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Q uestions Answers

1. Describe a book that you believe is in my view the most important book that I have
the most useful to you. Please explain ever read is the Crying Wolf for a few reasons:
the reason and include specific examples 1It is an important lesson for my life: The book is
and details in your explanation. the story of a shepherd that always cries and
wants help, but when people go to help him, they
learn he is a liar. Once really wolves attack, but no
one goes to help him because they don’t believe
him anymore. So from the book I learned the
importance of telling the truth.
2Fun because up to now I have read the book
more than twenty times and I enjoyed it every
single time.
That’s why I feel that way.

2. Which of the following statements do In my view TV programs have positive

your agree with? Please give specific effects on modern societies for a few reasons:
reasons for your opinion. Some believe First, People get knowledge from TV: For example
that TV programs have a positive when I was 6 years old, I had lots of information
influence on modern society. Others, about the wild animals like leopards and lions,
however, think that the influence of TV However I didn’t attend school yet, but I learned
programs is negative. the information from TV. So I think we always get
lots of knowledge and information from TV.
Second, It is fun: For example movie makers
always try to tell fascinating and pleasurable
stories through the movies and they show
awesome pictures from all aspects of the world so
they make TV programs fun and exciting.
That’s why I feel that way.

3. Describe the most important decision The most important decision that I have ever
that you have made in your life. Why made was attending the University of Tehran two
was it important to you? Use specific years ago for a few reasons:
examples and details to support your First, I got lots of knowledge: For example the
explanation. professors in all the classes that I took were really
knowledgeable and they usually taught in the best
way, the labs were really equipped, and every
week there was a scientific meeting. So the
University’s programs really helped me to get lots
of knowledge and information.
Second, it was fun: For example I lived in dorm and
I had two roommates and we were friends. We always
had good times in the dorm. We had good relations
and sometimes we celebrated special events like each
other’s birth days and it was really exciting.

That’s why I feel that way.

4. Some people believe that the high In my view the high schools should teach music
school should teach music and art as and art for a few reasons:
other basic science. Some people think The studies show that people must lean music art
that providing music and art when they are young: For example I recently read
education for high school students is not a scientific research about the capacity of
necessary. What is your opinion human’s brain in learning music. According to the
and why? study when people are younger they can learn
these skills easily, but when they become older
their brains loose this capacity.
Second, it is fun: For example when I was in high
school in Tehran I lived with two roommates. I had a
guitar and I always played my guitar for my friends and
sometimes we celebrated special events like each
other’s birth days by playing the guitar and it was
really exciting.

5. What do you do in your spare time? In my spare time, I usually watch TV for a few
Please include specific details in your reasons:
statement. First, I get knowledge from TV: For example when
I was 6 years old, I had lots of information about
the wild animals like leopards and lions, However
I didn’t attend school yet, but I learned the
information from TV. So I think we always get lots
of knowledge and information from TV.
Second, It is fun: For example movie makers
always try to tell fascinating and pleasurable
stories through the movies and they show
awesome pictures from all aspects of the world so
they make TV programs fun and exciting.
That’s why I feel that way.

6. Some people think that it's necessary In my view people must be free to use their
to prohibit people from using phone phones everywhere for a few reasons:
calls in some places. Others believe that First there may be an emergency:
it's inconvenient if phone calls are For example two weeks ago a car accident
forbidden in some places. Which opinion happened in a remote area around Tehran, so my
do you prefer? Explain why. Your friend called for help, but nobody answered his
statement should include specific calls, and unfortunately the driver died.
examples and details. Second, it may be an opportunity: For example,
two years ago, when I was in an economics class
in the University of Tehran, my cell-phone rang
but I didn’t answer, later I noticed it was from a
job company and they found a job for me, but
because I didn’t answer at the moment they
replaced another person.
That’s why I feel that way.

7. Describe a celebration or moment In my view the Naowrooz or the new year

which has made a deep impression on celebration is the most important in my country
you. Please explain the impression and and for years it affected me so much, I’m feel
include specific examples and happy that day and I’m prude of it:
details in you explanation. First, people have kept it alive for a long time: For
example according to Iran in Ancient Times which
is a credible and fascinating book, for thousands
of years the Nowrooz celebration was very
important for Iranians and by this ceremony they
always wanted to start the new year with the best
experiences and happiest times.
Second, it’s fun: for example people dance in this
day, they play musical instruments, and they
change gifts. So it’s really exciting.
That’s why I feel that way.
8. Which of the following acts have more TV influences me the most for a few reasons:
influence on you, newspaper, TV, or First, I get knowledge from TV: For example when
teachers? Explain the reason with I was 6 years old, I had lots of information about
specific details. the wild animals like leopards and lions, However
I didn’t attend school yet, but I learned the
information from TV. So I think we always get lots
of knowledge and information from TV.
Second, It is fun: For example movie makers
always try to tell fascinating and pleasurable
stories through the movies and they show
awesome pictures from all aspects of the world so
they make TV programs fun and exciting.
That’s why I feel that way.

9. Describe a social or politics In my view the Naowrooz or the new year

celebration event in your culture. celebration is the most important in my country
Specific examples and details are for a few reasons:
necessary in your statement. First, people have kept it alive for a long time: For
example according to Iran in Ancient Times which
is a credible and fascinating book, for thousands
of years the Nowrooz celebration was very
important for Iranians and by this ceremony they
always wanted to start the new year with the best
experiences and happiest times.
Second, it’s fun: for example people dance in this
day, they play musical instruments, and they
change gifts. So it’s really exciting.
That’s why I feel that way.

10. Whether the government should In my view the governments must build museums
assist to build museum and theater? Give and theaters for a few reasons:
your opinion and include specific First, it’s their duty: I think one of the most
examples and details in your important issues that the governments must care
explanation. about it is preserving the culture of a country and
museums and theaters are two important sectors
of the culture.
Second, there is not enough incentive for the
private sector to build them: through the
economics books, I know that the private sector
just invest on a project that it can make more
money in the future. This sector does not invest
on museums and theaters because it can earn
more money through other projects.
That’s why I feel that way.

