Foreign Travel and Settlement in Astrology

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Foreign Travel and Settlement in Astrology

Bhavas Concerning Foreign Travel

Third house : 3rd house represents short journey, 3rd house is 12th from 4th house
Fourth house: 4th house represents mother land or birth place of the native. Well placed 4th house indicates the
native will prosper in mother land. Also 4th house represents education.
Seventh house: 7th house represents travel
Ninth house: 9th house represents long journey, well placed 9th house indicates the person will prosper in foreign
land. 9th house also represents spiritual learning.
Tenth house: 10th house represents occupation, 10th house having relation with 9th or 3rd or 12th house represents
that native will travel aboard for occupation.
Twelfth house: 12th house is 12th from Lagna and 12th house is 9th from 4th house which represents that native will
leave mother land.

Lagna or first house: Lagna indicates the native, Lagna lord in any of the houses above indicates that native will travel

Planets Concerning Foreign Travel

Jupiter: Jupiter is natural lord of 9th and 12th house. Jupiter being 9th lord/12th lord/3rd lord or Jupiter
occupying/aspecting 9th house/12th house/3rd house indicates foreign travel
Rahu: Rahu represents foreigners and foreign countries. Rahu in 9th house/12th house/3rd house or Rahu aspecting
above houses indicates that native will live with foreigners

Timing of fructification of foreign travel

Based on above combination, the native will have travel during Mahadasha or Bukti of
1. 3rd lord or planets in association with 3rd lord or 3rd house
2. 9th lord or planets in association with 9th lord or 9th house
3. 12th lord or planets in association with 12th lord or 12th house
4. Jupiter Mahadasha or Bukti
5. Rahu Mahadasha or Bukti
3rd =short trips/daily commute(like going to offoce/delhi to manali/any other state)
7th=Voyages/foreign residence
9th=Foreign lands specially in lieu of higher education/long distance travels
12th=Foreign lands/Far away from home
Rahu=karaka of foreign lands/taboo/different society/culture
Saturn=Foreign and long quests
Moon=karaka of 4th house
1.)3rd lord in 12th house or vice versa with 12th lord or aspects involved.
2.)3rd lord in 9th house or with 9th lord aspected by 12th lord.
3.)Moon with rahu in 4th house/rahu in 4th house.
4.)12th lord in 4th house and vice versa,or aspect.
5.)12th lord in 9th with 9th lord or vice versa.
6.)4th lord in 3rd,12th lord in 9th.
7.)9th lord with 12th lord in 4th/3rd.
8.)Moon in 7th,9th,12th.
9.)Moon in 8th sea voyages.
10.)Rahu in 12th,9th,3rd,10th,7th.
11.)Planets in 12th.

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The 4th is permanent residence, 3rd will be displacement, 9th long journey, 12th is foreign lands. Rahu is karaka for
foreign country, so any connections of 3rd, 9th and 12th also Rahu indicate foreign travel.
Purpose of travel whether for studies, pleasure, sports, art etc.. will need assessment of relavent bhavas and planets.
Further, if the travel is for permanent stay or for moving to other places or return to own country also will need
assessment of relavent bhavas and planets.

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Foreign Settlement
House Involved In Abroad Journey
Only one house is not involved in abroad journey as written in the classical text. There are no of houses involved in
this context in which 9th and 12th houses are main houses and others are 7th and 8th houses in my view. In Astrology
9th house is considered the house of fortune. So, if it is the house of fortune then it must be related to the well-being
of a person. So, if a person is going through the dasha antardasha of 9th lord or planet connected to the 9th lord then
definitely the journey of a person is fruitful if there is no malefic influence on the house or the planet. Strong 9th house
and planets associated with it gives immense wealth and reputation in abroad.

House Concerning Abroad Journey

Another house concerning abroad journey is 12th house. But as we all know 12th house also represents debts and
loses…. Etc, the journey connected to this house may or may not be fruitful for a person. An astrologer must keep this
point in his mind while predicting about abroad journey or settlement.

