Light Compositive Biobriquettes - Phisical Characteristcs

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The scientific journal FACTA UNIVERSITATIS

Series: Working and Living Environmental Protection Vol. 1, No 2, 1997, pp. 51 - 58
Editor of series: Ljiljana Rašković, e-mail:
Address: Univerzitetski trg 2, 18000 Niš,YU, Tel. +381 18 547-095, Fax: +381 18 547-950



Dragan Mitić, Bratimir Nešić

Occupational Safety Faculty, University of Niš

Abstract. Compositive biobriquette offers remarkable possibilities for incorporating

of: biomass (as basic material), coal dust as waste from separation and sulphur
sorbent as an additive. This is the way for producing of fuel where we don’t have to use
paste or stuff, its heating value is extensively improved by different and various
additives which most often may be treated as waste-secondary material. Additive
material is attaching to improve mechanical, thermical or estetical properties of
biobriquettes. In this paper are presented results of physical characteristics of these
compositive light biobriquettes, produced in laboratory for combustion on
Occupational Safety Faculty in Nis.

Concept of heavy and light biobriquette, production technology bases
Biobriquette allude product of briquetting technology operation-compact form of
biomass which possess much greater volume mass, comparing to volume mass of biomass
material from which biobriquette is made of [1].
Briquetting technology operation involves high pressure effect on grinded biomass,
together with biomass material moving through the tool whereupon material temperature
is rising. By this way activated physico-chemical processes lead to thermoplastic
deformations of lignocellulose material and granulated material particles strapping into
compact complex - biobriquette [1,2].
This way produced biobriquette belongs to the group of so called heavy briquettes
(their volume mass is most often over 1100 kg/m3). In contrast to them, it is possible to
produce light biobriquettes with volume mass from 400 to 650 kg/m3[3].
Light briquette forming technology essentially differs from tehnologije heavy

Received September 28, 1998

Member of scientific research team Slobodanka Janković

briquette forming technology. As a basic forming briquette material here is used old paper
(and industrialy recycled, too) in the form of lignocellulose pulp in water suspension, with
or without additions of another biomasses. Toward to increasing of briquette heat power,
usefullness or other properties it’s possible to put in water suspension other biomasses too
(cortex, sawdust, needles, branchery, huskus and cuttings of grape-vine...), coal dust or
other additives. Important detail is possibility to incorporate dregs of stone fruits (great
amounts from fruit industry) into light compositive briquette mass. It’s possible to use
stones of sour cherry, sweet cherry, peach, appricot, and stone shells of wal-nut, almond,
hazel-nut...In this case from these mixtures it’s possible to produce light compositive
biobriquettes by pressing of suspension in appropriate tool with pressures which are not
higher than 0,3 − 0,5 MPa [1,3]. Pressing is displacing the greatest amount of water and
the rest is removing by dryingon the air. Drying time depends of the shape and i size of
briquette, its structure, components and drying conditions, but aproximately (author’s
experience for briquette size ∅ 82,5×200 mm) doesn’t last more than 10 days. [2].
Briquette compactivity is achieved thanks to space net of cellulose fibres which ties
adherent mass- sawdust or grinded cortex [3].

Advantages and disadvantages of light compositive biobriquette

Light compositive biobriquette presents alternative solution to heavy briquette or
heavy briquette produced by high pressures with minimal grinding [1]. In contrast to
heavy briquettes, light compositive biobriquette possess:
a) advantages:
- cheap technical solution of the briquetting device;
- it’s possible briquetting of material which makes compositive heterogenic structure
with particles greater than 10 mm (depending of the briquette size);
- it is not necessary previosly biomass drying to some requisite moisture;
- requisite pressure is quite lower regard to pressure requisite for heavy biobriquettes
- it’s possible to incorporate sulphur sorbent;
- it’s possible to store them without problems which follow storiging of heavy
biobriquettes (voluminivity, swollening owing to humidity and eventual
disintegration) [2];
b) and disadvantages:
- producing process is connected with preparation of pulp on the basis of paper and
water, which demands a certain time period for paper disintegration and
homogenization of the composite,
- after wet briquette forming a certain time period is needed for drying, which is
relatively long for air drying. Drying time depends on briquette dimensions and by
author’s experience, for briquette ∅ 82×(250-300) mm, is max. 10 days.
- if there is artificial drying, it is additional expense [1].


