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LAW 123



Michael Trance Nuñez
Mely Ann Emerie Cristobal

2nd semester A.Y. 2013-2014

Prof. Alfredo Molo III

Cristobal ■ Nuñez A2016 Page 1 of 29

I. HISTORICAL AND Types of administrative agencies:
CONSTITUTIONAL 1. According to Creation
CONSIDERATIONS a. Statutory agencies - those agencies created by
law (NLRC, SEC, etc.)
Development of Administrative Law as a Distinct Field of b. Constitutional agencies - agencies specifically
Public Law created by the Constitution (COA, COMELEC,
CSC, etc.)
A. Factors for the emergence of Admin. Agencies 2. According to Purpose
a. Offers gratuity, grant, or special privilege (PVA,
a. Lack of Time - the government can no longer cope GSIS, SSS, PAO, etc.)
with the complexities of modern society. The b. Carries out functions of government (BIR, BOC,
solution is to create administrative agencies to BI, LRA, etc.)
provide for delegation of authority c. Performs service to the public (PNR, MWSS,
b. Lack of Expertise - new and highly technical or very NFA, NHA, etc.)
specific problems have emerged that require d. Regulates businesses imbued with public
expertise or specialization for its solution. interest (Insurance Commission, LTFRB,
c. Lack of organizational aptitude for effective and HLURB, etc.)
continuing regulation of new developments in e. Regulates private businesses or individuals
society - the government is too unwieldy to be able (SEC, MTRCB, DDB, etc.)
to concentrate in specialized areas. f. Adjusts individual controversies because of
strong social policy (NLRC, DAR, COA, etc.)
B. Doctrine of Separation of Powers
Admin. Law vis-a-vis Con. Law
 The three branches of government must not
encroach on the powers of each other. Con. Law Admin. Law
 There is no absolute separation of powers because Prescribes a general plan Gives and carries out
administrative agencies have a hybrid of powers and or framework general plan in detail
functions. Treats of the rights of Treats from a
 Administrative agencies have served as the catch the individual government standpoint,
basin for the residual powers of the trichotomy. emphasizes the powers
Without administrative agencies, the system will of government and
collapse. duties of citizens
Prescribes limitations on Indicates remedies for
C. Constitutional Position of Administrative Agencies powers of the the violation of those
government to protect rights.
Defining Key Terms individuals against
government abuse
Administrative Law - part of law that governs the
organization, functions, and procedures of administrative Benefits and Costs of Administrative Action over
agencies; and the extent to which such agencies are subject Traditional Action by the Three Branches
to the control of the courts.
Administrative Agency - an organ of government other than  Administrative action ensures greater
the court and other than a legislature, which affects the uniformity and impersonality of action
rights of private parties through either adjudication or rule-  Involves functions on discretion with respect to
making. future conduct, and hence, will not be
undertaken by the courts.
ADMINISTRATIVE CODE OF 1987, Section 2 - (4) Agency of the  Ability to enact preventive measures.
Government refers to any of the various units of the  Can perform functions that cannot be directly
government, including a department, bureau, office, performed by Congress due to limitations
instrumentality or government-owned or controlled inherent in the legislative process.
corporations, or a local government or a distinct unit therein.  If Congress fails to delegate functions to
Administrative Agencies, it might lose itself in
the details to the detriment of determining
public policy.

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 Administrative agencies have the time and and be heard by either of its Houses on any
facilities to become and to remain continuously matter pertaining to its departments and its
informed. power of confirmation.
 Investigation and monitoring of the
Costs implementation of laws pursuant to the power
 Tendency towards arbitrariness of Congress to conduct inquiries in aid of
 Lack of legal knowledge and aptitude in sound legislation.
judicial technique
 Susceptibility to political bias or pressure due to The Ombudsman
uncertainty of tenure
 Disregard for the safeguards that ensure a full CONCERNED OFFICIALS OF MWSS V. VASQUEZ
and fair hearing FACTS: For its water supply optimization project, MWSS sent
 Absence of standard rules of procedure suitable out and invitation for bidding of various types of pipes.
to the activities of each agency PLDPPMA asked for the clarification of specifications of the
 A dangerous combination of legislative, pipes. After awarding another group as the winner, PLDPPMA
filed a complaint before the Ombudsman, alleging irregularities
executive and judicial functions.
in the bidding process. Ombudsman ordered MWSS to set
aside the results of the bidding.
DOCTRINE: While the Ombudsman has broad
II. CONTROL OF ADMINISTRATIVE authority to investigate any act or omission which appears
illegal, unjust, improper or inefficient, the Constitution and
ACTION Ombudsman Act have not intended to confer upon it veto or
revisory power of an exercise of judgment or discretion by an agency or
Executive Power of the President officer upon whom that judgment or discretion is lawfully vested. The
predisposition for the use of fiberglass exists is a technical rather
1987 CONSTITUTION, Article VII, Section 1 - The executive than a legal matter.
power shall be vested in the President of the Philippines. As the agency in the best position to evaluate the
feasibility of the projection of bidders and decide which bid is
Section 17 - The President shall have control of all the most compatible with its development plans, the exercise of this
executive departments, bureaus, and offices. He shall discretion by the MWSS is a POLICY DECISION. MWSS’
ensure that the laws be faithfully executed. resolution approving the technical specifications of fiberglass
should be given weight.
Congressional Oversight
"Oversight" embraces all activities undertaken by FACTS: Ombudsman charged petitioner judge with a criminal
Congress to enhance its understanding of and influence violation of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act, relative
over the implementation of legislation it has enacted. to the judge’s act of issuing and maintaining as valid an
anomalously executed writ of execution against DPWH
It concerns past enactment measures such as: properties.
DOCTRINE: The Ombudsman may not initiate or
1) Monitoring compliance with program objectives investigate a criminal or administrative complaint before his
2) Determining whether agencies are properly office against petitioner judge, pursuant to his power to
administered. investigate public officers. The Ombudsman must indorse the
3) Eliminating executive waste case to the Supreme Court, for appropriate action, since Article
4) Preventing usurpation of legislative authority. VIII, Section 6 of the Constitution exclusively vests in the
5) Assessing executive conformity with Supreme Court administrative supervision over all courts and
congressional perception of public interest. court personnel, from the Presiding Justice of the Court of
Appeals to the lowest municipal trial court clerk.
Oversight is intrinsic in the grant of legislative power and
integral to checks and balances in the government. LASTIMOSA V. VASQUEZ
FACTS: A complaint for rape was filed before the Ombudsman
against a Municipal Mayor. Ombudsman directed provincial
It is limited to scrutiny and investigation: prosecutor to file attempted rape case in RTC. Prosecutor
instead filed an info. for acts of lasciviousness. Prosecutor was
 Scrutiny based on Congress' power of placed under preventive suspension for disobeying the
appropriation and budget hearings; or its power Ombudsman's directive.
to ask heads of departments to appear before

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DOCTRINE: Ombudsman has the power to of that rule shall be made available on application to the
investigate and prosecute act/omission of any public officers agency which adopted it, and the bulletin shall contain a
WON such a/o was committed in relation to the public notice stating the general subject matter of the omitted rule
officer’s performance of his duty. Also, the ombudsman has the and new copies thereof may be obtained.
power to deputize state prosecutors in order to assist in investigation & (2) Every rule establishing an offense or defining an act
prosecution. Consequently, the Ombudsman exercises control and which, pursuant to law is punishable as a crime or subject to a
supervision power over the deputized prosecutors. penalty shall in all cases be published in full text.
Section 7 - Distribution of Bulletin and Codified Rules —The
University of the Philippines Law Center shall furnish one (1)
free copy each of every issue of the bulletin and of the
III. POWERS AND FUNCTIONS OF codified rules or supplements to the Office of the President,
ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCIES Congress, all appellate courts and the National Library. The
bulletin and the codified rules shall be made available free of
Legislative Function charge to such public officers or agencies as the Congress
may select, and to other persons at a price sufficient to cover
A. Legislation v. Rule-Making publication and mailing or distribution costs.
Section 8 - Judicial Notice —The court shall take judicial
1987 CONSTITUTION, Article VI, Section 1 - The legislative notice of the certified copy of each rule duly filed or as
power shall be vested in the Congress of the Philippines published in the bulletin or the codified rules.
which shall consist of a Senate and a House of Section 9 - Public Participation — (1) If not otherwise required
Representatives, except to the extent reserved to the people by law, an agency shall, as far as practicable, publish or
by the provision on initiative and referendum. circulate notices of proposed rules and afford interested
parties the opportunity to submit their views prior to the
PROCEDURE, Section 3 - Filing — (1) Every agency shall file (2) In the fixing of rates, no rule or final order shall be valid
with the University of the Philippines Law Center three (3) unless the proposed rates shall have been published in a
certified copies of every rule adopted by it. Rules in force on newspaper of general circulation at least two (2) weeks
the date of effectivity of this Code which are not filed within before the first hearing thereon.
three (3) months from that date shall not thereafter be the (3) In case of opposition, the rules on contested cases shall be
basis of any sanction against any party or persons. observed.
(2) The records officer of the agency, or his equivalent
functionary, shall carry out the requirements of this section Legislation Rule-making
under pain of disciplinary action. The power to make, Necessarily includes the
(3) A permanent register of all rules shall be kept by the alter, or repeal laws or power to amend, revise,
issuing agency and shall be open to public inspection. rules for the future alter, or repeal rules and
Section 4 - Effectivity — In addition to other rule-making regulations.
requirements provided by law not inconsistent with this Plenary in nature Limited to the provisions
Book, each rule shall become effective fifteen (15) days from of the Constitution, or
the date of filing as above provided unless a different date is statute granting rule-
fixed by law, or specified in the rule in cases of imminent making power.
danger to public health, safety and welfare, the existence of May not be unduly A delegated power
which must be expressed in a statement accompanying the delegated
rule. The agency shall take appropriate measures to make Lays down the policy of Merely fills in the details
emergency rules known to persons who may be affected by the law subject to the
them. completeness of the law
Section 5 - Publication and Recording — The University of the and a sufficient standard
Philippines Law Center shall: Product of legislation Generally has the force
(1) Publish a quarterly bulletin setting forth the text of rules will have the force of law of law, provided that it is
filed with it during the preceding quarter; and not ultra vires
(2) Keep an up-to-date codification of all rules thus published
and remaining in effect, together with a complete index and
appropriate tables. B. Doctrine of Non-delegation
Section 6 - Omission of Some Rules —(1) The University of
the Philippines Law Center may omit from the bulletin or the The doctrine of non-delegation springs forth from the
codification any rule if its publication would be unduly principle of separation of powers. Since, the complete
cumbersome, expensive or otherwise inexpedient, but copies separation of powers is impossible if not impracticable, the

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law allows a degree of blending of the three powers of
FACTS: The President, pursuant to the Revised Administrative
The doctrine of non-delegation is based on the maxim of Code, issued executive orders creating 33 municipalities.
potestas delegata non delegari potest. DOCTRINE: Undue delegation of legislative power.
President only has supervision over local governments. The
Delegation is needed because there are details and questions 1935 Constitution repealed the Revised admin code of 1917,
beyond the capacity of the legislature to determine; and there which gave the President power to create municipalities.
are matters that require more specialized knowledge and Although Congress may delegate to another branch of the
expertise possessed by admin. agencies. Government the power to fill in the details in the execution,
enforcement or administration of a law, it is essential, to
What can be delegated is the discretion to determine how the forestall a violation of the principle of separation of powers,
law may be enforced, not what the law may be. that said law: (a) be complete in itself — it must set forth therein
the policy to be executed, carried out or implemented by the
Requirements for proper delegation: delegate; and (b) fix a standard — the limits of which are
a) The completeness of the statute making the delegation sufficiently determinate or determinable — to which the
- the legislature must ordinarily prescribe a policy, delegate must conform in the performance of his functions.
standard or rule for their guidance and must not vest
them with an arbitrary and uncontrolled discretion EDU V. ERICTA
b) The presence of a sufficient standard - there must be FACTS: Galo wanted the 'Reflector Law' declared
adequate guidelines or limitations in the law to map constitutional and if it were upheld, have Admin. Order no. 2
out the boundaries of the delegated authority nullified for being an undue delegation of legislative functions.
DOCTRINE: Reflector law constitutional for being a
Sir Molo's observation - two components are actually the valid exercise of police power. As to whether AO no. 2 is a valid
same. Completeness test already a part of sufficient delegation, it was upheld as valid as its provisions were merely
in pursuance of the statute's provisions. There is a valid
delegation of the law if it furnishes a reasonable standard which
sufficiently marks the field within which the Administrator is to
act so that it may be known whether he has kept within it in
FACTS: Commission ordered Compania to submit a "detailed
compliance with the legislative will.
report of finances and operations, in such form and containing
such matters as the Board may from time to time by order
FACTS: Agustin assails the validity of LOI 229 which requires
HELD: Invalid delegation of legislative power. The
all motor vehicles to have early warning devices.
provision complained of does not merely lay down the general
DOCTRINE: Valid delegation. The standard may
rules of action under which the Commission shall proceed, nor
either be express or implied. It can be implied from the policy
does it describe in detail what the reports should contain.
and purpose of the act considered as a whole. "Public safety" is
Everything was left to the discretion of the Commissioners,
a sufficient standard under this doctrine.
which is unrestrained as to when it shall act, why it shall act
and what it shall act upon.
FACTS: Under a previous law, PHILCOMSAT was exempt
from the jurisdiction of the NTC. With the issuance of EO196,
FACTS: Ho found guilty for selling 1 ganta of rice for a price
NTC ordered PHILCOMSAT to apply for a cert. of public
higher than fixed under EO 53 (80 cents vs 63 cents), which
convenience and authority to charge rates. PHILCOMSAT
was promulgated by the Gov-Gen pursuant to Act No.2868
argues that EO196 failed to set a standard as to the powers of
authorizing him to fix price at which rice can be sold under
the NTC.
extraordinary circumstances.
DOCTRINE: There is no violation because the rate-
DOCTRINE: Certain portions of the Act
fixing power of the NTC is limited by sufficient standards:
unconstitutional since it left to the discretion of the Gov-Gen
public safety, public interest, reasonable feasibility and
the fixing of price of rice and making any violations to it a
reasonable rates. These conjointly more than satisfy the
crime. EO was a delegation of a delegated power, thus in
requirements for valid delegation of power.
violation of the organic law. Only the legislative can enact a law
and it cannot delegate its legislative authority. The true
distinction is between the delegation of power to make the law, which
FACTS: Respondent Delfin filed a Petition to Amend the
necessarily involves a discretion as to what it shall be, and conferring
Constitution by People’s Initiative with the COMELEC,
authority or discretion as to its execution, to be exercised under and in
seeking to lift the term limits of elective national and local
pursuance of the 
law. The first cannot be done; to the latter no valid
officials. In the petition, he prayed that he be allowed to cause
objection can be made.