Abroad Settlement
So many people are willing to settle abroad especially young generation of our country as they think they will have
more chances in abroad to explore themselves, having ravishing life, earn good amount of money and for having safe
future. This is not an easy task for any astrologer to predict about a person will settle in aboard or not. Still deep
knowledge and experience give astrologer courage to predict about such cases. In this regard there should be strong
connection between 9th house and ascendant with 12th house.

Person Will Go Abroad But Will Not Settle

This connection should not be with the 4th house because then the person will go abroad but will not settle there and
come back after few years for one reason or the other. Conversely, if 4th house is afflicted by Saturn, Rahu or Ketu-
foreign settlement is possible. If an ascendant lord has a strong connection in 9th and 12th house in a fixed sign then
the probability for abroad settlement increases.

Planets Involved
The probability of staying or travelling abroad is all depending upon the strength of significators involved. JUPITER is
the main significator of abroad settlement. From another point it is also very important because in KalPurushKundali,
in 9th house the rashi falls is Sagittarius whose lord is Jupiter and it is dual in nature and has fire element in it. So this
considered as the important planet and 9th house considered be important house for abroad issues. Another
important planet in this regard is Rahu.Rahu signifies the foreign element in the chart, something that is
unconventional and out of ordinary. The combination of above-said planets with the above-said houses give strong
indications of settling abroad.

Appropriate Timings
This is another most important factor means if there is strong yoga occurred in the horoscope of a person then
another question arises when it would fructify? Because timing of happening of an event is the most important thing in
astrology. This is another challenging job for an astrologer to predict the specific timing. Here are some important
factors regarding this:
• Dasha or Antardasha of 9th or 12th house
• Dasha or Antardasha of planets associated with 9th or 12th house
• Mahadasha of Rahu
• Also consider 9th lord from Moon
• Despositor of 9th house
• Planets sitting in 8th house

Possibility Of Abroad Journey

One important point to be elaborated here is if a person is going through Rahu Mahadasa, it would enhance the
possibilities of journey abroad because after this he would be going through the major periods of Jupiter and Saturn
which would facilitate foreign journey. Apart from the above said combinations of important houses and planets
involved in the prediction of Abroad journey or settlement few more combinations which could also be taken into
consideration when:

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Natives Gets The Opportunity To Travel Abroad.
• Sun is in the ascendant the native gets the opportunity to travel abroad.
• Saturn is in the twelfth house.
• The lord of the ascendant is in the twelfth house.
• The lord of the ascendant is situated in the seventh house in a movable sign.
• The lord the tenth house is situated in the ninth house in the movable sign.
• The lord of the seventh house is situated in the ninth house.
• The Jupiter is situated in the fourth, sixth, eighth or twelfth house.
• The 12th and9th house lords interchange signs, then also the native travels to the foreign land.
• Venus is in the sixth, seventh or eighth house in the horoscope.

One Will Go To US OR Canada

• Rahu is in the first, seventh or eighth house.
• The lord of the sixth house is situated in the twelfth house.
• The lord of the ascendant and the Moon are situated in the movable sign.
• The yoga is also formed when the lord of the twelfth house is situated in the ninth house.
• The lord of the ascendant and the 9th house interchange signs the yogas for travel abroad become strong.
• The lord of the twelfth house is situated in the fourth house then also the native gets to travel abroad.
• Gemini, Libra and Aquarius represent west direction, if involved; one will go to US or Canada.

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Signs which are Most important for Foreign Settlement in Astrology
Signs are of thee types as per their activity-Chara rashi or Movable sign, Sthira Rashi or Fixed Sign and Dual Sign or
common Sign.
Chara Rashi or Movable sign-Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn
Sthira Rashi or Fixed Sign-Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius
Dual Sign-Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.
For considering foreign Travel in Astrology Chara Rashi or Movable signas are of Prime importance. Movable Sign
means-the changing tendency is high in these signs. So when Planets are placed in these signs, they give a changing
tendency to the native like changing of residence, changing of job, changing of country etc.
Sthira Rashi or fixed Signs are not helpful in regards to Foreign settlement in astrology. Planets in these signs gives a
tendency to stick to particular place. So those who have more planets in Fixed signs, they do not change their
residence or job too much. Going abroad means change of country or change of residence. So planets in fixed sign
blocks the chances of going abroad.
Common Sign or dual Sign can give short term foreign travel. Like if you have multiple planets in Dual sign you may
go to abroad frequently but for very short duration may be like one month.
The signs are further divided according to quality or Tatwa of the Rashi. They are -Fiery sign, Earthy Sign, Airy Sign
and watery Sign.
Fiery Sign-Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.
Earthy Sign-Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.
Airy Sign-Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.
Watery Sign-Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.
Watery Signs like Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are specially Very important for Traveling Abroad. For going to foreign
countries we need to cross seas. So watery signs are so much important.Cancer is both Movable and Watery sign.
More over it is the natural 4th house of the zodiac. So it has special importance for foreign travel in astrology.
Planets Like Rahu, Moon, Saturn, venus in watery Sign are good indication of Foreign Travel.

