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Online Right to Information Application 5/07/2018

Ministry of Finance

Dept of Financial Services

New Delhi.(India)

Re: application for access to information (Right to Information Act , 2005)

Kind attention:- Mr. Rajeev Kumar, Secretary, Financial Services


The applicant, writes RTI since 2006-07# with the object of ensuring probity and
moral cleanliness in our public life seeks information of:-

1. Policy matter of PSU insurance companies in respect of issuance of

Paperless policy of insurance.
a) In the event traditional paper policy has been stopped, name of the
insurance company with copy of the relevant directions in the matter.
Message as per SMS received by applicant:-December 4,2017
“Your motor Policy for vehicle number..engine no…chasis no… has been
issued. Policy No….valid from 08/12/2017 to 7/12/2018 Customer Id
PO55372672 Premium Rs. policy visit applicant has not received paper policy

2. The applicant is consistently writing against corruption in our PSU insurance

that is acknowledged by Ministry of Home Affairs(Please turn over to next
page)Recently The office of Shri Rajnath Singh, Home Minister, Govt of India
forwarded the matter to Secretary,DFS, that is, you. Dated Jun 12,2018
The applicant seeks action, if any, into the matter.

Entitled:- From Shri Gopal Soni 9062018 institutional corruption in our PSU Insurance
e-mail from <> Dear Sir/Madam,

Your mail has been sent to the Secretary Financial Services for appropriate action. You may contact the
concerned department or person in this regard.
The office of
Sri Rajnath Singh,
Minister of Home Affairs,
Govt. of India
3. Hard copy of the aforesaid e-mail as per record of the public authority.

Shrigopal Soni (RTI applicant)

C231,Panchsheel Nagar,Ajmer-305004
Cell No. 91-9414982395
# The article of applicant as published in the in-house magazine of NIACL during 2006-07

ANNEXURE to RTI application :- The applicant is raising issues of status quo to institutional
corruption in the PSU Insurance as noted by MHA, Dept of Official Language as early as 2011

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