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the publication of the petition and obtain COMELEC’s regulations according to immemorial practice, subject to
assistance in obtaining the required number of signatures. The interposition of the superior in cases of necessity.
COMELEC took cognizance of the case and ordered the
publication of Delfin’s petition. Petitioners herein filed this b. Delegation to the President in Specific instances
action for prohibition against COMELEC and Delfin.
HELD: The Court granted the petition. Sec. 2, Art. 1987 CONSTITUTION, Article VII, Section 23 (2) - In times of
XVII is not self-executory, but the supposed implementing law, war or other national emergency, the Congress may, by law,
RA 6735, was inadequate to cover it. Thus, the provision in the authorize the President, for a limited period and subject to
Act delegating to COMELEC the power to promulgate rules re: restrictions as it may prescribe, to exercise powers necessary
constitutional amendment by initiative was not a valid and proper to carry out a declared national policy. Unless
delegation. It was not complete in itself and did not prescribe sooner withdrawn by resolution of Congress, such powers
sufficient standards. The law only covers national and local shall cease upon the next adjournment thereof.
laws. Potestas delegata non delegari potest - what has been delegated
cannot be delegated. Section 28 (2) - The Congress may, by law, authorize the
President to fix within specified limits, and subject to such
ALA SCHECHTER V. UNITED STATES limitations and restrictions as it may impose, tariff rates,
FACTS: ALA Schecter Poultry Corp, a wholesale poultry import and export quotas, tonnage and wharfage dues, and
slaughterhouse, was charged for violating the Live Poultry other duties or imposts within the national development
Code, which was based on § 3 of the National Industrial program of the Government.
Recovery Act (NIRA), passed by the Congress with the goal of
the rehabilitation of industry and the industrial recovery. The c. Ascertainment of Fact
said law empowered the President to enact "codes of fair
competition." The legislature may delegate its authority to make findings
HELD: invalid delegation. The phrase "codes of fair of fact, and the fact-finding power may be conferred for
competition" is too ambiguous to constitute an "intelligible putting into effect, suspending or applying the law. But
principle" necessary to limit the president's actions in enforcing where delegation to a fact-finding body empowers it to
the NIRA. Lacking such a principle, the NIRA effectively create the conditions that constitute the fact, the delegation
allowed the president "unfettered discretion" to create "new
is invalid.
laws" without congressional approval.
FACTS: President Roosevelt implemented several EOs that
FACTS: Roughton was responsible for the general assistance
sought to limit the transportation of petroleum pursuant to a
granted to needy township residents. Without even notifying
legislative act by Congress that gave him such authority.
the plaintiffs, he terminated their assistance and denied an
DOCTRINE: invalid delegation. Clear distinctions
application with no explanation why. The District Court held
must be made between the executive’s administrative authority
that procedural due process requires that petitioners should
and Congress’s legislative power. The former must always stems
have been afforded an opportunity to be heard.
from the latter—the executive cannot be allowed to dictate the
HELD: While Roughton may not be bound by the
policies he is obliged to enforce. He may “fill up the details” but
regulations of the Illinois Public Aid Department, certain basic
not amend or expand the general policy provided for by
eligibility requirements are provided in the General Assistance
statute itself. Fair and consistent application of such
CARDOZO DISSENT: He emphasized that the President does
requirements requires that Roughton establish written
not perform ministerial functions but also exercises discretion.
standards and regulations. The role of the District Court in this
As such, the power relations between the executive and
instance is not to determine their eligibility for general
legislative while they must be separated must also allow for
assistance but rather to review the standards and actions of
elasticity in order to meet the practical needs of the government
defendant Roughton to insure they pass the constitutional test.
and of the public.
C. Forms of Permissible Delegation
d. Filling in of Details
a. Delegation to local governments
e. Interpretative Rules
An exception to the general rule is the permitting the central
legislative body to make such delegation to local authorities.
FACTS: SSC issued circular no. 22 including bonuses, OT pay
and other payments in the computation of monthly
Such legislation is not regarded as the transfer of legislative
contributions. Victorias objected, arguing that there should
power but rather as the grant of authority to prescribe local have been prior approval by the Pres. and publication in the

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DOCTRINE: A rule is binding on the courts as long a VIGAN ELECTRIC V. PSC
procedure fixed for its promulgation is followed and its scope is FACTS: Vigan was charged with (1) the black market sale of 2k
within the statutory authority granted by the legislature. On the electric meters; and (2) charging excessive fees for electric
other hand, administrative interpretation is at best merely advisory, consumption of its customers. Its books of accounts were
as it is the courts that finally determine what the law means. Circular audited and it wasn't given a chance to show the reasonableness
22 merely stated the opinion of the SSC as to the meaning of of its rates during the conferences.
RA 1161. HELD: PSC in making findings of fact was exercising
quasi-judicial power and therefore it should have conducted
PERALTA V. CSC notice and hearing. Compliance with law must be presumed
FACTS: CSC was presented with the following issue: Is an hence it should be assumed that Vigan’s current rated were
employee who was on leave of absence without pay on a day fixed by PSC after proper notice and hearing. Hence
before or on a day time immediately preceding a Saturday, modification of such rates cannot be made over Vigan’s
Sunday or Holiday, also considered on leave of absence without objection, without such notice and hearing, particularly
pay on such Saturday, Sunday or Holiday? CSC answered in the considering that the factual basis of the action taken by PSC is
affirmative leading to a deduction in Peralta's salary. assailed by Vigan.
HELD: Administrative construction is not necessarily
binding upon the courts. Action of an administrative agency g. Licensing
may be disturbed or set aside by the judicial department if there
is an error of law, or abuse of power or lack of jurisdiction or ADMINISTRATIVE CODE OF 1987, BOOK VII, Section 17 -
grave abuse of discretion clearly conflicting with either the Licensing Procedure — (1) When the grant, renewal, denial or
letter or the spirit of a legislative enactment. In this case, there cancellation of a license is required to be preceded by notice
was an error in interpretation by the CSC, and so its and hearing, the provisions concerning contested cases shall
interpretative rule was disregarded and the deduction declared apply insofar as practicable.
void. (2) Except in cases of willful violation of pertinent laws, rules
and regulations or when public security, health, or safety
f. Fixing of Rates and Prices require otherwise, no license may be withdrawn, suspended,
In fixing rates and prices, jurisprudence has held that revoked or annulled without notice and hearing.
the rates be 'reasonable and just' is a sufficient standard. Section 18 - Non-expiration of License —Where the licensee
has made timely and sufficient application for the renewal of
PANAY AUTOBUS V. PRC a license with reference to any activity of a continuing
FACTS: PRC filed petition, requesting authority to alter freight nature, the existing license shall not expire until the
rates at its own will to meet up with the competition. application shall have been finally determined by the agency.
Apparently, they were losing out to trucks and buses because
the latter would simply ask shippers what railway charges are, GONZALO SY TRADING V. CENTRAL BANK
and then offer to ship at a lower rate. Gonzalo Sy Trading requested from the Central Bank of the
DOCTRINE: The Public Service Commission could Philippines authority to import from Japan on “no-dollar”
not delegate to PRC what Congress had delegated to them, basis. After the request was initially denied, the Monetary
which was the power to fix rates of public services. Changes in Board of the Central Bank granted the request by Gonzalo Sy
rates would have to be proven to be just and reasonable, and if Trading, emphasizing that the Special Import Permit granted
PRC could alter the same at will, the Public Service was for the Christmas season of 1968 only. In 1969, Gonzalo
Commission would not be able to determine WON the rates Sy Trading wanted to amend the country of origin, but this was
are just and reasonable because they would not know what they denied by the Deputy Governor of the Central Bank. The
are in the first place. Collector of Customs seized the goods which arrived after the
denial of Gonzalo Sy Trading’s request.
KMU LABOR CENTER V. GARCIA DOCTRINE: A license or a permit is not a contract
FACTS: DOTC issued a Memorandum Order allowing between the sovereignty and the licensee or permitee, and is
provincial bus operators to fix transportation fares without any not a property in any constitutional sense. A license is rather in
approval from the LTFRB. Pursuant to this, the LTFRB also the nature of a special privilege or authority to do what is
issued a Circular promulgating guidelines implementing the within its terms. A license granted by the State is always
deregulation policy of the DOTC. PBOAP, availing itself of the revocable. As a necessary consequence of its main power to
new policies, then announced a fare increase of 20%. grant license or permit, the State or its instrumentalities have
HELD: There was undue delegation of legislative the correlative power to revoke or recall the same. And this
authority when the LTFRB gave provincial bus operators the power to revoke can only be restrained by an explicit contract
power to fix and make transportation rates. Rate-making or upon good consideration to that effect. The absence of an
rate-fixing is a delicate and sensitive government function that expiry date in, a license does not make it perpetual.
requires sound discretion, and must thus not be relinquished Notwithstanding that absence, the license cannot last beyond
to party who would stand to benefit from it. the life of the basic authority — under which it was issued.

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authority granted by the legislature. The law cannot be
D. Parameters of Administrative Rule-Making extended by the rules and regulations as it must be confined
within the limits provided in the law.
a. Scope and Reach
b. Sufficiency of Standards in the Statute
FACTS: Olsen applied for a permit from the CIR to export WISCONSIN INSPECTION V. WHITMAN
cigars to the US. The CR refused because the tobacco used was FACTS: The Rating Act of 1917 conferred upon the
not from the provinces of Cagayan, Isabela, or Nueva Vizcaya. Commissioner of Insurance the power to review the rules,
HELD: CIR overstepped its bounds. The law did not regulations and riders proposed by the rate-making bureaus,
define what shall be the standard of tobacco which may be and to disapprove these if found to be unreasonable.
exported to the US. Wisconsin Inspection Bureau assailed the CI’s final order
disapproving its proposed riders as an undue delegation of
PEOPLE V. MACEREN legislative power
FACTS: Respondents were indicted for electro-fishing pursuant HELD: SC upheld the CI’s supervisory powers over
to AO 84-1. They now appeal their conviction arguing that the the proposed rates as valid delegation, but set aside the CI’s
AO is invalid. final order for not being within the ambit of the law because
DOCTRINE: The fisheries law does not explicitly the determination of “unreasonableness” was based purely on
penalize electro-fishing. As it is not banned, the Commissioner the CI’s own predilections on conceptions, with no hearing to
of fisheries is powerless to penalize it. The lawmaking body back his findings.
cannot delegate to an executive official the power to declare
which acts constitute an offense. PEOPLE V. JOLIFFE
FACTS: Jolliffe was convicted for violating Circular 21 of the
LANDBANK V. CA Central Bank as he tried to export gold without a license.
FACTS: Dispute between feudal landlords and Landbank as to DOCTRINE: Valid delegation because Sections 2 and
whether it was proper for the latter to open trust accounts 74 or RA 265 conferred upon the Monetary Board and the
instead of depositing in cash or bonds the payment for the President the power to take constructive measures in relation to
redistribution of their haciendas. the objectives of RA 265 which is to promote a rising level of
DOCTRINE: The power of administrative agencies is production, employment and real income in the Philippines.
confined to implementing the law or putting it into effect. These are sufficient standards to vest in the delegated authority
Corollary to this is that administrative regulations cannot the character of administrative details in the enforcement of the
extend the law and amend a legislative enactment, for the rule law.
is that administrative regulations must be in harmony with the
provisions of the law. Landbank went outside of the parameters RUBI V. PROVINCIAL BOARD OF MINDORO
of the law when it opened the trust accounts. FACTS: Rubi and other Manguianes filed a petition for habeas
corpus because they are being obliged to remain in reservations
OPLE V. TORRES by the provincial board, pursuant to the dictates of Sec. 2145 in
FACTS: Dispute over the constitutionality of AO 308, creating relation to Sec. 2759 of the 1917 Administrative Code.
a national ID system. HELD: The legislature has merely conferred upon the
HELD: AO unconstitutional, as a national ID system provincial governor, with the approval of the provincial board
is not an appropriate subject of an administrative order. The and the Department Head, discretionary authority to execute
creation of such system requires a delicate balancing of various the law, as necessitated by the circumstances. The provincial
contending state policies. governor and the provincial board, as the official representatives of the
province, are better qualified to judge "when such as course is deemed
CHINA BANKING V. MUTUAL HOME DEVELOPMENT FUND necessary in the interest of law and order.
FACTS: The petitioners were denied their application for
exemption under Pag-ibig Fund because their retirement plan PEOPLE V. ROSENTHAL V. OSMEÑA
was not superior to what was provided under the law. They FACTS: Accused assailed the validity of the Blue Skies Act for
questioned the revised IRR alleging that the Board of Trustees being unconstitutional.
exceeded their authority when they required the concurrence of DOCTRINE: Public interest is a sufficient standard to
retirement AND housing plans be superior to the Pag-ibig guide the Insular Treasurer in reaching a decision pertaining to
Fund. the issuance or cancellation of permits.
DOCTRINE: The circular was null and void for
expanding the law as it was against the legislative intent. It is INTERNATIONAL HARDWOOD & VENEER V. PANGIL
well settled that the rules and regulations which are product of FEDERATION
delegated power to create new or additional legal provisions FACTS: Employer assailed the constitutionality of the power of
that have the effect of law, should be within the scope of the CIR to determine minimum wages, because of supposed

