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BULATS Vocabulary List

A2 Level

Prepared by:ACUMEN/ BULATS Authorised Testing Center


The BULATS A2 Wordlist is a list of 1600 words to help teachers preparing students to achieve an A2
pass in the Cambridge BULATS exam. It is not expected that students at this level will know 100% of
the words on the list, but if they can achieve some familiarity with 80% of these items, they will be
well placed to reach their target level.


The list is based in part on the Cambridge ESOL BEC Preliminary Wordlist. However, it includes a
broader range of language to cover different types of survival English as well as other topics included
in the BULATS exam.

As with the BEC Preliminary Wordlist, the list focuses on high-frequency words in a workplace
context and it covers receptive vocabulary (words that the candidates is expected to understand but
which are not the focus of the question) as well as productive vocabulary (words the candidate needs
to know in order to answer the question). In addition, words common in both written and spoken
English have been included, as have words from more formal or informal registers.

The wordlist does not provide an exhaustive list of all the words that appear in either the BULATS
online or paper-based exam. Nor does it attempt to provide all the words necessary for use in the
Speaking or Writing exams. Therefore, students should not confine their study to the wordlist alone.


American and British English

The list is designed for students more familiar with American English than British English. Where
there are minor differences between spellings, the American spelling is listed with the British included
alongside: eg center (Am Eng), centre (Br Eng). For words where there is significant difference with
the spelling, both spellings are listed with the alternative beside: eg
enquire (Br Eng), inquire (Am Eng) / inquire (Am Eng), enquire (Br Eng). Sometimes there are
alternative lexical items for the same object or concept and both variants are given with the
alternative beside: eg bill (Am Eng), note (Br Eng) / note (Br Eng), bill (Am Eng).

Examples are given for some words to highlight important meanings either at this level or in this
domain. Examples may also be included to highlight a particular grammatical form (noun, verb adj,
etc) which is more common. This means a candidate at this level would be expected to know the
verb form of the word buy, though it would not be until B1 that they would be expected to be familiar
with buy as a noun (a good buy).

For example, At A2 students should be familiar with the following meanings of change:

change (n & v)
• It was a big change from my previous job. (n)
• Do you have any small change? (n)
• He changed his mind about the leaving. (v)
• She changed money before going to the airport. (v)

A list of prefixes and suffixes appropriate to this level is included in Appendix 2. These may be
combined with words on the list as appropriate. Thus unfriendly is not included in this list as it is a
combination of friendly + the prefix un-.
Abbreviations used
abbrev Abbreviation
adj adjectives
adv adverb
Am Eng American English
Br Eng British English
conj conjunction
det determiner
exclam exclamation
int interjection
n noun
phr phrase
pl plural
prep preposition
prep phr prepositional phrase
pron pronoun
sing singular
v verb


• the list does not include every word included in the BULATS examination
• the list covers receptive and productive vocabulary
• the list is designed for students more familiar with American English
• the list includes written and spoken English
• prefixes and suffixes appropriate to this level are included in Appendix 2

