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DLSO Day 1, 1st Seminar “Divine Open

Door – February 17, 2017”

Ecclesiastes 9:11, 12; Nehemiah 2:19

Opportunity is defined as a circumstance that makes it possible for one to do

something profitable. Difficult times are times in which circumstances oppose
our peace, comfort, and progress in life. It is important to know that as human,
life is beset with difficulties, so also opportunity to succeed and make progress
abound. Nehemiah focused on identifying the opportunity that lay under the
distress of desolation of Jerusalem. He was able to rebuild the broken walls and
restore God’s people to their inheritance. (Nehemiah 2:17)

Christian youths are admonished to respond positively to life challenges by

focusing on opportunities disguised by challenges. This is the secret of turning
our trials to triumph and making setbacks stepping stones to greater heights.


Psalm 18:4-6; John 16:33; Luke 15:13–16

Difficult times come for everyone irrespective of age, gender, race, and social
status. Families, organizations and nations are not also spared the pressure,
stress and uncertainty they bring. Everyone wishes to live without difficulties,
yet, no one can prevent them. Difficult times could be self-imposed as the case of
the prodigal son in a strange land (Luke 15:13-16). The bitter experience of
Naomi in Moab was nature induced coupled with a wrong decision to relocate
from her native country during famine (Ruth 1:20-21). Atrocities of fellow
humans, ignorance, laziness, and unwise management of natural endowment,
human and financial resources are other reasons people experience difficult
times. However, the scripture assures that “Many are the affliction of the
righteous; but the Lord delivereth him out of them all” (Psalm 34:19).


Luke 15: 7-24; 1Samuel 30:6-8,18-19; Job 42:10,12 ;1Chronicles 4:9-10

Opportunity is a promoter and an agent of change. Every change in life is as a

result of utilized opportunity. Opportunities abound everywhere, all you need is
to be able to recognize one when it comes. Many people ignore opportunity when
it comes because they can’t recognize it. They never know it’s an opportunity
until it is lost forever. What does opportunity look like to you? Sometimes it
disguises itself as something else. Someone said that the reason most people fail
to recognize opportunity is because it’s often disguised as hard work.

Opportunity can be recognized through:

i. Networking: this is looking for opportunities by asking people. It is used
especially for finding out about jobs not advertised. If you learn to network
effectively you will get inside information on jobs, careers, build contacts
that can help you find work
ii. Information: information about opportunities is everywhere through the
internet, the social media, newspaper, journals, magazine, etc.
iii. Creativity: you can create your own opportunity, instead of searching
almost endlessly for white collar jobs or telling yourself. You can create open
door of opportunity for coming souls for good and giving humanitarian
iv. Faith: Depend on God and He will open the door of opportunities for you.
v. There are many opportunities that are open to youths today which include:
i. Opportunity to serve the Lord such as singing in the choir, being an officer
in the school fellowship and youth home success fellowship and preaching
the gospel among others (Psalm 101:6).
ii. Opportunity to learn relevant trade or vocation during the period of waiting.
(Proverbs 22:29).
iii. Opportunities to obtain information on employment, scholarship, library
and research facilities, admission to institutions of higher learning both
home and abroad.
iv. Above all, opportunity to improve our relationship with God by consecration
and prayer for essential Christian experiences.


John 5:5-14; Daniel 1:8, 21;6:3-4,28; Genesis 41:37-41

It is the will of God that we continue in the blessings of our opportunities and
privileges. Carelessness, unbelief and disobedience have made many Christian
youths lose their cherished blessings. Jesus warned the man whom He healed of
infirmity to sin no more lest a worse thing come upon him. Daniel by his decision
to keep himself undefiled continued in God’s favour and prosperity all his life.
Joseph’s prudence, diligence and fear of God enabled him occupy the royal seat
next to Pharaoh all his life time. So for us to keep our blessings we must
prioritize on seeking God’s peace, righteousness and obedience to His word.
DLSO Day 1, 2nd Seminar “Divine Open
Door – February 17, 2017”
John 6:1-13

Generally speaking, an idea is an intention, a plan or conception in the mind.

