues is the most fundamental piece of undertaking administration.
The stream of data between every one of the individuals from the venture prompts the better
advancement of framework and additionally assembles a solid bond. Correspondence encourages us
to detail extend stream and makes the association more vital which makes venture a ton less
demanding to oversee. The correspondence design assists all the colleagues with measuring whether
they are meeting the task necessities and recognize the hazard to decrease the undertaking
disappointment. Correspondence between colleagues expands the consistency, representative's
profitability and meeting the coveted results.

7.2. Interested Parties

Interested parties provides a decision maker for any kinds of problems faced during the development
of the project. Decisions can be upcoming and former which is taken by these interested parties.
Some of the stakeholders for this project can be project manager, Documenter, Quality assurance,
Developer and project sponsors.

7.3. Information Required

Communication plan improvise the project deliverables and helps to reduce the duplication of
efforts. The information required for the communication plan are listed below:
● Execute plan and control over risks
● Project reports
● Daily Scrum Report
● Risk Report
● Weekly progress report

7.4. Information Provider

7.4.1. 2. Attendees Name Department/Division E-mail 7.4.1.

Rajesh Khadka Project Manager 98435

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Divya Dev Bhattarai Developer 98692
Rajesh Pokhrel Developer 98620
Swornim Manandhar Developer 98511
Ashish Pokhrel Quality Assurance 98078
Rajesh Sunwar Documentar 98039

7.5. Communication

7.5.1. Communication Frequency

Information Required Frequency of Communication
Daily Scrum Meeting Report Daily
Weekly Meeting Report Weekly
Risk Reports When necessary

Final Project Report Once

Progress Report Weekly

7.5.2. Communication Method

Communication are held each day with respect to dialog on themes of the task. Which is then every
day followed in the google drive which is incorporated into Daily Scrum Meeting document.
Another undertaking administration instrument "Bitrix24" is utilized as the center correspondence
and document sharing device. The application encourages us to impart safely utilizing private
informal community/Private organization arrange in which all our instructor has offered access to
track our undertaking progress. The application oversees errands, allot assignment to a person with
a due date, tracks the advance of appraisal. It likewise gives texting functionalities; individuals
would video be able to visit and the foremost thing video conferencing speaks with the partners
without the physical nearness. Email is utilized to speak with the official venture board and partners.

•✄• 8 Project Quality Plan

[See separate Project Quality Plan Template]

•✄• 9 Project Controls

•✄• RACI chart will be used to clarify the roles and responsibilities for the individuals involved
in this project.
•✄• Gantt chart will define the project’s schedule.
•✄• The project will be managed using PRINCE2 principles for proper project management. It
will try to follow and cover all the methods mentioned in PRINCE2.
•✄• Documentation of all the logs of risks and errors will be properly recorded.

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•✄• The status of the project will be provided to the project board from time to time on a
monthly basis.

•✄• 10 Initial Business Case

If we look at the management of college, there are still on traditional system of student’s
records keeping, information exchange and so on. It creates so much of stress in
administration, miscommunication and misunderstanding between college and students.
The notice or information might not reach to each and every student and even takes lots of
time to retrieve student information. All these are the reason why College Application will
give a platform for administration and students.

•✄• 11 Initial Project Plan

[Explaining how and when the activities of the project will occur. See separate Product
Description Template]
The purpose of College Application is to provide student a platform for visiting and searching all
the queries they have about college. This will provide them all the answer they are looking for to
join college with the respected course with the enrollment process and the fees of respective
courses. Moreover, the proposed application will help the existing students to know the academic
reports, administrative routine and the notification on any events that will occur within the college

•✄• 12 Initial Risk Log

Risk Assessment and Analysis
There are different necessary steps and points to be noted out to analyse and assess the
risks and eradicating them. The steps are:
● Identification of Risk
It is critically a first step of the risk management process to determine and identify the
hazards, risk existing and to anticipate their features, duration, time and the probability
of the outcomes possible. It itself includes the vital participation if the project
management, members, stakeholders and risk experts.
The risks are often generated by a source and the problem surrounding the project. The
source may be internal or external and the problems may be threats of money or project
errors during it’s implementation. There are different types of risks and they are:
1. Strategic Risk (It concerns initial technology, finance, changes and project
2. Operational Risk (It concerns issues of daily project activities and risks involved)
3. Financial Risk (It concerns financial project structure and risk involved in transaction
and implication of project viability)
4. Information Risk (It concerns knowledge, communication and management risk)
● Describing and Estimating Risk
It is a step to describe the risk details and finding out the full impacts of the risk in a
project. The risk are addressed and structured out through the best available
information and assumptions. A risk description table can be used to assess the risk

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properly by considering the risk priority, the scale of the project and it’s hierarchy.
Documentation can be developed to describe the risks in objective based, scenario
based and charting based.
Estimating the risk is a process carried out to determine and analyze the level of risk
complexity, it’s timeframe and resources. It gives an idea about project budget,
completion dates, performance objectives and the risk that is involved in it. The risk
can be better estimated by the following impact and areas of concern.
1. Schedule Impact (It estimates the duration of the risk and it’s factor)
2. Scope Impact (It estimates the performance under the potential estimated
3. Cost Impact (It estimates the total financial loss of the project risk)
4. Quality Impact (It estimates the degradation of quality of the product and
project produced under the risk generated)
● Mitigation of Risk
It includes specific measures to analyze, minimize or eliminate the operation risks that are
quite unacceptable to reduce negative consequences, risk materializing and the project
exposure. The risk mitigation is carried out by planning an idea, backing up and fostering
those ideas along with the project agreements and finally putting the idea into use by
implementing it. A risk contingency plan also can be created to deal with the potential risk
occurred so that for each failure point the event document will raise a flag to indicate the
factor/event has reached in a critical condition. This information can be traced out in a risk
register so that alternative solutions are also possible to correct the failure and risks.
● Risk Tracking and Reporting

As project activities are conducted and completed, risk factors and events will be monitored
to determine if in fact trigger events have occurred that would indicate the risk .
Based on trigger events that have been documented during the risk analysis and mitigation
processes, the project team or project managers will have the authority to enact
contingency plans as deemed appropriate. Day to day risk mitigation activities will be
enacted and directed by the project managers.
Contingency plans that once approved and initiated will be added to the project work plan
and be tracked and reported along with all of the other project activities

Risk Management Strategy and Approach

It is very essential for College Management project or any other project to follow a certain
strategy to trace out the potentiality in being successful. A major 4-point strategy under the
risk response is:
● A (Avoid Risk)
It is an avoidance approach which includes the conditions to be eliminated before any risks
or maybe changing them to circumvent it.
● C (Control Risk)
It is an intermediate mitigation approach and consists of actions implemented in order to
mitigate risks occurrence and reduce the impacts and likelihood if occurred.
● A (Accept Risk)
It is an acceptance approach to acknowledge existing risk by the management via
contingency budget line but does not include the steps to mitigate it.
● T (Transfer Risk)

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It is a deflective approach to share and transfer it to any other organization project through
insurance contracts or operational transactions.

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