11. Describe a place that you like best in I live in Qorveh which is a city in the west of Iran.
your city. Please state why you like it There are lots of beautiful places in Qorveh,
with specific examples and details. however I like the park the most for a few
First, it’s very beautiful: for example there are lots
of beautiful trees like weeping willows, lovely
flowers like roses and beautiful birds like canaries
in the park.
Second, I feel relax there: For example I always
with my friend go to the park for waking, the air
there is really fresh and it’s full of oxygen and
everything is really beautiful. So I feel relax and
happy in the park.
That’s why I feel that way.

12. When you are together with your I live in Qorveh which is a city in the west of Iran.
friends, which place would you like to There are lots of beautiful places in Qorveh,
go? however I and my friends like to go to the park for
Explain why. a few reasons:
First, it’s very beautiful: for example there are lots
of beautiful trees like weeping willows, lovely
flowers like roses and beautiful birds like canaries
in the park.
Second, I feel relax there: For example I always
with my friend go to the park for waking, the air
there is really fresh and it’s full of oxygen and
everything is really beautiful. So I feel relax and
happy in the park.
That’s why I feel that way.

13. Do you like to eat at home or at the I prefer to eat at home for a few reasons:
restaurant? Which do you prefer and First, it’s cheap: for example when I eat at home, I
explain the reason. cook and prepare the food myself, so I don’t need
to pay for cook, waiters or other costs of a
Second, it’s comfortable: for example at home I
usually wear my comfortable clothes even
pajamas, sit on my favorite chair in front of the TV
and eat my meal, so it’s much more comfortable
to eat at home.
That’s why I feel that way.

14. Describe a public area that you visit I live in Qorveh which is a city in the west of Iran.
frequently. Please state why you visit it There are lots of beautiful places in Qorveh,
frequently and include specific examples however I like to go to the park for a few reasons:
and details in your explanation. First, it’s very beautiful: for example there are lots
of beautiful trees like weeping willows, lovely
flowers like roses and beautiful birds like canaries
in the park.
Second, I feel relax there: For example I always
with my friend go to the park for waking, the air
there is really fresh and it’s full of oxygen and
everything is really beautiful. So I feel relax and
happy in the park.
That’s why I feel that way.

15. Some students prefer to choose I prefer to attend a university in a big city for a
universities located in big cities. Others few reasons:
would like to study in universities First, to find a job: certainly there are much more
located in small towns. Please state your job opportunities in big cities rather than the
opinion and explain why. small towns. If I study in the big cities, probably I
can have a part time job and preserve the
opportunity to work there after graduation from
the university.
Second, it’s fun: For example when I attended
college in Tehran I had lots of funs with my
friend. We usually went to museums, parks, and
movie theaters, so we were really happy. However,
none of these things are available in small town.
That’s why I feel that way.

16. Usually, novels, magazines and I prefer a magazine for a few reason:
poetry are considered the three major First, I can get lots of information from it: Unlike
forms of literature. Which one do you novels and poetry, there are a variety of different
prefer and explain why you prefer this knowledge and information in a good magazine.
literature form. Please include specific Up to now I learned lots of information about
examples and details in your cellphones, automobiles, and computers through
explanation. magazines.
Second, it’s fun: a magazine talk about different
subjects like science, art, fashion, and other
entertainments. It usually has high quality photos
and fascinating stories, so it’s fun to read a
That’s why I feel that way.

17. Some students tend to live alone, I prefer to live with some roommates for a few
while others may want to share their reasons:
rooms with their roommates. Which way First, I want to learn from them: for example when
of living do you think is better for I attended high school, I was studying
students and why? mathematics and the books were really difficult
for me. I had a roommate who was very good in
algebra and calculus. He always described the
problems for me and I learned so much from him.
Second, it’s fun: For example when I attended the
University of Tehran, I lived in dorm and I had two
roommates and we were friends. We always had good
times in the dorm. We had good relations and
sometimes we celebrated special events like each
other’s birth days and it was really exciting.

18. When you are together with your I prefer to eat at home with my friend for a few
friends, which place do you prefer to eat, reasons:
the restaurant, café or at home? Use First, it’s cheap: for example when I eat at home, I
specific examples to support your cook and prepare the food myself, so I don’t need
statement. to pay for cook, waiters or other costs of a
Second, it’s comfortable: for example at home I
usually wear my comfortable clothes even
pajamas, sit on my favorite chair in front of the TV
and eat my meal and at home neither me nor my
friends can talk and laugh without disturbing
That’s why I feel that way.

19. Some believe that computer have In my view, computers have improved people’s
improved our lives while others think lives for a few reason:
computers have caused a variety of First, we can get knowledge from computers:
problems. Which do you prefer? Please nowadays computers are tools of education in
give your opinion and include specific universities, colleges, schools, and even in
examples and details. kindergartens. Also there are a variety of scientific
websites on the web that using their computers
people can use them to get knowledge and
Second: computers connect people to each other:
For example, using my computer and through the
internet, now I have lots of good friends in all
parts of the world, include the United States,
Germany, China, and India. So computers help
people to choose their friend from a larger
That’s why I feel that way.

20. Describe the characteristics In my view a teacher:

of a good teacher. Please state Firstly must have enough knowledge and
with specific information: For example, when I attended high
examples and details. School, I was studying mathematics and I
attended calculus class. The teacher didn’t know
how to solve lots of the problems. So attending
his class wasted students’ times.
Secondly, he must be happy: for example recently
I read the results of a scientific study about
happiness. According to the research, the rate of
success among students who have a happy
teacher is significantly higher than those who
have a sad teacher.
That’s why I feel that way.

21. Some people prefer to work in the 21

offices. Others would like to take the
work to home. Which do you prefer and I prefer to work in an office for a few reason:
explain why.
First, I can learn from my friends. For example when I
was a student in the University of Tehran I had a part
time job in the faculty of economics. At first I had lots
of problems with the job because I didn’t have any
experiences. However gradually I learned from my
friends how to work and I became better and better.