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Planets That are important for Foreign settlement in Astrology
There are four main planets which helps a person to travel abroad or going out of own country-Rahu/Ketu, Moon,
Saturn, Venus. We have to see these 4 planets and their dignities and connection with proper houses in Horoscope
for going abroad.
Rahu is the Most important planet for travel abroad. If Rahu is well placed, it can give Foreign Travel in its Dasha. It
can give foreign things but it can not guarantee satisfaction. When Rahu is conjunct with 7th lord, 8th lord, 9th lord or
12th lord, it can indicate foreign travel in astrology. Rahu in Lagna or 7th can also give travel abroad.
Moon being the natural 4th Lord, Moon is also equally important when judging Foreign settlement in astrology.
According to classics when Moon is placed in Kendra(1,4,7,10) the person can travel a lot within country as well as
outside of country. Moon in Watery sign specially when conjunct with Rahu can give foreign travel in astrology. Moon
in 8th, 9th or 12th, specially exalted Moon in 12th can indicate foreign settlement in astrology.
Sun also plays interesting Role. Sun represents royalty. It bring native in contact with dignities. When Sun is placed in
the 5th house from Ascendant, it is a helpful disposition for Diplomats and traveling abroad.
If Mercury is placed in 4th, the individual changes his residence frequently and travel lot of places. The result will be
more prominent if Mercury is placed in Movable signs.
We have to see Few Nakshatras also like Ashwini Nakshatra, Bharani Nakshatra, Ardra nakshatra, Swati Nakshatra,
Pussya Nakshatra, Hasta Nakshatra etc while judging the foreign travel in astrology. Moon or Rahu in these
Nakshatra will increase the chance of going abroad.

The Houses in Horoscope which are most important for Foreign Travel in astrology
In earlier days, It was seen as a Curse to Leave own country and to go to a foreign country. But with time this curse
has turned into Blessing. The Main house for Foreign journey is 12, 9 and Ascendant or Lagna.
12th house is the Foreign land. So This is the Most important House for Foreign settlement in astrology. If Moon is
placed in 12th house along with Venus, this is a indication of Foreign Travel in astrology. If Rahu also Joins this
conjunction, it becomes a very strong indication of foreign journey. if there is planet like Saturn in 12th house, the
individual will have a strong inclination towards foreign country. 9th House Signify fortune, Luck, Long Journeys or
long distance travel etc. So this is another important house for foreign travel in astrology. When 9th Lord is placed in
12th house or Vice versa,it indicates that your Fortune is in Foreign land. A group of Planet like 4 or 5 planet in 9th
house of 12th house is a strong indication towards foreign travel in astrology.
The Next important house is Lagna or Ascendant. Lagna is the self. Without the approval of Lagna nothing can
happen in a Horoscope. So if Lagna lord makes a relation with 12th lord or Lagna Lord sits in the 12th house, it is a
strong indication of foreign travel in astrology. If this relations happen in Watery sign Like cancer, Pisces etc or
Movable signs like Libra or Capricorn the chances is very high.
In a nutshell we have to see Conjunction, aspect, Exchange between Lagna Lord, 9th Lord and 12th Lord. If these
relations involves watery signs or Movable signs, the indications are strong. The more and strong the relation will be,
the more will be the chances of foreign settlement in astrology.
But there is another important house which we have to Look and without the indication from this house traveling
abroad is not possible. 4th House is the Home Land or own country. So any Affliction to 4th House or 4th Lord can
give Foreign settlement. If the 4th house is Placed in 6th, 8th or 12th and 4th Lord is equally afflicted and there is
relation between 9th and 12th house or their Lords, we can predict that there is high chance of foreign settlement in
astrology. If there is planets Like Rahu/Ketu, sun or saturn in 4th house, the chance of Going abroad in astrology
when the 4th house or the Lord is not afflicted or weak, the person can not leave his Own country. If there is relation
between 9th or 12th but 4th house is very strong, chances for foreign journey will come but the native will not be able
to go due some reason. If the 4th house is strong and connected with 5th and 10th house, the person will get good
opportunity in own country and do not feel the need to go to abroad.
The are two more houses which also needs some attention. The 7th house and the 3rd house. 7th House also Deals
with Foreign Travel. When 7th house is involved with 12th or Planets like Rahu/Ketu there can be Foreign journey due
to Business purpose or Business Trip.
3rd House shows short Journeys or short travels. It is not directly connected with foreign travel always but it gives a
tendency or inclination towards travel. If there is Planets Like Moon or Ketu is in 3rd house, the likes to travel a lot. If
the 3rd Lord makes a relation with 12th lord and 9th lord by aspect, conjunction or Exchange it is strong Yoga for
foreign Travel.
One thing we must remember that there is a difference between Foreign travel and Foreign Settlement. For Foreign
Travel relation between 3rd, 7th, Lagna, and 9th in a watery or Movable sign is sufficient but foreign settlement in
astrology can not happen without the involvement of 12th house or 12th lord.
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But we must remember Jupiter should not aspect these combination. Jupiter aspect will block the chance of going

