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Work of Taylor and Fayol: Similarities and Difference 03/04/2018, 10*38 PM

Work of Taylor and Fayol:

Similarities and Difference
Work of Taylor and Fayol: Similarities and Difference!

Work of Taylor and Fayol # Points of Similarity:

The following are the points of similarity between the work of

Taylor and Fayol:

(i) Practical Work:

The works of both – Taylor and Fayol are of a practical nature. Both have
recommended concepts and principles which had been tried by them
during their managerial career. No part of work of any of these two,
belongs to the world of theory.

(ii) Human Approach:

There is an element of human touch to the process of managing

recommended by both – Taylor and Fayol. Fayol, e.g. suggests principles
like equity, discipline, remuneration of personnel; which are founded in
ideas of humanity.

Likewise, Taylor suggests the need for a complete mental revolution on the
part of management and workers – an ‘ideal’ deeply pro-fused with a
human approach to scientific managing.

(iii) Development of Modern Concepts:

Taylor and Fayol both have contributed to the development of modem

concepts of management, though in different styles and fashions. In fact,
some of the contributions by these two are alike e.g. emphasis on
managerial specialisation, which Taylor recommends through his scheme Page 1 of 3
Work of Taylor and Fayol: Similarities and Difference 03/04/2018, 10*38 PM

of functional foremanship and Fayol through one of his general principles

of management called ‘division of work’.

Work of Taylor and Fayol # Points of Difference:

The following, however, are the points of contrast between the

works of Taylor and Fayol:

(i) Production Management vs. Total Management:

Taylor has concentrated his attention only on production management as

obtaining at the shop-floor level; whereas Fayol’s observations embodied
into general principles of management are applicable to most of the
aspects of management.

In fact, Taylor’s scientific management follows a micro-approach, while

Fayol’s observations have a macro perspective.

(ii) Management of Work vs. Management of Organization:

Taylor’s scientific management is essentially, management of work; while

Fayol’s observations are meant for the management of the organisation as
a whole.

(iii) Limited vs. Comprehensive Contribution:

Taylor’s contribution is, rather, of a limited nature. He has just given the
concept, techniques, and principles of a philosophy called scientific
management. Fayol’s contribution, on the other hand, is somewhat more

He has, in addition to general principles of management, also made a

mention of basic business functions, an analysis of managerial functions,
and the qualities required of managers. Page 2 of 3
Work of Taylor and Fayol: Similarities and Difference 03/04/2018, 10*38 PM

On the whole, it could be said that the contributions by Taylor and Fayol
are not competitive or contradictory. Rather, the two are complementary’
and mutually supportive. Page 3 of 3

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