FlightPlan Introduction PDF

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iFly Developer Team                                                              iFly Jets: The 737NG 

1. Introduction
This document describes the format for the flight plan file used by iFly Jets: The 737NG gauge. All related flight plans
are stored in “FLTPLAN” folders, which are located under the directory of your flight simulator installation (eg.

2. Data structure
Each line appeared in the file represents one entity or one navigation point, and each line ends with comma “,”. Please
note. The comma must always be assigned at the end of the line, even if there is no actual data written in that line.

The description of each line is listed in ascended order:

Line #1:
ICAO code for departure

Line #2:
ICAO code for destination

Line #3:
Takeoff runway. The allowed input is string combination of letters such as ”R”, ”C”, “L”, and digit numbers from
“0”~”9”. The maximum length of each string is 3 characters. For example, “07”, “07R”, “07C” and “07L” are
legal format.

Line #4:
Cruising altitude. The input digits must be within 1000-50000. Entry like FLXXX is not allowed.

Line #5:
Name of SID procedure for departure

Line #6:
Name of SID TRANS procedure for departure

Line #7:
Name of STAR procedure for departure

Line #8:
Name of STAR TRANS procedure for departure

Line #9:
Name of APPR procedure for departure

Line #10:
Name of APPR TRANS procedure for departure

Line #11:
Serial code of VFR procedure for departure. The serial code is based on the file named “wpNavAPT.txt”, which is
located at “\iFly\737NG\navdata\wpNavAPT.txt”. -1 indicates not to engage any VFR procedure.

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Line #12:
Name of STAR procedure for destination

Line #13:
Name of STAR TRANS procedure for destination

Line #14:
Name of APPR procedure for destination

Line #15:
Name of APPR TRANS procedure for destination

Line # 16:
Serial code of VFR procedure for destination. The serial code is based on the file named “wpNavAPT.txt”, which is
located at “\iFly\737NG\navdata\wpNavAPT.txt”. -1 indicates not to engage any VFR procedure.

Note: It is highly recommended to leave ‘-1;’ for the lines #11 and #16, leave ‘;’ for the lines between #5 and #10, #12
and #15 in order to avoid potential unnecessary conflict.

Starting with line #17, each line represents one navigation point and its associated data, separated by comma.

Line #17.1:
Route name. The input is allowed for string combination such as “A”~“Z”, “0”~“9”. This data item stands for the name
of the route. For example, ’GS 14D’, or ’DIRECT’.

Line #17.2:
Property of navigation path, which is defined as follow:
0 SID;
2 Specified waypoints;
8: HOLD;
11: Runway;

Line #17.3:
Name of navigation point. The insertion for the name of navigation point must be full name instead of the format shown
on CDU. The insertion allows string combination such as “A”~“Z”, “0”~“9” ,“/”, “.”. For example, “DSH”, or

Line #17.4:
Name of navigation point shown on CDU. The insertion allows string combination such as “A”~“Z”, “0”~“9” ,“/”,
“.”. For example, “DSH153/11.7” must input as “DSH01”.

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Line #17.5:
Coordinates of navigation point. The format is ABB. BBBBBBCDD. DDDDDD.
A is the sign mark, which can be “+”or “-“representing south lat and north lat respectively.
B is latitude. The format must be, for instance, “12.345678”. It needed to append more zero numbers in the end of
data item when it’s necessary.
C is the sign mark, which can be “+”or “-“representing west longitude and east longitude respectively.
D is longitude. The format must be, for instance, “123.456789”. It needed to append more zero numbers in the end of
data item when it’s necessary.

Line #17.6:
It is a flag which specify whether the airplane needs to fly over this waypoint.
0: No need to fly over.
1: Need to fly over.

Line #17.7:
It is a flag which stands for the property of the route associated with this waypoint.
0: Track to Fix.
1: Direct to Fix.
2: Course to Fix.
3: Arc to Fix.
4: Radius to Fix.

Line #17.8:
Heading of waypoint in degree. If the current waypoint and previous waypoint are not the condition point, the FMC
automatically calculates the heading.
If value in 17.9 is “0” and value in 17.7 is “3”, it indicates the radial when finish the leg.
If value in 17.9 is “0” and value in 17.7 is “4”, the universal data item 6 must be set.
The prefix “L” or “R” can be added to specify the direction of turn.
“L”: Turn left
“R”: Turn right

Line #17.9:
It is a flag which indicates whether this waypoint is a conditional point.
0: It is not a conditional point.
1: It is a conditional point.

Line #17.10:
It is a flag which indicates whether this waypoint needs speed constraint.
0: It does not need speed constraint.
1: It need speed constraint.