Methods to predict Foreign Travel from Horoscope

Now Lets see which Planetary combinations Promise Foreign Travel & Foreign settlement in Astrology. The Below is
a effective way of how to see the Yogas for Foreign Travel in a Horoscope.
The fourth house or the fourth lord has to be afflicted from Lagna.
Rahu/Ketu should be connected via conjunction or Nakshatra exchange with 4th lord or 4th house.
Whenever 4th House is afflicted and 4th Lord is placed in Dusthana Like 6, 8 or 12th house, the native leaves his or
her homeland to settle abroad.
We need to see all these factors from Lagna as well as Moon and also in Navamsa and chaturthamsa or D4.
If the 9th or the 12th house of a Horoscope falls in Moveable or Watery signs or the 9th & 12th lord is placed in
Movable or watery signs Foreign Travel is indicated. For example If the 4th Lord is placed in the 9th house with 12th
lord and the sign is also Movable or watery signs, it is a indication of Foreign Travel for higher education.
When 4th lord is placed in 12th house then native will find more auspicious living in abroad rather than at his native
Association of 5th, 9th, and 12th lords in the Dasamsha indicate traveling abroad for professional reasons. These
persons are usually employed as skilled professional like (scientists, professors, etc.)in abroad.
Please note if Rahu is in 12th house with 9th lord specially in a watery sign will surely give foreign Travel in its Dasha-
Antardasha. Planets Like Rahu or saturn in 12th house can give foreign settlement.
If the lord of the house of marriage or the 7th house is associated with 8th, 9th or 12th house or its Lords, it indicates
foreign travel after marriage.
If the Lagna and Lagna lord both are in moveable signs or dual signs then it would indicate foreign travel. Lagna
indicates self. So when the sign which indicates self and the lord of that sign are in moveable or dual signs which
indicates movement it can create Yogas of foreign travel in astrology for the person.

Timing of Travel abroad in astrology

When there are sufficient chances in the natal chart for going abroad, the native may go for foreign travels during any
of the periods mentioned below
Dasha-Antardasha of the 9th lord or the 12th lord, or the planets that are connected with the 12th lord or 12th house.
Dasha of Venus, Rahu/Ketu, Moon , saturn if these planets are connected with 12th house
During Transit when Planets like Rahu or saturn comes in 8th house or in Moon Nakshatra, that is also a good time for
Abroad travel.
Dasha of Rahu is very special for foreign travel in astrology as Rahu is the Significator of foreign. Saturn period is also
equally important.
Those who go for foreign countries for vacation once in a year or like that, they generally do not have any major
combination of foreign travel in their Kundli or Horoscope but in transit, their 4th house gets afflicted due to some or
other reason.