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lack of standards or rules on how the wages are to be exchange must sell such foreign exchange to the Central Bank
determined. within one day following receipt thereof.
DOCTRINE: The National Assembly has furnished a HELD: At the time of Que Po Lay’s conviction under
sufficient standard in resolving controversies: the CIR shall act penal provisions found in Central Bank Circular No. 20, the
according to justice and equity, without regard to technicalities Circular had not yet been published in the Official Gazette. He
or legal norms. questioned his conviction: the SC held that in the eyes of the
law, there was no circular to violate. The Circular has the force
MUTUAL FILM CORP. V. INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION and effect of law, and since it provides for a penalty, it must first be
FACTS: Ohio law required that all films intended to be published in the Official Gazette to be binding upon the public.
exhibited in the state need to be reviewed and approved by a
board of censors. Judicial Function
DOCTRINE: The legislature must declare the policy A. Source of Power
of the law and fix the legal principles which are to control in ADMINISTRATIVE CODE OF 1987, BOOK VII, Section 10 -
given cases; but an administrative body may be invested with Compromise and Arbitration— To expedite administrative
the power to ascertain the facts and conditions to which the proceedings involving conflicting rights or claims and
policy and principles apply. If this could not be done, there obviate expensive litigations, every agency shall, in the
would be infinite confusion in the laws, and, in an effort to public interest, encourage amicable settlement,
detail and to particularize, they would miss sufficiency both in compromise and arbitration.
provision and execution. Section 11 - Notice and Hearing in Contested Cases — (1)
In any contested case all parties shall be entitled to
BUSTYN V. WILSON notice and hearing. The notice shall be served at least
The license of “The Miracle”, a motion picture, was rescinded five (5) days before the date of the hearing and shall
after the NY Board of Regents found it to be sacrilegious and state the date, time and place of the hearing.
thus violative of a NY statute. (2) The parties shall be given opportunity to present
HELD: The problem with applying this “sacrilegious evidence and argument on all issues. If not precluded by
test” is, the NY Court’s broad and all-inclusive definition of law, informal disposition may be made of any contested
"sacrilegious" will censor almost all kinds of motion pictures as case by stipulation, agreed settlement or default.
a censor would find it virtually impossible to avoid favoring one (3) The agency shall keep an official record of its
religion over another, and he would be subject to an inevitable proceedings.
tendency to ban the expression of unpopular sentiments sacred
to a religious minority. Section 12 - Rules of Evidence —In a contested case:
(1) The agency may admit and give probative value to
c. Publication and Effectivity evidence commonly accepted by reasonably prudent
men in the conduct of their affairs.
TAÑADA V. TUVERA (2) Documentary evidence may be received in the form
DOCTRINE: The clause “unless it is otherwise provided by
of copies or excerpts, if the original is not readily
law” in Art. 2 Civil Code refers to the date of effectivity and
available. Upon request, the parties shall be given
not to the requirement of publication itself, which cannot in
opportunity to compare the copy with the original. If the
any event be omitted. Publication is indispensable in every case,
original is in the official custody of a public officer, a
but the legislature may in its discretion, provide that the usual
certified copy thereof may be accepted.
15-day period be shortened or extended.
(3) Every party shall have the right to cross-examine
witnesses presented against him and to submit rebuttal
FACTS: PASEI wants to prohibit the DOLE and the POEA
(4) The agency may take notice of judicially cognizable
from enforcing the DO and Circulars regarding temporary
facts and of generally cognizable technical or scientific
suspension of recruitment by private employment agencies of
Filipino domestic helpers going to Hong Kong. facts within its specialized knowledge. The parties shall
HELD: Orders were valid exercises of police power. be notified and afforded an opportunity to contest the
However, for lack of publication d filing in the Office of the facts so noticed.
National Administrative Register, said orders may not be
enforced, and are suspended pending compliance of the Section 13 - Subpoena — In any contested case, the
statutory requirements of publication. agency shall have the power to require the attendance of
witnesses or the production of books, papers,
PEOPLE V. QUE PO LAY documents and other pertinent data, upon request of
FACTS: Que Po Lay was convicted of violating Central Bank any party before or during the hearing upon showing of
Circular No. 20, in connection with Sec. 24, Republic Act No. general relevance. Unless otherwise provided by law, the
265. Circular No. 20 requires that one in possession of foreign agency may, in case of disobedience, invoke the aid of
the Regional Trial Court within whose jurisdiction the

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contested case being heard falls. The Court may punish regarding an award for the production of ballot boxes?
contumacy or refusal as contempt. HELD: that in order for an agency to exercise quasi-
Section 14 - Decision — Every decision rendered by the judicial powers, the questions should be controversial in
agency in a contested case shall be in writing and shall nature and refer to the administration or interpretation of
state clearly and distinctly the facts and the law on which laws. Since what was in issue here was a mere awarding of
it is based. The agency shall decide each case within ballot box production contracts, a ministerial activity
thirty (30) days following its submission. The parties shall concerned only with the preparation for elections, Guevarra
be notified of the decision personally or by registered cannot be cited for contempt.
mail addressed to their counsel of record, if any, or to
them. D. Administrative Search and Seizure; Warrants of Arrest
Section 15 - Finality of Order — The decision of the
agency shall become final and executory fifteen (15) 1987 CONSTITUTION, 1973 CONSTITUTION,
days after the receipt of a copy thereof by the party Article III, Section 2 Article IV, Section 3
adversely affected unless within that period an The right of the people The right of the people
administrative appeal or judicial review, if proper, has to be secure in their to be secure in their
been perfected. One motion for reconsideration may be persons, houses, papers, persons, houses, papers,
filed, which shall suspend the running of the said period. and effects against and effects against
unreasonable searches unreasonable searches
B. Classifications and seizures of whatever and seizures of whatever
Enabling Power - the power to approve something which the nature and for any nature and whatever
law undertakes to regulate; manifested in the granting or purpose shall be purpose shall not be
denial of licenses to engage in a particular business or inviolable, and no search violated, and no search
occupation warrant or warrant of warrant or warrant of
Directing Power - refers to corrective powers, power of arrest shall issue except arrest shall issue except
assessment, abstract determination such as definition, upon probable cause to upon probable cause to
valuation, classification, and fact-finding be determined be determined by the
personally by the judge judge, or such other
Dispensing Power - consists of the granting of exemptions after examination under responsible officer as
from or relaxing of a general prohibition oath or affirmation of maybe authorized by
Examining Power - also called the investigatory power, which the complainant and the law, after examination
consists in requiring the production of books, papers, records witnesses he may under oath or
for inspection, the attendance of witnesses and compelling produce, and particularly affirmation of the
their testimony and the filing of statements describing the place to complainant and the
Summary Power - the power to apply compulsion or force be searched and the witnesses he may
against a person or property to effectuate a legal purpose persons or things to be produce, and particularly
without a judicial warrant to authorize such action seized. describing the place to
be searched, and the
C. Subpoenas, Contempt persons or things to be
ISSUE: PARGO issued a subpoena to Manalastas,
commanding him to appear as witness in their investigations. QUA CHEE GAN V. DEPORTATION BOARD
Does PARGO have the authority to issue subpoenas in its fact- FACTS: Aliens were charged with violating the prohibition on
finding investigations? purchasing dollars without proper license from the Central
DOCTRINE: Administrative agencies may enforce Bank of the Phils. Warrants for their arrest were issued. They
subpoenas issued in the course of investigations whether or sought to dismiss the charges against them on the grounds that
not adjudication is involved and whether or not probable the Deportation Board did not have jurisdiction to try the case.
cause is shown. They have the power of inquisition; it can DOCTRINE: Under the express terms of our
investigate merely on suspicion that the law is being violated or Constitution, it is doubtful whether the arrest of an individual
because it wants assurance that it is not. A subpoena meets the may be ordered by any authority other than the judge if the
requirements for enforcement if the inquiry is: (1) Within the purpose is merely to determine the existence of a probable
authority of the agency; (2) the demand is not too indefinite; cause, leading to an administrative investigation. The
and; (3) the information is reasonably relevant. Constitution does not distinguish between warrants in a
criminal case and administrative warrants in administrative
GUEVARRA V. COMELEC proceedings. One suspected of a violation of an administrative
ISSUE: May the COMELEC cite petitioner for contempt for nature is entitled to a determination of the probable cause
publishing an article which allegedly influenced its decision against him, by a judge.

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FACTS: Three suspected alien pedophiles question the DOCTRINE: No lack of due process. Congress has
authority of the CID in issuing warrants of arrest against them. empowered admin. agencies to enforce tariff legislation. The
HELD: The Court ruled that the arrests were valid, three requirements for a valid imposition:
and the power of the CID to have them arrested and deported 1. Subject must be within the control of congress
is constitutional, as deportation is an administrative and not a 2. Penalty must not be criminal but administrative
penal proceeding contemplated in Article III, Section 2. 3. Agency must be expressly authorized by law to impose
FACTS: The Commissioner of Immigration issued a warrant RCPI V. BOARD OF COMMUNICATIONS
of arrest for William Gatchalian for violation of the FACTS: RCPI failed to send the telegrams to respondents who
Immigration Act. allegedly suffered injury because they did not know about the
DOCTRINE: To be valid, a warrant of arrest issued by death of their relatives.
the Commissioner must be for the sole purpose of executing a DOCTRINE: Board did not have the power to judge
final order of deportation. In the case at bar, it was issued for corresponding damages since it was outside the scope of its
purposes of investigation, thus it is null and void for being authority and should instead be referred to the proper courts.
unconstitutional. . If the purpose of the issuance of the
warrant of arrest is to determine the existence of probable PEREZ V. LPG REFILLERS ASSOCIATION
cause, surely, it cannot pass the test of constitutionality for FACTS: DoE issued Circular 2000-06-010 to implement BP 33.
only judges can issue the same. Respondents successfully nullified the Circular at the RTC on
the ground that it is not in accord with the law it seeks to
FACTS: Inspector was making a routine annual inspection. DOCTRINE: For an administrative regulation to have the
When he learned that Camara was using the rear of the floor force of penal law, it must meet 2 requirements:
he was leasing as a personal residence, which was disallowed by 1) the violation of the admin regulation must be made a
the occupancy permit, said inspector demanded an inspection crime by the delegating statute itself; and
which Camara denied. Camara was charged for refusing to 2) the penalty for such violation must be provided by the
permit lawful entry for inspection. statute itself.
HELD: Court granted the writ of prohibition and
held that he had the constitutional right to ask for a warrant. INTERMISSION: IMPORTANT NOTES FROM SIR'S 'CIVIC DUTY'
Routine inspections are not so urgent that they may be done Sources of Administrative Power
without a warrant. Without a warrant, the occupant would be 1. The Constitution
subject to unbridled discretion under the inspector. 2. Statutes
3. Decisions
SEE V. SEATTLE 4. Common law
FACTS: Petitioner refused to allow his commercial warehouse
to be inspected because there was no warrant. He was The first three are referred to in determining the powers of
convicted for violating the city’s Fire Code, which allowed Fire the three branches.
Dept. to conduct periodic searches as often as may be Unlike the three branches of government, administrative
necessary to ensure compliance with regulations. agencies do NOT have implied powers. The power granted to
DOCTRINE: Camara also applies to commercial them must be express.
establishments. Warrants are a necessary limitation on the Equity is resorted to only when there is no applicable statute.
right to inspect commercial premises.
Powers of Administrative Agencies
1. Rule-making
E. Administrative Sanctions; Fines and Penalties 2. Adjudication
3. Enforcement
FACTS: Oceanic was coerced into paying fines to comply with The first three reflects the functions of the three branches of
Sec. 9 of Act 1903 in order to depart from NY. The said government.
section provides an imposition of a fine when a medical
examination upon arrival reveals that a person’s been sick Administrative law cannot make criminal something that is
(dangerous; contagious) since the time of embarkation (ship penal, nor can it expand upon criminal acts.
owner is obliged to have a med exam before leaving the
country of origin and not allowing sick persons to disembark; a Kinds of Rules issued by Admin. Agencies
finding of such violation also requires the ship to return the 1. Suppletory - executes and implements laws by filling in
said alien where s/he came from and to shoulder the expenses
details, etc.

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2. Interpretations - Construction of ambiguous words and UP Board of Regents v. CA and Arokiaswamy
phrases (note that it will be the courts who will have the FACTS: UP revoked Arokiaswamy's Ph.D. degree due to a
final say as to the interpretation of statutes) finding that she had plagiarized her doctoral dissertation.
3. Contingent - determination of facts on which the HELD: Respondent was given ample opportunity to
enforcement of laws may be carried out. be heard. Disciplinary cases do not require cross-examination.
Furthermore, UP has the power to revoke a degree based on
Construction of Rules the principle of academic freedom.
1. Strict - if conferred by the statute. Has something to do
with the question of "Does this agency have this power American Inter-fashion v. Office of the President
under the law?" FACTS: A company's export quotas were revoked after a
2. Liberal - if determining the bounds of the law. malicious finding that it was guilty of dollar salting in order to
Construction becomes liberal once the answer to the accommodate a business owned by a Marcos crony.
above question is "yes." DOCTRINE: Decisions of administrative agencies are
given credence and are generally binding on the court except
Rate-fixing when such factual findings are not supported by evidence,
1. Rate-fixing is legislative if uniformly imposed where the findings are initiated by fraud, imposition, where the
(applies to all) procedures leading to the factual findings are irregular, when
2. It is quasi-judicial if it is applicable to particular palpable errors are committed, or when grave abuse of
parties only discretion or capriciousness is manifest.
Pefianco v. Moral
FACTS: Moral filed a petition for mandamus against DECS to
IV. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE obtain a copy of the Investigative Report after she was
dismissed from service in a DECS resolution, on charges of
Cardinal Rights pilfering historical documents.
DOCTRINE: A respondent in an admin case is NOT
Ang Tibay v. CIR entitled to be informed of the findings and recommendations
The cardinal rights which must be protected by administrative of any investigating committee created to inquire into charges
agencies are: filed against him. He is entitled only to the administrative
(1) Right to a hearing + right of the party decision based on substantial evidence made of record, and a
interested or affected to present his own case reasonable opportunity to meet the charges and evidence
and submit evidence in support thereof; presented against her during the hearings of the investigation
(2) The tribunal must consider the evidence committee.