A air-conditioning (n)
airline (n)
ability (n) airplane (Am Eng), aeroplane (Br Eng) (n)
able (adj) airport (n)
• able to go aisle (n)
about (adj & prep) all (adj, adv, det & pron)
allow (v)
• The company has about 500 employees.
allowed (be allowed to) (adj)
• Staff are not allowed to discuss the content
• The report is about cutting costs. (prep)
of their jobs with people outside the
above (adj & prep)
abroad (adv)
almost (adv)
accept (v)
alone (adv)
accident (n)
along (adv & prep)
accommodation (n)
already (adv)
account (n)
alright (adv & adj)
• I'd like to open a bank account. also (adv)
accountant (n) although (conj)
across (prep) always (adv)
act (v) a.m. (before noon) (adv)
action (n) amazing (adj)
• The company has reasons for its actions. among (amongst) (prep)
active (adj) amount (n)
activity (n) and (conj)
actual (adj) angry (adj)
actually (adv) announce (v)
add (v) annual (adj)
address (n & v) another (det)
• Could I have your email address? (n) answer (n & v)
administration (n) any (det, adj & pron)
administrator (n) anybody (pron)
adult (n & adj) anyone (n)
advantage (n) anything (n)
advertise (v) anything else (phr)
advertising (n) anyway (adv)
advice (n) anywhere (adv)
aeroplane (Br Eng), airplane (Am Eng) (n) apartment (n)
affect (v) appear (v)
afford (v) application (n)
afraid (adj) apply (v)
• I'm afraid we can't help you. approve (v)
after (prep) area (n)
after that (conj) • We're looking for a location in the area near
afternoon (n) the airport.
afterwards (adv) • He became the area manager after two
again (adv) years.
against (prep) around (adv & prep)
age (n) arrange (v)
agency (n) • arrange a meeting/time
• Let's use an advertising agency. arrival (n)
agenda (n) arrive (v)
agent (n) art (n)
• I've been to the travel agent to book a flight • The company buys and sells works of art.
to Hong Kong. article (n)
• He's our agent in Japan. • A recent newspaper article criticized the
ago (adv) company.
agree (v) as (adv & conj)
aim (n & v) as... as … (conj & prep)
• His aim was to become CEO. (n) ASAP (abbrev) as soon as possible
• We aim to increase turnover by 5% this year. ask (v)
(v) ask for (v + prep)
air (n) assistant (n)
• He's going by air instead of by train. association (n)
at (prep) beside (adv & prep)
at all (prep phr) best (adj)
at least (prep phr) better (adj)
at present (prep phr) between (adv & prep)
at the moment (prep phr) bicycle (n)
ATM (abbrev) automated teller machine big (adj)
attach (v) bike (n)
attachment (n) bill (Am Eng), note (Br Eng) (n)
attend (v) • The taxi driver didn't have change for a
attention (n & v) hundred-dollar bill.
attractive (adj) bill (Br Eng), check (Am Eng) (n)
audience (n) • We've finished our meal so we'd better get
available (adj) the bill.
average (adj & n) billion (n)
• Can you find the average of these three birth (n)
numbers? • What's the date of her birth? (n)
• He's not a particularly good rep – he's just black (adj)
average. block (n)
avoid (v) • It's opposite the office block at the end of the
away (adv) corner.
• The CEO's away on business until the end of • Go to the end of the block and turn left.
the month. blue (adj)
• He threw away the documents by mistake. board (n v & adv)
• a noticeboard, a wooden board (n)
B • on board a plane/ship (adv)
boarding pass (n)
boat (n)
back (adv & n)
body (n)
• When are you going back to work? boiled (adj)
• I gave back the laptop I had borrowed. boiling (adj)
• The cables at the back of the computer are bonus (n)
not connected. • an annual bonus
bad (adj) book (n & v)
bag (n) • I'm reading a book on online marketing at the
baggage (n) moment.
balcony (n)
• We'd better book our flights early.
bank (n & v)
bookcase (n)
bank account (n)
bookstore (Am Eng), bookshop (Br Eng) (n)
bank card (n)
boot(s) (n)
bank charge (n)
bored (adj)
bank clerk (n)
boring (adj)
bank manager (n)
born (adj)
banknote (n)
borrow (v)
bar (n & v)
boss (n)
bargain (n & v)
both (det & pron)
• Did you get a bargain? (n) bottom (adj & n)
• You'll get a better price if you bargain with • at the bottom of the page (n)
him. (v)
• the bottom left-hand corner (adj)
base (n)
box (n)
• Our customer base is rather weak. (n)
• We sent three boxes of brochures to our
• My new job is based in central Europe. (v) southern office this morning.
basement (n)
• Tick the box.
basic (adj)
brain (n)
bathroom (n)
branch (n)
bay (n)
• The bank has opened branches in major
be (v)
shopping malls.
beautiful (adj)
brand (n & adj)
because (conj)
because of (prep) • own brand (n)
become (v) • brand name (n)
bedroom (n) • brand-new (adj)
before (prep) break (n & v)
begin (v) • during the (lunch) break (n)
behind (prep & adv) breakfast (adj)
believe (v) • Could we arrange a breakfast meeting?
• I believe we will win the contract. bridge (n & v)
• Do you believe in the product? brief (adj & v)
below (prep & adv) • The CEO made a brief visit to the factory.
benefit (n & v) (adj)
briefcase (n) care (n & adj)
bright (adj) • We take care of our customers. (n)
bring (v) • Some customers care more about good
brochure (n) quality than price. (v)
budget (v & n) career (n)
buffet (n & adj) carpet (n)
build (v) carry (v)
building (n) • carry a case
bus (n) • pipes carrying water
bus station (n) case (n)
bus stop (n) • a difficult case
business (n)
• a case for my laptop
• He runs a business. (n)
• In that case, ...
• company business (n) cash (n & v)
• do business (v + n) cash register (n)
• be on/in business (prep phr) casual (adj)
business card (n) catalog (Am Eng), catalogue (Br Eng) (n)
