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Level: _______________ Date:____________ Score:___________

I. Sort the numbers into 2 groups, rational or irrational. Write the numbers in the appropriate
bubble. (1-14)

-0.9 63 0 32 -19  144

3.545445444… 8 5 12
75 3 312.49 121
5 11 5

Irrational Rational

II. Graph and label each number on the number line below. You may label the
number with the letter. (15-19)
A 0.5 B.  12 C. 2.6 D. E.  4 F. 9

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
III. Graph the real numbers
x  2

x3 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5

2 x 3 - 5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
IV. Write <, > or = for each:

23) -1/2 -0.5 24) 0 +12 25). -34 -41 26) -5 +5 27) - 16 -4

V. Part A: Multiple Choice - Circle the letter of the correct answer.

28. What is (5)  (-4) + (7)  ( 3)? a) -41 b) 1 c) –1 d) 41

29. Which expression is the least?

a) ( -5) + (-7) b) ( +5) + (+7) c) (+5) - (+7) d) (+5) - (-7)
30. Which does NOT represent -4 ?

a) b) c) d)

31. Solve (-7)  (-2) + 28  4

a) - 7 b) 7 c) 21 d) -21

32. Which of the following statements is correct about 4 and  9.

A. -4 < -9 B. -4 > -9 C. -4  -9 D. – 4 = (-10) + 6

33. Apply order of operations to solve:  3  (-4) + (-18)  6  (5)

A. 4 B.  C. 14 D. 10
34. Perform the following operations: (5)  (-5)  (-5) =

A. (+5) B. (-10) C. ( 5) D. ( -1)

35. If the temperature at 6:00 am was -4 C and the temperature rose 12  C during the
morning, what was the temperature by noon ?

A. -16 C B. -8 C C. +16 C D. +8 C

36. Which of the following are ordered from GREATEST to LEAST ?

A. -1, -4, 0, 4, 7 B. -5, -2, 0, 4, 7 C. 7, 4, 0, -2, -5 D. 7, 4, 0, -1, -4

37. Which correctly answers the following: [(-2) X (-4)] + [(-12)  (+3)]

A. +4 B. +12 C. -12 D. 0

38. Which situation does the integer -6 best describe?

A. A car moves 7 km north and 1 km south
B. An elevator travels 14 floors up and then nine floors down
C. A company lost six loyal customers to its list
D. You move a game piece 9 spaces forward and then 2 spaces backwards

VI. Add each of the following:

39. (-4) + (-6) = 41). (-6) + (-7) + (+10) =

40). (-4) + (+44) =

VII. Subtract each of the following.

42). (+4) – (-3)= 44). (+2) – (-1) - (-4) =

43). (+1) - (-2)=

VIII. Multiply each of the following:

45). (-6) X (-8) 46). (+5) X (-3) 47). (-4) X (-2) X (+5)

IX Divide each of the following:

48). (-56)  (-7) = 50). (-16)  (-4)  (-2) =

49). (-72)  (+9) =

XI. Fractions:
Equivalent Fractions

1 2 5
51)  52)  53) 
2 10 3 15 6 12

Lowest Terms
15 20 19
54) 3 = 55) 12 = 56) 4 =

Perform the operation

1 1 5 1 9 1
57)   58)   59)  
2 3 6 4 10 3

6 1 8 2 12 5
60)   61) X  62)  
12 2 9 3 16 8

XI. Perform the indicated operation.

63). 8 298.63 64) 4.675 65) 236.07

+ 6 276.699 74.28 122.042
+ 5.6 + 5.379
0.154 47.908
0.3 0.028 36

65) 4.163 5 66) 9.213 67) - 19.32

- 2.262 656 - 8.4564 X 6.4

68) 9.07 69) 0.875 ÷ 25= 70) 16.40 ÷ 0.08=

X – 5.3

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