Great Luck In Foreign Countries

The Grass is always green in other side of the Road. But it is not always true. Lets see which planetary combination
or yogas give beneficial result in foreign country.
The 11th house is the financial gain, and so if a person has the 11th house lord placed in the 6th house, the person
has great luck to go abroad and work in foreign countries. We should not forget about 11th House from Arudha Lagna
also. Arudha Lagna is our Maya or how other people see us. So quite often if you go to abroad people think you as a
wealthy and rich person. So your 11th house from AL should be very strong for getting good fortune in Foreign
If you have the 11th house lord in the 12th house you will have friends abroad.
If your Lagna lord or Ascendant lord is in the 7th house you will constantly travel abroad for your business purpose or
for work.
In case you have few of the above mentioned Yogas, you can be lucky during foreign travel in astrology.
But if Malefic Planets like Rahu, saturn, Mars occupy the 12th house in Horoscope, though you will be able to go
abroad but you will not enjoy the stay there. If Rahu is placed in 12th house, it is a strongest indication of working
abroad, but it will be full of stress.
If Some one is having 4th lord conjunct with 5th lord and with Lagna lord and 4th house has lot of benefic aspect, such
person will not be interested in going abroad. He will get lot of opportunity in his home land.
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There are specific periods of time (ranging from months to years) in which a person has a peak time in foreign
countries. After the ruling periods (dasha) of such planets end, your stay abroad will end and you will come back to
your home country and will have to start all over again in your homeland. But by doing remedies you can prevent such
things to a great extent.

Purpose of Foreign Travel in Astrology

Now Lets understand the answer Why a person will go to abroad ? Will the native go for education or Job or
something else ? Lets find out the answer.
If there is a strong connection between houses and Lords of 5th, 10th, 7th, 9th and 12th house, the person may go to
foreign Land for higher education. 5th is the house of intelligence and education and 9th is also the house of long
distance travel as well as higher education. The related planets should be in Movable sign or in watery sign.The
individual should run correct Dasha also. Connection between 4-5-7-8-9-10-12 needs to be checked with Rahu,
Saturn and Moon for checking Foreign travel for education purpose. What i have seen in practical cases that Jupiter
involvement or presence of Saraswati Yoga is very beneficial in this regard.
Now Lets understand in what Planetary combination a person goes to abroad for diplomatic service. For this we have
to see the connection between Lagna-5-7-8-9-10-12 house and their Lord along with Rahu, Moon and Sun. Various
Raj Yoga and Dhana Yoga should also be present in the Horoscope. Dasha of the connected planets can take them
to foreign land.
When 7th house and its lord is connected with 9th house and 12th house as well as with their Lord there is chance of
going to abroad after marriage. 4th house should be afflicted. Rahu and Significator of marriage Venus also plays an
important role in this case of foreign travel in astrology after marriage. 8th house also to be considered and if it is a
Love marriage, we have to include 5th house also. Venus is connected with 12th house or 8th house and Rahu in
Rashi chart and Navamsa Chart (D9) this is a strong Indication of Foreign settlement after marriage astrology.
Some Specific Rule exclusively for foreign Settlement in astrology
As we told earlier that there is a difference between Foreign travel and foreign settlement. For Foreign settlement in
astrology the role of 12th house and 4th house is most vital. In a most simple words i would like to say that a strong
12th house and a weak 4th house is needed for foreign settlement in astrology.
As it involves transfer of residence, the 4th lord must have affliction from two or more malefic planets like Rahu/Ketu
or Saturn or sun etc. We have to check the chartuthamsa or D4 chart also and should see the condition of 4th house
and 12th house and their lord. Generally Rahu Dasha is most effective for foreign travel in astrology as rahu is the
Mlechha Karaka or Foregn planet. Generally if we see a connection between the house or Lords of 12-9-8-6 in a
movable or watery sign, we can predict that there is high chance of foreign settlement in astrology.