Second, it’d fun: for example two years ago I had a

part time job in a commercial company in Tehran and I
had several coworker and we were friends. We always
had good times in the company. We had good
relations and sometimes we celebrated special events
like each other’s birth days and it was really exciting.

That’s why I feel that way.

22. Who is the person you admire the The person who I admire him the most is Nelson
most? Please give specific details and Mandela for a few reason:
examples in your explanation. First, he is an excellent speaker: for example I
recently saw a video that showed that Nelson
Mandela was speaking in front of thousands of
people in Cape Town, he influenced citizens very
much and clearly his ideas were very inspiring for
Second, he was a great leader: for example He
spent 27 years in jail, but that experience didn’t
stop him from his dreams and he became the
president of South Africa when he was 70 years
That’s why I feel that way.

23. Some people believe that higher 23

education is for all students. Other
In my view higher education must be for all of the
people believe that higher education is
only suitable for certain students. Which
opinion do you think is better and why? students for a few reasons:

First, to have equal opportunities in the job market:

For example two months ago, I was looking for a job
through the job advertisements. There wasn’t a
chance for someone with high school degree to find a
job because almost all of the companies wanted young
people with a college degree.

Second it’s fun: for example two years ago when I was
a student in the University of Tehran I lived in dorm
and I had two roommates and we were friends. We
always had good times in the dorm. We had good
relations and sometimes we celebrated special events
like each other’s birth days and it was really exciting.

That’s why I feel that way.

24. Do you agree or disagree with the

following statement? Please give specific In my view parents must let students to be free to
reasons for your opinion. Parents should watch TV for a few reasons:
restrict the TV programs that are First, they can get knowledge from TV: For
watched by their kids instead of letting example when I was 6 years old, I had lots of
the kids watch TV programs freely. information about the wild animals like leopards
and lions, However I didn’t attend school yet, but I
learned the information from TV. So I think we
always get lots of knowledge and information
from TV.
Second, It is fun: For example movie makers
always try to tell fascinating and pleasurable
stories through the movies and they show
awesome pictures from all aspects of the world so
they make TV programs fun and exciting.
That’s why I feel that way.

25. Describe the most efficient In my view riding a bicycle is the most efficient
transportation in your country. Please way of transportation in Iran for a few reasons:
state your reason and include specific First, its cheap: for example in Tehran for taking a
examples and details in your taxi you must pay at least three dollars, and two
explanation. dollars for taking a bus, but for riding my bicycle
to my destinations I don’t need to pay anything.
Second, it’s fun: riding a bicycle is a very
pleasurable sport that can be done without any
infrastructures in cities, towns, and villages and
it’s a unique exercise and almost anybody enjoys
That’s why I feel that way.

26. Describe one of the most important In my view, computers are very important and
inventions in recent 100 years. Explain they have improved people’s lives for a few
why it is so important. Your explanation reason:
should include specific examples First, we can get knowledge from computers:
and details. nowadays computers are tools of education in
universities, colleges, schools, and even in
kindergartens. Also there are a variety of scientific
websites on the web that using their computers
people can use them to get knowledge and
Second: computers connect people to each other:
For example, using my computer and through the
internet, now I have lots of good friends in all
parts of the world, include the United States,
Germany, China, and India. So computers help
people to choose their friend from a larger
That’s why I feel that way.

27. Some believe that in comparison In my view those who attended a college will be
with those never attended college, more successful in their career for a few reasons:
people attended college will be more First, they have higher degrees: For example two
successful in career. Do you agree or months ago, I was looking for a job through the job
disagree with this statement? Please give advertisements. There wasn’t a chance for someone
specific reasons for your opinion. with high school degree to find a job because almost
all of the companies wanted young people with a
college degree.

Second they have more information. In a college the

students through their books, the professors, and lots
of educational equipment always learn new ideas, and
get knowledge and information. There is no doubt that
employers always look for people with more
knowledge and information to hire.

That’s why I feel that way.

28. Describe the characteristics of In my view a friend:

friends, use specific examples to support Firstly must have enough knowledge and
your statement. information: For example, when I attended high
school in Tehran, I had a friend that didn’t know
lots of the news, and even lots of ordinary
information so I hardly could find a subject to talk
to him. So he was really boring.
Secondly, he must be happy: for example recently
I read the results of a scientific study about
happiness. According to the research, the rate of
success among students who have happy friends
is significantly higher than those who have sad
friends. So happiness and sadness of a person
affect his friends as well.
That’s why I feel that way.

29. Someone suggests school to cut the In my view schools must continue the recycling
Recycling. Do you agree or disagree with process for a few reasons:
this suggestion, explain why. First, anyone must engage in recycling: According
to the scientific studies recycling is a process that
needs all of the members of a society to be
successful. So the schools as parts of the society
must care about their duties about recycling.
Second, students must learn the importance of
recycling: for example when I attended high
school, there were different recycle bins in the
school. At first just some students separated their
garbage, but the school held a conference about
the importance of the recycling in protecting
environment. So the students learned that they
must separate all of the garbage.
That’s why I feel that way.

30. To be a leader or a follower, which I would like to be a leader for a few reasons.
do you prefer? Please give your opinion First, to improve my abilities: For example when I
with specific examples and details. attended college, I was the leader of the debate
team. I always faced difficult situations,
sometimes I needed to talk with the dean,
sometimes I wrote letters to the governor. These
activities really helped me to improve my skills,
like talking, writing and management of a
Second, to be free:
If I must choose to be regulated by others or I
regulate others, I would certainly choose to
regulate others because being the follower of
others means that I can’t make some decisions for
myself and it’s really annoying for me.
That’s why I feel that way.

31. Which one do you think is better to In my view it’s better to do a research on Internet
help do research, internet or academic for a few reasons:
books? Explain why. First, you can find a variety of information on the
internet: For example, I’m a researcher and up to
know I have published 10 papers in economics.
However, I never get information from books
because I need GDP or inflation data and other
related published papers. Obviously none of this
information can be find in a book, but I get them
easily on the web.
Second, It’s cheap: For example I get lots of
papers and information from some websites for
free, However the books are really expensive.

