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Jeyser Gamutia / Geraldine Jabungan BSN_3B June 19, 2018

Retropharyngeal Abscess

-a collection of pus in the lymph nodes at the back of the throat.

 A retropharyngeal abscess is caused by a bacterial infection.
 Symptoms include difficulty and pain when swallowing, a fever, stiff neck, and noisy breathing.
 The diagnosis is based on symptoms and x-rays or computed tomography of the neck.
 Children who receive prompt treatment do well.
 The abscess is drained surgically, and antibiotics are given to eliminate the infection.
A retropharyngeal abscess is usually caused by a bacterial infection that has spread from the tonsils, throat,
sinuses, adenoids, or nose. Many infections are caused by a combination of bacteria. HIV infection and
tuberculosis are becoming more common causes in adults and children. An injury to the back of the throat
caused by a sharp object, such as a fish bone, occasionally causes a retropharyngeal abscess.

 History of sore throat, nasal infection or tooth abscess

 High fever
 Severe sore throat
 Swollen neck lymph nodes
 Difficulty swallowing
 Salivating
 Respiratory Disorders
 Intercostal retraction (withdrawal of muscles between the ribs when people try so hard to breathe)
 Stridor (harsh breathing sound).

Complications of retropharyngeal abscess

 Bleeding around the abscess

 Rupture of the abscess into the airways (which can cause airway obstruction)
 Pneumonia
 The spread of infection to the chest.


 Diagnosis is based on symptoms and physical examination.

 X-rays or a CT scan of the neck showed a cavity containing pus between the throat and cervical spine.
 Blood tests showed an increase in the number of white bloodcells.
 Breeding throat mucus can indicate the presence of the causative organism.

 Antibiotics
 A breathing tube followed by surgery to drain the abscess
Most children do well with prompt treatment. Retropharyngeal abscesses often need to be drained surgically.
First, people are given antibiotics such as ceftriaxone or clindamycin by vein.
For both children and adults, doctors insert a plastic breathing tube through the mouth into the windpipe
(trachea) to keep the airway open. Doctors then cut the abscess open allowing the pus to drain out.

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