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Chemical Engineering Science 54 (1999) 1903—1907

On the kinetics of rare-earth extraction into D2EHPA

Andreas Geist *, Walter Nitsch, Jae-II Kim
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Institut fu( r Nukleare Entsorgungstechnik, P.O.B. 3640, D-76021 Karlsruhe, Germany
¹echnische ºniversita( t Mu( nchen, Institut fu( r ¹echnische Chemie, ¸ichtenbergstr. 4, D-85748 Garching, Germany

Received 21 July 1998; accepted 18 December 1998


Extraction kinetics of rare-earth elements (La>, Ce>, Pr>, Nd>, Eu>) in nitric acid, thiocyanate and formate into D2EHPA
(bis-2-ethylhexyl phosphoric acid ester, 0.05 kmol m\) is studied in a stirred cell at pH"2.1. Extraction rate is found to be limited by
diffusion. Individual mass transfer coefficients remain consistent for the metal ions investigated within a given aqueous system but are
found to be approximately 25% higher in the formate system than in others. An explanation can be given by coupled diffusion of
cationic and anionic species.  1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Rare-earth elements; Bis-2-ethylhexyl phosphoric acid ester; Extraction; Kinetics; Thiocyanate; Formate

1. Introduction or toluene are well established (Peppard et al., 1957:

Kolarik and Pankova, 1996; Alstad et al., 1974; Kandil
1.1. Extraction equilibria and Farah, 1979: Imai et al., 1992) and the stoichiometry
of extraction usually is determined as
The separation of rare-earth elements by chemical
extraction requires high numbers of extraction stages due Ln>#3(HX) & LnX (HX) #3H> (1)
to very low separation factors between adjacent rare-
with the equilibrium constant K
earth elements. The highest separation factors can be
achieved with cation-exchanging extractants, especially
[LnX (HX) ][H>]
phosphoric acid esters: reported mean separation factors K"   (2)
between adjacent rare-earth elements are in the range [Ln>][(HX) ]

of 2.5 (Peppard et al., 1957; Zheng et al., 1991) to 3.05
assuming dimerization of D2EHPA in the organic phase
(Ceccaroli and Alstad, 1981) for D2EHPA (bis-2-ethyl-
(Peppard et al., 1958). Equilibrium constants measured
hexyl phosphoric acid ester). In contrast, solvating ex-
using various diluents are reported. The differences in
tractants yield rather low mean separation factors.
equilibrium constants between aliphatic hydrocarbons
Reported values for TBP (tri-n-butyl phosphate) are in
and toluene or benzene are about three orders of mag-
the range of 1.09 (Ceccaroli and Alstad, 1981) to 1.24
nitude (i.e. a change in pH values in the range of
(Mokili and Poitrenaud, 1997). Hence, solvating extrac-  
one pH-unit) with hydrocarbons yielding the highest
tants are useful for the recovery of mixed rare-earth
K values (Kandil and Farah, 1979; Imai et al., 1992).
products, whereas cation-exchanging extractants are best
suited for the separation of rare-earth elements from one
another (Preston and Du Preez, 1992). 1.2. Extraction kinetics
Equilibrium data for the extraction of rare-earth ele-
ments into D2EHPA diluted in aliphatic hydrocarbons With knowledge of equilibrium data it is possible to
estimate the number of separation stages required for a
demanded separation efficiency. However, in order to
design an extraction process, knowledge of kinetic data is
*Corresponding author. Tel.: 00 49 7247/826249; fax: 00 49 advantageous. Here, especially, the discrimination of the
7247/823927; e-mail: rate-determining step (diffusion or chemical reaction) is

