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Amon, the Hidden One

Denizen of the Void Aspect

Amon, was an Egyptian God of Wind and King of Gods in Thebes. His name means, ‘the hidden
one" or "the secret one" and it was thought that he created himself and then created everything
else while remaining distanced and separate from the world. In that sense he was the original
inscrutable and indivisible creator. He was them merged with Ra, and became Amun-Ra, a
visible and invisible deity, which appealed to the Egyptian concept of balance and duality. When
he ruled, he was pretty much a monotheistic deity, with all other gods being manifestations of

The Quest
Land of Eclipses: The Denizen has hidden himself away, along with any radiance coming from
Skaia. This has plunged the Land into darkness. He moves invisibly, preferring the use of
pawns, oracles he has specifically tasked with a mission. The Player must move against Amon
and his followers and return the light to the Land.

The Battle
Amon is quite a powerful Denizen. And quite difficult to permanently take down. One of his
powers allows him to shed his skin and regenerate all wounds, another both hides him and
places another thing in the center of attention, and another allows him to create Minions mid-
battle. The last is particularly annoying as it essentially creates a mini boss in the middle of a
boss fight. Oh, and he can control the wind too, but that doesn’t happen much.

The Prize
Staff of Genesis - A peculiar staff mad in the style of ancient egyptians. The Staff grants the
Player the ability to create anything they can imagine, mostly streams of Perfectly Generic
Objects. The most limiting factor of the Staff is that the Player must have a clear picture of what
they’re creating, as such most complicated objects are out of the question.

Strife Portfolio

Shedding Wounds
The first of Amon’s abilities, he sheds the outer layer of his skin, and along with it, his wounds.
Amon heals all his physical wounds, he can even regenerate lost limbs and whole chunks of his
torso. He can use this ability several times in a battle. However, negative effects and non-
physical wounds, such as Heart or Mind damage, are unaffected. Those methods are advised
for any attempt at Strife!.

Eclipse Presence
Amon can hide from all but the most powerful of detection abilities, such is his power as the
Hidden One. Amon becomes invisible and intangible, even to other intangible beings, such as
Ghosts, Void Players, or Void Player Ghosts. His veil can only be pierced by beings on the level
of God Tier or greater. Certain powerful items can also be Alchemized to get the job done.

Blazing Spotlight
Amon can make other things the center of attention, causing people to look at it. A Target within
Amon’s sight becomes the center of attention, no one can quite tell why but for some reason
they’re all paying attention to the target rather than anything else. The Target becomes
impossible to forget about and any attempt at Stealth on the Target’s part automatically fail
unless they are a God Tier Void Player.

Emanate Minion
In an era, some Egyptians believed that all other gods were emanations of Amon. Amon can
create Minions based on other Denizens within the session, rather than just himself. He can
only create Minions of Denizens weaker than him, however, so while some like the Muses can
be created, Yaldabaoth as the like are out of the question. Amon can even do this mid battle,
spawning Mini-Bosses while in a Boss Fight.

Treasure Hoard

Staff of Genesis
A peculiar staff mad in the style of ancient egyptians.
Ex Nihilo - The object grants the user the ability to create anything they can imagine, mostly
streams of Perfectly Generic Objects. It’s most limiting factor is that the user must have a clear
picture of what they’re creating, as such most complicated objects are out of the question.

Ankh of Amon
An golden ankh carved with the name of Amon in hieroglyphs
Eternal Restoration - The object grants the player a minor healing factor, though they won’t be
regenerating entire limbs in minutes, they would heal minor wounds in short order.

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