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Head trauma in the feline

patient - an update
Emma Opperman RvN
Clockhouse Veterinary Hospital, Wallbridge, Stroud, Gloucestershire, GL5 3JD. UK

ABSTRACT: Head trauma and subsequent brain injury is observed frequently in

practice: although it is very difficult to estimate the number of cases seen each
Emma Opperman RVN
year. Cats are most often the victims admitted for this clinical reason.

Emma has worked in veterinary

practice for the last 24 years - in
In practice, common causes of head This is supported by research showing
general practice and private referral
trauma include the following: that the histological changes (and
practice, as well as in the role of ICU
magnetic resonance imaging changes)
nurse at Bristol Veterinary School • road traffic accident (Figure 1)
in a cat brain were identical to those in
(Langford). She has lectured nationally
• fall from a height humans, (Sato et al, 2003).
and internationally and has written
articles for veterinary nursing joumals • big dog versus small dog incident
The frequent assessment and monitoring
for many years. Her main interests
• kicked by a horse. of mentation status is key to providing
are emergency nursing and teaching.
the appropriate level of care for these
Emma is on the VNJ editorial board
Factors such as the height of the fall or cases.
and currently works as head nurse in
the Cotswolds at a busy small animal the force and velocity of a missile all have
an effect on the severity of the injury.
hospital with a fantastic team of VNs.
Concussion with depressed mentation,
Assessing outcome
facial fractures and ocular injuries are There are a number of coma scales
common; other complications include devised to predict whether a prognosis
soft tissue damage and proptosis. will be good, guarded or grave. The
results are dependent on physiological
Supportive care and first aid treatment factors that are graded numerically;
should be given whilst secondary these numbers are added together to
assessment is carried out. It is not give a final score. As would be expected,
unusual for multiple injuries to be present there is a degree of similarity between
small animal charts and human charts
in these cases - in particular, thoracic
(Table 1).
and forelimb damage. This underlines the
absolute importance of global assessment.
~Figure 1. This dog was involved in a road
traffic accident
The aim of treating traumatic brain injury
is to minimise or reverse the secondary
changes that occur after the initial impact
damage. Blood flow and oxygenation to
the brain need to be optimal to prevent
ischaemia and cell death, while at the
same time avoiding sudden increases in
intracranial pressure (ICP). Secondary
damage occurs in the hours and days
following the incident.

There are very few clinical data available

regarding head trauma that are specific
to dogs and cats. However, the guidelines
To cite this article use either produced for human head trauma
DOl: 10.1111/vnj.12147 or Veterinary Nursing patients can be almost directly transposed
Journal VOL 29 pp 194-197
to veterinary patients for practical use.

Page 194 • VOL 29 • June 2014 • Veterinary Nursing Journal © 2014 British Veterinary Nursing Association (BVNA)
D Table 1. Small animal coma scale accurate, as critically ill patients may not
provide optimal conditions for reliable
Score Motor Activity Brainstem Reflexes Level of oximetry readings.
6 Normal gait normal Normal pupillary Occasional periods of Venous jugular blood samples may be
spinal reflexes light responses and alertness and responsive useful in these patients to monitor for
oculocephalic reflexes to environment cerebral ischaemia. Frequent blood
pressure monitoring is also recommended
to assess changes in blood pressure -
5 Hemiparesis, Slow pupillary light Depression or delirium,
hypoxaemia and hypotension have been
tetraparesis or responses and capable of responding
observed in more than one third of
decorticate activity normal to reduced to environment but
human severe head injury patients.
oculocephalic reflexes response may be
Historically, hyperventilation was a long-
4 Recumbent. Bilateral, unresponsive Semi-comatose. standing protocol for severe head trauma
intermittent extensor miosis with normal to responsive to visual in human patients, but more recently this
rigidity reduced oculocephalic stimuli has been reviewed and the conclusion
reflexes is that it may not be warranted in all
individuals. It is 'no longer recommended
3 Recumbent constant Pinpoint pupils with Semi-comatose,
as a first line therapy for intracranial
extensor rigidity reduced-to-absent responsive to auditory
hypertension or as prophylactic therapy
oculocephalic reflexes stimuli
following severe traumatic brain injury'
2 Recumbent, constant Unilateral unresponsive Semi-comatose, (Marion et all995).
extensor rigidity with mydriasis with reduced- responsive only to
opisthotonus to-absent oculocephalic repeated noxious stimuli Explained simply - aggressive
reflexes hyperventilation reduces intracranial
I Recumbent Bilateral, unresponsive Comatose, unresponsive pressure (ICP) rapidly, which in turn
hypotonia of muscles, mydriasis with reduced- to repeated noxious reduces cerebral blood flow, which can
depressed or absent to-absent oculocephalic stimuli result in cerebral ischaemia. Cerebral
spinal reflexes reflexes ischaemia may be 'the single most
important event following severe
Key: 3 - 8 indicates worst prognosis; 9 -14 indicates poor-to-fair prognosis; IS -18
traumatic brain injury' (Brain Trauma
indicates a good prognosis.
Foundation, 1995).

