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Andrew Gregory DeMarco

(240)994-5752  3015 Courthouse Drive West Apartment 2C  West Lafayette IN 47907

PURDUE UNIVERSITY, Graduate School in College of Agriculture West Lafayette IN
Canadiate for Doctorate of Philiosophy in Biochemistry Expected May 2023
 Graduate Research Assistantship

GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, Graduate School of Arts & Sciences Washington, DC

Master of Science, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology May 2018
 DMV (DC/MD/VA) Hoyas Biomedical Academic Scholarship, Spring 2017-Current
 ACS Graduate Student Member

DUQUESNE UNIVERSITY, Bayer School of Natural and Environmental Sciences Pittsburgh, PA

Bachelors of Science, Biochemistry May 2017
 Thesis Title: Senior Honors Thesis: Characterization of the Lipid Protein Interface in the Human
Serotonin Transporter with Tandem Mass Spectrometry, Spring 2017
 Duquesne University Bayer Natural and Environmental Sciences Academic Scholarship, Fall 2013 –
Spring 2017
 Duquesne University Bayer School of Natural and Environment Sciences Dean’s List, Spring 2014-
 Mortar Board Honors Society Duquesne University Chapter, Spring 2016- Present
 Omicron Delta Kappa Honor Society Duquesne University Chapter, Fall 2016-Present
 Pi Mu Epsilon Honors Society Duquesne University Chapter Spring 2017- Present

Varsity Tutors Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
Independent Contractor June 2017 – Current
 Assisted multiple clients across several subjects and design specialized teaching approaches to
ensure student success

Duquesne University Athletics Department Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Tutor January 2016 – May 2017
 Mentored and tutored several students across subjects and design specialized teaching approaches
to ensure student success
 Taught in small groups as well as one on one tutoring

1. DeMarco PJ, Matsumoto AK, Bishop M, DeMarco AG, Thomas NS, Bass-Goldman T, Baraf
HSB. Podium Presentation. Elastography as Gouty Arthropathy Outcome (EGO): a pilot
study. American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine Annual Meeting. Hilton Midtown. New
York, NY. March 28, 2018

2. DeMarco P, Bishop M, Smith A, Baraf HSB, DeMarco AG, Ademola T, Contreras D, Enriquez
RMA A, Klein L, Perez K, Ventura S, Whyte-Whitworth J, Calhoun V, Bass Goldman T,
Matsumoto AK. Real World IGRA Testing in Rheumatology Practice [abstract]. Arthritis
Rheumatol. 2017; 69 (suppl 10).
rheumatology-practice/. Accessed November 8, 2017

3. DeMarco A, Bishop M, BassGoldman T, DeMarco PJ. Summative Elastography Score is

Superior to Single-Plane Elastography Score in Dupuytren’s Cord Treatment. J Ultrasound Med

4. DeMarco PJ, Matsumoto A, Thomas N, Bishop M, DeMarco AG, Respicio-Duque G, Beall A,

Rosenberg R, Bass-Goldman T, Baraf HSB. Ultrasound Imaging with Elastography for the
Medical Treatment of Dupuytren’s Contracture [abstract]. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2015; 67 (suppl

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