That’s why I feel that way.

32. Some believe that TV, newspaper In my view TV influences people more than their
and radio have more influence on relatives for a few reasons:
individuals than their relatives and First, People get knowledge from TV: For example
friends, while others believe not. Which when I was 6 years old, I had lots of information
statement do you prefer? Please give about the wild animals like leopards and lions,
your opinion with specific examples and However I didn’t attend school yet, but I learned
details. the information from TV. So I think we always get
lots of knowledge and information from TV.
Second, It is fun: For example movie makers
always try to tell fascinating and pleasurable
stories through the movies and they show
awesome pictures from all aspects of the world so
they make TV programs fun and exciting.
That’s why I feel that way.

33. If you get a chance to choose a job, I want to be an economist for a few reasons:
what will you do? What's your reason for First, to help people: for example I’m from Iran
choosing this job? Please give your and there is a terrible poverty in some parts of my
statement and include specific country. I have chosen to be an economist
examples and details in your opinion. because I hope to find a way to reduce poverty in
Second, to make money: In average the revenue of
an assistant professor in Iran is around 70
thousand dollars, but an economist gets more
than 100 thousand dollars a year.
That’s why I want to be an economist.

34. Would you like to take a long I prefer to take several short vacations for a few
vacation or several short vacations in a reasons:
year? Explain why. First, to get information: obviously, when you
have just a vacation, you can have one travel in a
year, so you can learn only about the people in a
place that you go, however if you had several
vacations you would visit more places and more
people and you would learn more information
about different cultures.
Second, it’s fun: for example in 2012, I had some
vacations. In my first travel I went to a concert in
Iraq, and then to Germany, and then I traveled to
China. All of these vacations were really fun and
exciting because in every single of them I enjoyed
from a different concert and ceremony.

35. What do you think are the In my view parents:

characteristics of a good parent? Firstly must have enough information: obviously,
parents are the first and the most important
teachers of children. In addition they must know
how to raise their children, what kind of food is
good for a child and what is not good, and they
must know how to talk to their children. So they
must get these the necessary knowledge.
Secondly, parents must be happy: for example
recently I read the results of a scientific study
about happiness. According to the research, the
rate of success among students that have happy
parents is significantly higher than those who
have a sad parent.
That’s why I feel that way.

36. Do you prefer to study alone on I prefer to study in a group for a few reason:
work assignment from class or to study
First, I can learn from my friends. For example when I
was a student in the University of Tehran I was
studying economics and I had a research to do with
some other students. At first I had lots of problems
with the research because I didn’t have any
experiences. However gradually I learned from my
friends how to work and I became better and better.

Second, it’d fun: for example two years ago I had a

part time job in a commercial company in Tehran and I
had several coworkers and we were friends and we
worked on a research on marketing. We had good
times and sometimes we celebrated special events like
each other’s birth days and it was really exciting.

That’s why I feel that way.

37. Everyone has a goal to fulfill. What's I want to be an economist for a few reasons:
your goal and explain why you want to First, to help people: for example I’m from Iran
fulfill this goal. Please include specific and there is a terrible poverty in some parts of my
examples and details in your country. I have chosen to be an economist
explanation. because I hope to find a way to reduce poverty in
Second, to make money: In average the revenue of
an assistant professor is around 70 thousand
dollars, but an economist gets more than 100
thousand dollars a year.
That’s why I feel that way.

38. Describe one of your challenging Two years ago I wanted to do a research in
experiences. Explain why it is economics, and it was really difficult because I
challenging and how you conquered this couldn’t find enough data and resources, so I
challenge. Please include specific Firstly: sent an e-mail for a professor at Harvard
examples and details in your and he helped me to find the data.
explanation. Secondly, I did the research with my friends in a
group: In this way each of us was responsible for
a specific job and also we always held a
discussion, and gradually we all learned from each
So in this way I could solve the problem.

39. Some students would choose to I’m interested in economics and I want to be an
study a subject because it brings plenty economist not because of its job opportunities
of job opportunities. Instead, others but for a few other reasons:
would choose to study a subject which First, to do researches on poverty: I’m from Iran
really interests them, although it and there is a terrible poverty in some parts of my
probably doesn't sell well in the job country. I have chosen to be an economist
market. Which opinion do you agree because I hope to find a way to reduce the poverty
with? Explain why. in Iran.
Second, to make enough money for a foundation:
In average the revenue of an assistant professorin
Iran is around 70 thousand dollars, but an
economist gets more than 100 thousand dollars a
year. So I think as an economist I will be able to
make enough money to have my own foundation
to help the poor people.

That’s why I feel that way.

40. Which is your favorite type of movie: I prefer Comedies for a few reasons:
action, drama, or others? Please First, a comedy is Fun: for example I’m interested
include specific details and examples in in Charlie Chaplin comedies, and I have seen
your explanation. some of them more than fifty times, and I enjoyed
them and laughed every single time.
Second, the studies indicate that a comedy is
better. I recently read the results of a scientific
study about the effects of movies on citizens.
According to the research the people who watch
more comedies tend to be happier and more
successful rather than others.
That’s why I feel that way.

41. Choose one of your favorite methods Eating my favorite food at home makes me relax
to relax and explain why it is your for a few reason:
favorite. Please include specific details in First, I prepare the food myself: for example when
your explanation. I eat at home, I cook myself, so I add the
ingredients that I like their tastes and I don’t need
to pay for cook, waiters or other costs of a
Second, it’s comfortable: for example at home I
usually wear my comfortable clothes even
pajamas, sit on my favorite chair in front of the TV
and eat my meal, so it’s really relax and
comfortable to eat at home.
That’s why I feel that way.

