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7/5/2018 Read Wu Dong Qian Kun Chapter 1309 - NovelPlanet

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For This Work A Simple Girl Gets 25

Million A Day!

Wu Dong Qian Kun

Chapter 1308  
Chapter 1309

Wu Dong Qian Kun Chapter 1309

The second world war nally came to an end with the death of the Yimo Emperor.

Such a result caused the world to completely descend into celebration. The hope after despair that everyone experienced contained excitement
elation that was di cult to suppress.

Originally, they had thought that this world would fall under the control of the Yimo. Who could have imagined that there would be a nal twist a
this road. Not only did they turn the situation around, they had also completely eliminated all threat from the Yimo.

This world, which had been ravaged by the Yimo for a long time, had nally become peaceful. 

One month after the end of the world war, the three great alliances began to disband one after another. Everything returned to the right track. Th
perhaps still be many cruel struggles in the world, but there would also be a continuous stream of strong individuals being honed from such stru
the far off and distant future, a monster like genius might once again appear from nowhere, and advance into the legendary Ancestor stage.

The world would ultimately continue to progress.

However, everyone knew that even if someone else advanced to the Ancestor stage, that person would have di culty surpassing the gure who
rescued them at their most hopeless moment.

The Martial Ancestor, Lin Dong.

Ultimate Ancestor stage experts might appear many times, but his other status was unique. No one could surpass it. It was the Dimension Mas

The true master of this plane!

Back then, the reason the Symbol Ancestor and Yimo Emperor had come to this world, was to control the Dimension Fetus and become the Dim
Master in order to obtain greater power.

However, they had ultimately failed, while Lin Dong had succeeded.


Within Dao Sect, Lin Dong stood beside a cliff on a towering peak. He lowered his head and looked at Dao Sect under the swirling clouds. Ling Q
Qingtan, Little Marten, Little Flame, the Life Death Master and the others were standing behind him and looking at his back. Although this back a
rather thin, it possess a prestige which could not be described. 1/14
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This prestige originated from his position as the Dimension Master.

"I am prepared. Although she ignited her Reincarnation, it has not been long since she did so. There should still be some of her Reincarnation fra
this world. If I can nd her Reincarnation fragments, I will be able to send her into a Reincarnation and even ensure her memories remain." Lin D
at Dao Sect. He slowly began to speak a moment later.

"How much con dence do you have?" Joy ashed across the Flame Master and the rest's eyes when they heard this. However, he still asked in a
manner. Although Lin Dong was all powerful now, igniting one's Reincarnation was equivalent to death. How could it possibly be easy to save so
after that?

"It should be fty percent."

Lin Dong muttered. A trace of worry had unknowingly ashed in his heart, while his hand involuntarily clenched tightly. Although he currently po
the strongest power in this world, what was the purpose of such strength if he could not even save someone he loved?

He cultivated for the sake of protecting those whom he wished to protect. Yet, he now discovered that he could not do so… 

A soft hand gently held his large hand. There was a smooth and warm feeling from it, causing Lin Dong's emotions to calm down. He turned his
looked at the fairy like Ling Qingzhu in white. Her pretty eyes were quietly looking at him. The gentleness within them could not be hidden.

"Thank you."

Lin Dong also gave a tender look to Ling Qingzhu, who had not spoken much. Gratitude and warmth owed within his heart as he tightly held he

She had always been like this, quietly hiding all of her emotions deep within her heart. She could give up her haughtiness for him, and become g
comfort him. When his heart was at its weakest, she always quietly stood by his side. Even if she did not speak, such actions were able to let Li
some warmth. However, this stubborness of hers would at time cause one's heart to ache slightly.

"In the past, I only watched you from afar. Now, I will have to try and make up for it." Ling Qingzhu smiled and softly said.