Some ideas are considered great and significant while some are viewed as little
and insignificant. Insignificant ideas are such that do not receive high level of
acceptance and popularity and so, people tend to play down or discard them,
thinking that such ideas may not work. In our text, Andrew saw feeding the
5,000 people with five barley loaves and two fishes as insignificant, yet, Jesus
worked on this idea to bring out a great possibility. Do you have an idea, a dream
or a vision of something that can affect people positively and bring glory to God?
You can turn it into great prospects with divine support from God and proper

1. Catalogues Of Insignificant Ideas Turned Into Great Prospects

I Corinthians 1:27-28; Isaiah 55:8-9

The Bible has account of people who achieved great possibilities with seemingly
insignificant ideas from human point of view. Some of them are mentioned below.
(i). Israel under the leadership of Joshua defeated Jericho through divine
instruction (idea) which man would consider inappropriate (insignificant) for
that kind of task (pulling down the wall of Jericho). Joshua 6:1-5, 20.
(ii). David defeated Goliath without sophisticated weapons. His method and
weapons looked insignificant to Saul and even Goliath. I Samuel 17:4-11,
32-33, 40, 42-50.
(iii). A widow’s economic recession was turned to economic recovery during the
ministry of Prophet Elisha. II Kings 4:1-7.
(iv). King Jehoshaphat and his subjects defeated their enemies with a band of
singers instead of an army of soldiers. II Chronicles 20:1-4, 14-15, 21-24.
(v). Five thousand people were fed with insignificant portion of meal from a lad.
John 6:1-13.

The cases mentioned above serve to assure us that we can turn our seemingly
insignificant ideas into great prospects. Some of the ideas that can be turned into
great possibilities are: script writing for media houses, vegetable gardening,
playing musical instrument, bag and shoe making/mending, barbing, hair
plaiting, food packaging and processing, home lessons and tutorials, event centre
decoration, catering, laundry, to mention but a few.

2. Challenges Of Turning Insignificant Ideas Into Great Prospects

Ecclesiastes 11:4; Proverbs 22:13

There are usually pitfalls that can rubbish an idea and will not make it work.
These include attitude, approach or appraisal towards the idea. Watch out for
them and avoid them. Some other pitfalls are:
i. Fear. Fear of the failure of the idea can paralyze every effort towards its
ii. Pride. Pride can make you consider an idea as worthless or below your
status and so, reject it. Remember Naaman would have remained leprous
because of pride. II Kings 5:9-12, 13-14.
iii. Inferiority Complex. Looking down on yourself and your ideas in
comparison with what other people are doing can kill your idea.
iv. Lack of focus. Allowing distractions and loss of direction while working on
your idea will cause a fatal disaster to your idea.
v. Unbelief and doubt because of challenges that confront you as you work
out your idea can lead to abortion of the idea.
vi. Over confidence. Avoid overconfidence and tendency not to seek good
counsel and mentoring.
vii. Unscriptural and ulterior motive can destroy your idea and effort.

3. Concrete Steps For Turning Insignificant Ideas Into Great Prospects

Job 8: 7; Proverbs 1: 7; Psalm 25: 12-14.

The following are salient principles that will help turn insignificant ideas into
great prospects:

i. Intimate relationship with God through genuine conversion gives you access
to God the source of true knowledge and good ideas. Psalm 25:12-14.
ii. Prayer helps you depend on God for divine support. It also helps you find
favour from men, overcome obstacles on your way so that your idea can
iii. Be passionate in turning your ideas into great prospects.
iv. Believe in your God-given idea and pursue it relentlessly. Proverbs 22:29.
v. Have a workable plan of method, materials, men and perhaps money needed
to turn your ideas into reality and great prospects.
vi. Seek appropriate counsel on how to work on your ideas. Proverbs 11:14;
vii. Humility will help you learn how to turn your ideas into reality and receive
divine guidance.
viii. Never give up on your idea.