(3) The tribunal must have something to support Jurisdiction
its decisions; 
 A. Sources of Jurisdiction
(4) The evidence must be "substantial;"

(5) The decision must be rendered based on the Administrative jurisdiction is dependent entirely upon the
evidence presented at the hearing, or at least validity and the terms of the statutes reposing power in
contained in the record and disclosed to the them, and they cannot confer jurisdiction on themselves.
parties affected; Where the jurisdiction is established by the constitution, a
(6) The CIR or any of its judges must decide all statute attempting to enlarge such jurisdiction is
controversies personally; unconstitutional.
(7) The CIR should, in all controversial
questions, render its decision in such a Concept to Limited v. Plenary Jurisdiction
manner that the parties can know the various Plenary jurisdiction - connotes complete control over a
issues involved, and the reasons for the subject matter. Plenary jurisdiction is exercised by the courts.
decision rendered. Limited jurisdiction - refers to jurisdiction of a tribunal on
only certain types of controversies. Administrative agencies
Vinta Maritime Co. v. NLRC with quasi-judicial powers only exercise limited jurisdiction.
FACTS: Basconcillo and Robinson got into a verbal altercation.
Because of this Robinson recommended Basconcillo's dismissal, Go Tek v. Deportation Board
which was heeded by management. FACTS: Go Tek was charged for possession of fake dollar
DOCTRINE: The dismissal was not for just cause, nor checks. During the pendency of the criminal case, the
was he accorded due process. Administrative proceedings prosecutor recommended that he be deported as an undesirable
require due process but are not necessarily bound by technical alien. Go Tek alleges that such was premature because the
rules. Due process simply means the right to be heard. possession of forged dollar checks is not a ground for

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deportation thus a criminal conviction is necessary for the
Board to acquire jurisdiction. Delta Ventures v. Cabato
HELD: SC held that the Board has jurisdiction. DOCTRINE: RTC cannot issue an injunction against the
Deportation may be done in 2 ways: 1) by order of the Labor Arbiter because it is an incident of a labor case that is
President after due investigation [regardless of a lack of within the jurisdiction of the LA/NLRC.
conviction in the criminal case]; 2) by order of Commissioner
of Immigration upon recommendation by the Board. Arranza v. BF homes
FACTS: BF was under receivership after filing a petition for
Vera v. Cuevas rehabilitation in SEC. Subsequently, members of the BF
FACTS: Milk manufacturers are challenging an order by the association files with the HLURB a class suit for BF to provide
CIR to pull out their filled milk products for allegedly failing to their basic needs.
conform to the proper inscriptions. HELD: The jurisdiction of the two agencies is not in
HELD: The Commissioner of Internal Revenue has conflict. There are two different cases. But the BF homeowners
lost authority to take cognizance of a case involving an alleged correctly filed the case with the HLURB, this is irrespective
violation of the tax code, since the relevant provision of said with the SEC case. In case this is a monetary claim of creditors,
code has been impliedly repealed for having lost any tax this should fall under SEC jurisdiction, this case is one of
purpose. Likewise, the Commissioner and the Fair Trade Board specific performance.
have no business dealing with investigations of alleged food and
health violations as the same are properly lodged within the Notice and hearing
authority of other offices, per RA 3720.
When required?
Cariño v. CHR  Required when the administrative agency exercises
FACTS: CHR took cognizance of a complaint from teacher quasi-judicial functions.
who were dismissed after failing to heed a return to work order  Also required when the agency's acts are particular and
from the Educ. immediate rather than general and prospective.
DOCTRINE: The CHR merely has the power to  Notice must conform with the prescribed provisions, and
investigate as provided for by Art. XIII Sec. 18(1). The matters a statutory provision may not be altered by a rule of the
it resolved are clearly within the original jurisdiction of the Sec agency.
of Educ., being within the disciplinary powers granted to him
under the Civil Service Law and within the appellate NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CO. V. COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS
jurisdiction of the Civil Service Commission. The investigation FACTS: Petitioner received notice that its vessel was
by the CHR would serve no useful purpose since if it should apprehended and was being charged of a violation of the Tariff
result to conclusions contrary to those reached by the Educ. & Customs Code. Petitioner denied, the violation, explained
Sec., it would have no power anyway to reverse. The only thing its side, and requested that if the Collector is not satisfied with
it can do is to refer the matter to the appropriate government its explanation, then the case should be set for investigation
agency for assistance, i.e. the Civil Service Commission. and hearing. Collector immediately imposed fine of 5k.
HELD: There was a denial of due process, because
Simon v. CHR petitioner was not given a chance to prove that it did not
FACTS: CHR assumed jurisdiction over the case of vendors violate the law. Even if proceedings are administrative, due
whose stalls were demolished by QC gov’t. CHR issued an process shall still be observed because it is a constitutional right.
Order to Desist against the QC officials.
HELD: CHR has no jurisdiction since it does not FELIX UY V. COA
involve violation of civil and political rights (business rights) FACTS: Gov. Paredes dismissed petitioners from Agusan del
and is not a quasi-judicial agency or a court of justice. Sur’s Provincial Engineering Office. They filed a complaint
before the Merit Systems Protection Board, which ordered that
LLDA v. CA they be paid back wages and other benefits and that they be
FACTS: Caloocan was looking for a place to dump 350 tons of reinstated. The new governor of Agusan del Sur partially paid
garbage. Task Force Camarin filed a complaint before LLDA. them, but wrote to the COA to clarify whether such payment
LLDA issued cease and desist order. City went to RTC to could really be made. The COA decided that since the Paredes
declare the order null and void and obtained a preliminary had acted in bad faith, he should be personally liable to
injunction. petitioners, and not the Province.
DOCTRINE: While it is a fundamental rule that an HELD: The Court set aside this decision, since
administrative agency has only such power as expressly granted Paredes had never been made a party to the COA proceedings.
to it by law, it is likewise a settled rule that an administrative He had never received notice of the complaint against him, nor
agency has also such powers as are necessarily implied in the had he been given the opportunity to be heard and present
exercise of its express powers. Otherwise, it will be reduced to a evidence in his defense. To hold him personally liable despite
“toothless” paper agency. these would thus violate procedural due process.

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When not required? Applicable Rules of Procedure and Evidentiary Rules
 Notice and hearing are not essential to the validity of the
administrative action where the administrative body is in  The procedure may be prescribed in the statute creating
the exercise of executive, administrative, or legislative the agency or in the rules promulgated by the agency or
functions. authority of law.
 The right to notice and hearing may be waived.  Rules of procedure governing administrative agencies
 Administrative agencies are not bound by strict rules of are to be construed liberally in order to effect the just,
procedure. A defect in notice may be cured as long as speedy, and inexpensive settlement and disposition of
the party had been accorded the opportunity to be disputes between the parties.
heard.  Among the basic essential rules of evidence which and
admin. agency has been required to observe is the
SUNTAY V. PEOPLE principle that evidence must have probative value,
FACTS: Suntay was charged with seduction while he was in proper allocation of burden of proof, degree of proof,
San Francisco. The Court ordered DFA to cancel his passport right to know the evidence submitted or considered, to
so that he may be brought back to the Philippines. The issue inspect documents, to examine witnesses, and to offer
was whether Suntay should’ve been granted a “quasi-judicial evidence in explanation or rebuttal (Ang Tibay v. CIR)
hearing” by the DFA Secretary before withdrawing or cancelling  Substantial evidence is more than a mere scintilla. It
his passport. means such relevant evidence as a reasonable mind
DOCTRINE: Due process doesn’t necessarily mean or might accept as adequate to support a conclusion.
require a hearing. When discretion is exercised by an officer
vested with it upon an undisputed fact, such as the filing of a PHILIPPINE MOVIE PICTURES V. PREMIERE
serious criminal charge against the passport holder, hearing FACTS: Premiere wanted to lay-off its workers due to financial
may be dispensed with by such officer as a prerequisite to the losses but the laborers opposed because they claimed that it was
cancellation of his passport. not true. Judge conducted ocular inspection and sided with the
employer. Workers opposed because they claimed that they
BISSCHOP V. GALANG were not given an opportunity to refute the findings.
FACTS: George, an American, was allowed to stay in the HELD: There was no due process because while an
country for 3 yrs. as the prearranged EE of Bissmag Production ocular inspection is allowed, it is not the trial nor does it
of which he is President and GM. On July 10 1959, less than a exclude the presentation of other evidence. Such inspection
month before his permit to stay in the country expired, he could at best witness "the superficial fact of cessation of work
applied for extension of stay with the Bureau of Immigration. but it could not be determinative of the larger and more
Extension was denied because Immigration Officer de Mesa fundamental issue of lack of work due to lack of funds."
received reports that Bissmag is more of a gambling front than a
legitimate entertainment business and that George is a suspect ESTATE OF JUAN V. PAMBUSCO
of having evaded payment of his income tax. FACTS: Petitioner’s application to operate additional bus trips
HELD: CA 613 (PH Immigration Act of 1940) is on certain lines was opposed by Respondents who claim that
silent as to the procedure to be followed in the stay of aliens. As they are already adequately servicing said lines and that
such, the Cts have no jurisdiction to review the purely additional services would be superfluous and would result in
administrative practice of immigration authorities of not ruinous competition. The Public Service Commission (PSC),
granting formal hearings in certain cases for reasons of after surveying said lines, agreed with Respondents and denied
practicability and expediency. There’s nothing in the Petitioner’s application.
immigration law which provides that the Board of HELD: The law has invested the PSC with the power
Commissioners must render decisions on petitioners for of supervision and control over public transportation. It has
extension of stay. clothed it with broad discretion in the exercise of that power.
Thus, the SC is not supposed to interfere except in case of clear
POLLUTION ADJUDICATION BOARD V. CA abuse. The PSC’s conclusion is amply supported by the record
FACTS: The issue in this case stems from the ex parte order and is far from being the product of partiality or
and writ of execution that the Pollution Adjudication Board discrimination.
(PAB) issued in order to enjoin Solar Textile Finishing
Corporation (STFC) from discharging untreated wastewater RIZAL LIGHT V. MUNICIPALITY OF RIZAL
from its facilities to the Tullahan-Tinejeros River. FACTS: RLIC’s certificate of public convenience and necessity
DOCTRINE: An administrative agency may validly was cancelled by the Commission for violation of the
issue ex parte orders in the appropriate circumstances and the conditions set forth therein and a failure to comply with the
execution of the same without prior hearing is not necessarily a directives of the Commission. Morong Electric filed for a
violation of a party’s DP rights; police power and public welfare certificate of public convenience and necessity which was
justify valid issuances of such.

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approved. RLIC opposed the application and assailed the favor of the company. Indias assailed CIR’s decision for being
cancellation of its own certificate. improper because it did not discuss the evidence.
HELD: Both decisions of the Commission (first, to Held: When a Court affirms the hearing officer’s
revoke RLIC’s certificate, and second, to approve ME’s) are decision, a discussion of evidence and findings of fact is not
correct. The SC shall not disturb the factual determinations set necessary if the court is satisfied with the report of its examiner
forth by the Commission. Its only job is to determine whether or if said decision already contains a full discussion of the
or not there is evidence upon which the Commission’s decision evidence and the findings of fact based thereon. Due process is
is reasonably based. The standard of proof which the already satisfied when both parties get their chance to be
Commission should base its decisions on is a preponderance of heard/present evidence/be represented by counsel before the
evidence. hearing examiner.

Serrano v. PSC, 24 SCRA 867 (1968)

SESSION 7 PSC summarily denied Serrano’s application for a certificate of
public convenience without stating the facts and law supporting
the same.
E. Form and Promulgation of Judgment Held: Although PSC’s not a court, it is still supposed
 Decision should state: facts, issues and law. to set forth in its decision the facts and the laws which were
 Normally, this will be followed by the agency to the used as basis for either a grant/denial of the application (as per
letter. However, there are times when there is the cardinal rights in Ang Tibay).
substantial compliance (therefore not violative of
due process) American Tobacco Co. v. Director of Patents (1975)
The Director of Patents delegated the task of conducting the
hearing to his subordinate officers. The petitioners opposed
Sec. 2(8), 1987 Admin Code. ”Decision” means the whole or alleging it should be the Director who should personally hear
any part of the final disposition, not an interlocutory the case.
character, whether affirmative, negative, or injunctive in Held: the Director can do so since there was no
form, of an agency in any matter, including licensing, rate provision in the law which says he said he was not authorized
fixing, and granting of rights and privileges. and that it was to expedite the proceedings pending in the
office. While the hearing officer may make preliminary rulings
Sec. 14. Decision. Every decision rendered by the agency in a on the myriad of questions raised at the hearings of these cases,
contested case shall be in writing and shall state clearly the the ultimate decision on the merits of all the issues and
facts and the law on which it is based. The agency shall questions involved is left to the Director of Patents.
decide each case within thirty days following its submission.
The parties shall be notified of the decision personally or by Neria v. Commissioner of Immigration, 23 SCRA 806 (1968)
registered mail addressed to their counsel of record, if any, or Neria arrived at the Philippines, the Board of Special Inquiry
to them. no. 1 allowed his admission then the Sec of Justice issued a
Memo which set aside all decisions by the BSI no 1. The Board
Sec. 15. Finality of order. The decision of the agency shall be of Immigration Commissioners reviewed his case and declared
final and executory after the receipt of copy thereof by the that he had not sufficiently established his citizenship.
party adversely affected unless within that period an Petitioner was eventually picked up and detained. Neria filed
administrative appeal or judicial review, of proper, has been for a writ of habeas corpus which the lower court granted.
perfected. One motion for reconsideration may be filed, Held: The issue is dependent on the date of
which shall suspend the running of the said period. promulgation of the BSI no 1 because BIC can only review
motu proprio the proceedings of BS1 within 1 year from
Sec. 16. Publication and Compilation of Decisions. Every promulgation. BSI 1 decision was promulgated on Aug 2, 1961,
agency shall publish and make available for public inspection when it was actually rendered and delivered to the Clerk of
all decisions or final orders in the adjudication of contested Court for filing and publication. The decision of the BIC was
cases. It shall be the duty of the records officer of the agency therefore void because they only acted upon the case and
or his equivalent functionary to prepare a register or promulgated their decision on Aug 8, 1962, in violation of Sec
compilation of those decisions or final orders for use by the 27b of Comm. Act. 613.
Sichangco v. Board of Commissioners of Immigration, GR
Indias v. Phil Iron Mines, 107 Phil. 297 (1957) No. L-23545, Nov. 7, 1979
Indias was dismissed by respondent company for grave All that the Immigration Law requires is that the decision of
misconduct. He filed a ULP case before the CIR which was reversal of the Board be promulgated within one year from the
referred to a hearing examiner. CIR upheld the HE’s ruling in rendition of the decision of the Board of Special Inquiry.