Lin Dong grinned. Given Ling Qingzhu's aloof character, only by truly walking into the deepest part of her hurt would one be able to break the lay
ice that pushed others far away, and enjoy the passion and gentleness reserved for a single person. It was evident that Lin Dong had initially not
this level. Hence, the Ling Qingzhu of that time did not have any responsibility to take care of him, and there was no reason for compensation.

"If we are talking about compensation, you have already done so when you taught me the Zenith Sensing Art…"

Ling Qingzhu was slightly startled, and her pretty face quickly ushed red. She bit her red lips and stared at Lin Dong. In her eyes was a bashfuln
could not be hidden. "You… you know about it?"

"I have known since the beginning…" Lin Dong looked at Ling Qingzhu with very tender eyes.

Ling Qingzhu's teeth bit her red lips tightly. She lifted her hand in embarrassment and gently hammered Lin Dong's arm. She had originally thoug
had hid it very well. It was  unexpectedly that this fellow had actually been putting up an act.

"You should quickly begin."

Lin Dong smiled and nodded. Without further ado, he sat down on the mountain peak as both of his eyes slowly shut.

Ling Qingzhu and the others by the side could feel an extremely mysterious uctuation being emitted when he shut his eyes. This uctuation wa
swift. In the blink of an eye, it had already enveloped the entire world. After which, it began to search inch by an inch, attempting to nd the Rein
fragments that might have been scattered in this world.

Lin Dong's will spread over this world. He used the Power of the Dimension and searched for a certain familiar presence that existed deep in his

This search took an entire month.

However, Lin Dong's face gradually paled with the ow of time. He realised that despite having activated the Dimension Power to search every c
this world, he was still unable to nd even a slight trace of those familiar Reincarnation fragments. 2/14
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This futile effort caused slivers of panic to rise in his calm heart.

Such a result was really unbearable for him. Hence, he suddenly clenched his teeth and once again activated the Dimension Power. This time, h
every place related to her. Dao Sect, the Unique Devil Region and the area where they had once fought for the Immortal Yuan Ancient Tree… 

Normally speaking, Reincarnation fragments would remain in the place that one had the most attachment to when one was alive. If Ying Huanh
Reincarnation fragments were still around, she would de nitely be in these places!


Lin Dong increased his area of search. However, the nal result was still so cruel that he did not dare to believe it.

Two months later, Lin Dong opened his eyes. The expression within them had become rather hollow, and veins had extended on them. His body
slightly as he muttered, "Why… can't I nd her… why..."

This method should have worked! Not much time had passed since she ignited her Reincarnation, and it was impossible for even her Reincarna
fragments to fade!

"Why… is it like this…"

He painfully grabbed his head. It was as if a huge hole had suddenly opened in his heart. This unbearable feeling made his eyes turn blood red.

"Lin Dong, what is going on?"

An anxious voice was transmitted from the side, and Ling Qingzhu hurriedly appeared beside Lin Dong. Her nose felt sour when she saw the latt
appearance, and quickly sat down beside him.

Lin Dong lifted his head in a dull manner, and looked at Ling Qingzhu. Like a helpless child, his eyes suddenly reddened even more. "I… I can't n
can't nd…"

Ling Qingzhu's heart ached when she witnessed this rare display of weakness by Lin Dong. Her eyes also reddened. This world was currently im
the joy of having escaped a calamity. Who could imagine just how much pain the man, who had saved the world, felt in his heart?

"There is no need to hurry. We can slowly search for her. If we fail once, we can try a second time. We will de nitely nd her." She extended her s
and gently embraced Lin Dong. Her voice was so gentle it was as if she was cherishing a brittle piece of porcelain.

Lin Dong tightly hugged Ling Qingzhu's narrow waist. A long time later, he clenched his teeth. There was a slightly crazed look in his eyes. "I will
nd her!"

He once again shut his eyes, and allowed his will to submerge into the land. However, there was a deep look of fear between his brows. He was
the pain he would feel if he really could not nd her.