business class (n & adj) catch (v)
business dinner (n) • I'm sorry, I didn't catch what you said.
businessman (n) cause (n & v)
businessperson (n) CD-ROM (abbrev)
businesswoman (n) CEO (abbrev) Chief Executive Officer
business school (n) celebrate (v)
business trip (n) cell phone (cellular phone) (n)
busy (adj) centimeter (Am Eng), centimetre (Br Eng) (n)
but (conj) central (adj)
buy (n & v) center (Am Eng), centre (Br Eng) (n & v)
• We bought 300 units. (v) century (n)
buyer (n) certain (adj)
by (prep) • to be certain about something
by air (prep phr) • a certain person
by car (prep phr) certificate (n)
by mistake (prep phr) chair (n & v)
by oneself (prep phr)
• We need new chairs for the office. (n)
by train (prep phr)
challenge (n & v)
chance (n)
C change (n & v)
• It was a big change from my previous job. (n)
°C (abbrev) Centigrade, Celsius • Do you have any small change? (n)
c (abbrev) cents • He changed his mind about the leaving. (v)
cab (n) • She changed money before going to the
cabinet (n) airport. (v)
• filing cabinet charge (n & v)
cafe (n) • How much do you charge? (v)
calendar (n) • in charge (of)
call (n & v) chart (n)
• There was a phone call for you. (n) chat (n & v)
• What's this product called? (v) cheap (adj)
• Mr Khan called while you were out. (v) cheat (v & n)
call back (phr v) check (n & v)
• Could you ask her to call me back? • I'll do a quick check. (n)
calm (adj) • Check these figures. (v)
camera (n) check (Am Eng), bill (Br Eng) (n)
can (n & v) • We're done eating. Can we get the check
• a can of coca-cola (n) please?
• Can I go now? (v) check in (phr v & n)
• He can speak Japanese very well. (v) • Please proceed to check-in. (n)
cancel (v) • check in to a hotel (phr v)
candidate (n) check out (phr v)
capital (n) • check out of a hotel
• the capital (city) of a country chef (n)
• to raise capital for a business cheque (Br Eng), check (Am Eng) (n)
• capital letters child (n)
car (n) choice (n)
• car park (n) choose (v)
card (n) circle (n)
• identity (ID) card • The chairs were arranged in a circle for the
• credit card meeting.
cardboard (adj & n) city (n)
class (n) consult (v)
• a class of business students consultant (n)
• first/business/economy class consumer (n)
classroom (n) • consumer confidence
clean (adj & v) contact (n & v)
clear (adj & v) contain (v)
• It's all very clear to me now what happened. continue (v)
(adj) contract (n & v)
clerk (n) • The contract is due for renewal. (n)
clever (adj) convenient (adj)
click (on) (n & v) conversation (n)
client (n) cool (adj & v)
climb (v) copy (n & v)
• Prices have climbed steadily. • Have you got a copy? (n)
clock (n) • Copy this letter, please. (v)
close (adj & v) copy machine (copier) (Am Eng) (n)
close (to) (adj) corner (n)
• My house is close to my office. correct (adj & v)
closed (adj) • Is this correct? (adj)
• Sorry, we are closed. • I will correct it for you. (v)
clothes (n pl) cost (n & v)
clothing (n) • We have to look at all the costs. (n)
cloudy (adj) • The new equipment cost more than we
cm (abbrev) centimeters (Am Eng) / centimetres (Br planned. (v)
Eng) cotton (n)
Co (abbrev) company could (v)
coast (n) • could I have …?
coffee (n) count (v)
coffee-shop (n) country (n)
coin (n) countryside (n)
cold (adj & n) couple (n)
colleague (n) courier (n & v)
collect (v) • courier service (n)
color (Am Eng), colour (Br Eng) (n & v) course (n)
come (v) • an English course
come from (phr v)
• of course
• I come from Vietnam. crazy (adj)
comfortable (adj) create (v)
commerce (n) creative (adj)
commercial (n & adj) credit card (adj)
• a television commercial (n) cross (n & v)
• a commercial organization (adj) • Mark the box with a cross. (n)
common (adj) • If you cross the road, you'll see our office on
• a common event the corner. (v)
• have something in common crossing (n)
communicate (v) • a pedestrian crossing
communication (n) • crossroads (n)
commute (v & n) crowd (n & v)
company (n) crowded (adj)
compare (v) culture (n)
compete (v) cup (n)
competition (n) cupboard (n)
• a competition currency (n)
• competition from another company curriculum vitae/CV (Br Eng), resume (Am Eng) (n)
competitor (n) custom (n)
complain (v) customer (n)
complaint (n) customer service (n)
complete (v & adj) customs (n)
computer (n) • go through customs
computer program (programme – often in Br Eng) (n) • a customs officer
concert (n)
• a local custom
conference (n)
cut (n & v)
confident (adj)
• to cut costs (v)
confirm (n)
• to cut some paper (v)
• confirm an order
confused (adj)
congratulations (n & int) D
connect (v)
connection (n) daily (adj & adv)
danger (n) disadvantage (n & v)
dangerous (adj) disagree (v)
dark (adj & n) discount (n & v)
data (n) discuss (v)
database (n) discussion (n)
date (n & v) dish (n)
• What's the date today? (n) dislike (v & n)
• to date a letter (v) distance (n)
day (n) distribute (v)
day off (n) distribution (n)
deal (n & v) district (n)
• a business deal (n) do (v)
• to make a deal (n) doctor/Dr (n)
• deal with someone/something (v) document (n)
dear (adj) dollar (n)
door (n)
• Dear Sir/Madam
double (adj & v)
• Oh dear!
• Please book a double room. (adj)
debt (n)
down (adj, v & prep)
• large debts
• Prices have gone down. (adv)
• in debt
• His office is down the corridor on the left.
decide (v)
decision (n)
decrease (n & v) • He's been feeling down since he lost his job.
deep (adj & adv) (adj)
download (n & v)
• in deep trouble (adj)
downstairs (adv)
deep fried (adj)
draw (n & v)
definitely (adv)
drawer (n)
degree (n)
dream (n &v)
• 90 degrees
dress (n & v)