As material for preliminary researchings here is used lignocellulose pulp from old
Light Compositive Biobriquettes 53

roto-paper and like adherents i additives: coal dust of brown-lignite coal "Soko"
granulation 0−2 mm, calcium carbonate from the industry of lime and nonmetals
"Ostrovica", sacked hydrated lime of trade origin for commercial purposes and biomass
[1]. As biomass component were used:
- beech sawdust (granulation 0−2 mm);
- ash chippings (≠1×20×30 mm);
- nut shell (≠2×20×30 mm);
- rice shell (natural size, nongrinded);
- huskus of grape-vine (granulation 0−10 mm);
- cuttings of grape-vine (∅ 5−10×10−20 mm)
In producing of compositive biobriquette on basis of lignocellulose pulp, coal dust,
calcium-carbonate and hydrated lime are established molar ratios calcium to sulfur, Ca/S
which are: 1; 2; 3; 4; and compositive briquette paper-coal-dust, without third component.
Compositive briquette components in the form of calcium-carbonate and hydrated lime
has a role of sulfur sorbent in combustion process [4,5,6].

Fig. 1. Technological operations in forming process of light compositive biobriquette

(applied in laboratory za for combustion on Occupational Safety Faculty in Niš)

Here is used brown-lignite coal "Soko" from the mine Čitluk, piece volume mass
1413 kg/m3 and bulk volume mass 890 kg/m3 [11]. Screen analysis is described detaily in
[13]. Granulation is in the range 0−2 mm with the maximum residue on screen with
aperature of 1 mm, about 39 %. Range of used calcium-carbonate is 0−2,5 mm, with the
maximum residue on screen with aperature of (0,71−1) mm, about 50 %.
Technic-technological possibility of briquetting are tested on laboratory press of self-
construction [1]. Press is made of steel welded construction with 2 steel columns diameter
∅ 30 mm which serve at the same time as bearer of upper part of tool and like guideline
of movable base on which is under tool part for briquetting. Necessary force for pressing

is achieving by hidraulics with manual drive, and measuring of manual force is doing on
the tang of manual hidraulic mechanizm. Tools for briquette producing allow production
of cylindrical compositive light biobriquettes ∅ 35 mm and ∅ 82,5 mm. Dimensions
∅ 35 mm and ∅ 2,5 mm are assigned only for briquette production from cellulose pulp
i.e. waste paper and compositive briquettes in which like crewel medium serves cellulose
pulp. Tools are made of steel material with close typ matrix. Press detailed description is
in [1, 7]. Briquette producing, testings and measurements were done in laboratory for
combustioon on Occupational Safety Faculty and laboratory of MIN Institute in Niš.

Fig. 2. Light briquette diameter ∅ 82,5 mm; 1) waste paper pulp (left), 2) paper pulp,
coal and limestone (in the middle) and 3) paper pulp and beech sawdust(right);
Foto: D. Mitić

One of the worst characteristic of biomass which represents serious limit for their
more mass use is little volume mass i.e. storage density. Because of it colecting, transport
and storiging are more expensive. For certain biomass from tiller production exist
technicly completed mechanization and different types of preparation (e.g. for straw) [1]
and their volume mass has more satisfactory values.
In table 1. is shown abstract from detail overview of briquette volume mass tested in
laboratory za for combustion on Occupational Safety Faculty in Niš [1]. These
characteristics refer only to those biomasses which are used in production of light
compositive biobriquettes.
Data about volume masses of tested light compositive biobriquettes and about bulk
volume masses, are shown in table 2. It is possible to notice that range values of volume
masses of light compositive biobriquettes is from 310 to 500 kg/m3 and bulk volume
masses from 253 to 445 kg/m3 (for defined briquette geometry). Light briquette made
only from paper pulp has average volume mass 367 kg/m3 and bulk volume mass
263 kg/m3. Light briquette whose pulp is made with lime milk has volume mass
656 kg/m3 and bulk volume mass 253 kg/m3. Data specified for light briquette with lime
milk in water suspension refer to briquette dimensions ∅ 36×(360−620) mm. In spite to
that volume mass is defined for conditions in so called corridor schedule, suitable for
packing and transport. Out of this range is only light briquette, to which is added hydrated
Light Compositive Biobriquettes 55