One example is the Glasgow Coma Scale, individual will depend upon the level of Hyperventilation should probably be
consciousness - the more depressed the reserved for those patients showing
described in medical dramas as the GCS,
(Table 2). A modified version, the MGCS patient, the greater the list of concerns. clinical signs of dangerously high
has been produced for young children to intracranial pressure. ICP and cerebral
address their inability to communicate I consider the following to be the major perfusion pressure are inextricably
verbally. This version has also been used linked as demonstrated in the following
nursing concerns:
in clinical veterinary practice. equation, where CPP = cerebral perfusion
• oxygenation and ventilation pressure, MAP = mean arterial pressure
Mentation status can be classified using and ICP =intracranial pressure:
• handling and positioning
the following terms: CPP = MAP - ICP
• analgesia
• alert
• nutritional support. Respiratory effort - along with pattern
• obtunded and rate - must be observed closely as the
• stuporous Oxygenation and nature of the respiratory pattern can often
indicate which area of the brain has been
• comatose. ventilation damaged.
If the patient is admitted in an
The assessment is broadly based upon the unconscious state, it must be intubated.
following: verbal response, response to This is the only way to protect and Handling and positioning
touch, ability to move around and show manage the airway; not to do so is Careful positioning and handling of
interest in surroundings. It is critical that suboptimal care. If the patient is these patients is vital to prevent sudden
an observation of mentation is recorded intubated, they will have to be monitored changes in blood pressure and subsequent
on admission, otherwise it is impossible continuously, around the clock. ICP changes, as well as respiratory arrest
to assess whether the patient has and aspiration pneumonia.
deteriorated or improved subsequently. It is recommended that all head trauma
patients should be supplemented with
Protocol within the medical field suggests oxygen - pulse oximetry can be used to Handling
assessment every I0 minutes for at least assess status and oxygen therapy provided Great care must be exercised when taking
the first hour after admission of a head by the most appropriate route. Blood gas jugular blood samples, owing to the
trauma victim. The nursing plan for the analysis will confirm whether oximetry is risk of respiratory arrest, should brain

© 2014 British Veterinary Nursing Association (BVNA) Veterinary Nursing Journal• VOL 29 • Jl.fle 2014 • Page 195
C Table 2. Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) probably best avoided; otherwise, judicious
use of an appropriate dose is acceptable.
Score Movement Speech Opening Eyes
Buprenorphine has, however, been cited as
6 Obeys commands n/a n/a useful in these cases 'as it does not depress
5 Movement localised to stimulus Orientated response n/a the respiratory system or CNS as much as
4 Withdraws Confused conversation Spontaneous Fentanyl' (O'Dwyer 2013).