Cristobal ■ Nuñez A2016 Page 15 of 29

Notice of said decision of reversal may be sent even after the administrative case are not necessarily relevant in the criminal
one-year period has elapsed. case. Notwithstanding that findings in criminal cases must be
beyond reasonable doubt, they cannot be conclusive for
Realty Exchange Venture Corp. v. Sendino (1994) administrative purposes.
Sendino entered into a reservation agreement with REVI.
Allegedly Sendino failed to comply with the terms of the PNR v. Domingo, 42 SCRA 142
contract. She filed a case with the OAALA-HLURB. REVI said Marfe was charged and later acquitted on reasonable doubt of
the body did not have quasi-judicial powers nor jurisdiction the crime of qualified theft. Upon his motion after the verdict
over the subject matter. of acquittal was promulgated, TC issued an amendatory
Held: Powers of the HSRC before were transferred to decision providing for his reinstatement and payment of
HLURB. As such, the HLURB had powers to decide, as stated backwages.
in the subsequent executive orders defining the scope of what it Held: General Rule: Court trying the criminal case has
can decide, including the reservation agreement that Sendino no authority, in the event of acquittal of the accused employee,
entered into with REVI. to order reinstatement and payment of backwages.
(Sir asked) Exception: Acquittal for absolute lack of
F. Administrative and Judicial Proceedings Arising from evidence as in People v Consigna, where the unfair dismissal for
the Same Facts the non-existent offense made the court rule for reinstatement
of the accused based on equity. This is inapplicable to the case
Galang v. Court of Appeals, 2 SCRA 234 at bar because Marfe was acquitted on reasonable doubt.
Chun detained based on a criminal and administrative act.
Lower court ordered the release of Chun upon his filing of a Tan v. COMELEC, 237 SCRA 353 (1994)
bond, which was contested by Commissioner because he had Three separate cases (electoral, criminal and administrative)
issued an exclusion order. Held: Order of release in criminal were filed in connection with alleged irregularities in the
case does not apply in admin case. Criminal and administrative canvassing of votes in Davao City in the 1992 local and
proceedings are entirely different and distinct from each other. national elections.
One is not legally inconsistent with the other, and the Held: Not forum-shopping because the cases are
prosecution for the former does not entail a waiver of the independent of one another and the conclusion in one does
action due for the latter. not result to conclusion in another.

Co San v. Director of Patents, GR No. 10563, Feb. 23, 1961

Co filed a motion for cancellation of patents issued to Lian Bao V. EXECUTIVE BRANCH REVIEW
based solely on his acquittal in the Court of Appeals in a
criminal case for unfair competition. OF ADMINISTRATIVE DECISIONS
Held: Director of Patents is not bound by the findings
of the CA because the issues involved in those two proceedings A. Authority of Department Heads
are different and fall under their respective jurisdiction, and
that one cannot be invoked as res judicata because the facts of Sec. 79(c) Power of direction and supervision. The
the other had not been passed upon in the judgment rendered Department Head shall have direct control, direction, and
in the other case. supervision over all bureaus and offices under his jurisdiction
and may, any provision of existing law to the contrary
Villanos v. Subido, 45 SCRA 142 notwithstanding, repeal or modify the decisions of the chief
Villanos, a public school teacher of good reputation, was of said bureaus or offices when advisable in the public
convicted of libel in 1959. The teachers she had written the interest.
allegedly libelous letter to filed an administrative complaint The Department Head may order the investigation of
against her. In both hearings on the case, only the complainant any act or conduct of any person in the service of any bureau
teacher’s testimony was heard. Villanos’ request for a different or office under his department and in connection therewith
investigator other than the superintendent (against whom she may appoint a committee or designate an official or person
had previously filed a charge of bribery) was likewise denied. who shall conduct such investigations, and such committee,
The Superintendent forwarded a copy of the CA decision official, or person may summon witnesses by subpoena and
affirming Villanos’ libel conviction and a claim that Villanos subpoena duces tecum, administer oath and take testimony
“refused to submit to investigation,” to the Director of Public relevant to the investigation.
Schools, eventually resulting in Commissioner Subido ordering
Villanos’ dismissal. B. Authority of President and the Executive Secretary
Held: A condemnatory decision in a criminal case,
even if final, by itself alone cannot serve as basis for a decision Section 17, 1987 Const. (and Book III, Title I, Ch. 1, Sec. 1,
in an administrative case involving the same facts, for the Admin. Code). The President shall have control of all the
simple reason that matters that are material in the

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executive departments, bureaus, and offices. He shall ensure 17. Promulgate such rules and regulations necessary to
that the laws be faithfully executed. carry out the objectives, policies and functions of the Office
of the President Proper;
Section 26, Admin. Code of 1987. The Executive Secretary, 18. Perform such other functions as the President may
the Deputy Executive Secretaries, and the Assistant direct.
Executive Secretaries. - The Executive Office shall be headed
by the Executive Secretary who shall be assisted by one (1) or i. When Appeal to the President
more Deputy Executive Secretaries and one (1) or more indispensable
Assistant Executive Secretaries.
Demaisip v. Court of Appeals (1959) G.R. L-13000
Section 27. Functions of the Executive Secretary. The Demaisip filed for a fishpond permit over lots covered by the
Executive Secretary shall, subject to the control and same permit issued to Destacamento who sold the land to
supervision of the President, carry out the functions assigned Villanueva. Villanueva sold lots to Buenaflor who built a dam
by law to the Executive Office and shall perform such other on said land. The Director of Fish and Game Administration
duties as may be delegated to him. He shall: ordered that the dam be removed. The Secretary of Agriculture
1. Directly assist the President in the management of the and Natural resources reversed the FGAD and awarded lease
affairs pertaining to the Government of the Republic of the right to Buenaflor. Demaisip thus filed an action with the CFI
Philippines; to annul the order.
2. Implement presidential directives, orders and Held: Action in CFI allowed. Failure to appeal to the
decisions; President does not preclude filing of an action in court. The
3. Decide, for and in behalf of the President, matters not Secretary being an alter-ego of the President, the assumption if
requiring personal presidential attention; that the act of the Secretary has the implied sanction of the
4. Exercise supervision and control over the various units President.
in the Office of the President Proper including their internal
administrative requirements;
5. Exercise supervision, in behalf of the President, over
the various agencies under the Office of the President; SESSION 8
6. Appoint officials and employees of the Office of the
President whose appointments are not vested in the VI. JUDICIAL REVIEW OF
7. Provide overall coordination in the operation of the
Executive Office;
8. Determine and assign matters to the appropriate units
 Keep the admin agency within its jurisdiction and
in the Office of the President;
protect substantial rights of parties affected by its
9. Have administrative responsibility for matters in the
Office of the President coming from the various departments
 Forestall arbitrary and unjust adjudications.
and agencies of government;
10. Exercise primary authority to sign papers "By
Judicial review is the most effective form of control because
authority of the President", attest executive orders and other
it provides an immediate relief to complainant.
presidential issuances unless attestation is specifically
delegated to other officials by him or by the President;
A. Sources of Authority to Conduct Judicial Review of
11. Determine, with the President's approval, the
Executive Action
appropriate assignment of offices and agencies not placed by
i. Phil. Constitution v. US Constitution
law under any specific executive department;
12. Provide consultative, research, fact-finding and
Sec. 1, Art. VIII 1987 Constitution. The Judicial power shall
advisory service to the President;
be vested in one Supreme Court and in such lower courts as
13. Assist the President in the performance of functions
may be established by law. Judicial power includes the duty
pertaining to legislation;
of the courts of justice to settle actual controversies involving
14. Assist the President in the administration of special
rights which are legally demandable and enforceable, and to
determine whether or not there has been grave abuse of
15. Take charge of matters pertaining to protocol in
discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the
State and ceremonial functions;
part of any branch or instrumentality of the Government.
16. Provide secretarial and clerical services for the
President, the Cabinet, the Council of State, and other
Sec. 2, Art. III US Constitution. The judicial power shall
advisory bodies to the President
extend to all Cases in Law and Equity, arising under this

Cristobal ■ Nuñez A2016 Page 17 of 29

Constitution, the Laws of the United States, and Treaties transcendental importance. The Court found that the Lease
made, or which shall be made, under their Authority xxx Agreement contract is actually more of a joint
venture/partnership agreement, which the PCSO is prohibited
ii. Statute by law to enter into.
iii. General Principles and Jurisprudence
a. Whether considered Trial De Novo
Trial de novo - form of appeal in which the Kilosbayan v. Morato, 246 SCRA 540 (1995)
appeals court holds a trial as if no prior trial had Continuation of Kilosbayan v Guingona, but what happened
been held. A trial de novo is common on here is that they now entered an Equipment Lease Agreement,
appeals from small claims court judgments. which the Petitioner claim to be the same as the previously
voided Contract.
Held: this is different and valid under the charter of
B. Standing and Ripeness; Finality of Administrative PCSO. No Standing and not real-parties-in-interest.
Standing Real Party-in-interest
Standing Broader policy concern, Involves contracts done
Whether such parties have "alleged such a personal sometimes brought by between parties, or must
stake in the outcome of the controversy as to assure that parties who have not been involve questions of contract
concrete adverseness which sharpens the presentation of personally injured by the law.
issues upon which the court so largely depends for operation of law or by the
illumination of difficult constitutional questions." (Baker v official action taken.
Carr) Whether the party has been Whether he is the party who
or is about to be denied some would be benefited or
Ripeness right or privilege to which he injured by the judgment, or
Tests: is lawfully entitled or that he the party entitled to the
1. Fitness test: Case is ripe for judicial review as where legal is about to be subjected to avails of the suit.
issues are involved some burdens or penalties by
2. Hardship test: Petitioner is exposed to sanctions for non- reason of the statute
compliance with rules complained of.

General Ripeness Considerations:

1. Whether there is congressional intent negative to judicial Abbot Laboratories v. Gardner, 387 US 136 (1967)
review. Ripeness Doctrine
2. The possibility of the courts entangling themselves in Basic rationale: to prevent the courts, through avoidance of
abstract disagreement over administrative policies due to premature adjudication, from:
premature adjudication. (a) Entangling themselves in abstract disagreements over
3. The fitness of issues for judicial determination and the administrative policies, and
hardship to parties of withholding court consideration. (b) To protect the agencies from premature judicial interference
until an administrative decision has been formalized and its
Ursal v. Court of Tax Appeals, 101 Phil. 209 (1957) effects felt in a concrete way by the challenging parties.
Ursal, as city assessor, assessed taxes on Noel & Samson real The problem is best seen in a twofold aspect:
properties. Cebu BAA reduced the assessments. Ursal appealed 1. The fitness of the issues for judicial decision (is it a
the reduction, CTA dismissed since it was late and he had no legal issue?)
personality to appeal as he was not adversely affected by the 2. The hardship to the parties of withholding court
decision. consideration (if court review is withheld, will the
Held: BAA rulings did not adversely affect Ursal. petitioners suffer hardships?)
RA1125 creating CTA did not grant it blanket authority to
decide any and all tax disputes. National Automatic v. Shultz, 448 F 2d 689 (CADC 1971)
National Automatic Laundry and Cleaning Council wrote
Kilosbyan v. Guingona, 232 SCRA 110 (1994) letter to Wage Administrator inquiring on applicability to its
PCSO wanted to establish an online lottery system. Berjaya members of the 1966 amendments removing exemption from
Group Berhad, along with Filipino investors, offered to set up statutory minimum wage to laundry services. Admin replied
the system. The investors formed PGMC to set up and operate that it applies.
the system. Kilosbayan opposed the agreement between PCSO Held: The issue should be ripe for adjudication—that
and PGMC. issues are fit for judicial decision and the concrete and manifest
Held: Issue of standing brushed aside because the hardship to the parties of withholding court consideration—
majority of the justices considered the issue as one of before the court can take cognizance of the case.

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C. Exhaustion of Administrative Remedies
iv. Cases
An administrative decision must first be appealed to
the administrative superiors up to the highest level before it Pascual v. Provincial Board, 106 Phil. 446 (1959)
may be elevated to a court of justice for review. During Pascual’s second term as mayor, he faced an
administrative charge before the Board for acts committed in
Exceptions: his first term. He moved to dismiss, but was denied, so he
1. When the question raised is purely legal, involves petitioned the SC and CFI to enjoin the Board. The Board
constitutional questions invoked the rule of exhaustion of administrative remedies.
2. When the administrative body is in estoppel Held: Case fell within an exception to the rule that the
3. When act complained of is patently illegal issue at hand is a purely legal one. They ruled that a public
4. When there is urgent need for judicial intervention officer cannot be removed for acts before his term, because to
5. When claim/ amount involved is small do so practically overrules the people’s will.
6. When irreparable damage is involved
7. When there is no other plain, speedy, adequate remedy Alzate v. Aldana, 107 Phil. 298 (1960)
8. When strong public interest is involved Alzate, a public school principal, requested to the Director of
9. When the subject of controversy is private land Public Schools for a salary increase. This was denied, which led
10. In quo warranto proceedings him to file for reconsideration. Before the decision on his
11. When the administrative remedy is permissive, concurrent reconsideration was made, he filed a petition for mandamus
12. Utter disregard of due process proceeding in court, for fear that waiting for the final decision,
13. Long-continued and unreasonable delay even if favorable, would be of no avail after the reversion of the
14. When no administrative review is provided funds appropriated for the purpose of salary adjustment.
15. Respondent is a department secretary (doctrine of Held: Alzate’s action was not premature, due to the
qualified political agency – alter ego doctrine) validity and urgency of the circumstances of the case.

