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Respiratory Distress in the Pediatric Patient

Prerequisite Knowledge and Skills:

Required Knowledge Background

● Parts 1-6 in the PEARS Provider Manual
● Review Respiratory assessment in Kyle, Pediatric book

Required Background Skills

● Pediatric Assessment
● Emergency Airway Management (PEARS)

Learning Objectives​:

● Recognize a seriously ill or injured child using a systematic approach

● Begin to stabilize a child in respiratory distress
● Practice effective team interaction
● Define the "initial impression"
● Explain how to utilize a systematic approach algorithm
● Discuss the evaluate, identify, intervene sequence
● List 5 elements in evaluation of breathing
● Identify signs and symptoms of and interventions for upper airway obstruction,
● Recognize signs of and describe interventions for mild and severe respiratory distress
● Recognize signs of inadequate oxygenation and inadequate ventilation

References Used​:

● American Heart Association PEARS Provider Manual

Patient Chart:

● Your patient, Timmy, is a 7 year old male pediatric patient who

underwent an emergency appendectomy this morning and is in the
PACU. His incision is closed with sutures and steri-strips. He was
given Azithromycin prophylactically. His vitals have been stable and
he was extubated 60 minutes ago. His pain is under control. He is tired
but awake. He has NaCl running at 125 cc per hour. His mother just
stepped out to make a phone call. Patient has no past medical history.
He weighs 23 kilograms. His mother is at bedside.

Name​: Timmy Cherokee ​DOB​: ​6-11-2010 ​MRN​: 9955432

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