• (have) a degree in drink (n & v)
delay (n &v)
• dinner and drinks
delete (v)
drive (n & v)
delicious (adj)
dry (adj & v)
deliver (v)
during (prep)
delivery (n)
dentist (n)
department (n) E
department store (n)
departure (n) E (abbrev) east
depend (v) each (det & pron)
• It depends on what you do. early (adj & adv)
deposit (n & v) • go to work early (adv)
• pay a deposit (n) • in the early 1990s (adj)
• deposit money in an account (v) earn (v)
Dept (n) department east (adj, adv & n)
describe (v) eastern (adj)
description (n) easy (adj)
design (n & v) eat (v)
designer (n) economic (adj)
desk (n) • economic growth
desktop (adj & n) • the economic situation
destination (n) economy (n)
detail (n) economy class (n & adj)
develop (v) education (n)
diagram (n) effect (n)
diary (n) effective (adj)
dictionary (n) e.g. (abbrev) for example
die (v) either (det, adv & pron)
difference (n) electric (adj)
different (adj) electronic (adj)
difficult (adj) electronics (n)
digital (adj) elevator (n) (usually 'lift' in Br Eng)
dining room (n) else (adv)
dinner (n) email (n & v)
direct (adj & v) employ (v)
direction (n) employee (n)
• walk in the wrong direction employer (n)
• read the directions on the box empty (adj)
end (n & v) • staff facilities
energy (n) • The hotel has excellent facilities.
engineering (n) fact (n)
English (adj & n) factory (n)
enjoy (v) fail (v)
enough (adj, adv & n) fair (adj & n)
enquire (Br Eng), inquire (Am Eng) (v) • The way of calculating bonus payments is
enquiry (Br Eng), inquiry (Am Eng) (n) not fair. (adj)
enroll (Am Eng), enrol (Br Eng) (v) • The trade fair will be in July. (n)
enter (v) faithfully (adv)
entertain (v) • Yours faithfully
entrance (n) fall (n & v)
entry (n)
• There was a sharp fall in profits. (n)
envelope (n)
• Share prices have been falling very quickly.
environment (n)
equal (adj & v)
family (n)
equipment n)
famous (adj)
escalator (n)
fan (n)
especially (adv)
euro (n) • The fan isn't working.
even (adv) fantastic (adj)
far (adv)
• He couldn't even do that.
fare (n)
evening (n & adj)
event (n) • The return fare is $256.
ever (adv) fashion (n)
everybody (n) fast (adj & adv)
everyone (n) favorite (Am Eng), favourite (Br Eng) (adj)
everything (n) fax (n & v)
everywhere (adv) fax machine (n)
exactly (adv) fear (n & v)
exam (abbrev) examination fee (n)
examination (n) feel (v)
examine (v) female (n & adj)
example (n) ferry (n & v)
excellent (adj) few (det & pron)
except (prep & conj) field (n)
exchange (n & v) • the field of engineering
excited (adj) fight (n & v)
exciting (adj) figure (n)
excuse (n & v) • see Figure 6
• Excuse me. (v) • sales figures
• It was just an excuse, not the real reason. file (n &b v)
(n) • Could you get me the file on Unicorn
executive (n & adj) Holdings? (n)
exercise (n & v) • Could you file these papers for me, please.
exhibition (n) (v)
• a trade exhibition fill (v)
exit (n & v) • fill something to the top
expand (v) fill in (phr v)
expect (v) • I need to fill in this form.
expense(s) (n) fill up (phr v)
• the expense of hiring staff • Let me fill up your glass.
• to claim for travel expenses film (n & v)
expensive (adj) final (adj)
experience (n & v) finance (n & v)
expert (n & adj) financial (adj)
explain (v) find (v)
export (n & v) find out (phr v)
extra (adj, adv & n) • I must find out when Mr Takaka is arriving.
extremely (adv) fine (adj, n & v)
eye (n & v) finish (n & v)
fire (n & v)
Fire completely destroyed the warehouse. (n)
F •
• There was a small fire in the office. (n)
• He's in charge of 'hiring and firing' (n)
F (abbrev) Fahrenheit
• He was fired for selling company secrets. (v)
FAQ (abbrev) frequently asked questions
firm (adj & n)
facilities (n)
• a good firm to work for (n)
• leisure facilities
first (adj, adv, det & pron)
• Fill in your first name. (adj) get (v)
• first aid (n) get back (phr v)
• first of all (adv) • When did you get back from New York?
• He was the first to draw attention to the get back to (phr v)
mistake. (pron) • Thanks for getting back to me.
• Could you do the filing first? (adv) get in (phr v)
first class (adj & n) • Can visitors can get in through the staff
fix (v) entrance?
• Could you get the printer fixed today? get into/out of (phr v)
flag (n) • She got out of the taxi.
flat (adj & n) get in touch (phr)
flexible (adj) • Please get in touch if you would like my help.
flight (n) get off (phr v)
• direct flight • We're getting off at the next stop.
• non-stop flight get on (phr v)
floor (n) • Get your coat on, and we'll leave.
fly (v) get on with (phr v)
folder (n) • Do you get on well with your colleagues?
follow (v) get to (phr v)
food (n) • How long does it take to get to the city center
• Food is becoming more expensive. from here?
• The fast-food sector is growing. get something to someone (phr)
foot/feet (n) • Can you get it to me by 5pm?
• at the foot of the page get up (phr v)
for (prep) • What time did you get up this morning?
foreign (adj) gift (n)
foreign currency (n) girl (n)
foreigner (n) give up (phr v)
forget (v) • David is planning to give up his job and go
form (n & v) freelance.
• fill in a form (n) glad (adj)
• order form (n) glass (n & adj)
formal (adj) glasses (n)
forward (v) global (adj)
• forward a file • global market
forward(s) (adv) globalization (Am Eng), globalisation (Br Eng) (n)
free (adj) go (v)
freeway (Am Eng), motorway (Br Eng) (n) go down (phr v)
freezing (adj) • Sales went down last year.
fresh (adj) go off (phr v)
fridge (n) • Suddenly the lights all went off.
fried (adj) • The alarm went off.