Cipriano v. Marcelino, 43 SCRA 291 (1972)

i. Rationale Cipriano, record clerk, filed an action for mandamus against
1. To enable the administrative superiors to correct the municipal treasurer Marcelino when the latter failed to pay her
salary upon her resignation.
errors committed by their subordinates.
Held: The principle of exhausting administrative
2. Courts should refrain from disturbing the findings of
remedies presumes that a plain and speed remedy must first be
administrative bodies in deference to the doctrine of
available — appeal to the office of the president is not plain and
separation of powers.
speedy, and considering the claim is for the collection of just
3. Courts should not be saddled with the review of
P949, would be unreasonable and oppressive to require of
administrative cases.
4. Judicial review of administrative cases is usually
effected through special civil actions which are available
Corpuz v. Cuaderno, GR No. 1-17860, March 30, 1962
only if there is no other plain, speedy and adequate
Corpus was charged in an administrative case by employees of
the Bank, resulting in his suspension by the MB and the
creation of a committee to investigate him. The final report
ii. Links to Separation of Powers recommended his immediate reinstatement, but the MB did
not agree with it hence it adopted Resolution No. 957
Judicial review of admin decisions restrict the separation considering Corpus resigned as of the date of his suspension. In
of powers as part of system of checks and balance. The another resolution, the MB approved the appointment of
exercise of administrative powers can lead to GAD Mario Marcos to Corpus’ position, hence, the latter instituted a
therefore there is this constant need to see to it that Petition for Certiorari, Mandamus and Quo Warranto with
they do not abuse their powers and stay within the scope Preliminary Mandatory Injunction and Damages with the lower
of their authority – intra vires. court. Said petition was dismissed for failure to exhaust all
administrative remedies such as an appeal to the Commissioner
iii. Effect on pending case of a ruling finding that of Civil Service or the President of the Philippines.
remedies were not exhausted Held: Corpus did not fail to exhaust said remedies
The premature invocation of a court’s intervention is because they were merely permissive or voluntary, considering
fatal to one’s cause of action. However, the judge cannot the facts of the case. Quo warranto proceedings involving
motu proprio dismiss on this ground. If the other party allegations of usurpation of positions in public offices are an
does not file MTD, court will go on with the complaint. exception to the general doctrine of exhaustion of
This is NOT jurisdictional. It is an affirmative defense administrative remedies.
which can be waived by the other party.

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De Lara v. Clorivel, 14 SCRA 269 (1965) PCGG to submit its formal evidence in writing. However,
Dispute over timber concessions prompted J & B Co. to file a PCGG filed a MtD in 1993 instead. SB denied MtD.
complaint before the Bureau but was overruled. He appealed to Held: Failure to observe the doctrine of exhaustion of
the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, which admin remedies doesn't affect the jurisdiction of the Court.
ordered de Lara to refrain from continuing operations in the The only effect of non-compliance with this rule is that it’ll
area under dispute. De Lara defied the order, which led to the deprive the complainant of a cause of action, w/c is a ground
issuance of an injunction by the CFI Manila. for a MtD. If not invoked at a proper time, this ground is
Held: CFI did not commit grave abuse of discretion deemed waived and the Ct can take cognizance and try it. Since
despite non-exhaustion of admin remedies because such rule PCGG filed its MtD 7 years after the filing of the original
can be relaxed when there is danger of great and irreparable petitions, it is guilty of estoppel by laches.
damage. The case also falls under 2 exceptions:
(1) where there is estoppel on the part of the party invoking the
PAAT v. Court of Appeals, 266 SCRA 167 (1997) doctrine;
Before a party is allowed to seek the intervention of the court, it (2) where there is unreasonable delay or official inaction that
is a pre-condition that he should have availed of all the means will irretrievably prejudice the complainant
of administrative processes afforded him. The principle of
exhaustion of administrative remedies, however, is not an
ironclad rule. Its flexibility is called upon by the peculiarity and
uniqueness of the factual and circumstantial settings of a case. SESSION 9
Quasha v. SEC, 83 SCRA 557 (1978)
MPC sought to convert itself into a proprietary club so it filed D. Primary Jurisdiction
its amended articles of incorporation with the SEC. Quasha
filed for injunctive relief, seeking to annul it in the end. SEC Courts will not intervene where a claim originally cognizable
denied the petition for injunctive relief, and ruled on the in the courts has been placed within the special competence
merits of the case. Quasha went to the SC claiming that he was of an administrative body.
denied due process. SC remanded the case to the SEC, with the
SEC’s concurrence as well, ordering a full blown trial on the Requisites:
merits. 1. Concurrence of jurisdiction between the regular
Held: The filing of an appeal to the SEC En Banc court and admin agency.
within 30 days is not a plain, speedy and adequate remedy, 2. Issue involves technical expertise of the admin
when the denial of the Hearing Officer was rendered just a few agency.
days before the deadline of the event sought to be enjoined and 3. Admin agency is performing a quasi-judicial
during the height of the Christmas holidays. function.
4. The legislative intent is to have uniformity in rulings.
Pestanas v. Dyogi, 81 SCRA 574 (1978)
The Pestanas have a claim when the original owner transferred i. Rationale
land to them. Dyogi had a claim over the land through his The rationale lies on the postulate that such
Timber License. Before Pestanas could perfect their title over it, administrative agency has the special knowledge,
Dyogi was able to apply for a Free Patent, which was approved. experience and tools to determine technical and
Petitioners filed an admin case before the Bureau of Lands for intricate matters of fact. (Saavedra v SEC)
cancellation of the free patent. 6 months after, while the admin
case was still pending, petitioners filed another case before the ii. Links to Separation of Powers
CFI to also have the free patent declared void. The doctrine does not necessarily allocate power
Held: CFI case was rightfully dismissed, doctrine of between the courts and various agencies, for it only
exhaustion of admin remedies applies. It is a well settled rule determines who shall first consider the issue, and not
that in disputes concerning public land, where the findings of who shall finally consider the issue. Therefore, a
administrative bodies as to questions of fact are declared by determination by a court that an agency has primary
statute to be conclusive, all admin remedies must first be jurisdiction over a particular question does not
exhausted. necessarily mean that the court will refrain from
deciding the issue before it; it may mean that the court
Republic v. Sandiganbayan, 255 SCRA 438 (1996) has, in its discretion, chosen to postpone its decision
PCGG issued a Sequestration Order against Sipalay and a until after the admin body has ruled on the certified
Search and Seizure Order against Allied to effect their issue. (K. Davis, Administrative Law Treatise)
sequestration. The latter 2 filed separate petitions in 1986
which were consolidated and referred to the SB. SB directed

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iii. Effect on pending case of a finding of primary Industrial Enterprises v. Court of Appeals (1990)
jurisdiction IEI had two coal-operating contracts which it gave to MMIC in
Stay of judicial proceedings pending a referral of the a MOA. IEI filed for rescission of the MOA with the RTC.
controversy, or a portion of it, to an admin agency. Court said it can‘t. BED should have the primary jurisdiction
over the subject matter.
iv. Cases Held: If the case is such that its determination
requires the expertise, specialized skills and knowledge of the
Texas & Pacific Railway Co. v. Abilene, 204 US 426 (1907) proper administrative bodies because technical matters or
Abilene Cotton Oil Co. filed a suit against defendant Texas intricate questions of facts are involved, then relief must first be
and Pacific Railway Co. to recover $1,951.83. It was alleged by obtained in an administrative proceeding before a remedy will
the plaintiff that on shipments of carloads of cotton seed over be supplied by the courts even though the matter is within the
the line of the defendant’s road, the carrier had exacted on the proper jurisdiction of a court.
delivery of the cotton seed, the payment of unjust and
unreasonable rate which exceeded in the aggregate, by the sum Phil. Veterans Bank v. Court of Appeals (2000)
sued for, a just and reasonable charge. The trial court found Phil Veterans contest the valuation of the lands that were taken
that the rate charged by the railway company was that from them in pursuance of
established under the interstate commerce law. It however CARL, assailing the jurisdiction of DAR to determine just
found such rate to be unreasonable and so granted an award of compensation.
damages in favor of the oil company. The appellate court Held: In accordance with settled principles of
reversed the trial court, saying that the latter had no power administrative law, primary jurisdiction is vested in the DAR as
under the Act to Regulate Commerce to grant the relief sought an administrative agency, but such determination is subject to
when the rate had not been found to be unreasonable by the challenge in the courts.
Interstate Commission.
Held: A shipper cannot maintain an action at Conrad and Co. v. Court of Appeals, 246 SCRA 691 (1995)
common law in a state court for excessive and unreasonable Victoria Biscuits Co. Inc. and Fitrite Inc. were granted
freight rates where the rates charged had not been found to be registration of the “Sunshine” trademark. However Conrad was
unreasonable by the Interstate Commerce Commission. The also engaged in manufacturing, distributing and importing
Trial Court has no power to determine the issue of cookies with the same trademark. Its alleged principal,
reasonableness of the rates duly filed and approved by the Sunshine USA instituted a cancellation proceeding against the
Interstate Commerce Commission. respondents. The latter then filed a case of infringement and
unfair competition against Conrad. The petitioner filed a
Phil. Global Communications, Inc. v. Relova (1986) motion to dismiss on the grounds of litis pendentia, and
Petitioner filed an application for authority to establish a alleged the application of the doctrine of primary jurisdiction.
branch station in Cebu City which was granted. Respondents Held: Doctrine is inapplicable in this case as it
opposed and filed an action for declaratory judgment to involves a different issue which is the existence of unfair
determine the scope and limitations of the legislative franchise competition and infringement, issues which are within the
of the petitioner before the court. Petitioner moved to dismiss jurisdiction of the court. Furthermore, the application of such
it on the ground that the court has no jurisdiction because the doctrine only suspends the judicial proceeding and does not
principle of primary jurisdiction applies. terminate pending cases in the courts.
Held: Primary jurisdiction does not apply as what is
involved is a purely legal question involving the scope of Phil
Global Communications’ legislative franchise.

Viadad v. RTC of Negros Oriental, 227 SCRA 271 (1993)

The court cases and the administrative matters are closely
interrelated, if not, interlinked.
While no prejudicial question strictly arises where one is a civil
case and the other is an admin proceeding, in the interest of
good order, it behooves the court to suspend its action on the
cases before it, pending the final outcome of the administrative
proceedings. The doctrine of primary jurisdiction does not
warrant a court to arrogate unto itself the authority to resolve a
controversy where the jurisdiction over which is initially lodged
with an administrative body of special competence.

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iv. Case
ACTION Aboitiz Shipping Corp. v. Pepito, 18 SCRA 1028 (1966)
After Demetrio Pepito, ship crewmember, went missing
A. Law-Fact Distinction between Nov 30 and Dec 1, his wife filed a claim for
compensation of death benefits against Aboitiz Shipping Corp
QUESTIONS OF LAW QUESTIONS OF FACT on the ground that Demetrio was “reported missing as per log
Doubt of controversy as Doubt or difference as to of ship.” The Regional Administrator issued the award for
to what the law is on the truth or falsehood of death benefits because Aboitiz had failed to controvert Ando‘s
certain facts. facts, or as to probative allegation of disappearance within the period provided for by
value of the evidence law.
presented. Held: REVERSED. The non-contravention by Aboitiz
If the appellate court can Determination involves was limited to not controverting Demetrio’s disappearance, but
determine the issue evaluation of review of it was not a confirmation of death. Death, due to its significant
without reviewing or evidence. legal implications, cannot be taken as fact. It is a conclusion of
evaluating the evidence. law. Non-controversion in compensation cases, as in the case of
Can involve questions of Query involves calibration pleadings in ordinary civil cases, simply means admissions of
facts, and not conclusions of law.
interpretation of law with of the whole evidence
respect to certain set of considering mainly the
fact. credibility of witnesses,
existence and relevancy of SESSION 10
specific surrounding
circumstances and relation B. Questions of Law
to each other and the whole
probabilities of the O'Leary v. Brown Pacific-Maxon Inc. (1951)
situation. Valak (employee) drowned trying to save 2 men in the
WON Piolo Pascual is a WON Piolo Pascual is born adjoining channel of the recreation center provided by Brown
Filipino citizen. of a Filipina mother or Pacific to its employees. Valak’s mom claims death benefit
father. under the Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers'
Compensation Act which authorized payment of compensation
i. Legal Basis for accidental injury/death arising out of and in the course of
employment. The Deputy Commissioner found as a "fact" that
ii. Purpose of distinguishing the employee's death arose out of and in the course of his
 Determine the extent of judicial review available employment, and awarded a death benefit to his mother.
 There are questions that are purely of fact and Held: Deputy Commissioner’s finding of “fact” was
purely of law. supported by substantial evidence and thus awarded Valak’s
 The law-fact distinction is a tool for allocating mom death benefit.
decision-making power between administrators on
the one hand and accountability institutions such as O'Keeffe v. Smith Associates, 380 US 359 (1965)
courts and tribunals on the other. So, for instance, Employee assigned to work in South Korea drowned while on
limiting the scope of appeals from decisions of an outing on a South Korean lake.
administrative agencies to cases that raise ‘points of Held: family is still entitled to receive death benefits
law’ gives administrators more freedom in resolving from the Workmen’s Compensation Act because the Deputy
issues of fact and policy than in resolving issues of Commissioner’s finding that the employee’s death was still an
law. In fact, administrators are generally required to incident of his employment was not irrational and was
answer legal questions ‘correctly’ as determined supported by substantial evidence.
ultimately by a court. By contrast, they generally
Ortua v. Encarnacion, 59 Phil 440 (1934)
enjoy greater freedom to resolve issues of fact and
Ortua filed with the Bureau of Lands application to buy land
policy differently from the way a court would.
but was rejected on the basis that he was a Chinese citizen.
(Source: Cane, Peter. Administrative Law)
Held: Public Land Law has vested on the DL direct executive
control over land matters and “his decisions as to questions of
iii. Effect on Remedy to be used
fact shall be conclusive when approved by the Sec. of
Determination whether the question is purely of fact or
Agriculture and Commerce.” However, any action based upon
purely of law will decide what remedy to be used:
a misconstruction of law can be corrected by courts. While
whether to file in court or to an admin agency.