lime in water suspension and which volume mass is about 650 kg/m3 (for briquette
∅ 36 mm). Also is noticed that volume mass upper limit of tested speciments is a bit
greater than till now was stated in literature (Radovanović [3] specifies range from 240 to
500 kg/m3). Diferences are result of diverse biomasses which are incorporate into
compositives. In this case are used biomasses with a lot of greater volume masses, such as
pits and cuttings, in contrast to announced results which refers to using of needles, coarses
and sawdust.

Table 1. Volume mass tested in laboratory for combustion on Occupational Safety

Faculty in Niš [1].
Stage in which
Bulk volume mass Moisture content Granulation
Biomass measurement was
(kg/m3) (%) (mm)
Cuttings of grape-
65 6,759 ∅ 5×10−20 rinfuz
Huskus of grape-
148 6,712 0−10 rinfuz
rinfuz after cut
Beech sawdust 169 6,675 0−2
Nut shell ≠2×20×30 rinfuz
rinfuz from raw
Ash chippings 28,2 6,264 ≠1×20×30
scrape processing

Table 2. Volume masses of biobriquettes tested in laboratory for combustion

on Occupational Safety Faculty [8,12]*
Dimensions of Average Average bulk
Volume mass
Ordinal Structure specimens 3 volume mass volume mass
range (kg/m )
(mm) (kg/m3) (kg/m3)
1 Paper ∅ 82,5×95 325−420 367 263
2 ∅ 36×360−620 656 253
3 ∅ 82,5×175 500 500 455
of grape vine
4 ∅ 82,5×140 470−540 505 367
of grape vine
Paper-rice 310−320
5 ∅ 82,5×145 315 247
6 ∅ 82,5×160 360−390 375 303
7 ∅ 82,5×125 390−450 420 305
8 ∅ 82,5×145 320−340 330 253
*These results refer only to mass parts: paper pulp 0,5 and biomass 0,5.

When the word is about light compositive biobriquettes made of paper pulp, coal dust
and sulfur sorbent like calcium-carbonate or hydrated lime-common conclusion is that
volume mass is greater than volume mass of compositive briquettes with biomass and
ranges from 453 to 530 kg/m3. Also bulk volume mass is greater too, from 312 to
435 kg/m3. These results are logical respecting that volume mass of brown-lignite coal
"Soko"is 1413 kg/m3 and bulk volume mass is 890 kg/m3 [11].
Review of volume mass and bulk volume mass light briquettes whose base is paper
pulp, coal dust and sulfur sorbent is shown in tables 3. and 4. for a different molar ratios
calciuma to sulfur (Ca/S).

Table 3. Volume masses of light compositive briquettes paper/coal dust/limestone,

tested in laboratory for combustion on Occupational Safety Faculty [9]*
Dimensions of Volume mass Average volume Average bulk
Molar ratio
Ordinal specimens range mass volume mass
[mm] (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3)
1 0 ∅ 82,5×125 400−490 453 317
3 1 ∅ 82,5×80 390−600 530 312
4 2 ∅ 82,5×140 470−540 445 418
6 3 ∅ 82,5×140 410−570 477 388
8 4 ∅ 82,5×160 430−550 468 435
These results refer only to mass parts: paper pulp 0,5 and biomass 0,5.

Table 4. Volume masses of light compositive briquettes paper/coal dust/hydrated lime,

tested in laboratory for combustion on Occupational Safety Faculty [10]*
Dimensions of Volume mass Average volume Average bulk
Molar ratio
Ordinal specimens range mass volume mass
[mm] (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3)
1 0 ∅ 82,5 X 125 400−490 453 317
3 1 ∅ 82,5 X 120 390−580 510 306
4 2 ∅ 82,5 X 135 390−630 537 305
6 3 ∅ 82,5 X 145 420−520 466 405
8 4 ∅ 82,5 X 125 450−500 477 353
These results refer only to mass parts: paper pulp 0,5 and biomass 0,5.