Whatever idea God drops on your mind, write it down, plan it out, act on your
plan and run with it; you will surely turn it into great prospects.
DLSO Day 1, 3rd Seminar “Divine Open
Door – February 17, 2017”
Matthew 16:19; 18:18

The Lord Jesus Christ revealed and gave to His disciples the source of victory in
ministry and life from our text. This He did by giving them “the keys of the
kingdom of heaven”. Heaven is where God dwells and all the resources needed
for spiritual and physical life. To have access to these resources, we must use the
divine keys as directed by the Lord Jesus Christ. Some of these keys include the
prayer of faith, the name of Jesus, the Blood of Jesus, the Word of God, the
power of the Holy Spirit, love and forgiveness, praise and thanksgiving, etc.

However, in this seminar, we shall concentrate on the key of prayer of faith.

Prayer is very essential and central to a Christian youth. What is prayer? Prayer
is lifting our hearts to God and stretching our hands by faith to receive what we
request from Him. “Let us lift up our heart with our hands unto God in the
heavens” (Lamentations 3:41). It is our responsibility to ask, seek and knock at
the heavenly door by prayer of faith to open for us and to get all that we need in
life. This divine key will open all unlock doors in our lives. This is the promise
from our loving Saviour and Shepherd. “And I will give unto thee the keys of
the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be
bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed
in heaven” (Matthew 16:19).


Matthew 16:19; 18:18-20; 21:17-22; Mark 9:23; 11:20-24; Jeremiah

God is powerful to do everything according to His word and will. “But Jesus
beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God
all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26). Also, prayer has potential and power to
accomplish all we want in our lives according to God’s word and will. Therefore, it
is our privilege that God has given His children to pray. This calls for a personal,
powerful, prevailing and prophetic prayer to God to unlock all doors and gives a
breakthrough in all areas of our lives.

Furthermore, for this key of prayer and faith to be effective, there are conditions
to fulfil. These include:
i. Fellowship with God – Fellowship with God establishes a relationship with
God as our Father in heaven. This is possible through repentance and faith
in Christ (Matthew 6:8,9; John1:12).
ii. Faith in God – This gives us confidence that God will definitely do what we
request from Him (1 John 5:14).
iii. Faithfulness to God’s word - The Scripture says: “And whatsoever we ask,
we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those
things that are pleasing in his sight” (1 John 3:22).
iv. Forgiveness to others – To be effective in prayer, we must of necessity
forgives all those who offended (Mark 11:24,25).
v. Fervency of the godly – This means praying with all our hearts and not
allowing thoughts to wander from the subject of prayer. This is essential to
receiving answers to our prayers (Romans 12:11,12).
vi. Focus and be specific on the subject of the request in prayer (Philippians
Matthew 18:18-20; Luke 1:37,45; John 14:13,14; 2 Peter 1:3,4; 1 John
3:21,22; 5:14,15.

“For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the
glory of God by us” (2 Corinthians 1:20). The promises of God are the divinely
legal statements to present our petitions before the Lord. It is important to know
that the promises of God cover every aspect of our lives. Therefore, before we
pray, we must search and know the promises that match the requests and the
petitions we want to present before the Lord. A sincere study of the scriptures
shows that God has promises that cover the following and many more. Some of
them are:
1. Salvation from sins – Isaiah 45:22; Acts 3:19,26
2. Sanctification and holiness – 1 Thessalonians 5:22-25
3. Baptism in the power of the Holy Spirit – Acts 2:37-39
4. Healing and health – 1 Peter 2:24; 3 John 3
5. Academic success - Daniel 1:17-20; 2 Timothy 2:7
6. Promotion 3;30; 2:8,49
7. Protection, perseveration and long life – Psalm 91:1-16

The Scripture says: “According as his divine power hath given unto us all
things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him
that hath called us to glory and virtue: Whereby are given unto us exceeding
great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the
divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through
lust” (2 Peter 1:3,4).