3 Abnormal muscle bending and Inappropriate words To speech The presence of pain itself can be
flexing responsible for raised ICP. Monitoring
2 Involuntary muscle straightening Incomprehensible To pain the response to analgesia is imperative to
and extending sounds decide whether it has had a positive effect
I None None None or not.
Th1s human scoring system is designed to assess severity of coma based upon a patient's ability
to move. speak and open their eyes. A low GCS score indicates severe loss of consciousness Nutrition
(from accessed 20 14).
Nutritional support may not be at the
top of the list of priorities for the first 48
swelling and subsequent herniation be than 30° to decrease ICP; so the nursing hours, but some thought must be given to
present. This also applies to general lifting and veterinary teams together need the options available to present a practical
and turning of the patient. Stress must be to decide which is the priority in this plan if the need arises.
avoided and sedation may be necessary if instance.
the patient becomes distressed or restless. The patient may be severely depressed but
still able to lick and swallow; it is all too
Ketamine and diazepam are two drugs Analgesia
easy to assume that the ability to do so
that have been used for this purpose Evaluating analgesic requirements can has been lost. A sensible quantity of food
and, although there does not appear to be problematic in the presence of dull can be offered and the ability to eat can
be conclusive evidence, it is thought that or altered responses where normal
be evaluated.
ketamine may have a protective effect pain scoring regimens cannot be used.
against cerebral ischaemia, (Gremmelt & Therefore, a process of deduction may
If the animal is unable to eat, some
Braun, 1995). have to be relied upon - if there are
form of nutritional support has to be
fractures and major soft tissue trauma
considered. This raises several difficult
Consider the environment - can noise present, then it is reasonable to assume
questions: placing a naso-oesophageal
or lighting levels be adjusted to reduce that pain is present and that it requires
tube is easy to do; but aspiration
these stimuli? Ideally the patient should treatment.
pneumonia is a real concern in these
be housed somewhere that is conducive patients and, as previously mentioned, it
to easy viewing and monitoring, balanced Decisions to give pain relief, in cases
is advisable not to stimulate coughing or
with a perfectly calm recovery area. with obvious injury, are straightforward.
sneezing reflexes.
Consideration of history and injuries
Retching, sneezing and gagging reflexes sustained, as well as observing
Additionally the usual safety checks, such as
should also be avoided - one reason to physiological signs are reasonable
checking for coughing performed prior to
avoid placing a naso-oesophageal feeding starting points as long as the patient is
feeding, cannot be relied upon, because of
tube! continuously re-evaluated.
depression or absence of normal protective
reflexes. The placement of another type of
Opioid analgesia would appear to be
Positioning the obvious choice, as it is well suited
feeding tube would necessitate general
anaesthesia and this might not be
Positioning is particularly important to use in acute trauma; but there are
advisable in an unstable patient.
if the patient is immobile, in order concerns regarding opioids and their
to prevent aspiration in case of effects on respiration as they can cause
Parenteral nutrition can be considered
regurgitation, as well as for comfort. respiratory depression and in an already
and, more specifically, peripheral
compensating animal this may create
parenteral nutrition could be a valid
Traditionally, positioning to prevent further problems.
option for short-term use in this
passive regurgitation and subsequent
aspiration involved placing padding Fentanyl is considered the opioid of situation. Total parenteral nutrition may
beneath the head to elevate it. However, if choice in head trauma because it is not be an option - either because of cost
the patient regurgitated in this position, thought to preserve cerebral blood flow; or concerns regarding elevation of ICP
the only way for food and fluid to go was with judicious use, it may not necessarily following jugular catheter insertion.
straight back into the airway. The result of worsen intracranial pressure. Fentanyl
this was the horrendous complication of also has the advantageous properties Monitoring and
pneumonia. of rapid effect as well as short duration
to provide opportunity for frequent observation
Therefore, it is preferable to place reassessment. It is also a potent and Coma-scoring systems devised to
padding underneath the shoulder so that effective analgesic. evaluate mentation status have already
any reflux can flow away from the airway been discussed; but there are several
and out of the mouth. It is suggested that If the patient is already experiencing other specific areas to observe when
the head should be elevated to no more respiratory depression, opioids are nursing these individuals.

Page 196 • VOL 29 • June 2014 • Vetennary N:JrSJ/Jg Journal © 2014 British Veter1nary Nurs1ng Association iBVNAi
and oxygen therapy. A quiet, dark kennel outcome, or lower ICP particularly in
with plenty of padding is essential if cases of severe brain trauma.
seizures do develop.

The group of patients at a higher risk Summary

of seizure activity include those with The head-trauma patient may require
depressed skull fractures and penetrating close monitoring for a short period of
head wounds, and these cases clearly time or many days of intensive care -
require a greater level of observation. each case is different.