0009-2509/99/$ — see front matter  1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
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1904 A. Geist et al./Chemical Engineering Science 54 (1999) 1903—1907

important. However, not much is published on the 10\ m (375 cm), the interfacial area is A"4.42;
kinetics of rare-earth extraction into D2EHPA. Ex- 10\ m (44.2 cm).
perimental results are usually explained by a rate con- Aqueous-phase composition was La>, Ce>, Pr>,
trolling chemical reaction with diffusional influence (Lim Nd>, Eu>(10 mg l\ each) in
et al., 1996; Danesi and Vandergrift, 1981; Danesi et al.,
1982). (a) nitric acid, pH"2.1,
The goal of this work is to further elucidate extraction (b) ammonium thiocyanate 1.0 kmol m\, adjusted with
kinetics of rare-earth elements (here: La>, Ce>, Pr>, nitric acid to pH"2.1,
Nd>, Eu>) into D2EHPA dissolved in kerosene. Pre- (c) formic acid 0.975 kmol m\#sodium formate
vious results on the extraction kinetics of Eu>/HNO 0.025 kmol m\#sodium nitrate 0.008 kmol m\;
into D2EHPA over a wide range of both metal and
extractant concentrations indicate that mass transfer is Rare earths were used as nitrates.
limited by diffusion (Knei{l et al., 1998). Based on these Organic phase was D2EHPA (Bayer AG, Germany)
results, a possible influence of aqueous-phase composi- 0.05 kmol m\ (concentration of dimeric species) in kero-
tion (either nitric acid, formate or thiocyanate) on extrac- sene (Fluka, Germany). Both chemicals were used as
tion kinetics is investigated. Formate and thiocyanate are received.
used since both are commonly used in several systems The stirred cell was filled with aqueous and organic
tested for Am>/Eu> separation (Kolarik and Mu( llich, phases, stirrers were started with appropriate stirring
1997; Madic et al., 1997; Chiarizia et al., 1995; Borkowski numbers (aqueous"organic), 1 ml of a concentrated
et al., 1994). Ceccaroli and Alstad (1981) report an in- solution containing all five rare-earth elements (as ni-
crease in separation factors between rare-earth elements trates) was injected. Samples (1 ml) from the aqueous
if thiocyanate is used. phase were taken every 15 min and the same volume of
The apparatus used for kinetic experiments is a Nitsch water was added in order to exactly maintain the level of
stirred cell (Nitsch et al., 1973) in its improved design liquid/liquid interface. Samples were analyzed by ICP-
described by Waubke (1988). This cell has been calib- OES (Spectro, Germany). The measured concentration
rated on heat transfer and the physical mass transfer was plotted vs. time and initial metal fluxes were cal-
showing that the rates of processes limited by transport culated from initial slopes
phenomena is linearly dependent on stirrer speed over
a wide range (Nitsch et al., 1973). Limitation by chemical D[Ln>]»
j >" . (3)
reaction can be identified by the so-called plateau rates, * DtA
i.e. above a distinct stirring speed mass transfer does not
further increase with stirring speed (Nitsch and Kruis,
1978) (see Fig. 1). Hence, this kind of stirred cell allows 3. Results and discussion
for an easy discrimination between limitation by diffu-
sion and limitation by chemical reaction. 3.1. Extraction regime

Figs. 2—4 show initial metal fluxes j normalized to

2. Experimental R
initial metal concentrations [Ln>] over stirring
speed n . As can be seen from the linear increase of initial
Kinetic experiments in the stirred cell were carried 
metal flux with stirrer speed, extraction rates are limited
out at 293 K. Phase volumes are » "» "3.75;
  by diffusion regardless of aqueous-phase composition
(shown are the results for the extraction of Pr> as other
elements investigated yield the same results). This means
that the chemical reaction is fast and an equilibrium is
established at the liquid/liquid interface.
Experimental conditions chosen maintain mass trans-
fer resistance in the aqueous phase, i.e. mass transfer is
limited by diffusion of rare-earth metal ions. This can be
achieved by initial conditions that maintain high distri-
bution coefficients D,

[LnX (HX) ]
D"   (4)

Fig. 1. Flux dependency on stirrer speed in a Nitsch stirred cell: limita- of metallic species during the kinetic experiment by
tion by chemical reaction vs. limitation by diffusion. keeping the pH well above pH and using an excess of
A. Geist et al./Chemical Engineering Science 54 (1999) 1903—1907 1905

Fig. 2. Initial flux dependency on stirring speed for extraction of rare- Fig. 4. Initial flux dependency on stirring speed for extraction of rare-
earth elements (La>, Ce>, Pr>, Nd>, Eu>) into D2EHPA (figure earth elements (La>, Ce>, Pr>, Nd>, Eu>) into D2EHPA (figure
shows Pr>). [(HX) ]"0.05 kmol m\; [Ln>] "10 mg l\ (each); shows Pr>). [(HX) ]"0.05 kmol m\; [Ln>] "10 mg l\ (each);
 R  R
n "n ; aqueous-phase: nitric acid; pH"2.1. n "n ; aqueous phase: (formic acid#sodium formate)
1.0 kmol m\#sodium nitrate 8 mol m\; pH"2.1.