Matthew 18:18; 20:29-34; Philippians 4:6

By now the Spirit of God must have stir you up to pray persistently and
persevering. To sustain this revival and renewal in prayer, we need great desire,
decision, determination, discipline and distinction of purpose. Start today to pray
fervently and continue in it. “Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with
thanksgiving” (Colossians 4:2). Remember, through the key of prayer, your
unlock doors will open for you. “Peter therefore was kept in prison: but prayer
was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him”. “When they
were past the first and the second ward, they came unto the iron gate that
leadeth unto the city; which opened to them of his own accord: and they
went out, and passed on through one street; and forthwith the angel
departed from him” (Acts 12:5,10). You are the net disciples to experience and
enjoy open today.
DLSO Day 1, 4th Seminar “Divine Open
Door – February 17, 2017”
Proverbs 18:16; 22:29; Daniel 11:32

Diligence in the use of skills and talents leads to success, influence and
happiness. Skill is an ability or capacity acquired through deliberate and
sustained effort to carry out activities involving ideas, things and people. Exploit
is making full use of and deriving benefit from your resource or talent. Successful
use of skill involves employing human and material resources to create wealth on
a sustainable basis. Engaging and making full use of your skill is an important
aspect of life which every youth should desire irespective of the aspect of career
you find yourself in. The Bible declares “and that ye study to be quiet, and to
do your own business, and to work with your own hands...” (1Thesalonians
4:11). It is then important to sharpen your skills through practice, training and
learning from other successful people.


Exodus 35:30-35; Matthew 25:14-15; Daniel 1:17

Every youth has at least a talent or skill. Success in the use of the skill does not
happen by accident, it requires deliberate effort and planning. Natural attributes
that lead to success in the use of skill include:
i. Strong personal drive and self-motivation,
ii. Clearly stated goals,
iii. Clear vision and passion,
iv. Continuous thirst for new ideas,
v. Diligence and self-discipline.

There are diverse kinds of skills that an average youth can employ for great
exploits. We have fashion designing, arts and crafts, architecture, business
organization, business acumen, engineering, proficiency in writing, public
oratory, mechanical work, negotiation and persuasion, leadership capabilities,
and business management etc.

In addition to these qualities, a successful person should acquire the following

i. GOOD COMMUNICATION SKILLS: Ability to write letters, reports, replies,
proposals, and resumes when needed should be developed. Good sales,
persuasion and bargaining skills as well as use of social networking sites for
business should also be learnt.
ii. PLANNING: A successful person must have a clear strategic plan to sustain
the skill and make it profitable.
iii. PRODUCTIVITY: Be a good time manager. Manage people to make them more
iv. VISION: Have a clear sight of the future of your endeavours


Proverbs 18:16; Matthew 25:16-17

Every youth should identify and develop his skills. So, in order to succeed, you
need the following:
i. Know your skill.
ii. Be passionate and excited about it.
iii. Have a good knowledge of its use and benefits
iv. Be well acquainted with those who have similar skills and are already
proficient in the practise and develop good relationship with them.
v. Be determined to endure the initial challenges.
vi. Always sharpen these skills through practice, trainings, and learning from
other successful people.


Daniel 11:32; Proverbs 22:29; 10:4, 5; 20:7, 10, 23

When a youth knows the Lord, he will be strong and do great exploits. Men in
history, who mattered in life and whose testimonies we are still blessed with,
were not only men who had skills, but who diligently deployed them for the use of
humanity. It is not sufficient to have skills but to be diligent in employing them
for great exploits. We should seek the glory of God and not compromise our
stands through illegal deals like bribery, smuggling, hoarding, lies and
underhand acts in the use of our skills. The good news is that you can make it by
remaining righteous, focused and wise. In practical terms, the unfailing tripod for
any Christian involved in the use of skills for exploits are:
i. HONESTY: You must be upright, sincere and reliable.
ii. INTEGRITY: You must be morally upright and ethical in all dealings.
Maintain the standard of your product.
iii. PRAYERS: Having done all, stand on prayers. Practical, persistent, powerful
prayers from a pure heart will always prevail.
God has ordained that you will do great exploits and, by His grace and power,
you will. With diligence and righteous living, your skills will take you to greater

“Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he
shall not stand before mean men” (Proverbs 22:29).
DLSO Day 2, 1st Seminar “Divine Open
Door – February 18, 2017”
Mark 16:15

Evangelism is from the Greek word, “evangellion” which originates from the root
word ‘evangel’; meaning good news. Evangelism is simply the good news from a
loving God to a lost, dying world. “For God so loved the world that He gave His
only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but
have everlasting life (John 3:16). God loves all, the whole world, all sinners
including youths (John 3:14-17; Romans 5:6-11; 1 John 4:8-10; 2 Peter 3:9).
God makes adequate provision for the forgiveness of our sins (Romans 5:20;
1John 1:8,9; Psalms 103:3,4; Acts 13:38,39). The easiest place to evangelize is
the school; where the sinning youths are readily available.


Matthew 28:18-20; John 1:45-50;

The command from our Lord Jesus to all Christians is to go into the entire world
and preach the gospel to every creature. Parts of the creatures that we are to
evangelize are found in the schools. The school world is a ready field for
evangelism. Besides, the young people in the schools speak the same language
and are within same age group. Thus, no Christian youth has any reason not to
preach the gospel in the school. Numerous opportunities to preach the gospel are
opened in the schools. These include:
i. Personal Evangelism: This involves preaching the gospel on one to one
basis with sole aim of bringing the person to the knowledge of salvation
and be saved.
ii. Friendship Evangelism: This is an act of making friends with other youths
and thereby introduce them to Christ.
iii. Corporate or Mass Evangelism: This is joining other Christian youths in the
fellowship to reach out to sinners either during the break period or after
the school hours.
iv. Literature Evangelism: This involves sharing of tracts, magazines, Christian
books with other students to bring them to Christ.
v. Evangelism by lifestyle and good deeds: This is one of effective way of
evangelising youths and it involves living a holy and righteous life that
brings conviction upon the sinners.
vi. Special programmes in our schools such as welcome programme, end of
term/session, inter-school fellowship, etc. to reach out to a great number
of students.
vii. Rendering academic assistance to others who are having challenges in
their studies and through this preaching the gospel to them.

However, it is advisable that evangelism in the schools should be gender specific,

that is, boys to boys and girls to girls.


2 Timothy 2:19-22; John 9:4; Romans 9:1-3; 10:1

For evangelism to be effective in the schools, we must ensure that the following
are in place:
(i). Conversion: Any youth intending to preach to others must have already
experienced Christ himself. “The husbandman that laboureth must be
first partaker of the fruits” (2 Timothy 2:6).
(ii). Conviction: He must have a very strong, unshakable belief in God and
the totality of His word. “He staggered not at the promise of God
through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God”
(Romans 4:20).
(iii). Compassion: “But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with
compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered
abroad, as sheep having no shepherd” (Matthew 9:36).
(iv). Consecration: “For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to
glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I
preach not the gospel!” (1Corinthians 9:16).

The main focus of Christ’s earthly ministry was to seek and save the lost. This
was His primary pre-occupation, passion and purpose. Right from His youth, He
gave Himself wholly to this business and spared no time or effort to accomplish
this urgent task (John 4:34). Christian youths must employ different strategies at
different times to preach to sinning youths. They are to do ALL things possible, in
ALL ways possible, at ALL times possible to WIN the lost at any COST, though
NOT at the expense of your own soul or your academic work.


Matthew 28:20; Psalm 126:5-6; Daniel 12:2-3

There are countless blessings waiting for those that obey Christ’s command to go
and preach the gospel to every creature. Some of these blessings include:
i. God’s abiding presence, Matthew 28:20
ii. Joy of acceptance and praise from Christ, I Thessalonians 2:19-20.
iii. Rewards at the Bema seat of Christ, I Corinthians 3:12-15.
iv. The soul winner will shine as the stars forever, Daniel 12:2-3
v. Crown of righteousness, 2Timothy 4:8

Besides, there will be academic success, protection and preservation for those
youths that are committed to soul-winning.

