Design of A, Sub-Threshold OTA Amplifier With Indirect Compensation Technique and Class AB Output Stage

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Proceeding of the IEEE 28th

Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering

Halifax, Canada, May 3-6, 2015

Design of a 50nW , 0.5VDD Sub-Threshold OTA Amplifier with Indirect

Compensation Technique and Class AB Output Stage
Ranga Babu Ganta Mengye Cai, Kyle Fricke and Robert Sobot
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Kharagpur, West Bengal,India Western University
Email: London, Ontario, Canada
Email: (mcai9, kfricke, rsobot)

Abstract— We present analysis and design of a 0.5VDD two

stage OTA amplifier with current-buffer compensation and class
AB output stage in 90nm CMOS technology. All transistors
in the amplifier operate in the sub-threshold region while
achieving 86dB DC gain and unity gain frequency 40.5kHz

with a load capacitor of 30pF. The total power dissipation is
50nW with bias current of 10nA.

Operational amplifiers (op-amp) circuits are commonly
used in the analog front-end of implantable medical telemetry

and other low-power consumption systems where it is critical 

to reduce power consumption in order to extend the system’s
operational lifetime [1]. An obvious and efficient method to     ! 
reduce power consumption is to lower the associated power   
supply voltage, however, this approach creates significant Fig. 1. Relationship between log ID versus Vgb with inversion regions
challenges in the design of the analog circuits [2] as the shown (Weak, Moderate, Strong.)
available signal voltage swing reduces. To address the issue,
various methods are proposed for the design of low-power
analog sub-blocks, e.g. op-amps. For instance, one can re- resistor, the indirect method (i.e. current buffer compensation
duce the threshold voltage (Vth ) of each transistor by basing loop) is applied rather than the classic compensation method.
the body terminal at a specific point, thus lower Vth [3]; or, Finally, a Class AB output stage is used to improve the op-
alternatively use the lower gmb of the input transistor body amp’s slew rate. The overall result is the increased gain and
terminal rather than the higher gm of gate terminal in order reduced power consumption of the amplifier.
to avoid the Vth barrier [4]. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section II
Based on designs reported in literature, the use of transis- a brief background theory of MOSFET sub-threshold region
tors biased in the sub-threshold region appears to be more is presented; in Section III the design details of the sub-
efficient approach. However, in this region, the op-amp’s threshold two stage op-amp are outlined. Conclusions are in
compensation technique and output stages play critical roles Section IV.
in the overall performance and power-consumption of the
analog block. Since the classical Miller compensation tech- II. MOS TRANSISTOR IN SUB - THRESHOLD
nique employs a nulling resistor that, when this technique In the sub-threshold region, the inversion charge Q
is used in the sub-threshold region, becomes very large [5], changes with gate voltage (VG ), Fig. 1. The value of sub-
the indirect compensation method is developed in [6], [7]. In threshold slope parameter m and process parameter I0 ,
both cases, however, all transistors are biased in saturation. which are functions of technology and temperature, are
At the same time, a typical op-amp employs a Class AB calculated as
output, which is essential for driving heavy capacitive loads.
Nevertheless, in sub-threshold designs Class A output stages  
W Vgs −Vth

Vds W Vgs −Vth
are more common due to their lower biasing current [2]. Id = I0 e mVT 1−e VT
 I0 e mVT (1)
However, this approach leads to reduced slew rate (SR),
which further impacts the op-amp’s performance. Generally, the value of |Vgb − Vth | should be a minimum
In this work, we address the above issues and show design of 50mV in order to keep the transistor in weak inversion
of a two-stage op-amp with all transistors biased in the sub- of the sub-threshold region, Fig. 1. Since the substrate is
threshold region while, in order to remove the large nulling weakly doped, there are not enough charges in the channel

978-1-4799-5829-0/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE
TABLE I VDD Input Stage Biasing Compensation Class AB
for output Stage Output Stage
IN 90nm CMOS PROCESS (W/L = 4μm/2μm) M12 M8 M9 M6
M3 M4

Vth0 (mV) Io (nA) m Vin-

M1 M2
Vin+ MC
NMOS 136 34 2.5
M5 M13 M7
PMOS 227.5 60 3.5 MBias M10 M11

that form the electric field to pull electrons from the source Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of sub-threshold Two-Stage op-amp with
to drain, thus the current flows by diffusion, not drift. indirect compensation (current buffer) and class AB output stage.
In the sub-threshold saturation region the drain to source
current Id of the NMOS transistor, when Vds > 4VT 0 , is
given by (1), that is to say, in this region transistor behaves
as a voltage controlled current source. The transconductance    

gm and drain-source resistance rd are derived by (2) and   

(3). The specific NMOS and PMOS sub-threshold process

parameters for W/L = 4μm/2μm are given in Table I.