friend (n) go on (phr v)
friendly (adj) • The lights suddenly went on.
from (prep) go out (phr v)
front (adj & n) • We're going out with our new supervisor
full (adj) tonight.
full-time (adj & adv) go up (phr v)
fun (n) • Prices have gone up a lot.
function (n & v) goal (n)
funny (adj)
• career goals
furniture (n)
gold (n)
future (adj & n)
good (adj)
goodbye (int)
G goods (n)
graduate (n & v)
game (n) • He's a graduate of a good business school.
gap (n) (n)
garage (n) • She graduated in 2011. (v)
gas (n) graduation (n)
• She works as an engineer in the oil and gas grammar (n)
industry. graph (n)
gas (Am Eng), petrol (Br Eng) (n) grateful (adj)
gate (n) gray (Am Eng), grey (Br Eng) (adj)
general (adj) great (adj)
generous (adj) green (adj)
gentleman (n) • a green policy
• Ladies and gentlemen grey (Br Eng), gray (Am Eng) (adj)
ground (n) • for hire (n)
group (n) • in charge of 'hiring and firing' (n)
• The group was large. (n & v) • hire more staff (v)
grow (v) • hire a car (Br Eng), rent a car (Am Eng) (v)
growth (n) his (adj & pron)
guess (n & v) history (n)
guest (n) hobby (n)
guest house (n) hold (v)
guide (n & v) • Hold on a second.
• He has experience as a tour guide. (n) • hold an event
• I'll guide you around the factory. (v) • get hold of someone
hole (n)
H holiday (n)
home (n & adv)
honest (adj)
habit (n)
hope (n & v)
hair (n)
hospital (n)
hairdresser (n)
hot (adj)
half (adj, adv & n)
hotel (n)
hall (n)
hour (n)
hallo/hello (exclam)
house (n)
hallway (n)
how (adv)
hand (n & v)
how do you do? (int)
• shake hands (n)
how much/many (adv)
• He handed her the book. (v) however (adv & conj)
• second-hand huge (adj)
handbag (n) human (n & adj)
hand luggage (n) hundred (n)
hang out (phr v) hurry (n & v)
hang up (v) hr (abbrev) hour
• She hung up before the caller had finished.
happen (v)
happy (adj) I
harbor (Am Eng), harbour (Br Eng) (n)
hard (adj & adv) I (pron)
hardware (n) ice (n)
hard-working (adj) idea (n)
hate (n & v) identity (n)
have (v) • identity card
• We have a number of advantages. ID (abbrev) identification
• We only had a short break. if (conj)
• I had dinner early. • if necessary
have got (v) • if possible
have to (v) imagine (v)
he (pron) import (n & v)
head (n & v) important (adj)
• the head of marketing (n) impossible (adj)
head office (n) improve (v)
healthy (adj) in (adv & prep)
health and safety (n) in a hurry (prep phr)
hear (v) in advance (prep phr)
heart (n) in front of (prep phr)
heat (n & v) in general (prep phr)
• Water retains heat longer than air. (n) in half (prep phr)
heating (n) in order to (prep phr)
heavy (adj) in private (prep phr)
hello/hallo (excalm) in public (prep phr)
help (n & v) in touch (prep phr)
her (adj & pron) • get/be/keep in touch
here (adv) include (v)
hers (pron) including (prep)
herself (pron) income (n)
hi(gh)-tec(h) (adj) inconvenient (adj)
high (adj, adv & n) increase (n & v)
highway (n) (Am Eng) independent (adj)
hill (n) individual (adj & n)
him (pron) indoor (adj)
himself (pron) industrial (adj)
hire (n & v) industry (n)
• the steel industry • the labor market
informal (adj) • manual labor
information (n) lack (n & v)
in front (of) (prep & adv) lady (n)
inquire (Am Eng), enquire (Br Eng) (v) • Ladies and Gentlemen
inquiry (Am Eng), enquiry (Br Eng) (n) lamp (n)
inside (adj, prep & adv) land (n & v)
instead (of) (adv) landing (n)
instructions (n) language (n)
insurance (n) laptop (n)
intelligent (adj) large (adj)
intend (v) last (det, adj, adv & v)
interest (n & v) late (adj)
interesting (adj) later (adv)
internal (adj) laugh (n & v)
• internal promotion launch (n & v)
• internal correspondence • The company is holding a product launch for
international (adj) the MZ4. (n)
internet (n) • We're about to launch a new service. (v)
interview (n & v) laundry (n)
into (prep) law (n)
introduce (v) lawyer (n)
introduction (n) lazy (adj)
invest (v) leader (n)
invitation (n) • a strong leader
invite (v) • market leader
island (n) leading (adj)
IT (abbrev) information technology learn (v)
it (pron) least (adj & adv)
its (pron) • the least amount (adj)
itself (pron)
• at least (adv)
leather (n & adj)
J leave (v)
• leave a message
jacket (n) • leave the industry
job (n) left (n & adj)
join (v) • on the left (n)
• I joined the company last year. • only three left (adj)
joke (n & v) leisure (n)
journalist (n) lend (v)
jump (n & v) less (adj, adv & pron)
just (adv) lesson (n)
let (v)
let's (v)
K let somebody know (phr v)
• Let me know what you would prefer.
keep (v) letter (n)
• Costs keep rising. level (adj & n)
keep on (phr v) library (n)
• They kept on advertising even though their license (Am Eng), licence (Br Eng) (n)
profits were falling. lie (n & v)
key (n & adj) life (n)
• key to a lock (n) • shelf life
key in (v) lift (v & n)
keyboard (n) • please help me lift this box (v)
• a computer keyboard • He took the lift to the fifth floor (Br Eng) (n)
kg (abbrev) kilogram light (adj, n & v)
km (abbrev) kilometer (Am Eng), kilometre (Br Eng) like (v & prep)
kind (adj & n) likely (adj)
• My boss is a very kind person. (adj) limit (n & v)
• What kind of work do you do? (n) line (n)
kitchen (n) • lines on a page
know (v) • phone line
• railway line
L • customer service line
link (n & v)
lab (abbrev) laboratory • internet link (n)
labor (Am Eng), labour (Br Eng) listen (to) (v)
little (adj & pron) • They marketed their goods overseas. (v)
live (adj & v) • marketing (n)
living (adj) • I've applied for a job in marketing.
• the cost of living married (adj)
loan (n & v) mate (n)
local (adj & n) • a workmate