“I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall
judge the quick and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom; Preach the
word; be instant in season, out of season;…” (2 Timothy 4:1).
DLSO Day 2, 2nd Seminar “Divine Open
Door – February 18, 2017”
Acts 26:16-20, Habakkuk 2:3

“Delivering thee from the people, and from the Gentiles, unto whom now I
send thee, To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and
from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of
sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in
me. Whereupon, O king Agrippa, I was not disobedient unto the heavenly
vision:” (Acts 26:17-19). Paul related to King Agrippa his encounter with Christ
on the way to Damascus and the effect it had on him – a change of life and
purpose. How he had received a commission from the Lord to preach repentance
to the Jews and to the Gentiles. This, he referred to as “the heavenly vision”.

A vision, therefore, is an aspiration, desire or goal set to achieve. It is what

encourages or motivates someone to keep working despite opposition or
challenges. Paul’s prompt and wholehearted obedience to the great commission is
a challenge to every youth that has had an encounter with the Lord. True
obedience never procrastinates nor questions the rationale behind the
commandments of God.


Acts 26:9-15; 9:1-20; Galatians 1:21-24; Philippians 3:4-15; Heb. 11:24-27.

What qualifies a youth for the commission is not regular church attendance or
activities but genuine conversion. A definite experience of salvation is necessary
before we can effectively and convincingly witness for Christ (1 Timothy 1:12-16).

As the blind cannot lead the blind otherwise they both will fall into a ditch, so
also an unsaved youth cannot lead others into salvation experience. True
conversion is the product of genuine repentance from sin, forsaking them and
receiving Christ into our hearts. Paul yielded his life to God for the preaching of
the gospel and received divine help while on divine assignment. As youth, we
need to yield our lives to God like Paul for the preaching of the gospel and we will
receive divine help while on divine assignment.


Acts 26:16-18; 9:6,15,16; 1Corinthians 15:8-10; 1Timothy 1:12,16; John
15:16; Isaiah 6:5-8.

Christ, through the vision, gave Paul clear details as to the content and scope of
the commission. He was commissioned to preach the gospel and not to win an
argument; to turn people to God and not to condemn. He was bold to make
Christ known at every opportunity.

The grand design of our commission is to turn sinning youths from spiritual
darkness to light, from the power of Satan unto God and from sin to
righteousness. If we have genuine experience of salvation, we will be eager and
bold like Paul to testify of it. As we preach to sinners, Christ must be the centre
of our message before there can be a positive response from them.
The centrality of the gospel is Jesus Christ. He is our Saviour, Sin-Bearer,
Substitute, Sanctifier, Sacrificial Lamb, Sufficiency and Supplier. The question
from the Saviour to you is: I gave my life for thee, what hast thou given for me?
Take a decision today to spend the rest of your life profitably for Christ.
Acts 26:19,20; Galatians 1:13-16; Romans 1:14-16; 1Corinthians 9:16-23;
John 14:34; Hebrews 10:7.

Paul became a different man after receiving the vision. His concern and
compassion for the lost was not only towards the Jews but also for the Gentiles.
No price was too great for him to pay, no sacrifice was too high to make and no
difficulty or problem was too much to endure so that he could preach and finish
his course.

What Paul did for the Jews and the Gentiles of his days, God expects us to do to
sinning youths around us today in the schools and neighbourhood. True
followers of Christ will spend all it takes in the Father’s business of soulwinning.
“And say to Archippus, take heed to the ministry which thou had received
in the Lord, that thou fulfil it” (Colossians 4:17). Our prayer should be, ‘Lord,
help me to fulfil my ministry’.
DLSO Day 2, 3rd Seminar “Divine Open
Door – February 18, 2017”
Mark 16:15; John 3:1-3; 4:20-24

The school is a unique place for all sinning youths from different parts of a
community. School environment could therefore be utilized in winning sinning
boys and girls to the Saviour without much resistance. However, evangelizing
religious sinners could be somewhat challenging because of the pre-conceived
notion that he is equally as good as the soul-winner. The false sense of spiritual
wellness and acceptance before God could only make the matter more
challenging (Luke 18:11,12; John 9:41). The soul-winner must therefore be
equipped with grace, wisdom, power and patience to be able to effectively
penetrate the heart of such category of sinners and bring them to the Lord.


