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Degree in Information Technology - Networking and Multimedia

Content Management Systems

Get Rich Travelling

-Travel blog -

Professor: Filipe Silva

Students: Adina Sofica 2017264

Carolina Silva
Vasco Andrade

Ponta Delgada, 6th of June 2018

Blog objectives

This blog will be a travelling blog, in which we are going to talk about different countries
from different continents. We selected 15 countries:
– America: USA, Mexico, Brazil
– Europe: Portugal, Spain, UK, Italy, France, Greece
– Africa: Morocco, Kenya
– Asia: Japan, China
– Oceania: Australia, New Zealand

To set out our audience we asked at some questions:

- Who will you use the website?
-"What will they do after they get in?"
- When will they visit the website? Usually they are searching: 2-3 months before their vacations,
but for city breaks they are looking with 2-3 days before

-"Where do the visitors come from?"

Physical location Search engine
- The reason for visiting the website? To find more information
- How they use the website?Use pc/tablet to plan their travels

- How will those who do not know the website will it?
What they are looking for How will they find the site

Target Audience: For those who love to travel, for those that don't travel, for those that
don't travel a lot, for young, for old, basically, for everyone.
18 - 25 -> discover things
26 - 50 -> occasionally travels (when they have holidays)
+50 -> travel a lot (free time)
What are they looking for: travel information about: places, food, "entertainment”?

Conform to Browser Market Share Worldwide: April 2017-2018, the most used browsers are:
– Chrome - 57.36%
– Safari - 13.96%
– UC Browser - 7.88%
– Firefox - 5.45%
– Opera - 3.83%
– IE - 3.21%

Logo (with link to home) Nav bar (destination, travel tips, interests, about)
Video and above short description + 2 buttons (Read more-most recent articles/ About Us)
Countries map
Recent articles Featured (images slides with likes to
Recent articles articles)
Recent articles

The content will be divided in 3 categories: Destination, Travel Tips, Interests/Activities.

The destination page will contain just a list with the country and a map, like in the below
Logo (with link to home) Nav bar (destination, travel tips, interests, about)
Countries list Countries map

The travel tips will contain a drop-down menu with the next categories:
– Adventure travel
– Budget travel
– Luxury travel
– Couples travel

The same thing we are doing for Interests: Food, Festivals

The setup costs for the blog are 3700$ and these are including the hardware (the laptop,
camera and the accessories for it) the WordPress theme and the plugins (that are paid just
once, on start) and also the logo and the header (50$). At this blog will work 3 persons during
the four days (8 h/day) that will receive 20$ /h.


Computer $800
Digital camera $800
Tripod $30

Hosting, Tools & Software

Domain name $10
Email hosting $10
Email list provider $30
Blog hosting $100
WordPress theme $50
Premium plugins $50

Contracted services
Custom logo and header $50
Virtual assistant $50

Web developers
3 People - 4 days(8 h/day, 20$/h) $1,920
1 Person - 1 day(8 h/day, 10$/h) $4,160
TOTALS $3,700 $4,360

Here’s my recommended list of plugins to install with your travel blog.

 Akismet – Protects your blog from spammers leaving comments on your posts. Not
perfect, but probably the best one out there.
 Yoast SEO – Very important plugin for optimizing your articles for Google search,
plus integrating Google Sitemaps and Analytics.
 Easy Social Share Buttons – Nice social media sharing buttons for your articles.
 WPtouch – Makes your travel blog mobile friendly.
 WP-Optimize – Helps you to keep your WordPress database clean and healthy.

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