If the diffusion of A is the limiting step, its interfacial

concentration [A]* is to be neglected and hence,

j "b [A]. (6)

Here, the diffusion of metal ions is the limiting step.
Hence, the y-axis values in Figs. 2—4 directly yield indi-
vidual mass transfer coefficients for metal ions, b .

3.3. Influence of aqueous-phase composition

Mass transfer coefficients normalized to stirring speed,

b /n , for all rare-earths examined are compared in
Fig. 5. As can be seen, values are approximately constant
for La> to Eu> within a given system and no enhance-
ment of separation due to kinetic effects can be observed.
Fig. 3. Initial flux dependency on stirring speed for extraction of rare-
earth elements (La>, Ce>, Pr>, Nd>, Eu>) into D2EHPA (figure
However, mass transfer coefficients in the formate system
shows Pr>). [(HX) ]"0.05 kmol m\; [Ln>] "10 mg l\ (each); are approximately 25% higher than that in nitric acid
n "n ; aqueous-phase: ammonium thiocyanate 1.0 kmol m\#ni-
and thiocyanate systems.
tric acid; pH"2.1. An influence of the nitrate concentration can be
excluded as it is maintained constant at [NO\]"

9 mol m\ in all systems (1 mol m\ from rare-earth
nitrates used#8 mol m\ from either nitric acid or so-
complexing agent over metal ions (Walter et al., 1993;
dium nitrate; see Section 2. Differences in mass transfer
Geist, 1997).
coefficients have to be attributed to formate.
The mass transfer coefficient is dependent on the
3.2. Individual mass transfer coefficients diffusion coefficient, D , and residence time of volume

elements at the interface, q, according to Higbie’s pen-
In the case of mass transfer limited by diffusion, the etration model (Higbie, 1935).
flux j of a component A is given by its individual mass

transfer coefficient b and the driving concentration D
 b "2 . (7)
gradient between bulk concentration, [A], and concen-  nq
tration at the interface, [A]*:
As D and q depend on viscocity, viscocities of aqueous

j "b ([A]![A]*). (5) phases involved are measured. They are found to be
1906 A. Geist et al./Chemical Engineering Science 54 (1999) 1903—1907


D2EHPA was kindly supplied by Bayer AG, Ger-



A interfacial area, m
D diffusion coefficient, m s\
D distribution coefficient, dimensionless
j flux, kmol m s\
» volume of half cell, m

Fig. 5. Comparison of mass transfer coefficients standardized on stir- Greek letters

ring speed for the extraction of several rare-elements into D2EHPA in
varying aqueous phase: (——) (䊉) nitric acid; pH"2.1; (2) (䊊) b mass transfer coefficient, m s\
ammonium thiocynate 1.0 kmol m\ # nitric acid; pH"2.1; (-----)
(䉲) (formic acid#sodium formate) 1.0 kmol m\#sodium nitrate
l viscosity, m s\
8 mol m\; pH"2.1; [(HX) ]"0.05 kmol m\; [Ln>] " q residence time, s
10 mg l\ (each); n "n .

the same within $3% at l"1.02;10\ m s\. This aq in aqueous phase

excludes the possibility of a hydrodynamic effect (e.g. a org in organic phase
change in residence time of volume elements at the inter- t"0 initial value
face) leading to different mass transfer coefficients.
An explanation can be given by multi-component dif- [A] concentration of species A, kmol m\
fusion: Due to a much higher diffusion coefficient of * at liquid/liquid interface
protons as compared to metal ions, the proton concen-
tration gradient is shallower and extends farther into the
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