42. Is it important for students to attend In my view students must be free to attend
class regularly or study by oneself? classes and to study by themselves for a few
Explain why. reasons:
First, they may have a bad class: For example
when I was student in the University of Tehran,
my major was economics and I was taking
calculus, however the professor was really slow
and boring. I think attending his class wasted my
time, because I could learn more studying the
book on my own.
Second, they may work: For example when I
attended high school, I worked after hours to save
money because I didn’t have enough money to
pay the school’s fees. So I think the students must
have this opportunity.
That’s why I feel that way.

43. Describe a most happy event in your The happiest event in my life was the moment
childhood. Please include specific that my father bought a bicycle for me when I was
examples and details in your 10 years old for a few reasons:
explanation. First, it was a cheap way to go to school: for
example in Tehran for taking a taxi you must pay
at least three dollars, and the bus service is more
than two dollars, but for riding my bicycle to
school I didn’t need to pay anything.
Second, It was my dream: I always had a dream
that I would ride my red bicycle very fast and I
would have lots of fun.
That’s why I feel that way.

44. Describe a school that you have A few years ago I attended a top high school in
attended. Tehran:
First, the dean and the teachers really cared about
the school: For example the teachers in all the
classes that I took were really knowledgeable and
they usually taught in the best way, the labs were
really equipped, and every week there was a
scientific meeting. So the school’s programs really
helped me to get lots of knowledge and
Second, life in dorm was good: For example I lived
in dorm which was really convenient and I had two
roommates, we were friends. We had good relations
and sometimes we celebrated special events like each
other’s birth days and it was really exciting.

That’s why I feel that way.

45. Some universities provide physical In my view the universities must provide physical
education. Others believe that physical education for a few reasons:
education is not necessary. What do you First, students need to get knowledge about
think and why? exercise and sports: Recently I read the results of
a scientific study about the importance of exercise
among young people. According to the study, the
young citizens that don’t have enough knowledge
about the effects of exercise on their health
probably don’t try to exercise at all. So they are in
danger of heart diseases.
Second, it’s fun: for example when I attended high
school, the soccer coach usually taught students
how to play, and after the classes we tried to
practice the new lessons. So I always get better
and better and it was really exciting and fun.
That’s why I feel that way.

46. Everyone has to leave home When I’m away from home I miss
sometimes. What do you miss most Firstly, my parents: My parents are the real friends
when you are away from home? Please for me and my brother. We always have good
include specific examples and details in relations, we go to the parks and movie theaters,
your and we are really happy and have fun when we are
explanation. together.
Secondly, the food that my parents cook: My mom
is the best cook, she always cooks my favorite
foods, and I really enjoy them. I think I never will
be able to find a better food anywhere on the
planet earth.
That’s why I feel that way.
47. Some people believe that we should In my view we should help the people who are in
help those in an emergency. Others an emergency quickly for a few reasons:
think that we should first make clear of First, if we won’t be quick enough, their lives will
the situation, then decide whether be in danger. For example two weeks ago a car
to assist or not. What's your opinion? accident happened in Tehran, but nobody was
Please include specific details in your quick enough to get the injured driver to a
explanation. hospital, and unfortunately he died.
Second, it’s a duty: if we all consider helping
others in an emergency as one of the most
important duties of ourselves, so it would be like
a free life insurance for anybody. And I think it is
very necessary for all of us.
That’s why I feel that way.

48. Describe a special opportunity given The most important opportunity that I have ever
to you. Why does this opportunity so had was attending the University of Tehran two
special to you? Your explanation should years ago for a few reasons:
include specific details and First, I got lots of knowledge: For example the
examples. professors in all the classes that I took were really
knowledgeable and they usually taught in the best
way, the labs were really equipped, and every
week there was a scientific meeting. So the
University’s programs really helped me to get lots
of knowledge and information.
Second, it was fun: For example I lived in dorm and
I had two roommates and we were friends. We always
had good times in the dorm. We had good relations
and sometimes we celebrated special events like each
other’s birth days and it was really exciting.

That’s why I feel that way.

49. What kind of qualities should a good In my view a leader

leader possess?Please state your Firstly, should be an excellent speaker: for
opinion and give specific details and example I recently saw a video that showed that
examples in your explanation. Nelson Mandela was speaking in front of
thousands of people in Cape Town, he influenced
citizens very much and clearly his ideas were very
inspiring for citizens.
Second, he must tolerate difficulties: for example
He spent 27 years in jail, but that experience
didn’t stop him from his dreams and he became
the president of South Africa when he was 70
years old.
That’s why I feel that way.

50. Do you agree or disagree with the In my view we should always tell the truth for a
following statement? Please explain your few reasons:
opinion. People should always tell the First, It has positive effects on ourselves: I think If
truth. we want to have right personalities we must be
careful about all activities we do and all words we
say. All of these aspects of our behavior are
important, and they together shape our
Second, to be reliable: for example if we tell lies
we will be like the shepherd who always cries and
wants help, but when people go to help him, they
learn he is a liar. Once really wolves attack, but no
one goes to help him because they don’t believe
him anymore.
That’s why I feel that way.

51. Describe an object which is very In my view my bicycle is the most important
important to you and explain why it is of object that I have for a few reasons:
special value to you. Please include First, riding a bicycle is free: for example in
specific details in your explanation. Tehran for taking a taxi you must pay at least
three dollars, and more than two dollars for the
bus service, but for riding my bicycle to my
destinations I don’t need to pay anything.
Second, it’s fun: riding a bicycle is a very
pleasurable sport that can be done without any
infrastructures in cities, towns, and villages and
it’s a unique exercise and almost anybody enjoys
That’s why I feel that way.
52. Some people tend to judge a person In my view it takes a long time to know a person
on the basis of first observation. Some for a few reasons:
people believe it takes a long time to First, the human being is complex: Recently, I
know a person well. Which approach read a scientific study about human behaviors.
to knowing people do you think is better According to the study the human behavior is the
and why? most sophisticated among all of the species.
Second, it needs lots of skills to know a person:
For example once our psychology professor
described that human beings use lots of different
methods to defend themselves and psychologists
need use scientific methods to know the reality
about them.
That’s why I feel that way