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Foreign settlement astrology
Foreign settlement & travel is one of the few things that has always been on top of the list of many a individuals but
there are few lucky ones who manage to live their dreams abroad while others are not able to get visa or there is
some problem in their papers or due to some financial or any other hindrances they are not able to go abroad. Given
below not in any order are combinations that leads to foreign travel and settlement abroad :
1. Only one house is not involved in abroad journey as written in the classical text. There are number of houses
involved in this context in which 9th and 12th houses are main houses and others are 7th and 8th houses in my
view. In Astrology 9th house is considered the house of fortune. So, if it is the house of fortune then it must be
related to the well-being of a person. So, if a person is going through the dasha antardasha of 9th lord or planet
connected to the 9th lord then definitely the journey of a person is fruitful if there is no malefic influence on the
house or the planet. Strong 9th house and planets associated with it gives immense wealth and reputation in
2. Another house concerning abroad journey is 12th house. But as we all know 12th house also represents debts
and loses…. Etc, the journey connected to this house may or may not be fruitful for a . An astrologer must keep
this point in his mind while predicting about abroad journey or settlement.
3. So many people are willing to settle abroad especially young generation of our country as they think they will have
more chances in abroad to explore themselves, having ravishing life, earn good amount of money and for having
safe future. This is not an easy task for any astrologer to predict about a person will settle in aboard or not. Still
deep knowledge and experience give astrologer courage to predict about such cases. In this regard there should
be strong connection between 9th house and ascendant with 12th house.
This connection should not be with the 4th house because then the person will go abroad but will not settle there
and come back after few years for one reason or the other. Conversely, if 4th house is afflicted by Saturn, Rahu or
Ketu- foreign settlement is possible.If an ascendant lord has a strong connection in 9th and 12th house in a fixed
sign then the probability for abroad settlement increases.
The probability of staying or travelling abroad is all depending upon the strength of significators involved.
JUPITER is the main significator of abroad settlement. From another point it is also very important because in
KalPurushKundali, in 9th house the rashi falls is Sagittarius whose lord is Jupiter and it is dual in nature and has
fire element in it. So this considered as the important planet and 9th house considered be important house for
abroad issues. Another important planet in this regard is Rahu.Rahu signifies the foreign element in the chart,
something that is unconventional and out of ordinary. The combination of above-said planets with the above-said
houses give strong indications of settling abroad.

4. One important point to be elaborated here is if a person is going through Rahu Mahadasa, it would enhance the
possibilities of journey abroad because after this he would be going through the major periods of Jupiter and
Saturn which would facilitate foreign journey.Apart from the above said combinations of important houses and
planets involved in the prediction of Abroad journey or settlement few more combinations which could also be
taken into considerationwhen:
 Sun is in the ascendant the native gets the opportunity to travel abroad.
 Saturn is in the twelfth house.
 The lord of the ascendant is in the twelfth house.
 The lord of the ascendant is situated in the seventh house in a movable sign.
 The lord the tenth house is situated in the ninth house in the movable sign.
 The lord of the seventh house is situated in the ninth house.
 The 12th and 9th house lords interchange signs, then also the native travels to the foreign lands.
 Venus is in the sixth, seventh or eighth house in the horoscope.
 Rahu is in the first, seventh or eighth house.
 The lord of the sixth house is situated in the twelfth house.
 The lord of the ascendant and the Moon are situated in the movable sign.
 The yoga is also formed when the lord of the twelfth house is situated in the ninth house.
 The lord of the ascendant and the 9th house interchange signs the yogas for travel abroad become strong.
 The lord of the twelfth house is situated in the fourth house then also the native gets to travel abroad.
 Gemini, Libra and Aquarius represent west direction, if involved; one will go to US or canada.

