Benjamin Franklin Vesto Melvin Slipher

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BENJAMIN FRANKLIN Vesto Melvin Slipher

was an American astronomer who performed the first

Benjamin Franklin (1706–1790) is familiar to most
measurements of radial velocities for galaxies, providing
people as one of the Founding Fathers of the United
the empirical basis for the expansion of the universe.
States. He was an author, printer, political theorist,
politician, postmaster, scientist, inventor, statesman, André-Marie Ampère
and diplomat. He invented the following: was a French physicist and mathematician who was
one of the founders of the science of classical
 The lightning rod
electromagnetism, which he referred to as
 Bifocals "electrodynamics".
 The Franklin stove
 A carriage odometer Descartes
 The glass “armonica” (a popular musical discarded tradition and to an extent supported the
instrument of the day) same method as Francis Bacon, but with emphasis on
rationalization and logic rather than upon experiences.
Hans Christian Ørsted In physical theory his doctrines were formulated as a
was a Danish physicist and chemist who discovered that compromise between his devotion to Roman
electric currents create magnetic fields, which the first Catholicism and his commitment to the scientific
connection was found between electricity and method, which met opposition in the church officials of
magnetism. He is still known today for Oersted's Law the day. He made numerous advances in optics, such as
and the oersted his study of the reflection and refraction of light.

ALBERT EINSTEIN Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

best known for his contributions to evolution,. While
Perhaps the most well-known physicist in the popular working with fossils at the Museum of Natural History,
mind is Albert Einstein (1879–1955 Lamarck noticed that species seem to change over time.
He wrote a book in 1801 entitled Theory of Inheritance
 The special and general theories of relativity
of Acquired Characteristics, where he said an organism
 The founding of relativistic cosmology
could pass on the traits he acquired during his life.
 The explanation of the perihelion precession of
Mercury, which is the gradual rotation of the Michael Faraday
axis of the elliptical orbit of the planet was an English scientist who contributed to the study of
 The prediction of the deflection of light by electromagnetism and electrochemistry. His main
gravity (gravitational lensing) discoveries include the principles underlying
 The first fluctuation dissipation theorem, which electromagnetic induction, diamagnetism and
explained the Brownian motion of molecules, electrolysis.
which is the random jittery motion of small
James Clerk Maxwell
particles suspended in a fluid, which is caused
was one of the greatest scientists of the nineteenth
by collisions with the molecules of the fluid
century. He is best known for the formulation of the
 The photon theory
theory of electromagnetism and in making the
 Wave-particle duality
connection between light and electromagnetic waves.
 The quantum theory of atomic motion in solids


Charles-Augustin de Coulomb (1736–1806) is best

known for developing Coulomb’s law, which defines the
electrostatic force of attraction or repulsion between
charges. In fact, the MKS unit of charge,
the coulomb (C), was named after him.

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