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findings of fact of the director of lands are conclusive, support itself and the evidence must be substantial. Where the
questions of law can still be subject to review of the Court. decision is merely based upon pieces of documentary evidence
that are not sufficiently substantial and probative for the
Mejia v. Mapa, 50 OG No. 6, 2507 (1954) purpose and conclusion they are presented, the standard of
Bureau of Forestry granted Maximo permit to construct fairness mandated in the due process clause is not met.
fishpond. He later on decided to convert it to a rice field and
entered into a landowner-cropper/tenant + crop-sharing PAL v. Confessor, 231 SCRA 41 (1994)
agreement w/ Compana & others. PAL and PALEA had a bargaining deadlock. SoLE Assumed
Maximo ceded rights and interests in land to son Catalino, who Jurisdiction and issued an order based only on the position
filed for homestead application. After papers of the parties.
Catalino’s death, Respondents refused to give his crop share to Held: SoLE in GAD for failure to consider evidence
Clotilde, Catalino’s widow, who then filed a separate adduced by the parties. Order was based on mere conjectures
homestead application. Director of Lands ruled for Clotilde. and projections.
Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources ruled in favor of
Mapa. German Marine Agencies v. NLRC, 350 SCRA 629 (2001)
Held: Ortua not applicable since what is involved is a De Lara fell ill during voyage. Instead of giving him immediate
reversal of prior decision. Even if affirmed, still not applicable if medical attention, company ignored the condition of the
SANR’s conclusions based on the facts are erroneous. Such respondent which led to his rapid health deterioration. There
conclusions are questions of law that are reserved to the courts were two conflicting medical certification issued by the
to determine. company designated doctor, and the head doctor of Manila
Doctors where he was subsequently confined.
Ysmael v. CIR, 108 Phil. 407 (1960) Held: Findings of LA and NLRC upheld because of
Substantial compliance with the constitutional mandate to the absence of GAD. Findings of fact of the NLRC are
include in a ruling the clear and distinct statement of the law accorded respect and, particularly if they coincide with the LA,
and facts on which it is based is sufficient. Conclusion of CIR, and when supported by substantial evidence.
based on the facts of the case, that there is ER-EE relationship,
is a question of law. D. “Questions of Discretion”

C. Questions of Fact If the Administrative Agency is vested with discretionary

power by law, the rule is that the judiciary will not usually
Universal Camera v. NLRB, 340 US 474 (1951) intervene in the exercise of sound discretion.
The standard of proof required to support a decision of the Except: Grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or
Labor Board on judicial review is the same as that to be exacted excess of jurisdiction
by courts reviewing every administrative action subject to the
Administrative Procedure Act. The Board's findings of fact Discretionary
must be supported by substantial evidence "on the record Defined as the power or right conferred upon public officials
considered as a whole.” by law to act officially under certain circumstances,
according to the dictates of their own judgment.
Banco Filipino v. Monetary Board, 204 SCRA 767 (1991) Power to make a choice among permissive actions of
The Monetary Board of Central Bank placed Banco Filipino policies.
under receivership and issued a resolution for the liquidation
of the Bank. 6 of the 9 cases here involve the common issue of Ministerial
whether or not the liquidator appointed by the CB has the Defined as an act performed in response to a duty which has
authority to prosecute as well as to defend suits, and to been positively imposed by law and its performance required
foreclose mortgages for and in behalf of the bank while the at a time in a manner or upon conditions specifically
issue on the validity of the receivership and liquidation of the designated, the duty to perform under the conditions
latter is pending resolution. Corollary to this issue is whether specified not being dependent upon the officer’s judgment.
the CB can be sued to fulfill financial commitments of a closed Simple, definite duty arising under conditions admitted or
bank. On the other hand, the other 3 cases all seek to annul proved to exist and imposed by law.
and set aside M.B. Resolution No. 75 (ordering the closure and
receivership on Banco Filipino), on the ground that there was Laguna Tayabas v. PSC, GR No. 10903, Jan. 18, 1957
no basis for such. Lacdan was granted by the PSC a provisional permit to
Held: closure of Banco Filipino was arbitrary and maintain 4 round trips on the route Sta. Maria, Laguna to
committed with GAD. The requirements for foreclosure were Manila. Laguna Tayabas Bus Co., a competitor, prayed to annul
not complied with. Administrative due process does not mean this, alleging that PSC issued it in abuse of discretion because
that the other important principles may be dispensed with; the they made no finding that present services were inadequate or
decision of the administrative body must have something to insufficient.

Cristobal ■ Nuñez A2016 Page 23 of 29

Held: Based on the situation of the residents, Lacdan’s auxiliary writs or processes, whether or not in aid of its
services were needed. It was for the PSC to weigh the fact appellate jurisdiction;
reported as against those disclosed by evidence. Erroneous 2. Exclusive original jurisdiction over actions for annulment of
appreciation of the significance of the competing facts laid judgments of Regional Trial Courts; and
before the PSC doesn’t mean that it has abused its discretion. 3. Exclusive appellate jurisdiction over all final judgments,
The Court will not substitute its judgment for that of the PSC, resolutions, orders or awards of Regional Trial Courts and
and its orders shall be reversed only if without reasonable quasi-judicial agencies, instrumentalities, boards or
support in the evidence or rendered against law or issued commission, including the Securities and Exchange
without jurisdiction. Commission, the Social Security Commission, the Employees
Compensation Commission and the Civil Service
Kapisanan sa La Suerte v. Noriel, 77 SCRA 414 (1977) Commission, Except those falling within the appellate
FFW-La Suerte submitted petition for certification election. jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in accordance with the
Kapisanan challenged it because a) no 30% support and b) filed Constitution, the Labor Code of the Philippines under
beyond 60-day freedom period. Presidential Decree No. 442, as amended, the provisions of
Held: The 30% is only important to make it this Act, and of subparagraph (1) of the third paragraph and
mandatory for Director of BLR (or MA) to grant the conduct of subparagraph 4 of the fourth paragraph of Section 17 of the
the cert election. If no 30%, it becomes discretionary on the Judiciary Act of 1948.
government agency to grant it, especially if there are multiple
organizations in the bargaining unit. (This is an old case so old The court of Appeals shall have the power to try cases and
rules apply.) conduct hearings, receive evidence and perform any and all
acts necessary to resolve factual issues raised in cases falling
Federation of Free Workers v. Noriel, 86 SCRA 132 (1978) within its original and appellate jurisdiction, including the
Universal textile Mills Union had an existing collective power to grant and conduct new trials or Appeals must be
bargaining agreement with company. Federation of free workers continuous and must be completed within three (3) months,
(another union) filed a petition for certification election even unless extended by the Chief Justice.
before the 60-day freedom period. The med-arbiter called for a
certification election. BLR reversed saying that a certification
Book VII 1987 Administrative Code Section 25. Judicial
election is not needed.
Held: While administrative agencies may exercise
(1) Agency decisions shall be subject to judicial review in
discretion in the performance of their duties, they are still
accordance with this chapter and applicable laws.
bound by the limits laid down by the law that they seek to
(2) Any party aggrieved or adversely affected by an
agency decision may seek judicial review.
(3) The action for judicial review may be brought against
the agency, or its officers, and all indispensable and
SESSION 11 necessary parties as defined in the Rules of Court.
(4) Appeal from an agency decision shall be perfected by
VIII. MODES OF JUDICIAL REVIEW filing with the agency within fifteen (15) days from receipt of
a copy thereof a notice of appeal, and with the reviewing
A. Common Provisions court a petition for review of the order. Copies of the petition
Art. IX, A. Common Provisions 1987 Constitution, Section 7. shall be served upon the agency and all parties of record. The
Each Commission shall decide by a majority vote of all its petition shall contain a concise statement of the issues
Members, any case or matter brought before it within sixty involved and the grounds relied upon for the review, and
days from the date of its submission for decision or shall be accompanied with a true copy of the order appealed
resolution. A case or matter is deemed submitted for from, together with copies of such material portions of the
decision or resolution upon the filing of the last pleading, records as are referred to therein and other supporting
brief, or memorandum required by the rules of the papers. The petition shall be under oath and shall how, by
Commission or by the Commission itself. Unless otherwise stating the specific material dates, that it was filed within the
provided by this Constitution or by law, any decision, order, period fixed in this chapter.
or ruling of each Commission may be brought to the (5) The petition for review shall be perfected within
Supreme Court on certiorari by the aggrieved party within fifteen (15) days from receipt of the final administrative
thirty days from receipt of a copy thereof. decision. One (1) motion for reconsideration may be allowed.
If the motion is denied, the movant shall perfect his appeal
BP Blg. 129, Sec. 9 as amended by R.A. No. 7902 (1995) during the remaining period for appeal reckoned from
Section 9. Jurisdiction. – The Court of Appeals shall Exercise: receipt of the resolution of denial. If the decision is reversed
1. Original jurisdiction to issue writs of mandamus, on reconsideration, the appellant shall have fifteen (15) days
prohibition, certiorari, habeas corpus, and quo warranto, and from receipt of the resolution to perfect his appeal.

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(6) The review proceeding shall be filed in the court CERTIORARI
specified by statute or, in the absence thereof, in any court of Writ of Certiorari is a writ emanating from a superior court
competent jurisdiction in accordance with the provisions on directed against an inferior court, tribunal, or officer
venue of the Rules of Court. exercising judicial or quasi-judicial functions
(7) Review shall be made on the basis of the record taken
as a whole. The findings of fact of the agency when Nature:
supported by substantial evidence shall be final except when - It is a prerogative writ, never demandable as a matter of
specifically provided otherwise by law. right; never issued except in the exercise of judicial discretion
- A wide breadth of discretion is granted a court of justice in
B. Rule 43 Appeals 1997 Rules on Civil Procedure certiorari proceedings
- The Court is guided by all circumstances of each particular
Appeals from awards, judgments, final orders or resolution of case as the “as the ends of justice may require.
or authorized by any quasi-judicial agency in the exercise of - The writ is proper to correct errors of jurisdiction
its quasi-judicial functions. committed by the lower court, or grave abuse of discretion
Questions of fact, questions of law, or mixed. which is tantamount to lack of jurisdiction
Filed with the CA. - Where the error is not one of jurisdiction, but an error of law
or fact which is a mistake of judgment, appeal is the remedy
C. Special Civil Action (Rule 65)
Directed against Directed against Directed against A party cannot use the remedy of special civil action on
an entity or an entity or person any entity or certiorari to circumvent the right of an administrative body to
person exercising exercising judicial, person exercising review its decisions.
judicial or quasi- quasi-judicial or ministerial
judicial functions. ministerial functions. Azores v. SEC, 252 SCRA 387 (1996)
functions. The failure of a party to perfect his appeal in the manner and
1. There must be a controversy 1. There must be a within the period fixed by law renders the decision sought to be
2. Respondent is exercising judicial or clear legal right or appealed final. The alleged errors assigned by petitioner are
quasi-judicial function duty. mere errors of judgment, but since petitioner failed to perfect
3. Respondent acted without or in 2. The act to be his appeal to the SEC en banc, he cannot now raise them. In
excess of its jurisdiction or acted with performed must this case for certiorari, the Court is limited to an inquiry into
grave abuse of discretion amounting to be w/n the powers any jurisdictional errors.
lack of jurisdiction; and of the respondent
4. There must be no appeal or other to perform. Villaruel v. NLRC, 284 SCRA 399 (1998)
plain, speedy, and adequate remedy. 3. Respondent Narciso worked in a bakery owned by petitioners. He asked for
must be a P10 wage increase, but the petitioners told him not to report
for work anymore. He filed a complaint for illegal dismissal. LA
exercising a
dismissed the claim, but NLRC reversed and said that he was
ministerial duty
illegally dismissed. Petitioners appealed to SC via Rule 65.
4. The duty or act
Held: Affirmed NLRC. Issues raised were questions of fact that
to be performed
cannot be raised in Certiorari under rule 65 because the
must be existing.
jurisdiction of SC is confined to issues of jurisdiction or GAD.
A correlative right
Just because NLRC reversed the LA does not mean the former
will be denied if
was in GAD. NLRC factual findings are entitled to great
not performed by
respect and finality if supported by substantial evidence.
the respondents.
5. There is no
D. Prohibition
other plain,
speedy, and
Writ of Prohibition is a writ issued by a superior court and
adequate remedy
directed against an inferior court, board, officer or other
in the ordinary
person whether exercising judicial, quasi-judicial, or
course of law
ministerial functions for the purpose of preventing the latter
To annul a To have To do the act from usurping jurisdiction with which it is not legally vested.
proceeding. respondent desist required by law.
from further Prohibition is that process by which a superior court prevents
proceeding. an inferior court or tribunal possessing judicial or quasi-
Corrective Negative and Affirmative or judicial powers from exceeding its jurisdiction or quasi-
remedy preventive remedy negative remedy judicial powers from exceeding its jurisdiction in matters over

Cristobal ■ Nuñez A2016 Page 25 of 29

which it has cognizance or usurping matters not within its 5. Issue is ripe for judicial determination, as where all
jurisdiction to hear or determine. administrative remedies have been exhausted
6. Adequate relief is not available through other means or
Chua Hiong v. Deportation Board, 96 Phil. 665 (1955) other forms of action or proceeding
Deportation proceedings against petitioner, claiming that he
obtained his Filipino citizenship fraudulently and has been Mirando v. Wellington Ty & Bros. Inc., 81 SCRA 506 (1978)
illegally exercising rights and privileges of Filipino citizens. Petitioners brought this action with a claim that they were
Petitioner filed for prohibition, claiming that his Filipino deprived of their preferential right to buy the disputed lots by
citizenship is backed up by substantial evidence and that since virtue of a contract of sale involving said lots executed between
his liberty is involved, the issue should first be determined in the administrator of the estate of the late Planas and
judicial proceedings. respondent Wellington Ty & Bros., Inc. But it is evident from
Held: A citizen is entitled to live in peace, without the records that from the date of their relocation to the
molestation from any official or authority, and if he is disturbed disputed lots in 1950 to the date of the filing of this petition
by a deportation proceedings, he has the unquestionable right for declaratory relief, at no time did the petitioners-appellants
to resort to the courts for his protection, either by a writ of acquire any interest whatsoever in the parcels of land subject of
habeas corpus or of prohibition, on the legal ground that the the aforementioned contract of sale. They enjoyed no rights
Board lacks jurisdiction. In this case, there was substantial which were violated, or at the least, affected by the exchange of
evidence supporting his Filipino citizenship to afford such properties between the national government and the late
belief that an impartial judicial proceeding is needed to ensure Carmen Planas, and eventually, by the above contract of sale
justice. Therefore, the prohibition against the Board was between the administrator of the estate of Carmen Planas and
granted. the respondent-appellee Wellington Ty & Bros., Inc.