5. Other Planetary combinations for Travel abroad and Settling abroad :

 Saturn in 2nd or 4th, Moon in 12th - Will make one live in foreign lands.
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 The Ascendant lord in the Ascendant - The native will visit foreign or far away lands.
 The Ascendant lord in the 7th - They experience vicissitudes of moods and the native may end up in a foreign
 6th lord in 10th, 7th lord in 10th, 9th lord in 7th - Native bound to be successful in foreign countries /far away
 9th Lord in 9th , 10th lord in 7th - foreign visits
 10th lord in 12th - Native will reside abroad
 11th lord in 7th - they go abroad on a world tour.
 12th lord in 9th - live abroad and prosper there.
 Saturn in the Twelfth House- native will live away from one's place of domicile.
 2nd Lord in 1st House - The native wants to be away from home and long for pleasures outside his/her home
and family.
 8th lord in 4th, 4th lord in 12th - The native miss maternal proximity. They will be away from home.
 Rahu in 4th or 9th will make the native inclined to live abroad.
 If these combinations are in amsha kundli, abroad settling may happen through spouse.
 When Mercury is in the eighth house of the birth horoscope.
 The yogas for foreign travel forms when Saturn is in the twelfth house.
 It is also formed when the lord of the ascendant is in the twelfth house.
 When the lord of the tenth house and its navanshesh, both are situated in the movable sign.
 When the lord of the ascendant is situated in the seventh house in a movable sign.
 When the lord the tenth house is situated in the ninth house in the movable sign.
 When the lord of the seventh house is situated in the ninth house.
 Travel in foreign land is also possible when the the Jupiter is situated in the fourth, sixth,eighth or twelfth
 When the dwadshesh and navmesh interchange signs, then also the native travels to the foreign land.
 When the twelfth house or its lord is aspected by the lord of the eighth house.
 When Moon is in the eleventh or twelfth house then also the natives gets to travel abroad.
 When Venus is in the sixth, seventh or eighth house in the horoscope.
 When Rahu is in the first, seventh or eighth house.
 When the lord of the sixth house is situated in the twelfth house.
 When the tenth house and the lord of the tenth house are situated in the movable sign.
 When the lord of the ascendant and the Moon are situated in the movable sign.
 The yoga is also formed when the lord of the twelfth house is situated in the ninth house.
 When the lord of the ascendant and the navmesha interchange signs the yogas for travel abroad become
 When the lord of the twelfth house is situated in the fourth house then also the native gets to travel abroad.

6. Among houses, 3rd (Short journeys), 4th (Permanent residence), 7th (Far away lands), 8th (Unknown places ),
9th (Foreign travel), & 12th (Foreign itself) holds maximum significance.
Nakshatras like Anuradha (Ruler – Saturn, Deity – Mitra), Satabhisha (Ruler – Rahu, Deity - Varuna) & Dhanistha
(Ruler – Mars, Deity – Eight Vasus) play a significant role in travelling & foreign settlement. I have seen in majority
of the charts that natives with strong influence of these three nakshatras gain tremendously when get relocated to
foreign lands.

7. Many a times when there are 4 or more planets posited together in one house in someone’s chart, it has been
seen that native remains confused at his birth place & generally grows manifold when relocates to farther lands.
The 1st, 4th, 7th, 9th & 12th houses and their lords determine foreign journeys. 12th from Moon or 12th lord is
equally important. The role of various planets is as under:

 If Sun is in 8th, native travels from country to country-Saravalli.
 Sun in lagna leads to fortune abroad- Bhrigu.
 A native becomes a courtier and stays abroad, if Sun is in 5th-Jatak Parijaat.

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 Foreign travel takes place in dasha of Sun-Ketu, if Ketu is in 6th or 12th from Sun- Brihat Parashar Hora
 Sun in the 4th gives an honourable profession and settlement abroad- Chamatkar Chintamani.

 Moon in Kendra particularly in movable signs or in Sagittarius/ Pisces, one travels much both inland or
foreign- Jatak Tatwam.
 Moon in cancer or Pisces denotes foreign travels.
 Moon in 8th, 9th or 12th, particularly if exalted, gives residence & prosperity abroad.
 Moon in 6ty, 8th or 12th from Venus means travel abroad- BPHS.
 Moon in 11th gives love marriage & travel abroad- Bhrigu.

 Jupiter being karaka of air gives travels abroad.
 Jupiter in 9th or 12th house indicates foreign travels.
 Jupiter with Rahu indicates contacts with foreigners and settlement abroad.

 Venus in Aries or Cancer gives foreign travels- Mansagri.
 Venus in 6th, native goes abroad and his property get stolen-Bhrigu.
 Venus or lagna in 7th, marriage and settling abroad.
 Mars-Venus or Venus-Saturn are combinations for foreign travel.

