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Semalt Shares Tips How To Deal With

Bad Email Etiquette

MPeople receive more than 115 emails a day. However, due to bad email etiquette, many of these end up not read.
Here are the guidelines offered by Frank Abagnale, the Semalt Customer Success Manager, following which you’ll
avoid bad email etiquette and make customers look forward to their messages.

1. Slice and dice for better segmentation

The most common method that businesses use is demographics which beats the revolutionary point of
segmentation. As such, it becomes impossible to meet the email needs of speci c groups anymore. Currently, the
plethora of technology available presents business owners with enough possibilities to break down their lists even
further. Dynamic content or topics selected by subscribers helps hone the message quality and increases its
relevance with the customers, which consequently ramp up revenue.

2. One size does not t all

People should quit expecting that a single message, designed the same way, and sent to all subscribers, resonates
with all of them. Furthermore, such efforts have the potential to hurt relationships with the client. Blast emails are a 1/3

sign that all previous communication with the customer meant nothing. Consequently, they start believing that they
are just a number on a list, and not recognized as valuable for the business.

3. Get to the point

Brief messages have a greater impact than longer ones. Rambling
emails and their digital formats may have customers dump the
message in the trash. Such emails eat into an individual's schedule
which is not the kind of reception a business looks for in email
marketing. For instance, Ann Handley claims that the idea is about
cutting words, not extras. Therefore, taking the time to put the
message across is imperative.

4. Personalization
The current market has great trust issues as only 18 percent claim they trust business leaders. At the core of this
idea, business is human, even for the b2b ones. People need to feel like the transactions they engage in are with
their best friends, who have been in their shoes, and found the key to success. They only work with companies that
are authentic, honest, and dependable.

5. Adding a call to action

If an email does not put an audience on the path of acting, now or in the future, then it becomes useless to the
business. Every message needs a CTA so that it does not leave customers wondering what the sender’s objective
was behind sending the email. Also, CTA increases click-through and engagement rates.

6. Monitor numbers
Only 29 percent of marketers check their ROI metrics to gauge
the effectiveness of an email. Forgetting to monitor statistics
means that tweaks will not improve the performance of email
marketing. Tracking deliverability, open, and click-through rates
help to improve performance and understanding which message
resonates well with contacts.

7. Proof is everything
Double checking email saves businesses from little mistakes that could disengage customers. Paying attention to
such things as the subject line, friendly sender name to differentiate the email from spam, and a clear message that
is free of typos can save a business’s email etiquette. 2/3

8. Optimizing send time

Timing is a de ning factor in the reception of the email message. Companies usually have records concerning
valuable buyer information and their preferences. Using this information, a sender may know when to shoot up the
next email, making sure the message is relevant and engaging.

9. Key information
Include key contact information, indicating who the sender is, and a means to use for feedback purposes. It is useful
in re-establishing relationships with customers and promoting the brand. Social media handles and blog link
inclusion, allows the target audience remain abreast on the latest new and updates. It makes them feel more
connected, thus increasing the chance of doing business with the sender. 3/3

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