From comparison of volume masses of biomass in raw stage-rinfuz and volume

masses of briquettes as well as bulk volume masses of briquettes is documented that there
is great saving in storage space. If the saving of storage space is based on coefficient of
usefullness of briquette storage space [1], we come to next data for light briquette in
which is incorporated:
- cuttings of grape vine 85,72%
- huskus of grape vine 59,67%
- beech sawdust 44,23%
- ash chippings 88,86%
These results are based on bulk volume mass of biomass in raw stage-rinfuz. It can be
noticed that there is very considerable saving of storage space nevertheless it’s a point on
Light Compositive Biobriquettes 57

light but not heavy biobriquette whose volume mass is from 4 to 5 times less than volume
mass of heavy biobriquette.
Appearance of briquette voluminivity [1] which is expressive at heavy biobriquettes,
is not noted at light biobriquettes at all. On the contrary, with longer staying light
biobriquette is becoming more and more compact, so after drying it has mechanical
characteristics which make it very appropriate for storage. Light biobriquette may be cut,
it doesn’t crumble and it’s very appropriate for packing.

Volume masses of light compositive biobriquettes range from 310 to 500 kg/m3.
Volume masses of light compositive biobriquettes with coal dust and sulfur sorbent like
calcium-carbonate range from 390 to 600 kg/m3 and bulk volume masses from 312 to
435 kg/m3.When the sorbent is dehydrated lime volume masses are from 445 to
537 kg/m3 and bulk volume masses from 305 to 405 kg/m3. Briquettes are compact, there
is no crumbling, no cracking in drying phase, no voluminivity and it is possible to cut and
engrave them. Saving of storage space (based on biomassin rinfuz) ranges from 44 to
88%. All specimens tested here, has mass part of pulp 0,5 and other adherents and
additives together has mass part of 0,5.
According to these light compositive biobriquette offers outstanding possibilities in
fuel production with three E characteristics:
- ecological;
- economical and
- energetical.
For ecological epithet is tied biomass use as renevable energy source, waste materials
which very often represent ballast and load for environment (sawdusts, paper, coal dust,
etc.). In presented researchings is tested possibility of incorporating sorbent into light
biobriquette. Authors haven’t done experimental part of researchings which refers to
desulfurization of smoke gas, but with literature base [4,6] it is possible to expect
desulfurization effects to 90 %.
It is economical because of the large spectrum of potential plant resources which are
treated like secondary combustible materials, they are cheap and often accessible.
Technic-technological process is cheap and easy feasible. Savings of storage space are
significant, combustion is more qualitative and easy to organize, than with biomass in
rinfuz state.
Characteristic of energy fuel is not worked out in this paper, but here is used
information from [12], that light compositive biobriquettes may be a significant energy
resource, on the basis of their heat power which ranges from 17 to 18 MJ/kg [12].

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Dragan Mitić, Bratimir Nešić
Kompozitni biobriket pruža izvanredne mogućnosti da se u njega inkorporiraju: biomasa (kao
osnovni materijal), ugljena prašina kao otpad sa separacija i sorbent sumpora kao aditiv. Na taj
način se dobija gorivo, za čiju se proizvodnju ne mora koristiti lepilo ili punilo, čija se toplotna
moć znatno popravlja raznoraznim dodacima koji se najčešće mogu tretirati kao otpadni -
sekundarni materijal. Aditivni materijal se dodaje u cilju poboljšanja mehaničkih, termičkih ili
estetskih svojstava biobriketa. U ovom radu su prezentirani rezultati fizičkih karakteritika ovakvih
kompozitnih lakih biobriketa, dobijenih u Laboratoriji za sagorevanje na Fakultetu ZNR u Nišu.
Ključne reči: kompozitni laki biobriket, zaštita životne sredine, biomasa

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