Ling Qingzhu observed the determined and somewhat tired face, as her eyes reddened. She was aware of the latter's stubborn character. His ey
the same when he had left the Great Yan Empire to chase her back then. It was perhaps this touching persistence that moved her… 

The Life Death Master looked at the two individuals hugging from another mountain nearby, and she sighed softly. A complicated emotion appe

Another two months had passed when Lin Dong once again opened his eyes. This time, his expression was gloomy, while his body faintly tremb
dignity and aura of the Dimension Master was no longer present.

What was the point of a person having such great power, if he could not even nd the woman he loved?

Ling Qingzhu looked at Lin Dong, whose expression was becoming increasingly hollow, while her heart ached more and more. However, she cou
quietly accompany him. She was aware that his heart was de nitely feeling extremely terrible.

Hope had already become extremely faint. However, Lin Dong was ultimately unwilling to give up. 3/14
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For This Work A Simple Girl Gets 25

Million A Day!

Time ew by.

Lin Dong opened his eyes time and time again atop the mountain. However, the light in his eyes grew increasingly dim. A dim and dull look lled
while the original lushness of the mountain forest seemed to gradually wither following the change in his mood.

Hope was fading.

Over this half a year, Little Marten, Qingtan, the Life Death Master and others had all come over. However, they were unable to say anything whe
Lin Dong's appearance. In the end, they could only quietly leave. 

However, from beginning to end, a beautiful gure quietly waited and took care of him.

When Lin Dong opened his eyes for the nal time, the spirit in his eyes had completely vanished. Snow drifted down the sky, causing the entire w
appear silver white and miserable.

Ling Qingzhu looked at Lin Dong's spiritless eyes, as the tip of her nose reddened. She ultimately turned her head, as large teardrops dripped do
splashing sound. In the end, they landed on Lin Dong's face. 

He rotated his head slightly, and gazed into the now red eyes on that beautiful face. "Sorry…"

"I know."

Ling Qingzhu softly said. She was aware that he would do the same for her.

"However, it is likely that she is also unwilling to see you torture yourself in such a manner."

Lin Dong's hands trembled. He lowered his head, and said in a hoarse voice, "...I have lost her in order to obtain such strength. Yet, I am unable t
strength to bring her back…"



He suddenly lifted his head and roared with rage. A roar that also contained a heart tearing pain. Majestic rain poured down from the sky and sp
against his face, making it impossible to tell if he was crying or if it was just the rain.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

 Both of his sts crazily hammered the ground. It was as if he was sobbing tears of blood. His howls contained endless despair and pain as it sp
the distance.

He had given this world hope, but had brought despair to himself.

Countless Dao Sect disciples looked towards that particular highest mountain. Their eyes turned completely red as they felt the pain within thos
as a wave of sourness caused their eyes to become wet.

Ying Xiaoxiao looked at the vaguely visible gure at the peak of the mountain. The despair in his voice allowed her to understand that the once w
smiling and cute girl would never return. 4/14
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She covered her mouth as sounds of chocked sobbing appeared. By the side, Ying Xuanzi also had red eyes. As he turned his head, he appeared
become a lot older at this moment. Zhou Tong, Wu Dao and others behind grew silent.

The entire Dao Sect was covered in a heartbreaking atmosphere.


Little Marten, Qingtan and the rest muttered as they watched this scene. The Flame Master and they others sat down on the ground in a disapp
manner. Back then, they had lost their master and the Devouring Master. Now… was even she was about to disappear?

The Life Death Master looked at everyone. She sighed softly and quietly withdrew.

Atop the peak, Ling Qingzhu looked at the crazed Lin Dong. She could not help but hug him, while her eyes turned red.


Lin Dong hugged Ling Qingzhu tightly, and loudly cried like a child, "I am unable to nd her, unable to nd her, unable to nd her!"

"You have already done your best. All of us know this."

"I promised her that I will nd her!"

Tears fell continuously from his face. His voice was hoarse.

Ling Qingzhu's eyes were red as she hugged him. She could feel the intense pain in his heart.

He had rescued this world, but was unable to save the one he loved.