location (n) math (Am Eng), maths (Br Eng) (abbrv) mathematics
lock (n & v) matter (n & v)
logo (n) • Is anything the matter? (n)
log on (phr v) • It doesn't matter. (v)
lonely (adj) max (adj) maximum
long (adj & adv) may (v)
• It's a long journey. (adj) maybe (adv)
• Have you been waiting long? (adv) MBA (abbrev) Masters in Business Administration
look (n & v) me (pron)
look after (phr v) meal (n)
• He needs to look after his father. mean (n)
• Who looks after the financial part? • What do you mean?
look for (phr v) • What does this mean?
• Who are you looking for? meaning (v)
look forward to (phr v) mechanic (n)
• I look forward to meeting you. media (n)
look like (phr v) medicine (n)
• The new model looks like the old one. medium (adj)
lose (v) meet (v)
• lose money • Could we meet on Thursday morning?
• lose your keys • Pleased to meet you.
lot (n) • Are we meeting the needs of our customers?
lot of (det) (a lot of) meeting (n)
loud (adj) • be in a meeting
lounge (n) • have a meeting
love (n & v) memo (abbrev) memorandum
low (adj, n & adv) memory (n)
luck (n) • have a good memory
luggage (n) • computer memory
lunch (n) menu (n)
lunchtime (n) message (n)
messy (adj)
M metal (n)
meter (Am Eng), metre (Br Eng) (n)
m (abbrev) meter (Am Eng), metre (Br Eng) midday (n)
MA (abbrev) Masters degree (in Arts) middle (n & adj)
machine (n) midnight (n)
mad (adj) might (v)
madam (n) mile (n)
million (n)
• Dear Sir/Madam
millimeter (Am Eng), millimetre (Br Eng) (n)
magazine (n)
min (abbrev) minimum
mail (n & v)
mind (n & v)
mailbox (n)
main (adj) • His mind was on other things. (n)
make (v) • Would you mind if I postponed the meeting?
• make money (v)
mine (pron)
• make a note
mineral water (n)
make it (v + n)
min (abbrev) minute
• I'm sorry, I can't make it to your opening.
miserable (adj)
make up (n)
miss (n & v)
male (n & adj)
mistake (n & v)
manage (v)
• It was a mistake. (n)
• manage a business
mobile (n)
• manage to do something
• I need a new mobile (phone). (n)
manager (n)
modern (adj)
many (adj, det & pron)
moment (n)
map (n & v)
• at the moment
market (n & v)
money (n)
• There's a good market for electronics here.
month (n)
more (adv, det & pron)
• She bought some flowers from the market. morning (n)
most (adv, det & pron) of (prep)
motorbike (n) of course (adv)
motorcycle (n) off (adv & prep)
motorway (Br Eng), freeway (Am Eng) (n) offer (n & v)
mountain (n) office (n)
• a mountain in the north often (adv)
mouse (n) oil (n & v)
• The mouse on my computer isn't working. OK/okay (int & adj)
move (n & v) old (adj)
movie (n) on (prep)
movie theater (Am Eng) / theatre (Br Eng) (n) on board (prep phr)
Mr (title) on business (prep phr)
Mrs (title) on foot (prep phr)
Ms (title) on sale (prep phr)
much (adv, det & pron) on time (prep phr )
museum (n) once (adv, conj & n)
music (n) one (n & pron)
must (v & n) one-way (adj)
my (pron) • one-way ticket
myself (pron) • one-way street
online/on-line (adv & adj)
only (adj & adv)
N onto (prep)
open (v & adj)
N (abbrev) north opinion (n)
name (n & v) opportunity (n)
nationality (n) opposite (adj, adv & prep)
natural (adj) or (conj)
near (adv & prep) order (n & v)
necessary (adj) organization (Am Eng), organisation (Br Eng) (n)
need (n & v) organize (Am Eng), organise (Br Eng) (v)
negative (adj) other (adj & pron)
• a negative attitude our (adj)
neighbor (Am Eng), neighbour (Br Eng) (n) ours (pron)
neighborhood (Am Eng), neighbourhood (Br Eng) (n) ourselves (pron)
neither (conj, det & pron) out (adv)
nervous (adj) out of (prep)
network (n) out of order (prep phr)
• a computer network (n) outdoor (adj)
never (adv) outdoors (adv)
new (adj) outside (adv, n)
news (n) over (adv & prep)
newspaper (n) overall (adj & adv)
next (det, adj, adv & pron) overseas (adj & adv)
next to (prep) overtime (n)
nice (adj) own (v)
night (n) own (adj & pron)
no (adv & det)
no (abbrev) number P
nobody (n)
noise (n) pack (n & v)
none (adv & pron) package (n)
noon (n) page (n)
normal (adj) paint (n & v)
north (adj, adv & pron) pair (n & v)
not/n't (adv) pants (n)
note (n & v) paper (n)
note (Br Eng), bill (Am Eng) (n) paperclip / paper clip (n)
notebook (n) paperwork (n)
nothing (pron) pardon (int)
notice (n & v) • Pardon?
now (adv & conj) park (n & v)
nowhere (adv) part (n & v)
number (n & v) part-time/part time (adj & adv)
partner (n)
party (n)
O pass (n & v)
• pass an exam (v)
o'clock (adv) • a security pass (n)
occupation (n) passenger (n)
password (n) • The exercises in this book provide plenty of
past (adv, n & prep) practice.
patient (adj) • out of practice
pay (n & v) practice (Am Eng), practise (Br Eng) (v)
pay for (v) prefer (v)
pen (n) prepare (v)
pencil (n) present (adj, n & v)
people (n) presentation (n)
per cent / percent (n, adj & adv) president (n)
perfect (v & adj) pretty (adj)
perform (v) previous (adj)
• The company is performing well. price (n & v)
performance (n) print (n & v)
• a strong performance in the stock market printer (n)
perhaps (adv) prison (n)
person (n) private (adj)
personal assistant (n) prize (n)
petrol (Br Eng), gas (Am Eng) (n) probably (adv)
pharmacy (n) problem (n)
phone (n & v) process (n)
photocopier (n) produce (n & v)
photocopy (n & v) product (n)
photo(graph) (n & v) production (n)
pick up (phr v) professional (adj)
picture (n & v) professor (n)
piece (n) profit (n & v)
pilot (n) • profit margin (n)
PIN number (n) • profit from a business activity (v)
pity (n & v) program (Am Eng), programme (Br Eng) (n & v)
• What a pity! (n) project (n & v)
• I don't pity him. (v) property (n)
place (n & v) proposal (n)
