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18 : 600 - 1964 SECTION 4 DESIGN OF TENSION MEMBERS 4.1 Axial Stress 4.1.1 The permissible stress in axial tension, og, in MPa on the net effective area of the sections shall not exceed: on = 06 fy where, fy = minimum yield stress of steel, in MPa 4.2 Design Details 4.2.1 Net Effective Areas for Angles and Tees in Tension In the case of single angle connected through one leg the net effective sectional area shall be taken as: Ay + Ak where A, = effective cross-sectional area of the connected leg, Ay = the gross cross-sectional area of the unconnected leg, and Where lug angles are used, the effective sectional area of the whole of the angle member shall be considered. In the case of a pair of angles back-to-back ( ora single tee ) connected by one leg ofeach angle (or by the flange of the tee ) to the same side of a gusset, the net effective area shall be taken as Ay + Ask where A, and Ay are as defined in, and 5A; 54; + As ‘Theanglesshall be connected together along their length in accord- ance with the requirements under For double angles or tees placed back-to-back and connect- ed to each side of a gusset or to each side of part of a rolled sections the areas to be taken in computing the mean tensile stress shall be the effective area provided the members are connected together along their length as specified in k= 37 IS : 800 - 1984 Where the angles are back-to-back but are not tack riveted or welded according to the provisions under and Shall not apply ane! each angle shall be designed as a single angl connected through one leg only in accordance with When two tees are placed back-to-back but-are not tack riveted or welded as per the provisions under shall not apply and cach tee shall be designed a8 a single ter connected to one side a gusset only in accordance with, Nors — The area of the leg of an angle shall be taken as the product of the thickness and the | froma the outer corner minus half the thickness, and the area ofthe I ee product of the thickness and the depth minus the thickness le. SECTIONS DESIGN OF COMPRESSION MEMBERS 5.1 Axial Stresses in Uncased Strats 5.1.1 The direct stress in compression on the gross sectional area of axially loaded compression members shall not exceed 0°67, nor the per- missible stress Gg, calculated He the following formula: 600 OE aI where Coo — permissible stress in axial compression, in MPs; Sy = yield stress of stec!, in MPa; See = elastic critical stress in compression, = "=; E = modulus of elasticity of steel; 2 x 105 MPa; A (= Ir) = slenderness ratio of the member, ratio of the effective appropriate radius of gyration; and n = a factor assumed as 1:4, ‘Values of Gg for some: of the Jagian Standard structural steels are given in Table 5.1 for convenience. The efecee i ball ane eens The actual strut shall be taken as the length from the centro-to-centre of

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