Older individuals with existing disease are

Fluids and drugs likely to take longer to recover from such
The use of intravenous fluids in head incidents; but, in the author's experience,
trauma cases does need to be very the majority of cats and dogs prove to be
carefully monitored. The aims are to incredibly robust in their recuperation
maintain circulating volume and replace from a quite shocking head injury. II
!l Figure 2. Pupillary size and response to
deficits, whilst avoiding overload.
light should be monitored
Hyperglycaemia should be avoided and References
this will influence the choice of fluids. BRAIN TRAUMA FOUNDATION. {2007). Guidelines for
Respiration must be monitored closely Management and Prognosis ofTraumatic Brain Injury. [OnlineJ
for changes, as mentioned previously, as Available from: http// [Accessed May
well as: It may not be possible to utilise central 2014].
venous pressure monitoring because of BRAIN TRAUMA FOUNDATION. {2007). Guidelines for
the Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. 3rd Ed.
• pupillary size and light response concerns regarding jugular occlusion, so New Rochelle. Mary Ann Leibert Inc.
(Figure 2) it may be wiser to rely upon clinical signs •. GREMMELT. A., & BRAUN, U. ( 1995). Analgesia and
laboratory data and physical examination. Sedation in Patients with Head-Brain Trauma. Anaesthetist
• posture 44 (Supp 3): 559-565.
Essential clinical data must include MARION, D. W, FIRLIK A., & MCLAUGHLIN, M. R. ( 1995).
• signs of seizure activity. recording of urinary output, which Hyperventilation Therapy for Severe Traumatic Brain Injury.
should at least match fluid input. New Horizon. 3(3): 439-447.

Pupil size is used as a prognostic tool O'DWYER. L (20 I 3) Nursing The Head Trauma Patient
The Veterinary Nurse. 4(5): 284-289.
- constricted, responsive pupils carry a Fluid pumps or burette sets must be SATO, t. IKEBATA, Y, KOIE, H., SHIBUYA, H., SHIRAI, W,
more favourable outlook than dilated, used in these cases to prevent accidental & NOGAMI, S. (2003). Magnetic Resonance Imaging and
unresponsive pupils. Other observations Pathological Findings in a Cat with Brain Contusions. Journal
overload, especially in smaller patients. of Veterinary Medicine, Series A, Phy.s1ology, Pathology, Clinical
include ocular position and movement Medicine. 50(4): 222-224.
abnormalities. Anisocoria is frequently Mannitol is a hypertonic crystalloid
Further Reading
observed in these individuals. frequently used in cases of severe head BEDELL E A., DEWITT, D. S., & PROUGH, D. S. ( 1998)
trauma. Its hyperosmolar effect helps to Fentanyl Infusion Preserves Cerebral Blood Flow During
Decreased Arterial Blood Pressure After Traumatic Brain
Again it is critical that the veterinary decrease ICP rapidly. It is usually given as a Injury In Cats. Journal of Neurotrouma. I 5 (I I): 985-992.
nurse monitors and records these bolus dose as opposed to a continuous rate. DEWEY. C., W (2000) Emergency Management of the
observations at the time of admission. If Head Trauma Patient; Principles and Practice. Veterinary
Clinics of North America Small Animal Practice. 30(1): 207-225.
any changes in pupil size or reactivity are The use of corticosteroids in head trauma DHUPA, N. {2002) Critical Care: Respiratory Focus.
observed they must be reported to the is generally considered controversial and Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Ammo/ Practice.
veterinary surgeon immediately. Specific is not recommended. According to the 32(5): 11-13.
treatments for raised ICP may need to be MACINTYRE, D. K, DROBA1Z, K. j., HASKINS, S.C., &
Brain Trauma Foundation's Guidelines SAXON, W D. (2005). Spinal Cord Trauma. Manual of
instituted without delay. for the Management of Severe Traumatic Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care Medicine. 2nd Ed.
Brain Injury (2007), in human patients Oxford. Wiley Blackwell.
Drawings that show damage and WHEELER, S.j. Ed (1995). BSAVA Manual of Small
the use of steroids is associated with Animal Neurology 2nd Ed. Gloucester. British Small Animal
abnormalities affecting the eye can be increased mortality, does not improve Veterinary Association
made on neurological examination charts,
to ensure that good communication and g Figure 3. Diagram of opisthotonus
continuity of care is maintained when a
new shift begins.

Specific posture(s) can be displayed when

a particular area of the brain is damaged
and, again, any developments must be
reported straight away.

Opisthotonos is sometimes observed just

before cardiopulmonary arrest but can
also be seen in head and spinal trauma
cases (Figure 3).

The possibility of seizure activity must be

anticipated and treated with appropriate
medication (usually diazepam initially)

© 2014 Brmsh Veterinary Nursing Associaijon (BVNA) Veterinary Nursing Journal• VOL 29 • June 2014 • Page 197

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