gm = = (2) Fig. 3. Proposed Two-Stage op-amp Small Signal Model
∂Vgs mVT
rd = = (3) uration. Thus, the nulling resistance r0 required to cancel
∂Vds λID
the right half plane (RHP) zero in a two-stage op-amp that
In the following section we present design and simulation is Miller compensated should be greater than
results of a two-stage op-amp with indirect compensation
(current buffer) and Class AB output stage, Fig. 2. r0 > (6)
III. T WO S TAGE OP - AMP D ESIGN where Gm2 is the effective transconductance of second
The proposed two-stage op-amp contains a differential stage, which then becomes in the order of MΩ [2]. This
input stage, compensation stage, and a class AB output stage, large resistance value is rather difficult to achieve in IC
Fig. 2. We adopted the design methodologies in [8], [9] for technology as it drastically increases the circuit area, in
the design of a two-stage op-amp, while the DC gain of the addition to its increased sensitivity to temperature variations.
two-stage op-amp is based on equation (4). Due to the fact For example, a 1MΩ polysilicon resistor in 90nm technology
that transistor length is inversely proportional to λ length of is approximately 25μm by 100μm large and typically has
NMOS and PMOS transistors is modified to adjust the gain a ±30% variation over temperature and process variations,
Av of the two-stage op-amp (5). which makes it is not suitable for applications in low-power
sub-threshold circuits.
rd1 rd6 A more suitable approach to cancel the RHP zero is to
Av = gm1 gm6
rd3 rd7 use the indirect compensation method, new pole and zero
1 1 location are summarized in Table (II) [7]. The non-dominant
= (4) pole P2 of the indirect compensation method moves farther
mVT (λ1 + λ3 )(λ6 + λ7 )
away by a factor of approximately CC /C1 over the non-
dominant pole of the Miller compensation method.
To achieve better frequency response, the parasitic ca-
1 pacitance at the output of the first stage (C1 ) should be
Av ∝ (5)
1 1 minimized, i.e., Cgs of M6 , Fig. 2, can be minimized by
LP LN the reduction in channel length. However, the channel length
In addition, the small-signal model of the proposed two- of the output transistors also effects the DC gain of the
stage op-amp is shown, Fig. 3, where Gm1 the effective input op-amp, thus a trade-off must occur between these two
stage transconductance, gmc is transistor MC ’s transconduc- specifications. The indirect compensation method of pole
tance and gm6 is M6 ’s transconductance. splitting and zero relocating allows only transistors to be
used for compensation rather than the large (MΩ) nulling
A. Indirect Compensation resistor.
When a transistor operates in sub-threshold region, its In order to demonstrate this compensation method in
transconductance (gm ) value is much smaller than in sat- the context of the designed 0.5V two-stage op-amp, we

80 b)

60 Miller Compensation Indirect Compensation

1 1
− −
Magnitude [dB]

Dominant Pole
20 Gm2 R1 R2 CC Gm2 R1 R2 Cc
0 −Gm2 Gm2 Cc
Second Pole −
-20 C L + C1 C1 C L
-40 1 gmc
Zero Location −
-60 1 CC
( − Rz )Cc

1 10 100 1000 104 105 106 107 108 109
Freq, [Hz] 360
Fig. 4. Simulated frequency response of two different compensation 340
methods: (a) Miller compensation (with a 6MΩ resistance) and (b) Indirect

Voltage, [mV]
a) 300

-150 260
Degree [°]

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Time, [μs]

Fig. 6. Slew Rate comparison between (a) Class A and (b) Class AB
-350 output stages.

1 10 100 1000 104 105 106 107 108 109
Freq, [Hz]
effective Gm2 increases from gm6 to gm6 +gm7 , [11]. This
Fig. 5. Simulated phase response of two different compensation methods: additional advantage allows for a reduction in power con-
(a) Miller compensation (with a 6MΩ resistance) and (b) Indirect compen- sumption by reducing the output branch current. Typically,
sation. the power consumption remains the same with an increase
in negative slew rate. A slew rate comparison between the
designed op-amp connected in unity gain negative feedback
show comparison between the indirect and Miller-nulling
with a Class A and Class AB output stage, with the same
resistance. The frequency and phase response of each com-
compensation method is shown in Fig. 6, and the frequency
pensation technique is shown in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5, where
and phase response of the designed op-amp are shown in
a 6MΩ nulling resistor is used in order to realize a similar
Fig. 4 and Fig. 5. In addition, CMRR of the designed op-
frequency-phase response. Meanwhile, common mode reject
amp in shown in Fig. 7.
ratio(CMRR) is 76dB, Fig. 7.
Complete op-amp specifications along with a compari-
B. Class AB Output son to other published works is summarized in Table III.
To reduce the power consumption when operating in sub- As expected, GBW product and slew-rate of our design
threshold region with a small gm value, current in each are increased while power consumption is decreased in
branch is set to a low value (IREF = 10nA in this design). comparison with similar designs. At the same time, for
Consequently, this limited branch current effects the slew example, work [4] demonstrates that very wide bandwidth
rate of the op-amp. The rising (SR+ ) and falling (SR− ) 0.5V design is achieved at the cost of somewhat lower
edge slew rates are calculated as load and appropriately increased power consumption and
the respective slew-rate. We should emphasize that by no
SR+ = ; and SR− = (7) means one op-amp is considered “better” or “worse” than
CC CC + CL the other, simply because there is no meaningful way to
which is reduced when there is a large load capacitance CL create a unified all inclusive FOM for op-amps, when each
connected. To improve the negative slew rate, we propose to op-amp is designed and optimized for a specific application,
use the Class AB output stage rather than the traditional which in return demands that one or two of its parameters are
Class A output stage, Fig. 2. After that modification, an given preferred status at expense of the others and therefore
additional advantage of the proposes architecture is that the completely skew any FOM attempt. Our goal is to design an


This Work [2] [10] [4]

Gain [dB] 86 70 69.4 62
GBW [kHz] 40.5 18 11 10,000
Phase Margin [deg] 72 55 65 60
Cload [pF] 30 30 15 20
Power [nW ] 50 75 540 75,000
SR+ [mV/μs] 14 3 15 2,000
SR- [mV/μs] 11 — — —
CMRR [dB] 75 — 74.5 —
ICMR [V] 0.18 - 0.40 — — —
Output Swing [V] 0.3 0.3 0.6 —
Supply Voltage [V] 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.5
Region of operation subthreshold subthreshold subthreshold bulk-driven saturation body-bias

 The authors would like to express their sincere gratitude
to Transonic Scisense Inc., NSERC, OCE, CFI and CMC

Microsystems for supporting our research and for providing
the design technology.

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where the power consumption is one of the major constrains.


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