53. What kind of job would you like to I want to be an economist for a few reasons:
choose? What's your reason for choosing First, to help people: for example I’m from Iran
this job? Please include specific and there is a terrible poverty in some parts of my
examples and details in your country. I have chosen to be an economist
explanation. because I hope to find a way to reduce poverty in
Second, to make money: In average the revenue of
an assistant professor is around 70 thousand
dollars, but an economist gets more than 100
thousand dollars a year

54. If you unexpectedly receive a large I will buy the best bicycle in the world:
amount of money, what will you do with for a few reasons:
it? Would you spend it for practical First, riding a bicycle is free: for example in
purposes or simply for fun? State your Tehran for taking a taxi you must pay at least
opinion and explain your reasons. three dollars, and more than two dollars for the
bus service, but for riding my bicycle to my
destinations I don’t need to pay anything.
Second, it’s fun: riding a bicycle is a very
pleasurable sport that can be done without any
infrastructures in cities, towns, and villages and
it’s a unique exercise and almost anybody enjoys
That’s why I feel that way.
55. What do you think the students In my view students should watch TV in their
should do in their vacations? Please vacations for a few reasons:
include First, People get knowledge from TV: For example
specific examples and details in your when I was 6 years old, I had lots of information
statement. about the wild animals like leopards and lions,
However I didn’t attend school yet, but I learned
the information from TV. So I think we always get
lots of knowledge and information from TV.
Second, It is fun: For example movie makers
always try to tell fascinating and pleasurable
stories through the movies and they show
awesome pictures from all aspects of the world so
they make TV programs fun and exciting.
That’s why I feel that way.

56. Describe an enjoyable event in your The most enjoyable event in my life was the
childhood. Why do you think it was moment that my father bought a bicycle for me
enjoyable? Please include specific when I was 10 years old for a few reasons:
examples and details in your First, it was a cheap way to go school: for
explanation. example in Tehran for taking a taxi you must pay
at least three dollars, and more than two dollars
for the bus service, but for riding my bicycle to
my destinations I didn’t need to pay anything.
Second, riding a bicycle is fun: riding a bicycle is a
very pleasurable sport that can be done without
any infrastructures in cities, towns, and villages
and it’s a unique exercise and almost anybody
enjoys it.
That’s why I feel that way.

57. When communicating with your I prefer a telephone call rather than letters and e-
friends and families, you can rely on mail for a few reasons:
letters, First, It’s fast: using telephone can express my
email or telephone calls. Which method feeling directly and receive a feedback
of communicating do you think is immediately. However, it takes lots of time to get
better and why? a feedback when you send a letter or an e-mail
for someone.
Second, it is very convenient: I always have my
phone with me, but not a piece of paper to write a
letter or a computer to send an e-mail.
So a telephone call is the best choice.

58. What is your best time in a year? In my view Naowrooz or the new year celebration
Please state your reasons and include in Iran is the best time for a few reason:
specific examples and details in your First, people have kept it alive for a long time: For
explanation. example according to Iran in Ancient Times which
is a credible and fascinating book, for thousands
of years the Nowrooz celebration was very
important for Iranians and by this ceremony they
always wanted to start the new year with the best
experiences and happiest times.
Second, it’s fun: for example people dance in this
day, they play musical instruments, and they
change gifts. So it’s really exciting.
That’s why I feel that way.

59. One should live a relaxed life instead In my view a relaxed life is much better for a few
of always hurrying. Do you agree or reasons:
disagree which the above statement? First, it’s important for our health and general
Why or why nor? Use specific reasons wellbeing: Obviously we should choose a relax life
and examples to support your answer. because if we hurry everyday it will cause lots of
stress for us. And the scientific studies show that
stress is very harmful for our health and it is the
main cause of lots of dangerous illnesses like
heart diseases.
Second, it helps us to be more fulfill, There is no
doubt that being relaxed we can have a better
concentration and do our jobs with a better
That’s why I feel that way.

60. Describe your favorite room. Your I’m a student in economics in the University of
statement should include specific Tehran, I live off-campus and the room that I live
examples and details. in now is my favorite one for a few reasons:
First, there is a large bookshelf full of books
there: I’m an avid reader, and I always need to
read some new books so a small bookshelf does
not meet my needs.
Second, it’s quiet: I need a quiet room to study,
because noises affect my concentration and cause
lots of stress.
That’s why I feel that way.

61. When travelling, some people prefer When I travel I prefer to stop sometimes and look
to reach the destination directly. Some around for a few reasons:
others prefer to stop and look around First, to get more information: I want to learn
the scenery along the way. What kind about people, their cultures and their customs, so
of way of travelling do you think is better there is no doubt if I stop sometimes, I will have
and why? better chances to visit more people and get more
knowledge and information about them.
Second, it’s fun: for example two years ago with
my friends we traveled to north of Iran and
everywhere we saw a beautiful place we stopped
and played our guitars and sang songs, so it was
more fun and enjoyable than only having fun in
the destination.
That’s why I feel that way.

62. When you choose to eat at the When I eat in a restaurant or a café
restaurant or café, what are the features Firstly, I’m care about the quality of food: there is
that you care about most? Explain why. no doubt that we eat at a restaurant because we
want to have a better food. So I prefer eat
delicious foods with beautiful designs in a
restaurant or a café.
Secondly, it must be quiet: For example, two years
ago with my friend we decided to celebrate the
birthday of one of my friends in a restaurant. We
chose a big restaurant, but it was so noisy that we
hardly heard each other so it wasn’t fun at all.
So a restaurant or a café must serve high quality
foods and it must be quiet.
63. Some believe that a city should keep
its old buildings. Others think some In my view the old buildings should be protected
new buildings are needed to replace the for a few reasons:
old buildings. What's your opinion? First, to preserve the history for others. For
Explain why. example there are lots of old buildings in Tehran
from ancient times and they are very beautiful and
amazing. I think these buildings not only belong
to the Iranian and next generations, but to all
people around the world, because they are parts
of human history, so they must be protected.
Second, to attract tourists: When they visit a new
country, tourists want to see something unique
like a special building. So if we want to support
our economy by attracting tourists we must
protect the old attractive buildings as well.