A petite gure arrived from afar, and sat down on the cliff. The Life Death Master watched Lin Dong. This was the rst time she had seen this us
strong man appear so sorrowful.

"Why must you be so greedy… there is already someone worthy of your love beside you. Isn't it better to forget her?" The Life Death Master softly
and said.

Lin Dong slowly shook his head and said in a hoarse voice, "I will nd her!"

I will never give up even if it is hopeless.

The Life Death Master looked at his tired but exceptionally determined face. She nally laughed bitterly and said, "You really leave me no choice
that I am unable to ful ll the nal request of little junior sister."

Lin Dong's body shook suddenly. He lifted his head in shock, and stared rmly at the Life Death Master.

"You are unable to nd little junior sister's Reincarnation fragments, right?"

The Life Death Master lifted her head and looked towards a distant place. She was quiet for a long time before continuing, "According to norma
circumstances, with your power, you should be able to nd her Reincarnation fragments if only a short time has passed after she ignited her
Reincarnation. However, there is a limit to this. That limit is that this rule only applies to those born of this world…"

Lin Dong blankly stared at the Life Death Master. His lips suddenly became dry from the shock in his heart. "You mean…"

"Yes, little junior sister is not someone from our plane… hence, you won't be able to nd her Reincarnation fragments."

The Life Death Master laughed bitterly. She raised her head, as a certain scene ashed past her mind. It was the night before Ying Huanhuan ha
power in an attempt to break into the Ancestor stage.

On an island in the sea, was a girl with a somewhat sorrowful smile.

"Big senior sister, please do me a favor." The sea breeze blew over. The long crystalline hair of the girl danced, as she softly said. 5/14
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"What is it?"

"If… anything happens to me, please help me safekeep something. I hope that you will never give this to Lin Dong." The girl's pretty eyes looked t
east as she softly said.


The girl was quiet. A long time later, her weak shoulders seemed to tremble slightly. She gently folded her long legs, and buried her head betwee
knees as she choked, "Because I do not wish for him to end up riddled with injuries because of me. This world already has the people he loves.
extremely happy as long as he forgets about me. That path will be even harder, hence, I only wish to see him smile, and not get injured on that p
heart will break if that is the case."

The Life Death Master was startled as she looked at the gure who continued to tremble under the night sky. Her eyes involuntarily became mo


The Life Death Master gazed at the stunned Lin Dong, as she laughed bitterly, "She understands you. However, it is di cult to have a clear mind
is in the situation itself. She does not know just how di cult it is to forget someone, especially when it comes to someone as stubborn as you."

She extended her small hand as she spoke, where a longan sized snow-white ice bead had appeared. A frightening chill spread from within the
Within the chill was a familiar scent that caused Lin Dong's heart to tremble.

"This was all that remained after she ignited her Reincarnation. You will be able to nd little junior sister if you follow it. However, you will need t
certain mysterious world. This path will be extremely tough. Are you certain?" The Life Death Master stared at Lin Dong and said.

Lin Dong observed the snow-white ice bead that was emitting Cold Qi. Subsequently, his hands trembled, and they slowly received it. Cold Qi su
ice bead, and he seemed to be able to see a familiar warmly smiling familiar face.

He deeply inhaled a breath of air, and an amazing brilliance exploded within his pitch-black eyes. A familiar determination and smile once again
on his face.

"You can be rest assured that I will nd her no matter what!"

Regardless of what kind of treacherous terrains I have to travel, or how far away you are, I will de nitely catch you and keep you by my side!

"I will accompany you."

Ling Qingzhu gently grabbed Lin Dong's large hand, and broke into a smile. Her smile was like warm sunlight, which shone deep into Lin Dong's
"Without me, there is no telling just what a fool like you will end up doing."

Lin Dong tightly grasped Ling Qingzhu's hand and laughed heartily, "Of course you have to accompany me. Even if you don't agree to, I will de ni
to my side."