Philippians 3:5; Acts 8:27, 28; 26:11; Romans 2:17-19, 23

Just as irreligious sinners differ in their degree of sinfulness, religious sinners

are also not alike with respect to their devotion and commitment to religion.

i. Some are insincere like the Samaritan woman

ii. Those who take pride in religious traditions
iii. Argumentative church-goers who defend church creeds, administration,
fame, structure or physical edifice.
iv. Some love to attend fellowship without evidence of conversion
v. Some like Nicodemus are workers in their churches or places of worship
and are strict adherents of religious rites.
vi. Some others are religious fanatics, comparable to Saul of Tarsus. These
could go to any length or extreme in their loyalty to religion. They could put
up physical fight and other forms of violent demonstrations as marks of
devotion to religion. Almost all these categories of religious sinners could
be found among students in schools.


Matthew 23:23, 25, 27; Luke 13:2, 3; Romans 7:8, 24

Far from being happy with their form of godliness, religious sinners are not better
spiritually than those that are not religious. Their conditions are indeed pathetic
because in spite of their religious deeds, they will still end in eternal
condemnation if they do not repent. Their conditions include:
i. False sense of security that will eventually collapse
ii. Strong delusion
iii. Deep ignorance while assuming to be enlightened
iv. Spiritual darkness (John 9:40, 41).
v. Struggling with secret sins, besetting sins and inward restlessness.

As the case with all religious sinners, a celebrated nun revealed her sad inward
condition as she was about leaving this world:
“In my soul, I feel just that terrible pain of loss—of God not wanting me—of God
not being God—of God not really existing (Jesus, please forgive my blasphemies—I
have been told to write everything). That darkness that surrounds me on all sides
—I can’t lift my soul to God—no light or inspiration enters my soul.—I speak of love
for souls—of tender love for God—words pass through my words —and I long with
a deep longing to believe in them.—What do I labour for? If there be no God—there
can be no soul.—If there is no soul then Jesus—You also are not true.—Heaven,
what emptiness—not a single thought of Heaven enters my mind—for there is no
hope.—I am afraid to write all those terrible things that pass in my soul.
Please pray for me—the longing for God is terribly painful and yet the darkness is
becoming greater. What contradiction there is in my soul.—The pain within is so
great—that I really don’t feel anything for all the publicity and the talk of the
people. Please ask Our Lady to be my Mother in this darkness.”


John 4:21-23; John 3:3; Acts 8:27-31;

To win religious sinners to Christ, the soul-winner must avoid argument. The
Samaritan woman wanted to engage Jesus with argument, but Jesus would not
allow it. In addition, criticizing the church, the religious book or person of the
religious sinner would easily and quickly put him off. The soul winner must
establish a good, but not compromising, relationship with the religious sinners in
the school. There must also be a practical demonstration of love and care.
Also, the soul winner must be:
(i) Prayerful –asking for utterance to speak the right words at the right time
(ii) Pure –Your life is a silent witness to the religious sinner before you open
your mouth to speak to him.
(iii) Polite – Your approach matters a lot. Be friendly and respectful. Allow the
religious sinner to express himself and his opinions while preaching to
(iv) Plain – Make your message clear and simple. Preach Christ as Saviour
and the necessity of repentance before justification.
(v) Practical – Point out the inner struggles and the recurrent defeats that
occur in their lives.
(vi) Patient – The expected result may not be immediate. Therefore allow the
Holy Spirit to continue the work from where you stopped.
(vii) Proficient –The approach to a religious sinner attending church would
differ from that of another religion.
(viii) Positive –be full of faith that your outreach to the religious sinners will
yield fruit.
(ix) Precautious – When it appears the discussion is becoming
confrontational and contentious, it is better to withdraw calmly.
DLSO Day 2, 4th Seminar “Divine Open
Door – February 18, 2017”
Acts 9:10-20

Progress and growth are desirable in all spheres of life. We always feel concerned
whenever there is no growth. However, a child’s growth depends majorly on the
care of the parents and others. No matter the level of maturity of new converts in
the things of this life he or she needs cares and nurturing to grow in the Lord.
Apostle Paul though educated and gifted yet needed Ananias and others to grow.
Therefore, saved students in schools need other mature Christians to grow in the


Acts 9: 10-20; Hebrews 6:1; Hebrew 5:12, 13; 1Corinthians 3:1-3; Ephesians 4:14.