That’s why I feel that way.

64. In case of problems, some prefer to

get advice from family and friends. I would prefer to take advices from my family and
Others prefer to learn through personal friends for a few reasons:
experience. Which method is better First, I shouldn’t take risk in unnecessary
and why? situations: sometimes others already have
experienced same situations as our situations, so
getting advice from those people is better than
doing a job that its result isn’t clear.
Second, It will increase cooperation among friend
and families: for example when I attended high
school, I was studying mathematics and the books
were really difficult. I had a roommate who was
very good in calculus. I always got advice from
him about solving the problems. Instead I helped
him to play a guitar, so gradually our relation
became better and we had more cooperation.

65. Do you agree or disagree: Students I think the students must be free to wear any
should wear uniform in school? Please clothes that they prefer for a few reasons:
include specific details and examples in First, it’s beautiful: For example when I attended
your opinion. primary school, all of the students should wear a
same uniform. The school was really boring
because everywhere you looked, there was just
one color and kids looked like soldiers not
Second, the school must teach the students about
freedom: There are lots of researches that show
the countries that care about freedom have better
political and economic situations. So the schools
shouldn’t oblige students to wear a uniform
because it takes their freedom.

66. Some students prefer the internet- In my view the internet-based teaching is not
based teaching. Others prefer to study in useful and students must attend classes for a few
traditional classrooms. Which method of reason:
studying do you prefer and why? First, teachers have lots of knowledge: Teachers
and professor usually have taken lots of courses
in education and they have lots of experiences so
they know how to teach and they can help
students to learn lots of knowledge and
information in the classes.
Second, students read a variety of books. For any
class that students take, they usually must read
some books as well, so until their graduation,
students learn from lots of different books.
That’s why I feel that way.

67. Subject which will lead to better job I’m interested in subjects that can lead to a good
or subject which you are interested. job with a high salary for a few reason:
Which subject will you choose? Why? First, I want to have fun: Certainly, we all need
entertainment and fun, but we need money as
well to have fun. There is no doubt that for
watching a movie in a movie theater, visiting a
zoo, or having a travel we need money.
Second, I want to help poor people. There is a
terrible poverty in some parts of Iran. I want to
make lots of money to build a foundation because
I want to help the poor people.

That’s why I feel that way.

68. Some think the college education is In my view the college education is very important for
very important. Others believe that all of young people for a few reasons:
college education is not of vital
First, to have equal opportunities in the job market:
importance in one's life. What's your
For example two weeks ago, I was looking for a job
through the job advertisements. There wasn’t a
and why?
chance for someone with a high school degree to find
a job because almost all of the companies wanted
young people with a college degree.

Second it’s fun: for example two years ago when I was
a student in the University of Tehran I lived in dorm
and I had two roommates and we were friends. We
always had good times in the dorm. We had good
relations and sometimes we celebrated special events
like each other’s birth days and it was really exciting.

That’s why I feel that way.

69. Describe a letter or poem or other A letter from father

piece of art that is important to you. Why An important lesson
was it so important to you? Please fun
include specific examples and details in
your statement.

70. Which place do you like to live, the I prefer to live in the forest for a few reasons:
forest, desert, or plain? Use specific Firstly, because of the air: forests have various
reason to explain your opinion. sorts of trees and these trees pump lots of
oxygen in to the air. So always the air in the
forests is really fresh and helps me to be relaxed.
Secondly, because of its beauty: in the forest the
trees and plants are beautiful, and you always can
listen to song of birds. For me, nothing can be
more enjoyable than these beauties associated
with the forest.
That’s why I feel that way.

71. Describe an experience when you Two years ago I wanted to do a research in
asked help from others. How did they economics, and it was really difficult because I
help couldn’t find enough data and resources, so I
you? needed help:
Firstly: I sent an e-mail for a professor at Harvard
and he helped me to find the data.
Secondly, I did the research with my friends in a
group: In this way each of us was responsible for
a specific job and also we always held a
discussion, so we all learned from each other.
So in this way we could solve the problem.

72. If you have a chance to choose your I want to have a job with a high salary for a few
job, would you like to choose a job with reasons:
high salary or that can get personal First, I want to have fun: Certainly we all need
satisfaction? Why? entertainment and fun, but we need money as
well to have fun. There is no doubt that for
watching a movie in a movie theater, visiting a
zoo, or having a travel we need money.
Second, I want to help poor people. There is a
terrible poverty in some parts of Iran. I want to
make lots of money to build a foundation because
I want to help these poor people.

That’s why I feel that way.

73. Some believe that the students In my view the students shouldn’t take part-time
should do some part-time jobs or jobs or interns in summers for a few reasons:
summer interns to determine their future First, they need to take rest: Recently I read a
career. Do you agree or disagree with scientific study on education. According to this
the study those students who take enough rests are
opinion and why? significantly more successful than the other
Second, they need to have a vacation: For
example, in summer 2004 before attending
college I took a break and enjoyed a long
vacation. During the vacation I traveled to
different parts of Iran and I had lots fun. So when
I started college education I was really ready to
get new knowledge and information.
That’s why I feel that way.

74. Describe some kind of skill that I would like to learn how to play a guitar for a few
you'd like to learn most. Why? Please reasons:
include specific examples and details in
First, it’s fun. For example, now I can’t play a musical
your explanation.
instrument, so it would be a new skill for me. It would
be a good skill to have because I could take my guitar
to parties and play music for my friends.

Second, I want to make money as a musician. For

example, a friend of mine named Adam is making lots
of money because he plays the guitar very well in a
band named Yankees in Tehran. Maybe I could join
their band and play songs with other musicians. I think
I would be able to make enough money to buy a car.

That’s why I feel that way.

