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= GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN CAPITAL ADMINISTRATION & DEVELOPMENT DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARIES (LIBRARY RATES COMMITTEE) No. F, $-3/2016-P&R Islamabad Public Library Sector 11-9. Islamabad. the 9" April, 2018. To The Accountant General Pakistan Revenues. G-8/4. ISLAMABAD. SUBJECT:- LIBRARY RATES FOR LIBRARIES AND INSTITUTIONS FOR THE P RIOD 1°! APRIL TO 30'" JUNE 2018. Sir, The Library Rates Committee. constituted by Ministry of Education with the Approval of Finance Division, Government of Pakistan vide their UO, No.919-R.12 86. dated 06-07-1986 and Finance Division's subsequent (.O.No.4 (4) F yp.lll 2002-525, dated > 2003. has determined the following schedule tor cor books / journals and other library materials by the fl the period 1° April to 30" June. 2018. ch ion and discount for purchase of ‘aries and institutions in Pakistan fo AVERAGE OF SPOT BANK SELLING EXCHANGE RATES FROM 19-02-2018 To 20-03-2018, U.S. Dollar 1107. British Pound Sterling 153.97 Australian Dollar 80.46 Swedish Krona 13.50 Swiss Frane 117.35 Indian Rupee 1.70 Saudi Rial Singapore Dollar Euro PTO NAME OF — [GENERAL PUBLICATIONS O1 RRENCY | BOOKS = TOCURRENT | LEARNED (MARK- — JOURNALS BNODIFS/SOCIETIES | OF UP 13% + | (MARK-UP 15% | (MARK UP 18% | 6% + 6% W.H-TAX) | 6% W.HL TAX) |> W.H.TAX) | | - @) ah | dy (US. Dollar] 133.97 137.20 | British | 180.3 190,92 | Pound Sterlin 104.61 107.21 16.33 10.74 Swiss Frane 142.23, 145.70 (Indian Rupee | | 2.05 2.10 audi Ri | 35.72 30.6 Singapore | 99.98, 101.66 104.18 Dollar | | | Euro “162.33. _ 163.06 109.15 B) PAKISTANI PUBLICATIONS a) Local Text Books Produced by ro) Text Book Boards. Publications of Federal and Provincial Governments and non-profitable speeial publications b) The Holy Quran (lest only) (by ¢) General Books w d) Fiction including drama wW REVIS! LIBRARY RAT! A) IMPROTED PUBLICATIONS: SUBSCRIPTIONS, C) SPECIAL LIBRARY MATERIALS: AUDIO-VISUAL MATERIAL S: Rates as in Category A (iii) above depending supplier. Taxesiduti from such duties. can claim refund, BACK VOLUMES. DISCOUNT | JOURNALS. (MARK, UP 18% + | | 6% W.H. TAX) dv) 137.29 | Unitor 190.92 discount of | 10% onal | imported 10721 title of al 16.74 books Cat). No 145.76. discount on 2.10 | Materials in 36.6 Other 104.18 Categories. 169.15 DISCOUN | No discount No discount 15%) More discount is 20%) negotiable on purchase of ten or more copies spon the rates of discount allowed by the foreign shall be paid actual, The educational institutions. which are exempted Contd PIS 3 The bookseller/suppliers will supply the original editions and show the actual prices in foreign currency as well as Pak. Rupees on: the bills. The following certificate duly signed by the booksellers will be given on the bills: “Certified that the prices charged are correct. If any “diserepaney™ at any stage is found, we undertake to refund the excess payment made tw us. It is further certified thatthe Publications listed in the bill are original authorized editions/reprint and not pirated ones, it is further certified that the titles supplied remainders”. he The booksellers/suppliers will provide on demand the original invoices upto 20% ot Publisher's catalogues of publications'library materials listed in bill whenever so requested for price verification, 5. Fthe books/library materials ordered by libraries and institutions are available in stock. the rates will be charged according to the schedule prevailing al the time of placing confirmed order. [fan import order is placed the supplier will intimate the approximate date of delivery and will also mention that the rates will be charged according to the schedule prevailing at the time of delivery 6 As the subscription of journals periodicals/society publications and CD-ROM database are Hot a onetime payment. so the same may be paid in a subscribing ageney is reputable and supply in to. lvance in case of extreme necessity. pravided es undertaking 16 refund the amount paid in ase of failing to 7. Postal/forwarding charges on supply of books'library materials, both fi and local shall be bome by the booksellers. ince the books/library materials can be purchase according to standards schedule rates from any booksellers in country. tenders need not to be called 9, It was felt that the Payments of the book sellers are delayed by some institutions, They are requested that outstanding bills of the bookseller muy be seitled in time 10. The rates letter will be displayed by all booksellers at a prominent place in their shops/showrooms. NOTE: - These Library rates are availible on the website wi as well as available on fave book pa huyps://9 ww. le | Pakistan-3953 15950535759) Department-of°L ibrariesislamabad- bookmarks. (MUHAMYAAD AZAM CH. ) DIREQVOR GENERAL PHONE : 051-9214523 FAX 051-9: A. Copy forwarded to: Members of the B The Director General Federal Audit, A.G.P.R. Complex. G-8/4. Islamabad, The Accountant General, Punjab. Lahore, Sindh, Karachi. KP. Peshawar. Baluchistan, Quetta. AJ&K Muzatfarabad The Accountant General. Military Accounts. Rawalpindi Cantt A.G.P.R. Sub-Offive. Lahore/Karachi Peshawar Quetta, ary Ra es Committe The Director General. Department of Culture, Tourism & Libraries. Govt, of Sind, Karachi. The Director General. Public Libraries Punjab. Lahore. The Director Archives & Libraries. Government of KP. Peshawar The Director of Colleges, Education Department. Government of Baluchistan. Quetta The Director Army Education. IGT&E Branch. (AB Directorate) General Headquarters. Rawalpindi Cantt The executive Director. Higher Education Commission, Islamabad The Deputy Financial Advisor. Capital Administration & Development Division: Iskamabi. The Convener. Intemational Trade Commitee (ITC). Pakistan Publishers and Booksellers Association. Lahore, The Central Vice Chairman, Pakistan Publishers & Booksellers Assoviation. Lahore The Secretary. Pakistan Library Association. (Ileadquarters), Islamabitl The Director/Conyener. Department of Libraries. Islamabad, Copy also forwarded for necessary action to the Secretaries of Finance/:ducation/Local Government Department of PunjabySindl/KP/Baluchistan/AJ&K at Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar Quetta and Muzaffarabad . respectively and Sectary of Culture. Tourism. Youth Affairs and Libraries Department Libraries Department, Government of KP. Peshawar, with the request that the contents of thi please be brought to notice of all libraries unter their control Government Sindh, Karachi and the Sectary of Culture. Sports. Tourism. Archives and yer may (MUHA! D AZAM CH.) DIRIFAOR GENERAL PHONE : 051-9214523 FAN 051-9.

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