The moment Paul was converted Jesus Christ Himself sent Ananias to him to help him
grow. God wants us to help newly saved youths to grow and bear fruits. Often times,
Jesus rebuked disciples because of their faithlessness which was an indication of lack of
growth (Luke 9:41) “He spake also this parable; A certain man had a fig tree planted
in his vineyard; and he came and sought fruit thereon, and found none. Then said
he unto the dresser of his vineyard, Behold, these three years I come seeking fruit
on this fig tree, and find none: cut it down; why cumbereth it the ground? (Luke
13:6,7). Lack of growth has devastating effect therefore we must all have a great desire
for spiritual growth. The under listed are some of the marks of lack of growth:

(i) Inconsistency
(ii) Childish behaviour (1 Corinthians 3 1:1-3)
(iii) Instability (Ephesians 4:14)
(iv) Sensual and position seeking (Matthew 20:21-23)
(v) Fear of men
(vi) Backsliding
(vii)Loss of Eternal life.

For students to grow to maturity there is need for someone like Ananias, Aquila and
Pricilla to follow up on him or her. (Job 8:11, 12)


Acts 9:10-20; Hebrews 6:1; 1Peter 2:1,2; 1Timothy 4:15.

To nurture saved students to maturity there is need for someone to be concerned and be
willing to pay the price. Ananias demonstrated some sterling characteristics in following
up on Paul. These include: Fear, prayer, obstruction to personal program, sacrifice to
visit, declaration of the word of God, fellowship, and introduction to fellowship. In like
manner, for us to be successful in helping other saved students to grow we need to:
i. Overcome all our fears: Fear of schools’ authorities’ reactions, students’ parents’
reaction (1 Timothy 2:7);
ii. Pray for new converts, the prayer must be multi-dimensional covering every
areas of life (Ephesians 1: 17-19);
iii. Be willing to adjust our personal programme to visit the new converts (Matthew
iv. Pay the price. Helping saved youths to grow will cost us something - pleasure
must be sacrificed to visit them and when necessary be ready to part with
material things such as Christian literatures, CDs and others (Acts 15.36);
v. Guide the saved students through the word of God in a systematic way. The
converts’ study series can be used. The saved students must also be guided on
how to have personal profitable study of the word of God (1 Peter 2:2). “Therefore
leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection;
not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith
towards God” (Hebrews 6:1);
vi. Share with saved students personal life experiences in order to help them to
overcome temptations. Efforts must be made to build confidence in the heart of
new converts to enable them over whatever challenges facing them.
vii. Introduce saved students to Christian fellowship with other believers (Acts 2:42;
Hebrews 10:25). In addition, a follow up worker must be compassionate and have
personal desire for the growth of the saved students.


Acts 9:20,28,29,31;1Thessalonians 3:12; 2Thessalonians 1:3; Ephesians 4:15; 1John
2:14; Hebrew 5:13,14.

The life of apostle demonstrates the result of a fruitful follow up of newly converted souls
by faithful Ananias. When mature believers faithfully invest time and treasures in the
saved students in schools the same result will follow and these will include:

i. Saved students will receive strength to live for Christ in spite of persecutions and
ii. Saved students will contribute to the expansion of God’s kingdom
iii. Through saved students other students will be won to Christ
Saved students will become ambassadors of righteousness in the schools
iv. Peace and progress will characterize the schools
v. The school fellowship will increase in number
vi. The saved students will become dependable pillars in the school outreach

We must all be committed to helping saved students to row in grace. Where there is will
there will way. “Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he will give thee the desires of
thine heart” (Psalm 37:4)

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