75. Some believe that the students In my view the students should take a one-year
should take a one-year break before break before attending college for a few reasons:
attending college. Do you agree or First, they need to take rest: Recently I read a
disagree with the opinion and why? scientific study on education. According to this
study those students who take enough rests are
significantly more successful than the other
Second, they need to have a vacation: For
example, in 2004 before attending college I took
a break and enjoyed a long vacation. During the
vacation I traveled to different parts of Iran and I
had lots fun. So when I started college education I
was really ready to get new knowledge and
That’s why I feel that way.

76. Describe some good news that made For me The best news was the moment that my
you happy and explain why. Please father said he would buy a bicycle for me when I
include specific examples and details in was 10 years old for a few reasons:
your explanation. First, it was a cheap way to go to school: for
example in Tehran for taking a taxi you must pay
at least three dollars, and two dollars to take a
bus, but for riding my bicycle to my destinations I
didn’t need to pay anything.
Second, riding a bicycle is fun: riding a bicycle is a
very pleasurable sport that can be done without
any infrastructures in cities, towns, and villages
and it’s a unique exercise and almost anybody
enjoys it.
That’s why I feel that way

77. Some people believe that first-year I think that the first-year college students should
college students should live in a dorm live in a dorm for a few reasons:
building that homes only freshmen. First, they can learn from their friends: for
Others may prefer the idea that example when I attended high school, I was
first-year students must live together studying mathematics and the books were really
with students in 2nd, 3rd, or even 4th difficult for me. I had a roommate who was very
grade. Which opinion do you agree with? good in algebra and calculus. He always described
Explain why. the problems for me and I learned so much from
Second, it’s fun: For example when I attended the
University of Tehran, I lived in dorm and I had two
roommates and we were friends. We had good
relations and sometimes we celebrated special events
like each other’s birth days and it was really exciting.

78. Do you agree or disagree that In my view, students learn more during the
students will learn more when they have discussions for a few reasons:
discussions, why? First, students can learn from other students: for
example when I attended high school, during the
discussions I always wrote down the questions
which the students asked and their answers, and
these notes were really helpful for me to
understand the book.
Second, it helps students to understand details:
For example when I attended college in Tehran,
my major was economics, I was taking
Macroeconomics. The professor always
encouraged students to discuss and Students
usually argued about the economy of Iran and the
professor helped them to be clear, so I learned a
lot about different aspects of economy of my

79. Do you agree or disagree the opinion I think students learn the most important lessons
"the most important lesson can't be in the classes for a few reasons:
learned in class"? First, Teachers have knowledge: Teachers and
professor usually have taken lots of courses in
education and they have lots of experiences so
they know how to teach and they can help
students to learn lots of knowledge and
information in the classes.
Second, Students read a variety of books. For any
class that students take, they usually must read
some books as well, so until their graduation,
students learn from lots of different books.
That’s why I feel that way.

80. Should the university education be In my view higher education must be for all of the
free? Why? students for a few reasons:

First, to have equal opportunities in job market: For

example two weeks ago, I was looking for a job
through the job advertisements. There wasn’t a
chance for someone with a high school degree to find
a job because almost all of the companies wanted
young people with a college degree.

Second it’s fun: for example two years ago when I was
a student in the University of Tehran I lived in dorm
and I had two roommates and we were friends. We
had good relations and sometimes we celebrated
special events like each other’s birth days and it was
really exciting.

That’s why I feel that way.


Reason 1:

Reason 2:

In my view …

For a few reasons …

First, … For example …

Second, … For example …

That’s why …

What was the most memorable event that ever happened to you when you were in school?
In my view graduating from high school was the most memorable experience in school for a few

First, it was very exciting. For example before I graduated I worked very hard and I studied for my finals
so I had a lot of stress. So knowing that I was going to graduate gave me a feeling of comfort and
excitement knowing that I finished.

Second, finishing high school helped me to start my future. For example before I graduated high school I
lived with my parents. I didn’t really have my own job. The once I graduated I won on the college, I had
my first real job, and I lived away from home. So that was the beginning of my future.

That’s why graduating from high school was one of my most memorable experiences in school.

Do you prefer a friend who is similar to you or different from you?

In my view a friend who is similar to you is best. For a few reasons:

First there are less arguments when you have a friend who is similar to you. For example when I was in
college I had a friend named Bell and we weren’t very similar. He had different taste in music and
politics. So when we talked we often had arguments. Which really wasn’t good for a friendship.

Second, it’s more fun. For example throughout my high school and college life I had a lot of friends who
were similar and it was easy to come up with ideas of where to go. We wanted to see the same movies.
We wanted to play the same sports. We wanted to do a lot of the same things that we all enjoyed. So it
was more fun to be with more friends that were similar.

That’s why I think friends that are more similar are best.

Some people believe that university students should be required to attend classes. Others believe that
going to classes should be optional for students. Which point of view do you agree with? Use specific
reasons and details to explain your answer.

In my view attending classes at a university should be optional rather than required for two reasons:

The first reason is that you may have a bad class. For example when I was attending university in New
York I was studying chemistry, I was taking a physics class and the professor was really slow and boring
and I think attending at it was a waste of time because I could have learned more studying the book on
my own.

The second reason is that you might be working. For example when I attended high school I worked
after hours to help myself save money to buy a car in California and I didn’t do that when I studied in
University, but a lot of my friends did. So they should have the freedom to be able to do that because
they are adults.

That’s why I feel that way.

You have decided to give several hours of your time each month to improve the community where you
live. What is one thing you will do to improve your community? Why? Use specific reasons and details
to explain your choice.

In my view if I had a few hours to give every month to improve my community I would do children’s
reading exercises for two reasons:

First, it's going to be fun. For example I live in Pasadena California and there are a lot of programs to
help children, but a lot of them don’t focus on reading, and when you read a story you can get the
children to understand different parts of the world, which I think is exciting.

The second reason is that children will learn to enjoy reading. For example when I was young I
remember in Temple City I went to our local library in the summers every now and then and somebody
would do this and read stories to us. That was really something that made me love reading at an early
age which was great.

That’s why I feel that way.

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