He did not wish to bear that feeling of losing something again.

"Coincidentally, I am also quite curious about the world where the Symbol Ancestor and the rest came from. I will take this opportunity to have a
one can stop me!"

Ling Qingzhu looked at Lin Dong. The fatigue between his brows had been completely swept away, and a heroic look had replaced it. She smiled
familiar Lin Dong was back. 6/14
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Lin Dong suddenly seemed to recall something. He frowned and said, "We do not have any coordinates for that new world. In order to head to th
we need to nd someone who belongs to that world, and use that person as a guide to travel across the planes."

"Someone who belongs to that world?" Ling Qingzhu thought for a moment and said, "The Yimo Emperor?"

"No. He has already been puri ed by me, and no longer has that ability." Lin Dong shook his head. He quickly clenched his teeth and said, "It doe
I will use the Dimension Eye to search. Since Ying Huanhuan could end up in this world, there might be a second person who has also come her

Lin Dong activated the Dimension Power after his voice sounded. The light of Primal Chaos surfaced between his brows, and turned into a Prim
eye. That eye seemed to encompass everything. Light swept forth, and swiftly fell over every corner of this world.

However, it was not easy to nd someone from another world here. Hence, Lin Dong began to frown as more time passed.

Countless gures rushed over from behind while Lin Dong was searching the world. Little Marten, Qingtan, the Flame Master and others appear
ash. They felt surprised when they saw that Lin Dong had suddenly become full of life again.

"Big brother Lin Dong, are you alright?"

Qingtan said in a joyful manner. Her heart had been about to break when she saw Lin Dong's previous appearance.

"Yes, I'm okay now."

Lin Dong turned his head and smiled at Qingtan. After which, he dotingly patted her little head. With a shift of his gaze, the Dimension Eye contin

However, Lin Dong's body turned rigid the moment his gaze shifted away, and his expression also became strange. Subsequently, he slowly turn
head back, as the Primal Chaos light that the Dimension Eye had turned into wrapped around Qingtan.

Mysterious, dark and cold ripples surfaced on Qingtan's gure under the Primal Chaos light of the Dimension Eye. This uctuation was complete
different from any energy in this world.

"Brother Lin Dong, what is it?" Qingtan looked at Lin Dong's stunned face, and was also surprised. She lowered her head to observe herself, befo
in a lost voice.

Lin Dong merely stared at her in a stunned manner. By the side, Ling Qingzhu seemed to have realised something. She looked at Qingtan in disb
"Could Qingtan be…"

Lin Dong violently swallowed his saliva and slowly nodded.

Qingtan was actually someone from that world… such a coincidence was really unimaginable… 


Half a year later, the mountain behind Qingyang Town. 7/14
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Lin Dong stood in the air. Lin Xiao, Liu Yan, Little Marten and others were present by the side of the cliff. They looked at the sky, and saw space s
splitting apart. This crack was exactly the same as the huge crack between the planes which had appeared in the void back then.

"Qingzhu, Qingtan."

Lin Dong beckoned his hand towards the cliff. Two enchanting gures rushed out upon hearing this, and stood on his left and right.

"Big brother, once we have passed three Reincarnation Tribulations, you must bring us over to have a look!" Little Marten waved his hand and cr

"Ha ha, alright. I will rst head there and scout the place!" Lin Dong smilingly replied. He swung his sleeve, and eight lights rushed out from with
They turned into eight Ancestral Symbols. One of the Ancestral Symbols ashed, and turned into a little girl. She was Mu Lingshan.

"Lingshan, this is the newly created Life Death Ancestral Symbol. Put it in your body and nourish it. A century later, a new Life and Death Ancestr
will be born. At that time, you will no longer be restricted by it, and truly turn into a human." Lin Dong icked his nger, and a black and white ligh
Mu Lingshan's body.

"Big brother Lin Dong, make sure to come back often!" Mu Lingshan waved her small hand and said.

Lin Dong grinned and nodded. He was already the Dimension Master. It was extremely easy to return.

