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Full Name: _________________________________________________________ Date: _________________
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1-- Complete the sentence.Use the correct passive form of the verb in parentheses. (8p)
Example: Nobody has been told (tell) the time of the test yet.

1 My cell phone ______________ (steal) from my bag last week.

2 A large new hospital _____________ (build) in our town right now.
3 When I walked into the office, I realized we ______________ (rob).
4 People should _____________ (fine) for parking in spaces for handicapped people.
5 The thief ran out of the back door to avoid ____________ (catch) by the police.
6 It ______________ (believe) that crime is increasing in this country.
7 While my car _____________ (repair) last week, I had to walk to work every day.
8 The burglar ______________ (say) to be a tall, thin man with a southern accent.

2-- Choose the correct word(s). (6p)

Example: The students will have finished / have finished the test in a couple of minutes.

1 By this time tomorrow, I’m sitting / I’ll be sitting on the beach in Acapulco!
2 We usually have lunch at 1:00, so I’m sure we’ll have finished / we finish by 2:00 at the latest.
3 I’ll have gone / I’ll be going out this evening. I have tickets for a play.
4 It’s very late.They aren’t likely / probably to come to the party now.
5 They ’ll have built / ’ll be building the stadium by the end of the year.
6 He’ll likely / probably have left by the time you get to the station.

3—Complete the sentences. Choose the correct words. (6p)

Example: If you ____like_____ comedies, you’ll love this DVD.
A) will like B) like C) liked

1 Take my phone _____________ you need to give me a call.

A) in case B) unless C) when
2 If it ________ tomorrow, the show will be canceled.
A) will rain B) ’s raining C) will have rained
3 If you eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, you ________ to take vitamin C supplements.
A) don’t need B) aren’t needing C) will need
4 I ________ you if I decide not to go to the party.
A) tell B) ’ll be telling C) ’ll tell
5 I ________ home until I’ve finished this report.
A) don’t go B) ’m not going C) ’ll have gone
6 If you feel tired, you probably ________ enough sleep.
A) won’t have had B) haven’t had C) aren’t going to have
1-- Complete the word in the sentence. (9p)
Example: The man committed a crime when he took money from his company.

1 The twelve members of the j________ decided the man was guilty of the crime.
2 There was no e________, so the police had to let him go.
3 S_______ is a crime that involves taking things, such as cigarettes, secretly into another
4 W________ out! There are muggers in this area of town.
5 The police q__________ the woman for hours until she finally admitted to the crime.
6 The driver didn’t mean to kill the woman, so he was sent to prison for m________.
7 The police were waiting outside the bank, and they a________ the robber as soon as he came
8 The three h________ made the pilot land the plane in the desert.
9 The b________ took our TV and DVD player.

2-- Choose the word that is different. (5p)

Example: A) hailstorm B) flood C) drought D) mild

1 A) chilly B) warm C) cool D) freezing

2 A) monsoon B) breeze C) hailstorm D) blizzard
3 A) hot B) scorching C) boiling D) below zero
4 A) stable B) changeable C) fog D) bright
5 A) clear B) showers C) drizzling D) pouring

3-- Complete the sentence with one word. (6p)

Example: Liz takes after her mother. They look the same, and they have the same personality.

1 I don’t like taking ___________. For example, I would never do a dangerous sport.
2 The team took __________ in the tournament, but they didn’t do very well.
3 My sister has taken ___________ jogging, so she’s really getting into shape.
4 You don’t take _________ of yourself. You eat too much fast food and don’t do any exercise.
5 I like to take things __________ on Sunday mornings, so I stay in bed and read the newspaper.
6 More and more scientists are beginning to take __________ of the effects of climate change.
1-- Write the word(s) with the same sound. (5p)
accuse /humid /murderer /mugger /thunder /fraud
Example: bird murderer
1 up __________, __________
2 saw __________
3 yacht __________, __________

2-- Which is the stressed syllable? Choose the correct answer. (5p)
Example: A) burglary B) burglary

1. A) kidnap B) kidnap
2. A) sunburned B) sunburned
3. A) commit B) commit
4. A) investigate B) investigate
5. A) monsoon B) monsoon

Read the article. Choose the correct answer. (10p)
Derek Bentley was sentenced to death and was subsequently hanged on January 28, 1953. He was 19 years old and
had been found guilty of murder. However, many thought that his trial was a great legal tragedy, and it served to
help end the use of the death penalty in Britain a few years later. So, why was he hanged?
It all began on a Sunday in November 1952 when Bentley attempted to carry out a burglary with his friend
Christopher Craig. Whose idea the burglary was isn’t known for sure, although the personalities of the two men do
suggest who might have been the leader. Craig was loud and had a high opinion of himself, whereas Bentley, in
contrast, was quiet and reserved, and very much impressed by his younger friend’s confidence. Both were armed
with knives, but Craig also had a gun concealed in his jacket, something that Bentley almost certainly knew about.
Bentley himself also carried brass knuckles, a set of metal rings worn over the fingers that could seriously hurt
someone in a fight.
The two were on the roof of a building when the police saw them. They had been seen earlier breaking into the
building by a young girl whose mother had called the police, and now they were trapped. Two policemen chased
them and soon caught Bentley, but Craig decided to try and get away. He fired his gun, hitting a policeman in the
shoulder. It was then that Bentley shouted to Craig, “Let him have it!” words that would become famous as a key
piece of evidence in the trial. Moments later, more police arrived and started to chase Craig up some stairs. He
turned and fired, killing a policeman before jumping from the roof and breaking his back. He was then arrested.
Both Bentley and Craig were charged with murder, and both, at their trial, told the court that they were innocent.
This was a mistake. There was so much evidence to prove that Craig had committed the crime that it would have
been better for him to plead guilty. Not surprisingly, it took the jury little more than an hour to find both men guilty,
and Bentley was sentenced to death by hanging. Craig, however, was only 16 and avoided the same punishment.