Line #17.11:
It is a flag which indicates the speed at this waypoint, either in MACH or IAS.

Line #17.12:
Speed at this waypoint in KNOT.
If the value from Line #17.11 and Line #17.10 indicate ‘1’, the FMC uses this speed
If the value from Line #17.11 indicates ‘1’ and Line #17.10 indicates ‘0’, the FMC uses automatically calculated speed
and ignores this speed. If the value from Line #17.11 indicates ‘0’, the FMC ignores this speed.

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Line #17.13:
Speed at this waypoint in MACH.
If the value from Line #17.11 and Line #17.10 indicate ‘1’, the FMC uses this speed
If the value from Line #17.11 indicates ‘1’ and Line #17.10 indicates ‘0’, the FMC uses automatically calculated speed
but ignores this speed.
If the value from Line #17.11 indicates ‘1’, the FMC ignores this speed.

Line #17.14:
It is a flag which indicates the type of altitude constraints on this waypoint.
0: No altitude constraints.
1: Lower than altitude (E.g., FL120B, 3000B shown on CDU)
2: Higher than altitude (E.g., FL120A, 3000A shown on CDU)
3: Within altitudes (E.g., FL120AFL150B, 3000A5000B shown on CDU)
4: Pass altitude (E.g., FL120, 3000 shown on CDU)

Line #17.15:
The numbers indicates the altitude (In feet format) of the constraint.
When universal data item 10 is “0”: Only “0” (zero) is allowed to input.
When universal data item 10 is “1”: Input altitude constraint (in feet format)
When universal data item 10 is “2”: Only “0” (zero) is allowed to input.
When universal data item 10 is “3”: Input the upper bound of altitude constraint (in feet format).
When universal data item 10 is “4”: Input altitude constraint (in feet format)

Line #17.16:
The numbers indicates the altitude (In feet format) of the constraint.
When universal data item 10 is “0”: Only “0” (zero) is allowed to input.
When universal data item 10 is “1”: Only “0” (zero) is allowed to input.
When universal data item 10 is “2”: Input altitude constraint (in feet format)
When universal data item 10 is “3”: Input the lower bound of altitude constraint (in feet format).
When universal data item 10 is “4”: Only “0” (zero) is allowed to input.

Line #17.17:
Estimated fuel consumption when reach to this waypoint, automatically calculated by FMC.

Line #17.18:
Estimated arrival time when reach to this waypoint, automatically calculated by FMC.

Line #17.19:
When the value in 17.9 is”1”, this data item indicates the property of conditional point.
1: Intercept altitude.
2: Heading to a signal station bearing through Radial or DME
3: Intercept course
4: VECTORS, to intercept a magnetic heading.
When the value in 17.9 is”0” and the value in 17.7 is”3”, this data item indicates the direction of the turn.
0: Turn in the shortest direction.
1: Left turn.
2: Right turn.

When the value in 17.9 is”0” and the value in 17.7 is”4”, this data item indicates the direction of the turn.
1: Left turn.
2: Right turn.

Line #17.20:
If data item 17.19 is”1”, this data item indicates the altitude (in feet format) which the airplane needs to intercept.

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Line #17.21:
If data item 17.19 is”2” and the airplane needs to fly through a Radial, or if value in 17.9 is “0” and value in 17.7 is “3”,
this data item indicates the Radial value of heading to signal station.

Line #17.22:
If data item 17.19 is”2” and the airplane needs to fly through a DME, this data item indicates the DME value of heading
to signal station, used digit numbers to indicate DME. (E.g. 2, 2.5, 10.85, 15). If this data item is “0”, the airplane needs
to fly through a Radial.
If value in 17.9 is “0” and value in 17.7 is “3”, this data item indicates the DME value of heading to signal station, used
digit numbers to indicate DME. (E.g. 2, 2.5, 10.85, 15).
If value in 17.9 is “0” and value in 17.7 is “4”, this data item indicates the radius, used digit numbers to indicate radius.
(E.g. 2, 2.5, 10.85, 15).

Line #17.23:
If value in 17.19 is”3”, this indicates the course value of interception. It is used three digit numbers to show course.

Line #17.24:
If value in 17.19 is”4”, this indicates the VECTORS value of interception. It is used three digit numbers to show course.

Line #17.25:
If value in 17.19 is”2”, or if value in 17.9 is “0” and value in 17.7 is “3”, this indicates the frequency of a signal station
which the airplane will intercept with. The format is XXX, XXX.X, XXX.XX, this filed can also be a frequency or navaid

Line #17.26:
Starting from Line #26 to Line #48, all data are weather information, must be given by following values

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