"Father, mother, I am leaving." Lin Dong glanced at Lin Xiao and Liu Yan as he spoke.

"Little fellow, if you cannot bring back two daughter-in-laws, you can forget about returning!" Lin Xiao waved his large hand and smilingly chided
the side glared at him in an accusing fashion.

Lin Dong smiled upon hearing this. He looked at the slowly widening crack and clenched his hand.

I will de nitely nd you this time!

A thought passed through his mind. Lin Dong subsequently pulled Ling Qingzhu and Qingtan as he rushed forward. The Dimension Power envel
three of them. Finally, they shot into the dimensional crack in front of everyone.

Everyone watched the crack slowly mend itself, and heaved a long sigh. Some curiosity towards that world appeared as they lamented. What wo
them there?


Chaotic Demon Sea, Flame Divine Hall.

Tang Xinlian looked towards the distant Eastern Xuan Region from a pavillion, as a complicated expression itted across her pretty eyes.

"That fellow Lin Dong should have already left this plane. How envious. I also wish to go and take a look…" A laughter suddenly sounded behind
Xinlian turned her head, and glanced at Mo Luo. However, she did not speak.

"Aih, my prideful disciple is really pitiful. One-sided love is too tough." Mo Luo sighed.

"Master, what nonsense are you sprouting!" Tang Xinlian's pretty face reddened as she cried out in a furious and embarrassed manner.

Mo Luo smiled. Soon after, he helplessly said, "Why don't you voice out your feelings for him?"

"Liking him does not mean that I must be together with him."

Tang Xinlian replied with an enchanting smile. She lazily stretched her waist, revealing her alluring curves as she laughed, "Moreover, there are s
men in this world. If worst comes to worst, I will fall for someone else."

"There are indeed many men. However, it is very di cult to nd one who is more outstanding than him." Mo Luo thought for a moment and serio
"Moreover, will you really fall for another man?" 8/14
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"That is hard to say." Tang Xinlian smiled sweetly and said, "The number of men who like me can queue from the Chaotic Demon Sea to the Dem
I am an extremely ckle person, and will not remain faithful to anyone forever."

Mo Luo grinned and said, "Let's have a bet. You will confess to him if you do not fall for anyone the next time he returns. What do you say?"

Tang Xinlian's face became red. She glared at him and bit her red lips. Her pretty eyes were like water as she revealed a bewitching smile.



Shuttling through the planes.

A ray of light ashed past. Three gures were vaguely visible within the light. Lin Dong grabbed Qingtan with one arm, and carefully sensed the
uctuations which originated from a certain mysterious world within her body. After which, he corrected his direction.

They had been travelling across the planes for nearly a month.

"Big brother Lin Dong, are we still not there?" Qingtan looked at the dimensional torrents around her, and asked in a bored voice.

"We should arrive soon."

Lin Dong chuckled. His expression suddenly changed, as the speed at which they were travelling slowed. He looked at the extremely distant pla
Dimension Eye surfaced between his brows.

His sight penetrated through the dimension fog. Suddenly, he saw three gures in a far off place. The group also consisted of one man and two
and they seemed to be lovers. The man in the middle wore a black robe, and carried a huge black ruler on his back. Lin Dong seemed to sense a
extremely hot uctuation from the latter's body. 

The moment Lin Dong penetrated through the fog and saw the black robed man, the latter also seemed to felt it. He lifted his head, and those b
looked in Lin Dong's direction. After which, a friendly smile appeared. Moreover, he gently cupped his hands together from afar.

Lin Dong saw this and also smilingly cupped his hands together. However, he did not linger. With a wave of his sleeve, he brought Qingzhu and Q
and continued their journey. That mysterious world was almost within reach.

The Lin Dong trio disappeared into the distance. In that same distant place, the two ladies beside the black robed man noticed his actions. The
and extremely pretty lady smilingly asked, "What is it brother Xiao Yan?"