The trial, and particularly Bentley’s sentence, shocked many people. In part, this was because of the prosecution
lawyers’ arguments. Central to their case against Bentley was that he and Craig were equally responsible for the
murder. The prosecution was able to prove to the jury that by planning a burglary, carrying a weapon, although not
the murder weapon, and shouting “Let him have it!” to Craig, Bentley was as much a murderer as his younger
friend. Moreover, the court didn’t consider it important that Bentley had a mental age of 11, that the phrase “Let
him have it!” could mean “Shoot him’’ but could also mean “Give him the gun,” and that, unlike Craig, Bentley was
restrained, though not arrested, by another policeman at the time of the murder.

Forty-five years after the trial, following years of arguing, campaigning, and protests by Bentley’s father and sister,
the Court of Appeals finally ruled, admitting that the original sentence and verdict were mistaken. Sadly, neither
Bentley’s father nor his sister lived long enough to see his name cleared.
Example: Derek Bentley was hanged for __________.
A) murder B) burglary C) arson
1 According to the text, the burglary was probably the idea of __________.
A) Craig B) Bentley C) Bentley and Craig
2 Craig’s character could be described as __________.
A) arrogant B) easygoing C) sensitive
3 Bentley was armed with __________.
A) a gun and a knife B) a knife and brass knuckles C) a gun and brass knuckles
4 Bentley and Craig were reported to the police by __________.
A) a passing policeman B) a mother C) a young child
5 Before jumping off the roof, Craig __________.
A) fired at two policemen B) was arrested C) killed two policemen
6 At the trial, __________.
A) only Craig was charged with murder B) there was too much evidence to listen to
C) it didn’t take the jury long to reach their verdict
7 Unlike Craig, Bentley __________.
A) said that he was guilty B) was sentenced to death C) was 16 years old
8 Part of the prosecution’s argument that both Bentley and Craig were guilty of murder was
A) that Bentley told Craig to kill the policeman B) that Bentley carried a gun
C) that they were close friends
9 The writer feels that an argument in favor of Bentley’s innocence was that __________.
A) he was under arrest at the time of the murder B) he obviously wanted Craig to give the
policeman the gun C) what he shouted could be understood differently
10 The Court of Appeals changed the original verdict as a result of __________.
A) a long fight by Bentley’s family B) a change of mind by the trial judge C) a change in
the legal system

[AEF4 T6] Listen to the news program. Match each person with one word from the box.
There are three words that you will not need.. (5p)
burglar / pickpocket / mugger / drug dealer / bank robber / victim /
shoplifter / witness

1 Jeremy Maguire was a _____________.

2 Stephanie Flamstead was a ______________.

3 Penny Green was a _____________.

4 Sally Green was a ______________.

5 David Clarke was a ______________.


Write a composition about the following statement:

“Nothing can be done to prevent crime.”
Write 140–180 words. Include the following information:
• whether you agree or disagree with the statement
• a description of what the situation is like now regarding crime and punishment and what is
being done to prevent crime in your country
• changes that could be made to prevent crime and to what extent you think these changes will be
Answer Key advanced II 3 up
GRAMMAR 4 care
1-- 5 easy
1 was stolen 6 notice
2 is being built PRONUNCIATION
3 had been robbed 1--
4 be fined 1 mugger, thunder
5 being caught 2 fraud
6 is believed 3 accuse, humid
7 was being repaired 2--
8 is said 1A
2-- 2A
1 I’ll be sitting 3B
2 we’ll have finished 4A
3 I’ll be going 5B
4 likely READING
5 ’ll have built 1A
6 probably 2A
3-- 3B
1A 4B
2B 5A
3A 6C
4C 7B
5B 8A
6B 9C
1 jury 1 burglar
2 evidence 2 witness
3 Smuggling 3 shoplifter
4 Watch 4 pickpocket
5 questioned 5 victim
6 manslaughter WRITING
7 arrested Student’s own answers.
Task completion: The task is fully
8 hijackers completed and the answer easy to
9 burglar understand. (4 points)
2-- Grammar:The student uses appropriate
structures to achieve the task.Minor
1B errors do not obscure themeaning.
2B (3 points)
3D Vocabulary: The student uses a sufficient
range of words and phrases to
4C communicate themessage clearly.
5A (3 points) --- TOTAL (10 points)
1 risks
2 part

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