 Rahu is karaka of all foreign things- marriage, contacts and settlement abroad.
 If Rahu/ Ketu joins lord of 7th, 8th, 9th, or 12th, foreign travel is denoted- Saravalli.
 Rahu in lagna or 12th house invariably means foreign travels.

8. Planetary combinations for nature / reasons of travel :

Pleasure trip with family 2nd & 9th lord with 12 lord.
Higher studies/ teaching or advancement 4th & 9th lords professional
For getting children 5th house & 5th lord
Service, official assignment, or employer sponsored 6th & 9th lords with 10th house/ lord.
Honeymoon/ sight – seeing trip 5th, 7th, & 9th lords with Venus
Medical purposes Weak 1st lord & 6th lord
Nefarious deeds-smuggling, flesh trade, espionage 9th & 12th lords afflicted
Fleeing abroad for political or criminal reasons 6th & 8th lords afflicted
For religious/ spiritual reasons Favourable disposition of Jupiter, Saturn & 12th lord
Career/ professional advancement 9th & 10th lord related
Going with a team of high officials Sun & Mars related with 9th & 10th houses/ lords
Only for higher studies 4th, 8th & 12th lords
Sight-seeing/ enjoyment Rahu with Moon/ Venus.

9. Periods When Foreign Travels Are Indicated :

 Dasa/ bhukti of the 9th lord or the 12th lord, or the planets that are in association with the 12th lord (by placement
or aspect).
 Dasa/ bhukti of the planets that are associated with Moon
 Dasa/ bhuktis of Rahu, Venus, or Moon if these planets are in the 12th house.
 Dasa/ bhuktis of exalted/ debilitated planets in the horoscope.
 Sub-periods of Ketu and Rahu in the major period of Rahu.
 Jupiter bhukti in Saturn dasa (if Jupiter owns 12th house)
 Dasa/ bhukti of the planets associated with the 9th lord.
 When Saturn in its transit crosses the natal position of Sun.
 When planet Jupiter in its transit aspects the 9th or 12th house, or aspects the 9th / 12th house lords.
 Foreign journeys are experienced even during sade-sathi.
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 The native gets to travel abroad during the dasha of exalted Sun.
 The yogas are also formed during the dasha of exalted Moon or Mars.
 It is also formed during the dasha of exalted Jupiter.
 When the Mars is strong and situated in the ascendant or forms relation with the Sun.
 The yogas for foreign travel is also formed during the dasha of debilitated Mercury.
 During the dasha of Jupiter when it is situated in the seventh or twelfth house of the horoscope.
 During the dasha of Venus, situated in the seventh house with malefic planet.
 During the dasha of Saturn, when it is situated in the twelfth house or exalted navansh.
 During the dasha of Rahu when it is placed in the third, seventh, ninth or tenth house.
When the antardasha of Ketu begins during the mahadasha of Sun.

 When the antardasha of Sun begins during the mahadasha of Ketu, where the Sun is placed in the sixth, eighth or
twelfth house from the Ketu.
 When the antardasha of Moon begins during the mahadasha of Ketu, and Moon is placed in the center, trident or
eleventh house from the Ketu.
 When the antardasha of Jupiter begins during the mahadasha of Venus.
 When the antardasha of Sun begins during the mahadasha of Rahu, and Sun is the lord of the center, trident or
eleventh house from Rahu.
 When the antardasha of Jupiter begins during the mahadasha of Saturn, and Jupiter is the lord of the center,
trident, second or eleventh house from Saturn.
 When the antardasha of Saturn begins during the mahadasha of Mercury, and Saturn is placed in the sixth,
eighth, or twelfth house from the Mercury.
 When the antardasha of Ketu begins during the mahadasha of Saturn, and Ketu conjucts the lord of the
 When the antardasha of Mercury begins during the mahadasha of Jupiter, and Jupiter is placed in the eighth, sixth
or twelfth house Mercury.
 When the antardasha of Mercury begins during the mahadasha of Mars, and Mercury conjuncts the Mars.
 When the antardasha of Saturn begins during the mahadasha of Mars, and Saturn is situated in the center, trident
or eleventh house from Mars.

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