"Nothing. I saw an extremely powerful person. I do not know why, but I feel some a nity towards him. Hopefully, we will meet again. Let's go."

The black robed man laughed, and did not say anything else. With a wave of his sleeve, the trio turned into a ray of light that gradually disappear
direction they were headed in was also that new world.

It would certainly be a most interesting place.

End of the book 9/14
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Chapter 1308  
Chapter 1309

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Hearty Fox-san • 6 days ago

So end of the book. Is there book 2?
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Nabeel Ahmad • 8 days ago

Haaaaa......... finally man u really kill in chap 1306-7 but great ending
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DreadLux ShadowSaber • 12 days ago

We need book 2
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CalmReaper • 14 days ago

I read that there is a continuation of this. It's his fight with Huanhuan's tribe.
It is different LN on TGR ....
it's about his achivements on the other world. (great Thousand world) I Guess
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Ryouga > CalmReaper • 4 days ago

What about BTTH ?
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CalmReaper > Ryouga • 2 hours ago

Don't have about that bro...
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ÃméÊt=Grñz • a month ago

wow.... satisfying ending...
this novel is so fucking good...
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Sylvia Lockser • a month ago

Took me three fucking montgs to finish this but thank god it did! Cos I'm a slow ass reader and at half a step to ADHD!

First of all, I would like to thank every single person in these comments for keeping entertained while I had to wait for these crusty ass chapters to load. And for
informing me about the sequel series.

Second.I am soooooo freaking shook right now. Like, who woulda thought that my two favourite manhua MCs would actially have a fucking Crossover! Thats lik
LEGENDARY! Now all I need to see is, Nie Li and Tang san to join them in. TGR and I wouldn't have any more regrets before I die.

And last but not least, I will have to bid all o yall farewell (for now lol) as I make my way to BTTH and start it all over again gor I have only read the manhua and

Till next time!

Xie Xie! 10/14
7/5/2018 Read Wu Dong Qian Kun Chapter 1309 - NovelPlanet

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Ayfin • 2 months ago

So that was my first web novel, and I absolutely loved it !

Time to start BTTH. Hope I'll meet you guys again in the comments ;-)
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Neko Neko Angel • 2 months ago

The 1000 great worlds. I didnt know that Lin dong would meet Xiao yan. I hope he meets Mu chen too
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Our Lord and Saviour God Ussop • 2 months ago

I was depressed about losing ying but now im satisfied since they showed xiao yan from btth

Their should be a continuation about their adventures in the new world

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Lungu27 • 2 months ago

Epic ending !
This is a awesome novel to read !
And this is how Lin Dong meets Xiao Yan from BTTH !
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Satisfaction . the ending . Sigh~ really want this to continue .

We have seen his youth, his struggles , his pain, joy , strength and stubbornness. Even his s*x scene . . .

We have watch him grow from young to till now . And we are Proud.

Thanks for your wonderful story Lin Dong and to you, to all of you Author and TL..
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Pantsu Dorobou > OPPAIIIIIIIIIIIIII<3 • 2 months ago

Sex scene? More like rape scene
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OPPAIIIIIIIIIIIIII<3 > Pantsu Dorobou • 2 months ago

Rape? Yeah but also sex
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I Didn't SHIT • 2 months ago

A Good Ending but it would be perfect if they find Huanhuan and get married :'(
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Lord tyck mikk > I Didn't SHIT • 20 days ago

The TGR they do get married
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Red • 2 months ago

Satisfying end.
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Schedinos • 2 months ago

it ends just like that? trash serie, u suck dick
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Schedinos • 2 months ago

Can anyone tell me how i should follow up this serie? like btth,tgr and this one?
and will it come more books?
im fucking clueless and its annoys me
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Batman > Schedinos • 2 months ago