plan (n & v) • We all listened to her proposal.
plane (n) propose (v)
plant (n & v) • propose an idea
• The firm has made a huge investment in the proud (adj)
new plant. (n) provide (v)
• These plants certainly brighten up the office. public (adj)
(n) public holiday (n)
plastic (n & adj) public transport (n)
play (v & n) pull (n & v)
please (int & v) pupil (n)
• Come in, please. (int) push (n & v)
• He tried hard to please his boss. (v) put away (phr v)
pleased (adj) • Put away the file before you leave.
• pleased to meet you put on (phr v)
pleasure (n) • He put on his coat as it was cold.
pm (adv) put up (phr v)
pocket (n) • Gas companies are putting up their prices
point (n & v) next week.
police (n)
police station (n)
polite (adj) Q
pollution (n)
poor (adj) qualification (n)
• She is very poor and hardly earns any quality (n)
money at all. quantity (n)
• He has poor interpersonal skills. quarter (n)
popular (adj) quarter to/of (also a quarter of in Am Eng) (n)
population (n) quarter past (also a quarter after in Am Eng) (n)
position (n & v) question (n & v)
positive (adj) quick (adj)
possible (adj) quiet (adj)
post (n & v) quite (adv)
post office (n) quiz (n & v)
poster (n)
power (n)
practice (n)
R • double/single/twin room
room service (n)
round (adj, prep & adv)
race (n & v) round trip (ticket) (Am Eng), return (Br Eng) (n)
radio (n) route (n)
railway (n) routine (n & adj)
raise (n & v) rule (n & v)
range (n & v) run (n & v)
rather (adv) • run a business (v)
Rd (abbrev) road
re (abbrev) regarding
reach (v) S
read (v)
ready (adj) S (abbrev) south
real (adj) sad (adj)
really (adv) safe (n & adj)
reason (n & v) safety (n)
receipt (n) salary (n)
receive (v) sale (n)
recent (adj) sales (n)
reception (n) sales assistant (n)
• the reception desk in a hotel/company sales representative (rep) (n)
receptionist (n) same (adj, adv & pron)
recommend (v) save (v & n)
red (adj & n) say (v)
reduce (v) scared (adj)
refer (v) schedule (n & v)
• refer to something school (n)
refrigerator (n) science (n)
refund (n & v) scissors (n)
regards (n) screen (n & v)
regarding (prep) sea (n)
region (n) search (n)
regular (adj) • a search on the internet
relax (v) season (n)
reliable (adj) • busy/quiet season
remain (v) • winter, spring, etc
remember (n) seat (n & v)
rent (n & v) sec (abbrev) second
rep (n) representative second (adj & n)
repair (n & v) secret (adj & n)
repeat (n, adj & v) secretary (n)
reply (n & v) security (n)
report (n & v) see (v)
representative (Sales Rep/Representative) (n) seem (v)
request (n & v) seldom (adv)
reservation (n) select (v)
resource(s) (n) sell (v)
responsible (adj) seminar (n)
rest (n & v) send (v)
restaurant (n) sentence (n)
result (n & v) • Can you translate this sentence into
resume (Am Eng), CV (Br Eng) (n) German?
retail (n & v) serious (adj)
retire (v) serve (v)
return (n, adj & v) • In my last job, I had to serve customers.
• She returned after everyone had left. (v) service (n)
return ticket (Br Eng), round-trip ticket (Am Eng) (n) services (n)
rich (adj) • offer a range of services
ride (n & v)
• set off for work
right (n & adj)
sex (n)
• on the right (n)
• the male/female
• That's right. (adj) shall (v)
ring (n & v) shape (n & v)
rise (n & v) share (n & v)
river (n)
• I share an office with the marketing director.
road (n)
role (n)
she (pron)
roof (n)
sheet (n)
room (n)
shine (v & n) speaker (n)
ship (n & v) • a conference speaker
shirt (n) special (adj)
shoe(s) (n) speech (n)
shop (n & v) spell (v)
shopping center (Am Eng) / centre (Br Eng) (n) spend (v & n)
shopping mall (n) • spend money (v)
short (adj) • spend time (v)
should (v) sport(s) (n)
show (n & v) square (n & adj)
shower (n & v) • a square pattern (adj)
shut (adj & v) • the town square (n)
shy (adj) St (abbrev) street
sick (adj) staff (n & v)
side (n, adj & v) stairs (n)
sight (n) stamp (n)
• tourist sight • Is there a stamp on the envelope?
sightseeing (n)
• Use the company stamp.
sign (n & v)
stand (n & v)
• a traffic sign, a sign on the wall (n)
• stand outside (v)
• Sign here, please. (v)
• a stand at a trade fair (n)
signature (n)
• We stood up to get a better view. (v)
silk (n & adj)
start (n & v)
silver (n & adj)
similar (adj) • the start of the conference (n)
simple (adj) • The meeting started 10 minutes late. (v)
• simple food state (n)
• a simple exercise • He comes from the state of California. (n)
since (conj & prep) station (n)
sincerely (adv) stay (n & v)
single (n & adj) steal (v)
Sir (title) steamed (adj)
sit (v) step (n & v)
situation (n) • Steps 1-3 (n)
size (n) • take steps to do something (n)
skill (n) • step forward (v)
skirt (n) still (adj)
sky (n) stone (n)
sleep (v) stop (n & v)
slow (adj & v) store (n & v)
small (adj) • a department store (n)
smart (adj) storeroom (n)
smartphone (n) storey (Br Eng), story (Am Eng) (n)
smell (n & v) storm (n & v)
smile (n & v) • The roof was damaged in the storm. (n)
smoke (n & v) story (n)
snack (n & v) straight (adj & adv)
so (adv & conj) strange (adj)
sofa (n) street (n)
soft (adj) stress (n & v)
software (n) • There is a lot of stress in this job. (n)
solution (n) strong (adj)
solve (v) student (n)
some (det, pron & adv) studies (n)
somebody (n & pron) • business studies
someone (n & pron) study (n & v)
something (n & pron) • I'm studying Marketing. (v)
sometimes (adv) • She studied the report. (v)
somewhere (adv) stupid (adj)
soon (adv) subject (n)
sorry (adj) • the subject of a discussion
sort (n)
• the subject of a sentence
sound (n & v)
• a university subject
south (adj, adv & n)