Simon v. Commission on Human Rights (1994)

CHR assumed jurisdiction over the case of vendors whose stalls F. Common Provisional Remedies Against
were demolished by QC Administrative Agency Action
gov’t. CHR issued an Order to Desist against the QC officials. 1. Mandamus
Held: CHR has no jurisdiction since it does not
involve violation of civil and political rights (business rights) Blanco v. Board of Examiners, 46 Phil. 190 (1955)
and is not a quasi-judicial agency or a court of justice. Blanco et al. wanted the court to compel the Secretary of
Interior to confirm the exam results for the physician’s
Paredes v. Court of Appeals, 253 SCRA 126 (1996) certificate exam in via mandamus.
Registered patent agents filed a petition for prohibition against Held: The duty of the Secretary of Interior to confirm
DTI Secretary et al. to prevent them from enforcing the AOs or not to confirm the results was a discretionary duty which
they passed. could not be corrected by a complaint for mandamus unless the
Held: Prohibition is improper in this case because the duty was done with manifest injustice or gross abuse.
enabling law (BP Blg. 325) already provided for remedies that
Ps should have first exhausted before seeking recourse from the Ng Gloc Liu v. Sec of Foreign Affairs, 85 Phil. 842 (1950)
Courts. Discretionary functions are not covered by Mandamus. The
determination of WON an applicant for a visa has a non-
immigrant status and WON his entry into this country would
E. Declaratory Relief be contrary to public safety, is not a simple ministerial function.
It involves the exercise of discretion and cannot therefore be
Purpose: To relieve the litigants of the common law rule that controlled by mandamus. The fact that the Commissioner of
no declaration of rights may be judicially adjudged unless a Immigration has made his own investigation and is himself
right has been violated and for the violation of which relief satisfied that the applicant is entitled to his claim is immaterial.
may be granted. For the consular officers are not bound by the findings and
conclusions of the immigration office.
1. Subject matter of controversy must be a deed, will, Policarpio v. Phil Veterans Board, 99 Phil. 797 (1956)
contract, or other written instrument, statute, executive Wife was claiming pension for dead AFP husband until a
order or regulation, or ordinance certain year. She applied for restoration of pension. Board gave
2. Actual justiciable controversy or “ripening seeds” of a her pension then suddenly stopped. CFI issued mandamus to
controversy between parties with adverse interests continue giving her pension.
3. No breach of documents in question Held: The issuance of a memorandum was a mistake.
4. Doubtful as to the terms and validity of the document and Even then, mandamus does not lie on discretionary powers of
require judicial construction an agency. However, mandamus may lie to compel the board to
take action on an application.

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Tan v. Veterans Backpay Commission, 105 Phil. 377 (1959) Preliminary Prohibitory Preliminary Mandatory
Tan seeks to claim backpay of guerilla veteran husband. VBC Injunction Injunction
denied her claim on the basis that her husband was an alien Prevent a person from Require a person to perform
and therefore not entitled to backpay. Tan filed for mandamus performing an act an act
to compel payment. Commission claims that they cannot be Act has not yet been Act has been performed and
compelled through mandamus since their function is performed such act has violated the
discretionary. rights of another
Held: Discretion is limited to fact finding and once Status quo is preserved Status quo is restored
established that one is a guerilla member, it becomes
mandatory for them to give due course to widow’s application.
Collector v. Reyes, 90 Phil. 70 (1951)
Reyes filed his income tax returns for 1946-1950. The CIR
Province of Pangasinan v. Reparations Commission (1977) issued a warrant of distraint and levy was issued only on Oct.
The Province applied for $1.5M worth of reparation goods and 13, 1954 or three years, 5 months, and 16 days after Reyes filed
was approved as revenue generating. When the goods arrived, returns for tax year 1950. When the CTA granted Reyes’
they were initially released to the petitioner but the document petition for injunction against the CIR’s collection for having
of title was not given to the petitioner. Instead, it was required been issued beyond the 3-year prescription period, CIR
by RC to return the goods and pay the procurement costs. The questioned the CTA’s authority to issue an injunction without
petitioner filed a mandamus case to compel RC to transfer title. first requiring Reyes to file a bond/surety for the tax
Held: For mandamus to lie, it is essential that the delinquencies in court.
plaintiff should have a clear legal right to the thing demanded Held: The requirement of the bond as a condition
and that there must be an imperative duty of the defendant to precedent to the issuance of a writ of injunction applies only in
perform the act required, and such duty be clearly shown. cases where the processes by which the collection sought to be
However, there was no such duty in this case because the goods made by means thereof are carried out in consonance with the
were classified as revenue generating. law and not when said processes are obviously in violation of
the law to the extreme that they have to be suspended for
jeopardizing the interests. No bond is required because the
2. Injunction warrant of distraint was issued beyond the 3-year prescriptive
a. In General period, hence invalid.
A judicial writ, process or proceeding whereby a party is
ordered to do or to refrain from doing a particular act. May Pineda v. Lantin, 6 SCRA 757 (1962)
be an action in itself. Acting on a letter-complaint filed against Bacolod-Murcia and
Araneta, SEC Commissioner ordered an investigation and
Preliminary injunction - Ancillary remedy issued a subpoena duces tecum. Araneta filed several petitions
to stop the investigation but to no avail so he filed a special civil
Purpose: Preservation of status quo or prevention of future action for prohibition against SEC investigators. Investigators
wrongs in order to preserve certain interests and rights filed a motion to dismiss but CFI Judge ordered trial on the
during the pendency of an action. merits.
Held: Power to grant injunctive reliefs against SEC lies
Requisites: with the SC in accordance with Rules of Court and CA 83 and
1. There must be a verified application not with courts of general jurisdiction like CFI.
2. The applicant must establish that:
a. He has a right to relief or a right to be protected Lemi v. Valencia, 7 SCRA 469 (1963)
and In certain cases, courts should not hesitate in granting the writ.
b. The act against which the injunction is sought (1) cases of extreme urgency;
violates such right (2) where petitioner's right to the writ is clear;
3. The applicant must also establish that: (3) where considerations of relative inconvenience are strongly
a. There is a need to restrain the commission or in his favor;
continuance of the acts complained of and (4) where there appears to be a willful invasion of petitioner's
b. If not enjoined would work injustice to him right, the injury inflicted upon him being a continuing one;
4. A bond must be posted UNLESS otherwise exempted by and
the court (5) where the effect of the mandatory injunction would not be
5. The threatened injury must be incapable of pecuniary to create a new relation between the parties but solely to re-
estimation establish a pre-existing relation between them recently and
arbitrarily interrupted by the respondent.

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Honda v. San Diego, 16 SCRA 406 (1966) a. identity of parties
Honda importer Hahn wanted to register the name HM Honda b. identity of subject matter
in his name at the Patent Office. Honda Opposed. PO c. identity of cause of action
dismissed Hahn’s petition so he filed MR which was also
denied. Hahn then filed petition for certiorari with CFI and Law of the case – Res Judicata – Stare decisis
CFI issued injunction against PO.
Held: CFI cannot issue injunction because it is of CONCLUSIVENESS OF JUDGMENT
equal rank with Patent Office. A writ of injunction, prohibition The issues actually and directly resolved in a former suit
or certiorari may be issued against a court only by another court cannot again be raised in any future case between the same
superior in rank to the former. parties involving a different cause of action.
- It has the effect of preclusion ONLY OF THE ISSUES
Nocnoc v. Vera, 88 SCRA 529 (1979) - Parties in both actions may be the same but the causes of
Nocnoc filed compensation claim with Workmen’s action are different
Compensation Unit which was granted. Upon finality, he was
granted a writ of execution. Employer filed for injunction w/ Requirement: Identity of ISSUES
CFI and was granted.
Held: CFI had no jurisdiction to impugn the validity Where Conclusiveness of Judgment NOT applicable:
of WCU’s award and to enjoin its execution since the law is 1. Where the issues of the 2 cases are not identical
clear that WCU had jurisdiction and, upon appeal, the SC. 2. The rule does not apply to issues of law

b. Special Note: Injunction Against Ipekdjian Merchandising v. Court of Tax Appeals (1963)
Government Projects Ipekdijan does not want to pay taxes. Case 1, decision of BTA
Republic Act No. 8975 An Act To Ensure The Expeditious became final because it wasn’t appealed on time. Case 2,
Implementation And Completion Of Government petitioner paid a bit then asked that the amount be returned
Infrastructure Projects By Prohibiting Lower Courts From and the balance be cancelled.
Issuing Temporary Restraining Orders, Preliminary Injunctions Held: The issue of the 2nd case is still the same as in
Or Preliminary Mandatory Injunctions the first case. Doctrine of res judicata also applies to bodies
with judicial powers and not only courts.
Nasipit Lumber Co., Inc. v. NLRC, 177 SCRA 93 (1989)
IX. ENFORCEMENT OF AGENCY The doctrine of res judicata applied only to judicial or quasi-
judicial proceedings and not to the exercise of administrative
ACTION powers.
A. Res Judicata, Finality of Judgment Dulay v. Minister of Natural Resources, 218 SCRA 562
RES JUDICATA Dulay asked the SC to confine the BFAR Director within his
A final judgment rendered by a court of competent jurisdiction and to uphold the principle of res judicata by
jurisdiction on the merits is conclusive as to the rights of the nullifying his orders giving due course to Dico’s request to re-
parties and their privies, and as to them constitutes an open the two DANR cases which had longed attained finality
absolute bar to a subsequent action involving the same and his telegrams stating the dismissal of her MRs. Dico, on the
claim, demand or causes of action. other hand, contended that res judicata does not apply in cases
where the government has to exercise its inherent power to
Purpose: regulate.
1. Give finality to decisions rendered by the courts and Held: The DANR cases had become final for not
put an end to litigation. having been brought to the courts for judicial review.
2. Keep parties who have relied on the final judgment Therefore, the BFAR Director abused his discretion in insisting
from being prejudiced. on the continuation of the formal investigation on the basis of
3. Avoid flip-flopping of decisions for a reliable res judicata.
Phil. American General Insurance Co. Inc. v. CA (1993)
Requisites: Davao Union shipped some cargo on board Crazy Horse,
1. A FINAL judgment or order operated by respondent
2. JURISDICTION over the subject matter and the Transpacific. The discharge of the cargo was continuously
parties by the court rendering it. delayed and interrupted, so when a typhoon came and
3. Judgment UPON MERITS destroyed the ship, a portion of the cargo was lost to damage
4. Between the TWO CASES, there is: and pilferage. Transpacific invoked administrative proceedings

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before the Board of Marine Inquiry, which did not find re-examination of doctrine, however, wasn’t entertained since
negligence with the shipmaster and crew. this was a suit for mandamus. Any opinion of the Court upon
Held: Not res judicata because there was no identity of the validity of the doctrine would be unnecessary and would
causes of action between the two cases. The proceedings before merely constitute an obiter dictum.
the Board were administrative in nature; this action before the
Court is civil. In any case, Transpacific cannot be held liable for Ambrosio v. Salvador, GR No. L-47651, Dec. 11, 1978
the loss of the cargo, because evidence shows that the NLRC ruled for the 39 taxi drivers in an illegal deduction of
shipmaster was in fact not negligent. wages case. The Sheriff levied on 3 lots registered under Lim
Pa. Lim Pa filed an injunction case against the NLRC, sheriff
Manila Electric Co. v. Phil. Consumers Foundations, et al., and register of deeds to stop the sale of land levied, alleging that
GR No. 101783 Jan. 23, 2002 he was not a party to the case.
PCF filed a case for specific performance against Meralco with Held: Proper recourse was in the NLRC and appeal
the Board of Energy in order to refund the savings from the the latter’s decision (if affirmed) to the SC. This is because the
application of P.D. 551 which reduced the franchise tax paid by CFI is a court of concurrent jurisdiction with the NLRC
Meralco. The BOE ruled in favor of Meralco and was affirmed (successor of CIR). CFI can only issue an injunctions against
by the SC. Decision became final. 4 years later, PCF with Isip lower courts.
filed a civil case for declaratory relief with the RTC, RTC
declared SC decision null and void. Merano v. Tutaan, 115 SCRA 343 (1982)
Held: Res Judicata applies, all 4 requisites are present Mandamus will not be issued when there are other plain,
in the case. speedy and adequate remedies still available. Merano should
have sought relief from the NLRC because the Labor Arbiter
failed to enforce former’s decision that ordered actual
B. Writ of Execution, Mandamus reinstatement.

Mandamus is a writ issued in the name of the State, to an GSIS v. Civil Service Commission, 202 SCRA 799 (1991)
inferior tribunal, corporation, board, or person, commanding Employees were terminated by GSIS for being undesirable.
the performance of an act which the law enjoins as a duty CSC ruled that dismissals were illegal and ordered
resulting from an office, trust, or station. reinstatement + backwages. Pending SC ruling Manuel and
Namuco died. SC issued resolution that backwages should
Apolega v. Hizon, 25 SCRA 336 (1968) depend on outcome of disciplinary proceedings. Heirs asked for
Apolega’s alleged employee filed a notice of claim for execution of CSC judgment.
compensation for an injury suffered while working. Apolega Held: CSC has the power to execute its decisions and
failed to controvert the claim, so the DOLE Regional Office that backwages should be awarded to the heirs as no
awarded the amount prayed for. Later, said employee died as a disciplinary proceeding can be instituted against the terminated
result of his injury, so his widow filed for death benefits—which employees because they were dead.
again were granted after Apolega failed to challenge it. The
award was deemed final and executory, and an execution was Clavano v. HLURB, GR No. 143781, Feb. 27, 2002
issued against his personal property. He thus questioned the Except in the case of judgments which are void ab initio or null
authority of the WCC and DOLE Regional Office to issue such per se for lack of jurisdiction which can be questioned at any
a writ. time, once a decision becomes final, even the court which has
Held: although the issuance of a writ of execution is rendered it can no longer alter or modify it, except to correct
procedural in nature, and thus essentially within the Court’s clerical errors or mistakes. Otherwise, there would be no end to
rule-making power, Congress had the constitutional power to litigation and would set to naught the main role of courts of
legislate that these bodies may issue such a writ. justice which is to assist in the enforcement of the rule of law
and the maintenance of peace and order by settling justiciable
Vda. De Corpuz v. Commanding General, Phil. Army, GR controversies with finality.
No. L-44077, Sept. 30, 1978
Commanding General wouldn’t release the full death benefits
and burial expenses awarded to Eliodora and her children even SOURCES
though it was declared to be final and executory. Commanding A2016 digests
General’s reason was that the benefits given under RA 610 and UP and Ateneo Bar reviewers
the Worker’s Compensation Act are mutually exclusive, and A2015 and B2015 Admin reviewers
would therefore result in double compensation. Eliodora filed JQT notes
for mandamus to compel payment of full benefits and to re-
examine the doctrine in Anchez case. SPECIAL THANKS
Held: Eliodora has the right to the full award of
benefits since the award has become final and executory. The A2016, best block ever

Cristobal ■ Nuñez A2016 Page 29 of 29

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