Read BTTH if you haven’t yet. If you have, then you can go ahead and start reading TGR
However, TGR is still pretty early in its chapters so you can wait if you want, but in my opinion, reading BTTH is the exact thing that you could use to pas
TGR has more chapters. Either way, you don’t need to read BTTH if you don’t want to because TGR is just fine without it since the main character isn’t r
either of the two other stories. The main characters from the WDQK and BTTH just happen to show up in TGR. I would still recommend it because it’s li 11/14
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Easter eggs while reading TGR, but still not required.
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Syah BayRon > Batman • 2 months ago

What the full title of BTTH??
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Batman > Syah BayRon • 2 months ago

Battle through the heavens
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Kallme Daddi > Batman • 2 months ago

What about tgr?
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Batman > Kallme Daddi • 2 months ago

The Great Ruler
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Schedinos • 2 months ago

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whitecobra015 • 2 months ago

They're going to TGR realm ahahaha........

its too early to read TGR cause its only Chap 500+ i will wait to reach the 1k before i read it...
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Lord tyck mikk > whitecobra015 • 20 days ago

Same here time to go read the desolate era to pass time
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whitecobra015 > Lord tyck mikk • 20 days ago

Yeah I'm reading DMWG waiting for new chaps and current reading ATG chap 738 ahaha and next is ISSTH hehe
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ssǝɹdɯƎ ǝɥ⊥ • 2 months ago

Finally I can start reading this novel :D
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Mrb • 2 months ago

Ah, that ending was much better. Caught up to the novel at 1308 and everyone made it sound like that was the last chapter. Was thinking poorly of this novel til
what a difference that one chapter made. I'd continue reading if it got a sequel.
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kaizoku luffy > Mrb • 2 months ago

1308 was the last chapters of raws on lmntl so everyone probaly thought so
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Atherialz • 2 months ago

Those who don't know the sequel to BTTH and WDQK is The Great Ruler. You see both Xiao Yan and Lin Dong there are the overlords of their regions in the g
realms, and yes, you hear about what happened with Lin Dong and Ying Huanhuan in like chapter 5 of TGR iirc.
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Mrb > Atherialz • 2 months ago

So, read BTTH then TGR?
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kaizoku luffy > Mrb • 2 months ago

you don't have to read either of them to read TGR it just gives you answers from what happened after the ending of both in TGR
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Atherialz > Mrb • 2 months ago

If you want, I would read it just cause its double the amount of easter eggs from past 2 novels in TGR but you don't have to know what happens
understand TGR.
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Touttou Saengsavang • 2 months ago

great novel . cant say enuff cant say too little was just perfect.
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Train_Heartnet • 2 months ago

That was a great journey.
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Eduardo Garcia • 2 months ago

Finally over!
Now to finish BTTH
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Batman • 2 months ago

Guys, it’s been a long journey. For some of us, it’s been years and for others just a few weeks, but after 1309 chapters full of joy and despair, we finally got here
finishing a novel out but at the same time, it feels like it’s what needs to happen. It’s what’s meant to happen. Lin Dong’s story is over. His story may not be finis
part as the main character, is done. It’s nice to think that somewhere in another book, The boy we watched grow up into the most powerful person in his dimens
an ancient evil now has a part to play in someone else’s story. I’m so glad to have come this far. I hope to see you all somewhere else in someone else’s story
can once again be fellow spectators on the lives of people destined for greatness.
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AstinD • 2 months ago

What a great feeling finishing another novel now time to read TGR!!!!!
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Dragon_of_Fire • 2 months ago

and if your wondering were these iconic power houses currently are in the same world as the Mc of "The great Ruler" and if remember right we see Xiao Yan in
chapter of "the great ruler"
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Batman > Dragon_of_Fire • 2 months ago

Thanks bro
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Batman • 2 months ago

Okay, this is a good ending. I’m satisfied with this. Now I have to go read battle through the heavens before I start reading the great ruler.
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Yotsuba Tatsuya • 2 months ago

Xiao Yan Who had this name in what cultivation novel?
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AstinD > Yotsuba Tatsuya • 2 months ago

Battle Through the Heavens
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