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CURSO : English

DOCENTE : Juan Carlos Ausejo Manco

TEMA : Elementos (estructura) de una

Monografía en Ingles.

ALUMNO : Huber Antonio Muñoz Chavez

What are the Elements of a Monograph?

A monograph is the writing of a research or documentary work, which can be presented as

an explanatory or descriptive work.
The elements of a monograph are the cover, introduction, index, development, conclusion,
notes and bibliography.


1. The Cover :

It is a mandatory point in a monograph, since it synthesizes the content and must

reflect the objective of the research.
In the first section of a cover the title is presented followed by the date, place,
name of the author, name of the advisor, name of the faculty or school, discipline
to which the preparation of the monograph and object of the research belongs.

2. Introduction:

It is where the presentation and purpose of the subject is indicated by means of a

brief review in the form of a paragraph.
To write the induction of a monograph you must establish the
objectives of the work, collect and analyze the information, it is
necessary to interpret the results in the preparation of the
conclusions and ask the following questions.

a. ¿Why have I chose this topic?

b. ¿What is its social significance?
c. ¿What is the relation of this topic with the teaching?
For example: write awareness and the importance of this research for the life of
the human being, in a paragraph of 300 words.
3. Index:

It is the schematic organization of the work, by means of a list of subtitles with

the number of pages, where it allows us to easily locate the specific points of the

4. Development:

It is where the theme organized by chapters with subtitles and subtitles that carry
a specific order is exposed.
The exposition of the subject must have at least 4000 words and a maximum of
8000 according to the rules of APA (American Psychological Association).
You can also count on images and explanatory maps that are important for the
development of the monograph.

5. Conclusion:

It is a review of the main ideas found in the approach to the problem. This part of
the monograph is used as an exposure at the end of the work, but without adding
new data.
You can also express some opinions regarding the reflection and analysis of the

6. Notes:

Are the citations and comments on the works established in the monograph, can
be written after completing the conclusion with the title "Notes", numbering each
of them.
The notes are an optional element and in some cases you can go to the bottom of
the page.

7. Bibliography:

It is the section where all the consulted sources are methodologically organized to
carry out the monograph.
The bibliography is presented at the end of the writing, centralized, on a separate
The sources must go under another, they must indicate the name and surname of
the author, city where the work was created, title in italics or underlining, name of
the publisher and the year in which the work was created.

Give only the references are cited in the paper (maximum 5 quotes). To quote
correctly follow the criteria of the APA in


1. (n.d.). ¿Qué es Monografía? – Definición y Concepto – Concepto. De. de Se

consultó el 13 sept… 2017.
2. (n.d.). Monografía – Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre. org Se consultó el 13
sept… 2017.

3. (n.d.). Partes de una monografía _2. Se consultó el 13 sept… 2017.

4. (n.d.). ELEMENTOS DE UNA MONOGRAFÍA Tarjetas de Aprendizaje ….” 20

oct.. 2014, com Se consultó el 13 sept… 2017.

5. (n.d.). Elementos estructurales de la monografía – Slideshare.” ne Se consultó el

13 sept… 2017.

6. (n.d.). Características de las Monografías Más Importantes – Lifeder. com Se

consultó el 13 sept… 2017.

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