suburb (n)
space (n)
subway (n)
spare (adj & v)
• The New York subway is a huge
• spare cash (adj)
transportation system. (Am Eng)
• I can't spare the time to see him. (v)
(underground – Br Eng)
speak (v)
• Subways provide an alternative to crossing terminal (n)
busy roads. (Br Eng) (underpass - Am Eng) • a terminal at the airport
success (n) terrible (adj)
successful (adj) test (n & v)
such (det & pron) text (n & v)
sudden (adj) text message (n)
suggest (v) than (conj)
suggestion (n) thank (v)
suit (n & v) thank you (int)
suitable (adj) thanks (n & int)
suitcase (n) that (adv, det, conj & pron)
sunny (adj) the (det)
supermarket (n) their (det)
supervise (v) theirs (pron)
supervisor (n) them (pron)
supper (n) then (adv)
supplier (n) there (adv & pron)
supply (n & v) • Put it over there, please. (adv)
support (n & v) • There are two copy machines in our office.
sure (adj) (pron)
surname (n) therefore (adv)
surprise (n, adj & v) these (adv, det & pron)
swimming pool (n) they (pron)
switch (n & v) thin (adj)
• light switch thing (n)
• switch on/off think (v & n)
system (n) think of/about (v)
• What do you think of the salary?
T thirsty (adj)
this (adv, det & pron)
those (adv, det & pron)
table (n) though (adv & conj)
take (v) thought (n & v)
• take time thousand (n)
• take a message through (adv & prep)
• take time/a day/an afternoon off throw (n & v)
take away (phr v) throw away (phr v)
• He took the printer away. • He threw the receipt away by mistake.
take off (phr v) ticket (n)
• She took the afternoon off. tidy (adj & v)
• She took off her jacket. tie (n & v)
• The plane took off on time. • a shirt and tie (n)
take off (n) till (conj & prep)
• take off and landing time (n & v)
take out (phr v) timetable (n)
• take out the trash tired (adj)
• take out a loan to (prep)
• take the visitors out for lunch today (adv & n)
talk (n & v) together (adv)
tall (adj) toilet (n)
tap (n & v) tomorrow (adv & n)
target (n, adj & v) tonight (adv & n)
too (adv)
• our target customers (adj)
tool (n)
• The company's production target is 1000
top (n & adj)
units per week. (n)
total (n & adj)
task (n)
touch (n & v)
tax (n & v)
tour (n & v)
taxi (n)
tourist (n & adj)
tea (n)
town (n)
teach (v)
trade fair (n)
team (n)
traffic (n)
teamwork (n)
train (n & v)
technician (n)
trainer (n)
technology (n)
transportation (n)
tel (abbrev) telephone number
trash (Am Eng), rubbish (Br Eng) (n)
telephone (n)
trash can (Am Eng), rubbish bin (Br Eng) (n)
television (n)
travel (n & v)
tell (v)
travel agent (n)
temperature (n)
trip (n) wall (n)
trouble (n) wallet (n)
truck (Am Eng), lorry (Br Eng) (n) want (v & n)
true (adj) warm (adj)
true (adj) wash (v)
try (n & v) waste (n & v)
turn (n & v) watch (n & v)
turn off (phr v) water (n & v)
• Turn off your cell phone, please. way (n)
turn on (phr v) we (pron)
• He turned on his computer. weak (adj)
turn out (phr v) wealth (n)
• Turn out the lights before you go. wear (v & n)
turn up (phr v) • sportswear
• Could you turn up the air conditioning, • footwear
please? weather (n)
TV (abbrev) television website (n)
twice (adv) website address (n)
type (v & n) week (n)
weekend (n)
welcome (n)
U well (adv & n)
Well done! (exclam)
ugly (adj) west (n)
under (prep) wet (adj)
underground (Br Eng), subway (Am Eng) (n) what (adv, det, conj, pron & int)
understand (v) wheel (n)
uniform (n) when (adv & conj)
university (n) where (adv & conj)
until (prep) which (pron)
up (prep & adv) while (conj)
up to (phr v) whiteboard (n)
• What are you up to? who, whom (pron)
update (n & v) whole (adj)
• give me an update (n) whose (pron)
• update your antivirus software (v) why (adv & conj)
upstairs (adv) wide (adj)
urgent (adj) will (n & v)
us (pron) win (n & v)
use (n & v) window (n)
used to (v) • window seat
useful (adj) wing (n)
user (n) • wing of a plane
usually (adv) wish (n & v)
with (prep)
without (adv & prep)
V woman (n)
wonderful (adj)
vacation (n) wood (n)
valuable (adj) word (n)
variety (n) work (n & v)
venue (n) • work hard
very (adv) • work overtime/late
view (n & v) working hours (n)
visa (n) workplace (n)
visit (n & v) world (n)
vocabulary (n) worried (adj)
voice (n & v) worry (v & n)
worse/worst (adj & adv)
W would (v)
write (v)
W (abbrev) west write down (phr v)
wage(s) (n) wrong (adj, n & v)
wait (n & v)
waiter (n) X
waitress (n)
wake up (phr v)
• a wake-up call
walk (n & v)
year (n)
yes (int)
yesterday (adj & n)
yet (adv)
you (pron)
young (adj)
your (adj)
yours (pron)
yourself (pron)
yr (n) year

zero (n)
zoo (n)

Word sets
In addition to words in the alphabetical list, BULATS candidates at A2 level are
expected to know:

Cardinal numbers
one, two, three, etc

Ordinal numbers
first, second, third, …. twenty fourth, twenty fifth, etc

Days of the week

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Seasons of the year

Spring, Summer, Winter, Autumn/Fall

Countries, nationalities and languages

Eg, Brazil, Brazilian, Portuguese; Canada/Canadian

Africa, Europe, North & South America, etc
Pacific, Atlantic, etc

Words for email addresses

dot, slash, at (@), etc

Major currencies
dollars, euros, pounds, etc

The words on the alphabetical list may be extended by the use of one or more of
these affixes:

un- negative prefix, eg unfriendly, uninteresting

-er (-r) with verbs and nouns to make nouns nouns, eg teacher, shopper;

-ing with verbs to make nouns (activities), eg selling, shopping

-ly with adjectives to form adverbs, eg slowly, quickly

-y with nouns to form adjectives, eg sunny

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