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1. Elige el demostrativo correcto. (1)

2. I hope that summer will be nicer than weeks of rain we had

last year.
3. boys over there challenged boys here to a football match.
4. I like film a lot more than one they showed last week.
5. You can’t compare football teams from the fifties and sixties
to teams of today.
6. meal tastes so much better than one we had two weeks

2. Escribe los verbos en la forma correcta de simple present. (2)

1. Anne (work) in a language school.
2. She (be) a teacher.
3. She (teach) English.
4. Her students (come) from all over the world.
5. Anne usually (go) to school by bus.
6. On the bus she (have) time to correct a few tests.

3. Completa las frases con la negación del present simple. (2)

1. The children (be/not) tired.

2. Carol (have/not) any brothers or sisters.
3. I (drink/not) milk.
4. She (like/not) maths.
5. I (be/not) from England.

4. Construye las oraciones interrogativas en present simple. (1)

1. (have/you/a dog) ?
2. (speak/they/English) ?
3. (be/I/right) ?
4. (play/he/tennis) ?
5. (be/you/on holiday) ?

5. completa con el presente simple o el presente continuo (1)

1. Look! He (leave) the house.

2. Quiet please! I (write) a test.
3. She usually (walk) to school.
4. But look! Today she (go) by bike.
5. Every Sunday we (go) to see my grandparents.
6. He often (go) to the cinema.
7. We (play) Monopoly at the moment.
8. The child seldom (cry) .
9. I (not / do) anything at the moment.
10. ( watch / he) the news regularly?

6. Vocabulario (1.5)

Living room:
7. Pasado simple o presente simple (verbo to be) (1.5)

1. I _ ___ i n N ew Y o r k l ast su m m e r.

2. My d og _ ___ wh i t e an d bl ac k.

3. Wh e r e ___ _ y ou r b r oth e r f r o m?

4. Ou r ol d c a r ____ r e d.

5. ____ yo u an d I en e mi es ?

6. Y ou r En gl i sh b oo k s ____ i n th e ba g l a st w e e k en d .

7. ____ yo u r m o th e r p r egn an t ?

8. ____ yo u r u n cl e f r o m Au st r al i a?

9. I _ ___ fat 10 y ea r s ag o.

10. H e ___ _ at s ch o ol y e st e rd ay .


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